

On the Semantic Orientation of Verb-resultative Construction’s Complement

【作者】 李晓东

【导师】 周建设;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 语义指向分析是近些年来语法研究的一个热点,动结式又是汉语句法系统中颇具特色的句法结构,其语法、语义特点一直是国内外学者讨论的热点。本文主要研究汉语动结式补语的语义指向。本文在先贤时贤已取得的研究成果的基础上,以汉语动结式为研究对象,以动结式的历史来源和发展作为研究基础,运用动结式配价的研究成果,以优选论为理论背景,力求描写和解释动结式补语的语义指向。全文共分五章。第一章是绪论,对与本文研究内容相关的基本概念做出界定和说明,阐明本文的研究方法、基本理论和研究意义。第二章对动结式和语义指向的研究现状做出综述。首先从动结式的产生时间、动结式的历史来源,和动结式的配价研究这三个方面介绍目前学术界对动结式的研究。接着对目前语义指向的研究做了概述。最后阐述补语语义指向研究的现状,并对本文研究的要点做出说明。第三章讨论了现代汉语动结式补语的语义指向。首先讨论动结式语法、语义上的特点和限制,语法、语义上的特点是由于深层语义结构的复杂性、多维性和表层句法结构的单一线性的不对称造成的,这种不平衡性也造成了动结式补语语法指向和语义指向的不对应的必然。接着讨论现代汉语动结式的类型。文章提出了两种划分动结式类型的方法,一是依据述语谓词语和补语谓词指向的特点分为分属型和兼属型两类。二是依据补语语义的虚实分类:补语表示抽象意义和补语表示具体意义。最后依据配价理论,通过对动结式的整体配价、动结式述语谓词和补语谓词的配价以及论元出现情况的分析,对补语语义指向做出分类。第四章着重讨论了受事主语句、“被”字句、“把”字句、重动句的句法和语义特点,说明这些句式和动结式的联系,以及在这些句式中动结式补语的语义指向情况,并进一步探讨动结式在这些句式中的分布情况,以阐明如何通过句式转换来判定动结式补语的语义指向。第五章探讨在优选论的框架下如何确认补语的语义指向。首先论述补语语义指向的可指和能指。由于补语可指向多个语义角色,致使句子产生歧义。我们这里对歧义的解释是基于认知的,如:指向上靠近的“优势”理论,即语义关系比较近的成分在线性序列中也趋于靠得比较近;动结式表示的复合事件中两个子事件之间存在致使关系;施事、受事的生命度同补语谓词论元生命度的匹配,以及受事宾语定指程度的高低,都对语义指向有一定的影响。然后在优选论的框架下,综合所有可能影响补语语义指向的因素,确定制约条件,通过分析实际语料来说明制约条件的相互作用,同时,也对优选论的操作方法的可行性做出检测。第六章是结语。主要是对本文的研究做出总结,并对本文的不足做出说明。本文对动结式补语语义指向的研究采取描写和解释相结合的方式,力图将共时和历时结合起来进行考察。在配价理论的指导下,对补语的语义指向分类描写,继而做出解释,并归纳出补语语义指向和动结式的配价、述语谓词的配价,以及补语谓词的配价之间的关系。在优选论的理论框架下,确定补语的语义指向。

【Abstract】 The semantic orientation has remained a hot topic in recent years. The verb-resultative construction is a typical structure in the syntax of Chinese, and its syntax and semantic features have been what the researchers home and abroad focus on. This dissertation aims to study the semantic orientation of the Chinese verb-resultative complement.Based on the achievements of the researchers, this dissertation tries to describe and explain the semantic orientation of the verb-resultative complement, taking the Chinese verb-resultative construction as the research object, the historical source and development of the verb-resultative construction the research basis, the achievements on the verb-resultative valence the reference, and the Optimality Theory the theoretical background. This dissertation is divided into five chapters.Chapter One is an introduction. It defines the basic concepts related to the present study and explains the research method, the basic theory and the research significance.Chapter Two gives a comprehensive review of the current research on the verb-resultative construction and the semantic orientation. Firstly, it introduces the research on the verb-resultative construction from the following aspects: the emerging period, the historical sources and the valence theory. Then, it briefly describes the current research on the semantic orientation. Finally, it makes a comment on the current research of the complement semantic orientation, and explains the main points covered in this dissertation.Chapter Three discusses the semantic orientation of modern Chinese verb-resultative complement. At first, it discusses the features and restrictions of the semantics and syntax of verb-resultative construction, which are caused by the complex multi-dimensional deep semantics and the simple asymmetric surface structure. This imbalance also causes the non-correspondence between the syntax orientation and the semantic orientation of verb-resultative complement. Secondly, it discusses the types of modern Chinese verb-resultative construction. Two methods to classify the verb-resultative construction are brought out. One is to classify it into the separate type and the dual type, according to the orientation features of verb and complement. The other is to divide it into the abstract meaning and the concrete meaning the complement expresses, based on the complement’s being abstract or concrete in meaning. At last, referring to the valence theory, it classifies the orientation of the complement semantics through the analysis on the whole valence, the valance between the verb-resultative predicate and the complement predicate, and the presentation of the argument.Chapter Four discusses the relations between various Chinese constructions relevant to the VRC. We can judge the semantic orientation of the complement through omitting the verb and transferring verb-resultative construction into the marked construction, such as receptor-subject sentence, Ba construction, Bei construction and the verb-copying construction. Finally the essay deals with the distribution of the Ba construction, Bei construction and the verb-copying construction for the purpose of identifying semantic orientationChapter Five explores the methods on how to find the complement semantic reference, depending on Optimality Theory. First of all, the dissertation analyzes the causes of the signifier and signified of the verb-resultative complement, for example, the‘Advantage’theory on close constituent order, the relative animacy and definite reference of agent and patient. Besides, it identifies the semantic orientation of the complement through Optimality Theory.Chapter Six draws a conclusion on this dissertation and shows the shortness as well.This dissertation describes and explains the research on the semantic orientation of the verb-resultative complement, and tries to make an observation synchronically and diachronically. With the guide of the valence theory, it describes the semantic orientation of the complement in categories and then gives the explanation. Meanwhile, it summarizes the valence of complement semantic orientation and the verb-resultative, the valance of the verb and the mutual relationship of the complement verb valence. Under the framework of the Optimality Theory, it identifies the semantic orientation of the complement.

  • 【分类号】H146.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1916

