

【作者】 李会先

【导师】 李松林;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 陕甘宁边区是中国近现代史上一个特殊时期的特殊地域。抗战时期陕甘宁边区的民众动员,既包含严格意义的战争动员,也包括那些由战争引发或与战争多少有些关联,有相当数量的民众参与而具有“临时性”的动态事件。如,组织自卫军、整理少先队、老战士归队、组织缴纳救国公粮、组织普选运动、开展社会教育,等等。特定时期的民众动员是一定的政治、经济和文化发展的产物。抗战前中共民众动员理念的演变、国内时局的变革及民众社会心理的剧烈变化、陕甘宁边区其时其地的社会经济状况是中共民众动员的基本依据。抗战时期中共在陕甘宁边区进行的民主政治建设和推行的社会教育在动员民众(政治动员)方面尤具典型意义。本文运用历史文献法和个案分析的方法解读中共民众动员理念的演变,勾勒中共民众动员“图谱”,展现抗战时期陕甘宁边区民众动员的“实相”,揭示其成功的“历史合力”,概括中共民众动员形态发展的轨迹:建党之初的“幼年”形态——动员对象范围的狭窄、动员方式的单一、动员能力的严重不足等;土地革命时期的“成长”形态——由简单的“暴动”形态一步步走向“割据”;抗战时期的“重大转向”——由于国内和国际形势发生重大变化,中共及时调整民众动员的政策和策略,提出建立抗日民族统一战线的要求,举起民主的旗帜,开展广泛的社会教育,号召广大民众为实现“驱逐日本帝国主义出中国,建立自由平等的新中国”的目标而努力奋斗,从而获得陕甘宁边区乃至全国广大民众对中共的支持和认可。民主是动员民众抗战的旗帜之一。在陕甘宁边区,中共通过开展普选运动、组织参议会、推行“三三制”政权等各项政策,向现代民主政治的道路上迈进了一大步,从而大大提高了广大民众的政治参与意识,获得了广泛的社会资源。与其说陕甘宁边区推行社会教育是对民众进行扫盲,不如说是对民众的政治洗礼,通过全面实施社会教育,中共各项方针政策得到广大民众的支持、参与和认同,扩大了中共“合法性”基础。抗战时期中共民众动员是极其复杂的过程,是多种因素综合起来、共同发挥作用的一个动态事件,它的形成和实践有着深刻的历史根源,由近代中国社会主要矛盾所决定,是“历史合力”的结果。我国社会主义现代化建设要想加快发展,需要进行广泛的民众动员,要坚持以科学发展观为指导,以人为本,关注人民群众的切身利益,让改革开放的成果全民共享。

【Abstract】 The Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region is a peculiar region in a peculiar period of modern history of China. During the Anti-Japanese War, public mobilization in the Shanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, which included war mobilization and some provisional dynamic events initiated by war or connecting with war, and participated by a large number of people. For example, organizing a self-defence corps, arranging Young Pioneers, old soldier returning to the units, organizing paying public grain for national salvation, organizing a general election, carrying out society education, and so on. Public mobilization in specially appointed period was the product of the development of politics, economy and culture. The evolution of the idea of public mobilization of CPC before the Anti-Japanese War, the transforming current political situation in the homeland and radical change of the public social psychology, the economic situation of that time were the fundamental basis of public mobilization of CPC. During the Anti-Japanese War, strengthening democracy and encouraging democratic participation and carrying out society education had representative significance in mobilizing public.This article explains the evolution of the idea of public mobilization of CPC with the method of historical document and analytical case, draws the outline of collection of illustrative plates of public mobilization of CPC, displays the reality of public mobilization, reveals the history resultant force which made it successful, summarizes the trajectory of the form development of public mobilization: childhood form at the beginning of founding the CPC---the limit of the people to be mobilized, the single mobilizing way, the deficiency of the mobilization ability; grow up in agrarian revolution period---from simple rebellion to separatist regimes; change big direction during the Anti-Japanese War---since significant change happened in domestic and international circumstances , the Communist Party of China adjusted policy and tactics of the public mobilization in time, brought forward the request for building the anti-Japanese national united front, raised the banner of democracy and fighting the invading army, appealed to the extensive public to make great efforts to realize the target of The imperialism chasing Japan out going out of China , build a free and equal new China thereby, made the public in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region even throughout the whole country to support and approve the Communist Party of China.Democracy is a banner of mobilizing the public to fight the invading army. In the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, CPC carried out various policies such as a general election, organizing a consultative council, the three-thirds regime, to integrate benefit of the people of all ranks, instill class mental consciousness, strengthen oneself construction at the same time, improve the participation of the extensive public in political affairs, make a great progress in modern democratic politics. It is better to say that, in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, CPC carry out the social education to give the public politics baptism rather than eliminate the public’s illiteracy, by carrying out the social education, the public’s cultural level and political understanding were improved, various policies of CPC were supported, participated and approved by the public, expanding the legitimacy of the Communist Party of China. During the Anti-Japanese War, the public mobilization in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region public was an extremely complicated process, was a dynamic event which resulted by various factors. Its formation and practice had deep historical roots, decided by the society principal contradiction in modern China, it was the result of history pools efforts. If our country wants to accelerate the development of socialist modernization, we need to mobilize the public, and we must persist in guiding by Scientific Outlook on Development, put people first, pay more attention to the vital interests of people, let people enjoy the achievement of the reform and openness.

  • 【分类号】K265
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1859

