

【作者】 杜凡

【导师】 王淑芹;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 公正是社会治理的核心原则,公正之于社会,正如真理之于思想。当前,社会处于转型关键期,利益矛盾凸显,改革成果的公正分配已成为人们关注的焦点。论文第一章对公正诸理论进行了梳理条陈和重构以奠定本文的逻辑起点。公正有三个具体原则:一是基本权利绝对平等原则;二是非基本权利比例平等原则;三是社会机会权利平等原则。基本经济权利公正由政府按照缔结社会的基本贡献平等分配;非基本经济权利公正由市场按照非基本贡献比例平等分配。机会分配原则因机会种类的不同而不同,机会分为自然机会和社会机会,社会机会应当平等分配;政府对自然机会没有分配权利。罗尔斯的错误在于要求对自然机会和社会机会都进行平等分配。公正可以分为“程序公正与实体公正”、“制度公正与行为公正”,这四种公正在相对静态社会和转型社会表现出的差异非常明显,转型社会重视实体公正、制度公正,而程序公正、行为公正往往得不到保证。公正在本质上“是一种等利害交换的善行”,广义的交换不仅指经济交换,而且包括所有相互给予的行为。公正有三种存在形式:作为元伦理的公正价值证明;作为规范伦理的公正原则;作为美德伦理的公正美德。公正调节交换行为,其适用范围是一定的,“应该”的范畴大于“公正”的范畴,“公正”的必然是“应该”的,但是“应该”的不一定属于“公正”,把“公正”等同于“应该”,随意扩大其调解范围是一种常见的错误。公正不是治理社会的唯一原则,对于个人,公正也不是待人的最高道德规范。按照公正行为主体不同,公正可以分为社会公正和个人公正,社会公正的应得标准是贡献,个人公正的应得标准是自由交换。公正的证明属于价值证明,罗尔斯的契约证明不是价值证明,但是,契约证明是价值证明的一个重要途径,除了契约证明外,价值证明很难找到一个更具有现实操作性的证明方法。在第二章,论文重点分析了中国转型社会的本质和特点。在现代语境下,社会转型本质上是社会的现代化,社会现代化不仅是经济现代化、政治现代化,而且包括文化现代化。中国的现代化是一种外源型现代化,建国的第一个三十年是以强国为目标的赶超型激进工业化;建国的第二个三十年是以富民为目标的渐进型改革开放。与内源型现代化国家相比,中国的现代化有着激进性特征,同时,作为从计划经济向市场经济转型的后现代化国家,中国又具有渐进性特点。中国的现代化和西方相比,西方内源型现代化国家的动力来源于社会经济发展,是主动的;中国外源型现代化的动力来源于民族危机,是被动的。此外,在转型顺序、转型速度上,中国都表现出自己的特征,这使得中国有着和内源现代化国家以及外源现代化国家不同的公正背景和非公正问题。第三章研究转型中中国社会公正的现状以及公正的特殊性。在中国社会转型过程中,政治公正、经济公正与机会公正都得到了发展:政治公正发展的标志主要是社会主义民主不断提高;经济公正发展的标志是基本经济权利得到保障,以及非基本经济权利分配机制(市场)的建立;机会公正发展主要表现在户籍制度逐渐松动以及发展才能机会(教育)的提高。但是,转型中仍然存在着大量非公正问题:政治公正存在着竞争性政治权利有待提高的问题;经济公正仍然存在基本经济权利水平过低、非基本经济权利差距过大的问题;社会机会公正继续受到户籍制度等歧视性法规的阻碍,教育尤其是高等教育机会仍然受到地域、经济等先天条件的限制。中国非均衡发展战略、制度性市场失灵与制度性政府失灵是非公正产生的主要社会原因。公正和效率具有正向关系。一般情况下,公正的提高必然推动效率的提高,但是,公正并不是提高效率的唯一因素。稳定是公正发展的前提,公正带来稳定,但是,追求公正的过程往往会导致不稳定。非公正是不稳定的根本原因,非公正感是不稳定的直接原因,非公正和非公正感并不总是对应,非公正感可以高于非公正,也可以低于非公正,正确的舆论导向可以维持二者的正常关系,从而有利于社会的稳定,这也是思想政治教育的意义所在。在现代化转型过程中,中西方国家有着不同的非公正问题。在现代化转型时期,西方国家非基本公正的差距过大,其国内非公正累积时间较长,非公正引起的社会斗争也较尖锐,多有利用殖民或侵略转移国内非公正的行为。和西方相比,中国转型中也存在着非基本公正差距过大的现象,转型时期矫正正义的客观条件的强化、人际关系的变化都提升了对矫正正义的要求,社会主义关于高度平等化的承诺使中国政府负有更多的矫正正义责任和压力。在第四章,论文总结了中国转型社会政治、经济与机会公正分配的经验,并努力探讨公正实现的新途径。在政治方面,目前中国权威政治体制在转型社会是必要的、必然的,实践证明权威政府是改革顺利推进的政治条件,不过,随着改革的深入,广泛参与,有限竞争的增量民主是建设中国社会主义民主的必然途径。在经济方面,经济公正要求建立市场、政府、社会三次分配相互补充的分配体系,市场负责非基本权利比例平等的初次分配,完善的市场对收入差距不负责任;政府负责基本经济权利的二次分配,保证基本经济权利平等,并随社会发展不断提高;社会民间分配是一种超越公正的慈善分配,是第三次分配,要不断完善我国的慈善法规、慈善组织建设,提高慈善分配在推动公正分配中的作用。机会公正要求逐步实现国民资格基础上的基本机会完全平等;不断提高政治和经济竞争起点的平等;要逐步实现教育公正,随着社会的发展,要不断延长义务教育的时间。

【Abstract】 Justice is the core principle of social governance, which is important to society, just as the truth is to the idea. At present, the society is in the critical period of transition, conflicts of interests have appeared prominently, and distributive justice of the reform achievements has become the highlight of people’s attention.First part of the thesis presents the relative theories of justice which are the logical beginning of the thesis. Justice has three concrete principles: the principle of absolute equality of basic rights, the equal principle of proportion of non-basic rights, and the principle of equal rights of social opportunity. The government should take charge of the equality of basic economic rights and the market should be responsible for the equality of non-basic economic rights. The opportunity is classified as natural opportunity and social opportunity, however, the society has no responsibility for natural opportunity. Rawls’s error is to demand all opportunities to be distributed equally. Justice is divided into“procedural justice and substantial justice”,“institutional justice and behavioral justice”, which show obvious differences to static society and transitional society, transitional society pays attention to substantial justice and institutional justice, while procedural justice and behavioral justice are often not guaranteed.In essence, justice is the benefaction of exchanging equal interests, and general exchange not only refers to economic exchange, but also includes all behaviors of mutual supply. Justice exists as three forms which are the justice value proof as metaethics, the justice principle as normative ethics, and the justice virtue as virtue ethics. Justice regulates the exchange behaviors, but it has limited sphere of application, so random expanding its regulative sphere is a kind of familiar mistake. Justice is not the only principle of administrating society, to individual, which is also not the highest ethics of dealing with people. Justice consists of social justice and individual justice, Deserve criterion of social justice is contribution and deserve criterion of individual justice is the free exchange. The proof of justice is a kind of value proof, and Rawls’contract proof is not the value proof, but which is an important way of justice proof. Except contract proof, it is difficult for the value to find more practical method to prove. In the second part, the thesis emphasizes the essence and characteristics of transitional society of China. In modern contexts, essentially social transition is the social modernization, which consists of economic modernization, and political modernization as well as cultural modernization. Modernization of China is a kind of extrinsic modernization. The first thirty years after statehood were the radical industrialization aimed at strengthening the country; the second thirty years were the incremental reform and opening-up with the goal of enriching people. Compared with the countries of intrinsic modernization, China has radical characteristics, at the same time, as a post-modern country experiencing the transition from planned economy to market economy, China is also incremental. Compared with the western countries, the impetus of extrinsic modernization of China comes from the national crisis and is passive. In addition, China shows its features in the aspect of transitional order and speed, which results in Chinese different justice background and injustice issues.The third part researches the status quo of social justice in transitional China and particularity of justice. In the transitional process of Chinese society, economic justice, political justice and opportunity justice have developed: the symbol of economic justice development is the solution to basic economic rights and the establishment of distributional system of non-basic economic rights; the symbol of political justice development mainly refers to the realization of socialist democracy; the development of opportunity justice shows that household registration system is loosing and the opportunity of developing talent(education)is increasing. But there are numerous injustice problems in the transition: economic justice still has some problems, such as the lower level of basic economic rights and excessive gap of non-basic economic rights; there is the issue of increasing competitive political rights about political justice; discriminatory regulations, such as household registration system, continue to obstruct social opportunity justice. Education opportunity, above all higher education opportunity, is limited by congenital conditions of region, economy and etc., so injustice phenomena are still serious. The unbalanced development strategy, institutional market failure and institutional government failure are the main social causes in China.Justice and efficiency have positive relations. In general, increasing justice is bound to improve efficiency, while justice is not the only element of improving efficiency. Stabilization is the premise of justice development and justice results in stabilization, but the process of pursuing justice often leads to instability. Injustice is the essential cause of instability and the sense of injustice is the direct cause of instability. Injustice and the sense of injustice are not often corresponding. The sense of injustice can be higher than injustice and lower than injustice, and correct direction of people opinion can maintain natural relations of both, which is in favor of social stability and is the significance of ideological and political education.During the transitional process of modernization, justice in the western countries and China has developed, but there are different injustice problems in the western countries and China. In the period of transitional modernization, there is excessive gap of non-basic justice in the western countries which accumulates domestic injustice for longer period, where injustice gives rise to the sharper social conflicts, and the western countries exported domestic injustice behaviors because of colony and invasion. Compared with the western countries, transitional China has the phenomenon of excessive gap of non-basic justice and the strengthened objective conditions of corrective justice. Changes of interpersonal relationship before and after the transition promote to demand corrective justice. However, justice of China is realized consciously and positively by the guidance of the government and the society keeps stable.In the last part, the thesis concludes the experiences of political, economic and opportunity justice distribution and tries to probe new approach to realize justice. In the aspect of politics, currently Chinese authoritative political system is indispensable and certain for the transitional society and practices prove authoritative government is the political condition to promote the reform successfully, but with the reform’s infiltration and extensive participation, incremental democracy of limited competition will be necessary way to construct Chinese socialist democracy from now on. In the aspect of economy, economic justice demands to establish the distribution system which consists of three mutually complementary distributions of the market, government and society. The market takes charge of primary distribution of non-basic rights with equal proportion. The government is responsible for the second distribution of basic economic rights, guarantees absolute equality of basic economic rights and improves with the social development. Social distribution is the third distribution and benevolent distribution transcending justice which should continually perfect the philanthropic regulations and organizational construction and emphasize the philanthropic distribution’s role to promote justice distribution. Opportunity justice demands to achieve absolute equality of basic opportunity based on national qualification and equal competitive beginning of politics and economy, gradually implement educational justice and continue to prolong the time of compulsory education.

【关键词】 转型社会公正现代化
【Key words】 Transitional SocietyJusticeModernization

