

【作者】 齐亚红

【导师】 安云凤;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 消费是人们在一定的社会关系中进行的用物品或劳务满足自己生产和生活需要的行为和过程,是人在处理人与自然、社会及人自身的各种关系中谋求“人”的发展的一种方式,是人实现自我价值和生命意义的手段。正义是人追求自身本质的最高理想,是人的世界、人的关系以及人的行为的最高准则和公理,是人类发展与完善的价值真理,其实质在于把人的发展、人的价值和人的尊严作为人的根本。消费正义源自对消费问题的伦理思考,即以正义观的价值视野对作为人之重要存在方式的消费进行合理性和合目的性的理性审视和道德评价,从而建立起合乎人性的消费理念和消费模式,以牵引和约束人们的消费活动,使之趋于正义和善。实践消费正义就是人在消费活动中,把人的发展、社会经济发展和生态可持续发展作为消费行为的出发点和归宿,通过公正消费、和谐消费、适度消费和可持续消费,达到人与自身、人与自然、人与经济社会、人与他人的和谐统一,实现人的全面自由发展。全文分为四章:第一章,消费正义思想的历史考察。对消费正义思想的历史梳理是构建当代消费正义理论的前提。西方的消费正义思想总体上经历了一个从节俭消费到消费至上的思想流变过程。中国的消费正义思想经过了一个从俭到奢、由等级消费到平等消费、由压抑消费到开放消费的历史演变进程。马克思主义创始人以人的全面自由发展作为其消费正义思想的出发点和最终归宿,在对劳动异化和商品拜物教的批判中确立了其生态消费正义思想。以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛为核心的中共领导集体,继承和发展了马克思主义的消费正义思想,并与中国的社会实践相结合提出了一系列具有中国特色的消费正义观。第二章,消费正义的内涵及合法性论证。厘清消费正义的内涵是消费正义理论建构的基础,论证消费正义的合法性是消费正义理论建构之正当性支撑。从形而上的、理论的、思辨的层面看,消费正义是对经济社会发展和人类存在方式之间关系合理与否的价值评判,它所关注的是人类如何避免以自身异化为代价发展经济,并在这种经济发展过程中实现人自身的全面自由发展。从形而下的、实证的、应用的层面看,消费正义是对消费活动、消费行为的正当性、合理性和规范性的研究,它关注的是消费活动主体如何才能把事实判断与价值判断、经济效益与社会效益有机结合起来,实现消费活动与正义理念的互动整合。消费正义的这两个方面是有机统一,密不可分的。从人性论基础而言,消费正义源自人的意识属性和自由自觉活动的存在特性以及人的超越性存在本性;从存在论角度来看,消费正义基于人在社会关系中存在的必然性及其消费行为的社会性;从消费实践来说,消费正义是化解人的生存危机和精神危机的必然性要求。第三章,消费正义的理念及当代价值。确立消费正义理念是构架消费正义理论的重要环节。消费正义理念是消费主体在消费活动中处理各种关系的根本准则和指导原则,具体为:人本理念、公正理念、和谐理念、适度理念和可持续理念。以人为本的消费理念是把人的价值和尊严、人的自由和发展作为消费活动的根本目的和出发点,要求消费活动不但要满足人的基本生存需要,而且要满足人的发展需求。公正理念即消费权利和消费义务的公平合理分配,个人在合理行使自己的消费自由权时,不能影响他人和整个社会的正当权益。和谐理念即用联系的、发展的、整体的思维方式来审视和反思人们的消费行为,优化消费观念、消费结构、消费方式,实现消费与人自身、自然环境以及他人与社会的和谐发展。适度理念是从质和量两个方面恰到好处地消费,以“应该的时间,应该的境况,应该的关系、应该的目的,以应该的方式”进行消费。可持续理念即消费的可持续性和发展性的统一,前者的核心是在消费过程中实现自然的可持续生存和社会的可持续发展,后者的核心是消费要实现社会经济的可持续发展。第四章,消费正义的主体实践。消费正义理论的生命在于消费正义实践。消费正义实践包括三个层面:个体消费正义实践、企业消费正义实践和政府消费正义实践。个体消费正义实践是实现消费正义的基础力量,个体应该走出消费即幸福的误区,选择自我实现的消费方式,提高消费维权和自我保护能力,做一个有责任的消费者。企业是消费资料的主要提供者,生产性消费是造成目前生态危机的主要原因。企业应该走可持续发展之路,合理开发利用自然资源,保护生态环境;走维护消费者权益之路,满足人的生存需要,实现人的全面自由发展。政府既是消费制度、政策的制定者,也是一个重要的、特殊的消费实践主体,对整个社会的消费行为具有示范性和导向性。政府应该从管理者和实践者的双重层面规范自身消费行为。消费正义实践通过和谐消费、公正消费、适度消费和可持续消费实现人的价值、人的尊严和人的发展,促进人的身心和谐、人际和谐、群己和谐、天人和谐,生成全面自由发展的“和谐人”。

【Abstract】 Consumption is the behavior and process that the people use goods or the personal service to satisfy their production and life in a certain society relation. As one of people’s existence manners, consumption is a try for people to deal with the relations between people and nature, society and themselves. It’s also a means for people to realize self-value and meaning of being. Justice is the highest ideal that the people pursue their essence, the standard and right justice of the human being’s world、relation and behavior,and the value truth that the man develop and consummate. Its essence considers people’s value, dignity and development as their foundation. Born from rightful attention to consuming, consumption justice is perfection of and guide to consumption behavior after reflection and rating of it. The realization of consumption justice is to reach harmony between people and nature, economical society and themselves by moderate, harmonious, rightful, enduring consumption from the starting point and destination of the development of human, social society and ecology. The paper can be divided into four chapters.Chapter one: the history inspect of consumption justice idea. The collation of the thoughts of consumption justice is the thinking resource and theory foundation of the construction of modern consumption justice theory. The thoughts of consumption justice of China experienced a process from thrifty, of rank and constrained to extravagant, equal and open. The thought of rightful ecology consumption of Marxism founders who constructed their thoughts of consumption justice during the process of criticizing labor alienation and commodity worship, with full-scale human development as its starting point and final destination is still wisdom until now. The communist central government with Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao at his core brings up a series of consumption justice views with Chinese character through their heritance and development of Marxism consumption justice views and combination with Chinese construction practice.Chapter two: the connotation and legality demonstration of consumption justice. Making clear consumption justice connotation is the base of consumption justice theory, demonstrating the legality of consumption justice is the legitimate brace of consumption justice theory. From meta-physical angle, consumption justice which pays close attention to developing economy and human themselves but not at the cost of self alienation is the reasonable merit evaluation to relation between social society development and human existence way. It’s humanitarian, equal and harmonious merit ideal reflecting in consuming system and activities. Seen from physical angle, consumption justice is a research of rightfulness, rationality and norm. It pays attention to how to combine factual and value appraisal, economical and social benefit in order to realize the interaction between justice ideal and it. These two aspects of consumption justice are closely related and can’t be divided. People’s sense property, existing character of free activity and transcendence of people offer humanitarian foundation for consumption justice theory while necessity of human existence in social relation and social character of consuming offer foundation of existence theory for it. The alienation of people with themselves, the indifference of people with society and other people’s relation and deterioration of the relation between man and nature are all calling the appearance of consumption justice theory.Chapter three: the principle and contemporary value of consumption justice. Establishing consumption justice is the important link of constructing consumption justice theory. Consumption justice ideal is the fundamental principle and standard for consuming subject in consuming activities while dealing with various relations. Man oriented consumption ideal, with people’s value, dignity, freedom and development as the ultimate purpose and starting point of consumption activities, should not only satisfy people’s basic living need but also satisfy people’s need for development. The justice concept is when individual performs his own free right of consumption, he should not affect the rights and profits of others and the whole society; meanwhile, the realization of the consumption rights of others and society should also create conditions for the realization of individual consumption right. This concept includes the justice concept of human and nature, the inner-generation justice concept and inter-generation justice concept. The essence of the ideal of harmony is to inflect people’s consumption activities entirely and at last realize harmony between consumption and self development, natural environment, other people and society. Moderate consumption ideal contends restraint. It includes quality and quantity. The ongoing consumption ideal is the unity of endurance and development, whose core is to realize the ongoing existence of nature and development of society during consuming process. The core of development is to realize social economy’s ongoing development. The ongoing development ideal lays different emphasis on developing and developed countries.Chapter four: the principle practice of consumption justice. The life of consumption justice theory exists in practice of consumption justice. The subjects of consumption justice contain individual, enterprise and government. The practice of individual consumption justice is the foundation and fundamental power of realizing consumption justice. So individuals must be responsible consumers by establishing right consumption views, breaking away from the misunderstanding of consuming is happiness, choosing consumption way of self reliance and improving right safeguard and self protection. Enterprises are main providers of consuming material. But at the same time, the consumption during producing is also a main cause of present ecology crisis. So enterprises should explore nature reasonably and protect ecological environment while fundamentally aiming at satisfying people’s existence and development and realizing people’s full-scale free development. The government is a special and important consuming subject, which is the example of consuming behavior. It not only is the institutor of consuming system and policy but also the leader of the consumption in the whole society. Problems with governors not only corrupt social atmosphere, but also make government itself face crisis of legitimacy. So government should control its consuming behavior from two aspects of governor and practice subject.Through harmonious consumption, rightful consumption, moderate consumption and enduring consumption, the practice of consumption justice will realize people’s value, dignity and development , bring about the harmony of human themselves, the harmony between humans, the harmony between human and nature, the harmony of human and society, and construct the“harmonious human”.

  • 【分类号】F014.5
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1166

