

Investigation to the Advanced Chinese Reading Patterns of Foreign Students by Eye Tracker

【作者】 付玉萍

【导师】 刘利民;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用眼动研究方法,以汉语二语高级阶段的记叙文阅读为内容,以认知习得理论为基础,通过中外学生阅读眼动信息的对比,研究高级阶段留学生汉语二语阅读水平、阅读眼动特征、语言意识、阅读认知规律、阅读心理与元认知能力,集中开展基于眼动实验的留学生汉语二语阅读认知习得规律研究。全文共五章。第一章绪论本章首先对课题研究的意义、研究内容、研究方法进行了论述。目前,国内外的阅读眼动研究主要集中在母语的阅读研究上,国内也有中国学生英语二语阅读方面的一些研究,但极少有将眼动技术应用于留学生汉语二语研究的报导。将眼动实验技术应用于留学生的汉语二语阅读认知和习得规律的研究,对于揭示汉语二语阅读的眼动特征和认知规律,推进二语习得理论的发展,指导教学实践,具有重要的创新意义。本课题以眼动技术为研究手段和研究方法,针对高级阶段留学生汉语二语阅读,从以下五个方面开展研究工作:高级阶段留学生的阅读成绩、阅读的眼动特征、语言意识、阅读认知规律、阅读心理与元认知能力。其次,本章对课题研究的理论基础进行了概述。本研究以认知理论为基础。根据阅读眼动研究方法的自身特性,心理词典、阅读理解策略、认知加工方式等一系列认知理论问题都将被涉及,因此阅读认知理论是本研究最重要的理论指导。另一方面,第二语言习得的一系列理论与思想,也是本研究的重要理论基础。此外,眼动研究理论也将指导本研究工作,但限于内容,不作综述。第三,本章对国内外阅读眼动研究历史进行了综述。第二章实验详细说明了本研究的实验方法和实验步骤。实验设计为单因素被试内设计,由中外学生阅读两篇相同的记叙文,通过对中外学生的阅读眼动实验数据、眼动特征的对比,集中讨论高级阶段留学生的记叙文阅读情况。本研究记录的基本参数共14个:答题分数、阅读速度、阅读理解效率、总阅读时间、注视点持续时间、注视次数、注视频率、眼跳幅度、注视广度、眼跳速度、眨眼次数、回视次数、阅读方式、瞳孔直径变化幅度。他们科学、合理地解释了阅读过程中眼睛活动的基本规律和基本特征,是眼动阅读研究所依据的最基础参数。用于本研究测试的记叙文选自留学生教材,难度水平为:初级词汇148个,中级词汇11个,高级词汇2个,超纲词汇14个。本研究中的外国被试为首都师范大学国际文化学院2006年3月-2007年7月三个学期在读的高级班留学生,包括研究生、大学生,以及毕业工作人员。所有高级班留学生均经过入学考试,达到高级水平,学习汉语500学时以上,汉语水平考试(HSK)在7~8级。中国被试主要由我校理科研究生构成并选择个别大学生,年龄与留学生相仿。实验在我校眼动实验室进行。眼动仪为加拿大SR Research Ltd公司生产的EyeLinkⅡTracker。用眼动仪配套软件记录眼动数据,用SPSS11.5软件对数据进行统计分析。第三章实验结果与统计分析本章从三个方面对实验结果进行统计分析。首先,依据答题分数、阅读速度、理解效率三个参数,对中外学生记叙文的阅读成绩进行分析评价。第二,对中外学生记叙文阅读的眼动特征进行分析,包括注视特征、眼跳特征、回视特征、瞳孔变化特征。第三,从汉语自身特点和二语习得特点出发,通过划分不同的信息区,对中外学生记叙文阅读分从七个方面进行更加深入的研究。这七个方面包括:①记忆、理解、推理三类不同问题的阅读注视;②动词以及动词前后成分的阅读注视;③功能词与意义词的阅读注视;④高频词与低频词的阅读注视;⑤高频字和低频字的阅读注视;⑥不同笔画汉字的阅读注视;⑦篇章不同空间位置的阅读注视。信息区阅读主要是通过注视时间和注视次数两个参数来考察。第四章综合讨论本章在第三章统计分析的基础上,对高级阶段留学生记叙文阅读问题进行综合讨论。首先,留学生在阅读认知加工上的特点是,眼睛注视的内容就是他们大脑正在加工的内容。他们在阅读过程中注视点的分布和注视点时间的持续都和所注视的内容直接联系,受内容的影响。这一结果不支持大脑缓冲器加工理论,而对眼脑假说做出了证明。从学生的阅读情况看,“互相作用”模式与实际阅读的认知加工过程更加契合。同时,留学生的阅读理解规律与中国学生有明显的区别,他们受语言水平的限制,不能进行很好的组块加工,所以阅读中的细节问题常常被忽略。第二,字频、词频、汉字笔画都对留学生阅读产生影响,而作为对比组的中国学生受汉字笔画因素的影响,却不受字频和词频的影响。综合分析高级阶段留学生各项眼动参数,大部分参数都与中国被试形成巨大差距。高级阶段留学生的注视水平为字注视,远达不到中国被试的词或词组注视的水平,这种状态有其必然性,证明汉字教学具有重要意义。第三,中外学生共同选择的阅读模式是直接阅读,往复式阅读很少被采用。回视方式以行内跳跃式为主,体现出高水平读者的特点。受汉语单个词的信息少、语序很重要的特点影响,被试在阅读过程中对功能词给予了较多的注视,显示分散策略对汉语阅读理解具有意义。作为阅读能力提高的重要组成部分,高级阶段留学生的元认知能力有待提高。第四,基于留学生阅读研究的结果,我们认为汉语二语教学有必要采取积极的措施,进行汉字、词汇、以及阅读心理等方面的研究,提升教学质量。第五章总结论通过研究,本文得出如下结论:1、在本研究条件下,年龄、知识水平、个人背景等因素相近的汉语母语和汉语二语的记叙文阅读,整体上水平有很大差距,留学生的眼动指标与中国学生的眼动指标大多相差在一倍以上,个别参数达到两倍或三倍。高级阶段留学生记叙文阅读的眼动水平,虽然有的参数可以达到大学水平,但基本上应该评价为在中国学生的高中水平,也有的参数只在初中水平。2、高级阶段留学生的阅读速度达到国家汉办标准,为128字/分。其汉字水平和汉语词汇水平与《大纲》的难度分级基本一致,高级字、高级词的阅读时间和注视次数都多于中级字和中级词,高笔画汉字也同样是他们阅读注视的目标汉字,显示他们的学习重点应该是高级字、高级词和高笔画汉字。字频、词频、汉字笔画数都是影响留学生阅读注视的因素。3、高级阶段留学生具有一定的句法意识,比如,对功能词有较多的注视。但还有欠缺,对一些重要的语法信息,如动词,没有敏感的反应。同时,高级阶段留学生对汉语句子的信息结构也没有很正确的理解,他们的注视特征不能于之相呼应。4、高级阶段留学生的记叙文阅读,主要采取直接阅读与行内跳跃回视的策略,体现出较高水平读者的特点。高级阶段留学生的阅读注视特点为字注视,与中国学生的词注视或词组注视相比明显处于劣势,阅读速度等都受到影响。留学生的阅读理解规律与中国学生有明显区别,受语言水平的影响,阅读中的细节问题常常被忽略。结语:这一部分对全文进行总结,分析了本文研究中的不足,以及有待深入探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, the narrative articles in Chinese on advanced level were selected as the experimental reading-materials of Chinese as foreign language. The advanced Chinese as foreign language reading patterns of foreign students were investigated and discussed based on the data conducted and recorded by eye tracker. Those data were also further analyzed and studied on the cognitive and acquisitive theories, compared with the results from Chinese native students.In the introduction section, the research significance and contents of this thesis, were reviewed and reported. In this thesis, five significant topics on Chinese reading patterns of foreign students with advanced reading level, such as reading level, eye-movement characteristics of reading, language consciousness, cognitive patterns of reading and metacognition skills, have been discussed. Additionally, the cognitive and acquisitive theories related to the analysis and discussion in the thesis, were summarized.In the experimental section, the experimental process was detailedly described. 14 parameters that can scientifically and effectively characterize and evaluate the basic eye-movements for Chinese as foreign language reading, were introduced respectively. These 14 parameters include: answering marks, reading speed, reading efficiency, reading duration, fixation duration, fixation count, fixation frequency, saccade amplitude, fixation span, saccade speed, blink count, re-gression count, reading pattern, pupil diameter. Most of above parameters can be measured and recorded by eye tracker. The eye tracker is modeled EyeLinkⅡTracker, produced by SR Research Ltd. Canada.The data were recorded by eye tracker from foreign students when they were presented with the narrative articles written in Chinese. All foreign students have studied and learned Chinese language for more than 500 hours. They are studying in the Advanced Class with HSK 7 to 8 levels. We thank them for their excellent performance. All data were statistically processed with software. The experimental results and data were analyzed carefully. First of all, the reading levels were evaluated and analyzed according to the statistic results of answering marks, reading speed and comprehension efficiency. Secondly, the parameters related to fixation, saccade, re-gression and pupil changes when reading, were involved in the study of eye-movement characteristics of Chinese reading of foreign students. Thirdly, the articles were divided into different information areas in order to study the memory ability, comprehension ability and logic inference ability of foreign students. Furthermore, the fixations on the areas in front of or behind the verbs in sentences, on the function words, on the characters and words appearing with high and low frequencies in the articles, on the complexity of Chinese character strokes, and on the different spaces in the articles, were statistically analyzed and classified respectively.In the discussion section, based on the statistics and analysis of above data, it is concluded that there is much different (1-3 times) in the reading factors and indexes conducted by eye tracker comparing between foreign students and Chinese native students even though they have similar age, knowledge level and individual background.Contrast to Chinese students, foreign students focus on the advanced and difficult level Chinese characters and words for longer fixation duration and more fixation count, meantime, the details in the articles were neglected when reading. It is notable that foreign students with advanced reading level, emphasize and pay attention to Chinese character fixation, as a result, the reading speed is reduced, while, Chinese students are more interested in Chinese words and word groups. Foreign students pay more attention to the advanced and difficult characters and words, while, Chinese students are more interested in middle level Chinese character and words, and neglect the advanced ones. Additionally, the complexity of Chinese characters strokes is also an important factor affecting reading speed. Those indicate that the observations and conclusions could be applied in providing experimental and direct evidences to improve and develop the teaching theory and practice in Chinese as foreign language.It is measured that the average reading speed of foreign students, is 218 characters per minute, reaching the standard of advanced reading level required by the Chinese Language Council of China. Foreign students prefer directly read line by line and make a re-gression in one line。This presents their advanced reading level and good reading experience. Foreign students on this level have certain language consciousness. They usually neglect and lose some important grammar information in the articles though they have more fixations on function words, for instance, they are not very sensitive to verbs. This implies that emphasizing the understanding to the verbs in reading is significant to teach Chinese as foreign language.Foreign students’fixation points in a sentence could not be well corresponded with the information structure of the sentence, indicating that foreign students with advanced reading level have not the ability of effectively and completely understanding the information structure of a Chinese sentence. So it is necessary to increase the analytical ability of information structure in Chinese sentence and articles in teaching foreign students Chinese as foreign language.Finally, this thesis mentioned some related topics need to be further explored based on experimental and theoretical work in the future.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1449

