

The Study on System of Capital Security during Qin and Han Dynasties

【作者】 谢彦明

【导师】 宋杰;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文将以传世典籍为基本依据,结合地下出土的简牍资料与都城考古资料,在认真全面吸取前人已有研究成果的基础上,重点探讨在政府的严密控制之下京师这一层次的治安制度及其运作情况。本论文写作思路较为简单,包括前言共有七大部分:前言共分三部分。一为本选题学术史回顾,重点分析前人研究成果以及存在的问题;二为本选题学术价值与资料来源;三是对京城、京畿、京师、治安等概念进行说明和界定。第一章主要是对京师宫苑陵寝警备机构与治安管理的讨论。本章共分三节,分别对秦汉京师地区皇宫、离宫禁苑、陵寝等与皇帝本人密切相关场所的警备机构及其治安管理制度进行较为详细的考证。第二章主要是对京师中央直属机构治安管理的研讨。秦汉京师不仅有皇帝居住和处理政务的皇宫,还有中央直属机构。这些中央直属机构虽地处京师,但为中央政府直接管辖。本章拟以中央官署、武库、城门等京师中央直属机构的治安管理为主要研究对象。第三章主要是对京师地方治安机构与管理制度的探讨。秦汉京师地方社会公共秩序的管理机构可分三层:由长安令(洛阳令)组成的县级管理机构;由京兆尹(河南尹)组成的郡级管理机构;由司隶校尉组成的州级管理机构。这三层管理机构相互配合,共同处理扰乱京师公共秩序的犯罪活动。除此之外,京城内的街区、居住区、商业区等公共场所还另设有一套专门的治安管理机构。第四章将从动态角度分析秦汉时期京师治安机构的演变情况。自秦朝到西汉初年,京师治安机构属草创阶段;至汉武帝时期,京师治安机构得到扩充,并趋于完备;东汉建国之后,光武帝对京师治安机构进行了裁并和精简。总体来看,自秦朝至东汉,京师治安机构经历了一个由草创到完备再到精简的发展过程。第五章是对秦汉京师治安制度的特点进行了分析和归纳。秦汉京师人口众多、构成成分极其复杂。相比于普通郡县,呈现出较多差异。首先,京师治安官员地位比较特殊,不仅秩级高、属吏多,而且常参与政务。其次,在京师治安机构的设置中,体现出统治者“内外相制”、“防微杜渐”的分权思想。最后,由于京师社会特点,造成其治安管理易受到皇帝、贵族宗室、高官、豪强等多种政治力量的影响。第六章是对秦汉京师治安制度的历史地位作了分析和总结。秦汉京师治安制度在中国古代京师治安体制发展史中具有承前启后的地位。首先“承前”,秦汉京师治安制度很大程度上是继承了前代典制的合理成分而来,很多机构的设置以及治安官员的称谓都能够追溯到先秦时期。其次“启后”,正如秦汉政治制度奠定了中国两千多年封建制度的规模和基础一样,秦汉京师治安制度对后世的治安理论与实践也产生了深远影响。

【Abstract】 This paper will study on the system of capital security during Qin and Han dynasties which take historical records or ancient relics of capital as a basis and absorb of research that people have already found in the past. This thesis is more simple and include seven parts.The foreword is divided into three parts.The first is an academic history review for the origin; the second is the value of this academic and data source;the third is to carry on the concepts, such as capital, suburban area, county and public order.etc.Chapter One is mainly to discuss the organization and public order management system of imperial palace in the capital.This chapter is divided into three sections, this three sections is mainly carry on the regoin organization and its public order management system which related with emperor closely,such as imperial palace,forbidden temple and imperial mausoleum.Chapter Two is to discuss the public order management system of officer public.the“officer public”is means that central government which is locate at capital. This chapter is divided into three sections, this three sections is mainly carry on the regoin organization and its public order management system such as the central official bureau, weapon database, city gate.Chapter Three is mainly the study on public order organization in the capital. The management organization of social public order is divided into three sections which include county class management organization and province class management organization and state class management organization.Three management organizations work mutually.In addition to,street area, live area, business district in the capital which has a specialized public order management organization.Chapter Four will analysis the change of capital security system from Qin to Ease Han dynasties.From Qin to West Han early year, the capital security system belong to first stage.Arrive LiuChe emperor period,the capital security system is enlarged and completed. After the foundation of East Han, the LiuXiu emperor reduce and simplify security system of capital.In a word, capital security system experienced an development process from Qin to Ease Han dynasties.Chapter Five carried on analysis and induce to the characteristics of capital security system.In order to improve the public security condition of the capital, the government took many measures specially. So the public security system of the capital, compared with public security system of other regions, present many differences. First, officials’ position is very special. Second, Express the check and supervision thoughts mutually. Third, public security system is subjected to the emperor or another political strength.Chapter Six is to study the history position of the public security system of the capital during Qin and Han dynasties.The writer thinks system of capital security during Qin and Han dynasties have two position.First,“Inherit ex-generation”,is mean the system of capital security during Qin and Han is Inherit from Pre-Qin dynastys;Secondly,“Influence future generations”is mean the security system of capital in Qin and Han have the profound influence on the public security theories and practices of the future generations.

【关键词】 秦汉京师治安禁省
【Key words】 Qin and Han dynastiesCapitalSecurity systemImperial palace
  • 【分类号】K234
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】888

