

【作者】 李英姿

【导师】 迟云飞;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 《论语》半月刊是1932年创办于上海的大众文化期刊。该刊以宣扬“幽默文化”为特色,自称宗旨为“不谈革命”、“经济独立”和“保持个性”。该刊是由林语堂、邵洵美、李青崖、全增嘏、沈有乾、林微因、潘光旦、叶公超等文人群体创办,先后由林语堂、陶亢德、郁达夫、邵洵美、林达祖、李青崖、明耀武等七人担任主编。1937年8月13日,“八一三”事变的爆发,该刊被迫停刊,所以自然分为前后两个时期。抗日战争胜利后,《论语》半月刊复刊,直至1949年5月16日停刊,历时10年,共发行177期。该刊不仅提出了独具特色的“论语同人戒条”,而且突出幽默文化,彻底改变了传统社会将幽默视为难登大雅之堂的民间搞笑形式的偏见;并将刊物定位为市民通俗刊物,选刊全国各阶层作者的作品,读者主要由城市中的市民阶层组成。该刊不仅稿源众多,内容丰富,而且在封面设计、栏目编排等方面都独具匠心;并依托时代印刷厂,将发行、印制和销售融于一体,大大降低了成本。由于价格低廉,销售量非常大,造成一定的社会影响。该刊在政治上虽然标榜“不谈革命”,但仍对国民政府的伦理政治、符号仪式政治和官僚政治展开辛辣的讽刺和批评。但是,这些批评是属于体制内、略带善意的批评,从根本上讲,他们承认国民政府的正统地位;在文化上,主张中西文化交流,既要汲取各国文化的精华,还要保留民族文化的个性,在翻译和传播国外文学的基础上,关注民间风俗习惯,自始至终体现出一种平民的文化性格;在妇女生活上,认为应该适当地回归传统,提倡以贤淑典雅为美,重视贞操,对婚姻与两性关系持严肃谨慎的态度,维持婚姻家庭的和谐稳定,以期恢复中国传统婚姻观和性道德中的积极因素,从而实现对“五四”运动以来所提倡的个性解放和妇女解放的反思,为中国社会的现代化进程提供了较为合理的伦理价值观。《论语》半月刊是林语堂、邵洵美等文人群体宣扬自己政治观点、文化理念和生活理念的大舞台,充分展现出这一文人群体从传统到现代的嬗变。他们正处于时代和文化的“边缘”地位,林语堂的“两脚踏中西文化,一心评宇宙文章”便是对这一文人群体的边缘人理想的简明表达。他们既处在传统之中,又置身于传统之外;既跨进了现代的门槛,又未完全投身于现代的怀抱,这种尴尬的地位,使得其内心充满着痛苦和挣扎。这种痛苦和挣扎的心态即表现为对任何事物的看法都存在着巨大的矛盾,既标榜“不谈政治”,又不断挑战政府的新闻检查尺度;既要回归传统,又要传播西方文化;既支持妇女解放,又重视贞操;既宣扬自己的崇高理想,又注重实际的经济利益。《论语》半月刊还是窥探民国社会转型的一扇窗口。由此可见,其一,中国作为一个后发外生型现代化国家,政治的现代化过程正处于一种难以摆脱的两难困境。既要进行现代化的政治改革,又不能丧失政权对政治力量和社会资源的控制力,从而使政权建设处于一种矛盾的状态之中。既要利用传统政治资源加强政府对政治的控制力,又试图最终在中国建立现代民主和法制国家,从而造成民国时期政权建设的悖论,这种悖论始终困扰着国民政府。其二,民国时期人们的生活方式发生现代化变迁。国外文化和生活习惯的大量涌入,与本土的文化和风俗相碰撞,形成富有现代意味的生活场景。中国人生活习惯日趋西化,以城市妇女生活和观念的西化程度最为突出。与此同时,传统的民间风俗习惯依旧存在,可见中国民族文化具有顽强的生命力。其三,近代中国传媒一改以往封建正统文化和精英文化的传统,其发展方向日趋大众化、世俗化和社会化。《论语》半月刊作为民国时期的大众文化期刊,始终保持着一种小资情调,关注社会现实和普通市民的生活。与读者保持良好的沟通和交流关系,从而使文化传播从特权阶层中解放出来,逐渐走向大众生活。文本创造者身份的普泛化、传播机制的市场化和文化接受的大众化,是近代中国传媒前所未有的变革。“古今中外”汇融的民国时期孕育了《论语》半月刊,而《论语》半月刊又以十分活泼的“幽默文化”风格参与了民国社会从传统向现代的转型。其“幽默”特色和身处南京国民政府时期的传统文人之心路历程,至今仍令人回味。

【Abstract】 Launched in 1932,Fortnightly Analect was a journal of popular culture in Shanghai. It was characterized by the advocacy of the culture of humour,its tenets were“No talking about revolution”,“Economic Independence”and“preserving individuality”.Fortnightly Analect was sponsored by the literati,some of whom were Lin Yutang,Shao Xunmei,Li Qingya,Quan Zenggu,Shen Youqian,Lin Huiyin,Pan Guangdan,Ye Gongchao et al. Its chief editor was Lin Yutang,Tao Kangde,Yu Dafu,Shao Xunmei,Lin Dazu,Li Qingya,Ming Yaowu orderly. The Publication of Fortnightly Analect was divided into two periods by the outbreak of the Lougouqiao incident on July 7th 1937. From its resumed publication after China’s Resistance War Against Japan to its final publication on May 16 1949,Fortnightly Analect lasted ten years and published one hundred seventy-seven. It not only put forward the unique slogan of the taboos of Fortnightly Analect leaguers,but also gave prominence to the culture of humour and completely changed the prejudice that humour did not appeal to refined taste and the folk humourous pattern in our traditional society. Oriented as the civil popular journal, It selected the works from all classes of our country,citizen classes in the cities made up the majority of readers. Not only was it a broad contribution source,rich content,but also it was unique in the cover design and column arrangement eds. Depending on Times Printing,it integrated publishing,printing and distribution into one body,so it reduced considerably the costs. Because of the low price and high sales volume,it had a great influence on the society.Although the advocacy of“No talking about revolution”politically,Fortnightly Analect made a bitter sarcasm and criticism to the ethical politics,symbolic ritual politics and bureaucracy of Nanjing National Government. However,those criticisms are ones within system and well-intentioned. Generally speaking,the editors still recognized the orthodox position of the National Government. Culturally, they held that the Sino-Western cultural communication not only select the essence of all countries’cultures,but also preserve the national cultural characteristics,and on the basis of translating and disseminating the foreign literary works,attentions should be paid to folk culture,thus consistently reflecting cultural personality of common people. In Women’s Life,the editors thought that tradition should be revived properly,women should be encouraged virtuous and kind as beauty,attach importance to chastity,take a serious and cautious attitude towards the marriage and sexual relations,and maintain the family harmony and stability. According to all of those,the aims were to restore Chinese traditional view of marriage and the positive factors of sex morality,realize the reflection on the advocacy of the individuality liberation and the emancipation of women since the May 4th New Culture Movement of 1919,and provide the correct ethical values for China’s modernization drive.Fortnightly Analect was a broad arena for the literati such as Lin Yutang,Shao Xunmei to publicize political views,the cultural concept and life idea,which fully unfolded the transformation of the literati from tradition to modern.“Becoming one bridge between Chinese culture and western culture,writing more articles about human life and social history”,which is is generalized as Lin Yutang himself,concisely revealed their ideals of the marginal men that were in a marginal position in times and culture. Both in tradition and out of tradition,they not only stepped into the modern door,but uncompletely fall into modern arms,so the awkward position made them suffering and struggling in the depth of their hearts. They were not only advocacy of“No talking about politics”but continuously challenged governmental yardstick of press censorship;they not only revived tradition but communicated Chinese culture;they not only supported the emancipation of women but paid attention to chastity;they not only publicized their sublime ideals but emphasized the real economic interests,all of which were manifested in their deeds that the opinion on anything was a tremendous contradiction.Fortnightly Analect was a window for exploring the transformation of the Republic of China again. The reasons are as follows: first,as a late modernization country with stimulation from the outside world,China was in an unavoidable dilemma in the progress of the political modernization. Not only did it carry out the political reform in modernization,but also not lose the controlling power of regime in political forces and social resources. Those made the regime construction in the contradictory state. Not only did they make use of the traditional political resources to strengthen the controlling power over the politics,but also were in an effort to build a modern country of democracy and legal system so as to cause the paradox of the regime construction in the Republic of China,therefore the National Government was always obsessed with the paradox. Second,there were changes in the modernization of people’s life-styles in the Republic of China. The inrush of the living habits and the idea abroad came into collision with the native culture and customs,which formed modern scenes of life. Chinese living habits was occidentalized increasingly,especially the urban women’s life and ideals. However,the traditional folk customs remained in effect,which manifested Chinese culture the strong vitality. Third,the modern Chinese media,whose development trends were characterized increasingly as popularization,secularization and socialization,changed the tradition of the feudal orthodox culture and elite culture.As a journal of popular culture in the Republic of China,Fortnightly Analect always remained a petty bourgeoisie taste,and paid attention to social problems and the life of the average citizens. The editors kept good relations of exchange and communication with readers in order to liberate culture communication from the privileged strata and gradually enter into the popular life. The generalization of the status of creative literary writers, marketization of literary dissemination, and popularization of literary receivers constituted unprecedented changes in the modern Chinese media.The combination with at all times and in all countries in the era of the Chinese Republic gave birth to Fortnightly Analect,while it was involved in the transformation from tradition to modern with the lively style of the culture of humour. Its characteristics of humour and the course of traditional literati in the National Government of Nanjing make us enjoy in retrospect so far.

  • 【分类号】G239.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】596

