

【作者】 于春媚

【导师】 詹福瑞;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 魏晋时期,玄学作为当时社会思想的主流,对文学产生了巨大的影响。以往学界对魏晋玄学和文学之关系着力颇多。其中,隐逸文学、游仙文学与玄言文学三种文学主题亦是这一时期文学研究的重镇,研究成果已十分丰富。但无论是对魏晋文学的整体研究,还是对这三种文学主题的研究,搜检研究资料可以发现,论及思想影响,研究者基本上都只谈及玄学,却没有细致辨析三玄中老庄传统道家思想与儒道结合之玄学思想对文学影响的异同。本文研究发现,不能将道家思想在魏晋的流衍完全归置到玄学思潮中。魏晋时期传统道家思想仍然有其发展的惯性与痕迹在,对魏晋社会思想特别是文人心灵与文学创作的影响一直有所表现。本文围绕着这一核心论点,在梳理魏晋时期道家思想的发展及其与玄学思想异同的基础上,分别对魏晋隐逸文学、游仙文学和玄言文学与道家思想的关系作了专题研究。这三类文学主题在魏晋文学中占有很大的比重,并与道家思想有着密切的联系。对每一个文学主题的研究,都分为两个部分,先是探讨道家思想与文学主题思想内涵或文学表达方法的关系,在此基础上按时代集中论述道家思想对魏晋时期这一主题发展流变的影响作用。从文学主题思想内涵及表达入手探究思想与文学的关系和流变;从一个时代的不同时期考察道家思想对一类文学主题的影响作用,这个研究内容和方法也是本文所力求创新之处。本文认为隐逸思想是道家自然社会人生思想的全面表现。隐逸避世是道家自然道论的直接指向,道家以形而上的哲学思辨树立了隐逸思想的哲学本源。目前学界对道家思想与隐逸文学关系的论述很多,其中有可商榷之处。本文细致梳理了道家自然之“道”与“隐”的关系,认为道家从本体道论到政治哲学,最后落实到人生哲学,都具有隐的本质特征。道家隐逸思想的内涵是“复性”,而非目前学界所认为的“适性”,复性的外物、去欲与齐物逍遥的逻辑过程反映在魏晋隐逸文学的思想内容中;道家隐逸思想所具有的至高境界性、主动性以及心灵化的特征也在魏晋隐逸文学中有很多体现,道家隐逸哲学的特点决定了其超越意识和批判精神,与玄学人生观有所不同,道家的重生意识和超越精神始终存在于魏晋不同时期的隐逸文学作品中。本文认为道家思想构成了中国游仙文化的重要组成部分,对游仙文学的起源、思想表达方式、游仙文学“仙”之形象以及思想内涵都有着重要的影响作用。道家道教为魏晋游仙文学创造了富有想象力的文学形象,更重要的是道家“仙”与自然之道的联系使魏晋游仙文学的思想内涵具有了超越精神和批判意识;从重生到养生避祸,再到齐一生死的道家自然生命观是魏晋游仙文学思想内容的重要组成部分,魏晋游仙文学始终执着于对生命忧虑的排遣,最后以玄学委运任化的精神实现了生命意识的超越,这个过程是道家思想与玄学思潮共同作用的结果。魏晋游仙文学的从长生主题到道家人生哲学的开拓与转变反映了以自然生命观为主的道家思想的深刻影响作用。玄言文学一直以来被认为是以玄学思维方法体悟玄理的文学,但本文认为玄言文学中老庄思想义理也有所表现,而学界所谓的玄学思想方法的表述也不够准确。在这个认识基础上本文梳理了玄言诗称名、义界和流变等问题并提出自己的观点,玄言诗是道家玄学(后期又有佛理)等抽象义理进入文学的内容与表达的诗歌形式;玄言诗的思维方法仍是从现实具象开始的,以言不尽意的方法脱略具象究心于抽象玄理只是玄言诗思维方法的一部分过程而不是全部;玄言诗所要表达的最终落脚点仍是现实人生。本文细致辨析了道家言意之辩与玄学思维方法及其与玄言诗中运用的思维方法之关系,再结合道家思想在玄言诗中的表现,认为魏晋玄言文学的发展是道家思想与玄学共同作用的结果,玄言文学反映道家思想与玄学义理的区别就在于所要表现的理想人格和人生境界中蕴含的义理是否具有超越精神。魏晋时期玄言文学的发展是不断深入的一个历史过程,这个过程原始道家思想的内容和表达的作用都参与其中。游仙、隐逸和玄言文学的流变最终向表现山水自然处合流,后者则是以文学诠释道家自然思想最好和最艺术化的主题。

【Abstract】 During the Wei and Jin period, metaphysics as the mainstream of social thing made a tremendous impact on literature. Taoism scholars of the past had focused on the relationship between metaphysics and literature a lot. About all the research of literature themes, The Fairy literature, recluse literature and Metaphysical literature were the center of literature study at that period, the research results have been very rich. But regardless of the Wei, Jin, a comprehensive study of literature, or the study of the three literary themes, searching the results could find: addressed on ideological influence, the researchers basically only talk about metaphysics, but not in detail analysis of the similarities and differences on literary impact between Laozhuang traditional Tao thinking in the three themes and the metaphysics thinking of Confucianism and Tao. Context study found that should not completely put thinking’s evolvement in the Wei and Jin Dynasties into metaphysics. During Wei and Jin periods traditional Taoist thinking still has traces and inertia of development and always has shown influence on Wei and Jin’s social thinking, especially on humanism soul and literature. This paper around this core argument did monographic study on the relationship of the Fairy literature, recluse literature, Metaphysical literature and Taoist thinking separately ,based on carding up the development of Taoist thinking and its similarities and differences with metaphysics in Wei and Jin period. The three literature theme took a large percentage in Wei and Jin literature and linked with Taoist thinking. A literary theme for each study is divided into two parts, first discusses the relationship between Taoism and the meaning of literature or literary theme expressing method, based on this focus on the development of the times by Taoist ideas on the theme of the development of the Wei and Jin Dynasties period theological effects. This literary theme starting with ideological content and expression of thought and explore the relationship between literature and theology of an era, as well as from the different periods of study Taoist thinking of the theme of a class of literature on the impact of the contents and methods of this paper is to innovation.This article holds that the natural Taoist hermit literature is thinking of a comprehensive social life performance. Reclusion of society is natural Taoism’s direct point. Metaphysical philosophy of Taoism set a hermit speculative philosophy and thinking of the origin. At present academia discuss a lot of the link between Taoist thinking and recluse literature, about which there are many points need to be discussed. In this paper, meticulous combing the relationship of Taoist nature "Road" and "implicit" , believing from nominal Taoism to political philosophy , finally to weltanschauung all have the feature of recluse. Taoist hermit thinking of the connotations of "rehabilitation", instead of the current scholars think the "right", of the outside of the complex, with the desire-to the logic of the process of Happy reflected in the literature of the Wei, Jin and hermit ideological content; Taoist hermit thinking with the high level of initiative and the characteristics of the soul of the recluse literature in the Wei and Jin Dynasties are a lot of reflection of the characteristics of Taoist philosophy hermit its decision beyond awareness and critical spirit, and the Metaphysics of life be different, the two the difference is also reflected in contact with the different periods in the Wei and Jin Dynasties recluse literature.This article holds that the China Taoist thinking constitute an important part of the origin immortals culture, influenced the expression of thought, visualize of“immortal”in immortal literature and the ideological content. Buddhist literature for the Wei, Jin Fairy created imaginative literature image, what more important is the link of Taoist "immortal" and nature of Tao gave Fairy literary and ideological connotations a beyond critical spirit. The sense of life Taoist from concept to health Bijou reborn again, Daze a life and death of the natural life in the Wei, Jin Fairy literature ideological content played an important component in the Wei, Jin Fairy literature. It always sticks to a literary life worrying Brazilian final Metaphysics appointed Win the realization of the spirit of the sense of life beyond, this process is thought of metaphysics Taoism and the result of the role.Metaphysical literature has always been take as a literature which digest by metaphysics method, but in this paper shows that Laozhuang thinking also performed in the metaphysics literature, and the so-called definition of Metaphysics way of thinking is not accurate enough. In this paper, on the basis of this understanding it cards of Metaphysical Poetry said, the justice sector and the theological and so on, and put forward its own point of view. Taoism Metaphysical Poetry is the content of expression of the poetry forms, which metaphysics (another late Buddhism) abstract argumentation enter the literature. Metaphysical Poetry is the way of thinking from reality, not a statement from the name of the method as a slightly heart metaphysics theory only in the abstract way of thinking Metaphysical Poetry part of the process but not all. This paper analyses the relationship of Taoist meaning differentiate, metaphysics thinking method and using thinking method in metaphysics poetry, then combined with the performance of Taoism thinking in metaphysics, believing the development of the metaphysics literature was influenced by both Taoism and metaphysics. Metaphysics literature expresses the difference between Taoism and metaphysics theory is whether the theory has outdo sprit in the ideal personality and life ambit. Fairy, recluse and Metaphysical literature rheology ultimately to the expression of the natural landscape, and the latter is the best and most natural artistic theme to annotation Taoist thinking by Taoism natural thinking.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2849

