

【作者】 刘永生

【导师】 迟云飞;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 九一八事变之后,中国的社会舆论在对日问题上究竟持什么样的主张?承载社会舆论的新闻媒体是观察这一问题的最佳途径。《申报》是当时中国最著名且影响最大的民间报纸之一,它的舆论在很大程度上反映了它和受众的对日态度。本文在弄清楚《申报》舆论具体内容的基础上,试图对它进行历史定位。1931年到1937年的《申报》对日舆论包含两个方面的内容:一是对于日本侵略的态度和应对主张,二是对于国民政府的态度。《申报》从九一八事变起,就一直反对日本帝国主义的侵略,主张以武力抵抗日本的入侵。全面抗战爆发之后,《申报》呼吁实行全民抗战,实行持久战,认为中国必将取得最后的胜利。《申报》对国民政府的态度可以分为三个时期,一是1931年9月到1932年8月激烈批评政府的不抵抗政策时期;二是1932年8月到1936年底缓和对政府的态度,在《时评》栏目表现出顺从政府的态度,却在《自由谈》引进左翼作家以所撰写的杂文激烈批评政府及当局;三是1937年年初开始主张在国民政府的集中统一领导下抗日。将《申报》舆论和《大公报》舆论就九一八事变后和战问题的主张与全面抗战后两者的主张进行对比,可以看出,《申报》的对日舆论是一种激进的抗日舆论。《申报》激进的抗日舆论与诸多方面相关联。首先,它受到其受众主张的影响。《申报》在与读者互动的过程当中,既起到了引导舆论和民众认识的作用,同时又接受民众的意见并将它放大,形成更为巨大的力量和影响。其次,国民党左派如宋庆龄、杨杏佛等对《申报》的支持;左翼作家投稿《申报》,使得《自由谈》成为引人注目的言论场所;众多社会名流支持和参加《申报》的工作等。正是在这些条件的共同作用下,《申报》激烈批评政府和当局,并在禁邮之后能够在《自由谈》继续监督和批评政府。最后,史量才个人的政治态度对《申报》言论的倾向性同样也有巨大的作用。《申报》在1931年到1937年间,由于其关心时事,关心国难紧急关头国家和民族的出路,大声呼吁政治改革,呼吁保障人民民主权利,因此带有明显的政治性倾向。但是,在运作模式上,仍然是商业运作模式,《申报》的产业化经营以及平和时期对商业利益的谋求依然存在。《申报》在商业性和政治性之间的徘徊,反映了国难时期报人一种复杂的心理体验。

【Abstract】 After the September 18th Incident,what was the public opinions’main content on Japanese invasion?Media which published the public opinions was the best way to observe.Shun Pao was one piece of the most famous and influencial private newspaper.It reflected its readers’attitute against Japan to a great degree.This artcle is to orientate its historical position,on the basis of showing the concrete opinion of Shun Pao.From 1931 to 1937,Shun Pao’s opinion against Japan included two aspects:one is its opinion against Japan and its reply.Shun Pao always opposed Japanese Imperialist’s invasion,advocated resisting Japan’s invasion with weapon.After the July 7th Incident of 1937,Shun Pao appealled to fight agaist Japan with all people and a lasting war,and believed China was sure to get th final victory.Shun Pao’s attitude against National Government can be devided into three stages.The first stage was from September 1931 to August 1932,when Shun Pao sharply criticised Government’s policy of nonresistance.The second stage was from August 1932 to the end of 1936,when Shun Pao relaxed attitude against Government.It obyed the Government in editorial,but at the same time,the left-wing writers who were engaged by Freedom Forum sharply critised Government and its governers with their essays.The third stage was from the beginning of 1937,when Shun Pao began to advocate resistance against Japan under the centralized leadership.If we compare Shun Pao with Ta Kung Pao on their propositions about peace or fight after the September 18th Incident,and also on their propositions after the July 7th Incident of 1937,we can see that Shun Pao’s opinion on Japan was radical.Shun Pao’s radical attitude was influenced by many aspects.First,the readers’propositions affected its attitude.When Shun Pao interacted with the readers,it did not only guide public opinion and people’s understanding,but also accepted people’s idea and magnified it,thus produced bigger power and more influence.Second,the support from Song Qinglin and Yang Xingfo,and the articles submitted from the leftist writers,thus made Freedom Forum became a spectacular expression location.Additionaly,many democrats also supported and participated Shun Pao.Under these conditions, Shun Pao sharply criticized Goernment and the governors.And Freedom Forum continue to supervise and criticize Goernment after Shun Pao was prohibitted to post.Last,Shi Liangcai’s political protest also had great effect on the tenency of Shun Pao’s opinions.From 1931 to 1937,Shun Pao cared about current events,cared about a way out when the nation and nationality suffered from national crisis.It strongly appealled for political reform,appealled to guarantee people’s democratic rights.Evidently,Shun Pao had the political tendency .But as for the operation mode,Shun Pao operated commercilly. Shun Pao’s estately operation and its pursue for profit was just like before.Shun Pao hesitated between commerciality and political nature.It reflected the journalists’complicated feelings in the period of national crisis.

【关键词】 《申报》抗日舆论激进性
【Key words】 Shun Paoanti-Japan opinionradical character
  • 【分类号】G219.29
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1600

