

【作者】 卢少求

【导师】 王树荫;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 延安时期中共执政文化建设,是党继苏维埃时期局部执政的又一次执政实践。它高举新民主主义文化大旗,积极推进马克思主义中国化,采取正确的方针和政策,执政文化建设活动,形式多样、丰富多彩,取得了巨大成效,积累了宝贵经验。马克思主义执政文化理论的指导作用以及优秀传统文化的巨大影响力,使得中共执政文化建设既有科学的理论指导又有鲜明的民族特色。面对复杂多变的国内外环境和艰巨繁重的执政文化建设任务,中国共产党认真分析面临的形势和挑战,在理论宣传、干部教育、政权探讨和革命文化倡导方面进行了积极尝试,对党内“左”右倾两条战线的路向困扰以及国共两党论战的意识形态冲突有了更加清醒的认识。提出马克思主义理论必须和中国的具体实践相结合,是中国共产党实现执政文化建设理念转换的历史性决策。马克思主义中国化的提出与拓展、教育与学习以及研究和深化,使党从错误路线当中解脱出来,在一些重大问题上取得了共识,开拓了马克思主义中国化新境界。在基本方针上,坚持抗日与民主,坚持为人民服务,为执政文化建设指明了方向和目标;在主要政策上,实施积极的知识分子政策和文艺政策,为执政文化建设提供人才支持与运行规则。这些方针政策的制定和执行,推动了执政文化建设的进一步发展。积极进行执政文化建设的实践与活动,是落实执政文化建设理念与方略的必由之路。在执政制度上,建立“三三制”政权,推进民主政治改革;颁布边区施政纲领,彰显中共执政能力。同时,健全党的组织制度,规范党内法规章程,以增进党内建设促进执政文化建设。在战线构筑上,对思想战线出现的重大理论和实际问题及时进行回答,开展整风运动,加强马克思主义理论教育;充分运用党报党刊,传递党的声音,弘扬时代主题;兴办各类学校,繁荣文艺与教育事业。在执政作风上,坚持实事求是,加强干部教育,实践“三大作风”,使党的执政文化建设符合时代要求和人民期待,极大地调动了人民抗日和革命的积极性,开创了执政文化建设新局面。在中共执政文化建设的历史进程中,我们党把坚持核心理念同批判和抵制各种错误文化思想结合起来,把坚持党的领导同落实好执政文化建设的方针政策结合起来,把执政文化建设同执政制度建设结合起来,把广泛性与先进性同继承性与时代性结合起来,不断扩大中国共产党在根据地、沦陷区和国统区的影响力,使得中国共产党的面貌,根据地人民的面貌和全国人民对共产党的认识发生了历史性变化。总结这些历史经验对新时期执政文化建设无疑有着重要的现实启示。

【Abstract】 The governing culture establishment of CPC in Yan’an Time is another regional governing practice after Soviet Time. It held aloft the banner of new-democratic culture, actively promoted the localization of Marxism in China, took proper guidelines and policies and took diversified forms in building governing culture. Therefore, the CPC made a great progress and gained a lot in experience.The guidance of Marxism governing culture theory and huge influence of the outstanding traditional culture afford the Communist Party of China (CPC) with scientific theory in establishment of governing practice and also make the establishing distinctive ethnic characterized. Confronted with complicated and volatile environment at home and abroad and hard and arduous task of building governing culture, the CPC studied the situation and challenges they faced seriously, made aspiring attempts in theory publicity, cadre education, political system discussion and revolutionary culture promotion. Then, the CPC had a clearer understanding about the left-and-right line struggle and the ideological conflict between the CPC and the Kuomintang.The Marxism theory and the concrete practice of Chinese revolution should be combined together, this is a historical policy made by the CPC, by which the CPC successfully transformed her concept of establishing governing culture. The raise, development, education, learning and research of the localization of Marxism in China extricated the CPC from incorrect lines and made the CPC achieve consensus on many issues of great importance, which also deepened the localization of Marxism in China. Insisting on anti-Japanese struggle, democracy and serving people were the fundamental guideline of the CPC. Practicing constructive intellect and literature policy provided talents support and implementation rule for the building of governing culture. The formulation and implementation of those policies and guidelines promoted the further development of the building of governing culture.The practice and activity of establishing governing culture was the only way of implementing the idea of governing culture establishment. Build the three thirds systems on reign to advance democracy reformation; issue administrative programme of border region to show the governing power of the CPC. At the same time, improve the CPC’s organization system and standardize constitutions and riles of the Party to promote the building of governing culture. On line-construction, give reply on time to the significant theories and practice issues that exist in mental lines, and expand the rectification movement as well as strengthen the education of Marxism theory; make the best of Party newspapers and journals to impress Party ideal and develop themes of our times; establish various seminaries to boost art and education undertakings. On the governing style, the CPC persisted in the principle of seeking truth from facts, enhanced cadre education, practiced three important styles of work, by which, the CPC made the building of governing culture meet the demand of the time and people’s expectation, stimulated people’s initiative on revolution and anti-Japanese struggle and created a new situation on building governing culture.During the historical course of establishing governing culture by the CPC, the CPC not only stuck to her core concepts but also criticized and resisted all various incorrect ideas at the same time; not only insisted on the leading of the CPC but also practiced the building of governing culture; not only established governing culture but also established governing system; not only made it universal and advanced but also made it continuous and conformable to times, by which the CPC developed her influence in basic areas, Japanese occupied areas and Kuomintang governed areas, transformed the image of the CPC and people in base areas and promoted people’s understanding about the CPC across the nation. Undoubtedly, it helps to give revelation to the establishing of governing culture in new period by studying the historical experience.


