

【作者】 莫真宝

【导师】 左东岭;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 张溥被张岱称为“江南士林领袖”,他是晚明著名的社会活动家、政治活动家、学术活动家和文学活动家,是明朝天启、崇祯间引领学术与文学风气转变的重要人物。本文以文学思想史的研究方法为指导,以文学思想为中心视点,首次对其展开综合研究。主要内容如下:一、论述张溥的结社活动及其在晚明时文界的影响。详考张溥的结社活动与结社理论,探究张溥成为复社领袖的过程及根本原因。以张溥的时文编选,尤其是《国表》的编撰为中心,论述张溥及复社在晚明时文革新运动中的意义。二、论述张溥的参政意识、人格心态及其文学功能观。详考张溥的政治活动、“复社之狱”的具体内容及其对张溥人格心态的影响。在“三教合一”的晚明,张溥“尊圣贤,禁左道”,坚持儒家的立场,以事功与著述为其人格心态的主要内容,“复社之狱”促使其形成了明哲保身观念,但他始终并未放弃政治活动。这种强烈的现实情怀反映在文学思想上,就是大力弘扬文学的社会政治功能。三、论述张溥的学术活动与其文学思想之关系。从“读经者辑儒家、读史者辨世代、读古者通典实、读今者专本朝”等四个方面论述其学术思想的主要内容;从学兼四部的治学规划、急资世用的治学目的、述而后作的治学步骤、集体研究的治学方式等四个方面探讨其学术活动的特点,论述其与晚明群体治学风气的关系,并重点论述其经学观与宗经复古文学思想的内涵。四、论述张溥的文学批评观及其文学思想在创作实践中的表现。从作家与作品的关系,道德与事功,才、情、学以及穷而后工等四方面论述张溥对文学创作主体修养的批评;从务归经雅、豪气直上、本于自然等三个方面论述张溥雅正与遒丽并重的风格追求;从“文以世降”与“文章代变”两个角度,结合张溥对历代文学的批评论述其通变的文学史观。并结合其古文创作论述其文学复古思想的演变。本文认为:张溥以诗文的社会功能为其文学思想的核心,包括三个方面内容:宗经载道的教化功能,治国宜民的政治功能,发愤著书的抒情功能。其形成原因在于兴复古学的学术理念、强烈的参政意识及对明末以公安派、竟陵派为代表的疏离社会现实、注重表现内心幽怀的纤仄诗文风格的反驳。张溥鼓吹宗经与有用的文学思想,其缺憾在于忽略文学的艺术形式及审美特性,但张溥强调诗文要有充实的内容与劲健的风格,是有积极意义的。张溥的文学思想,标志着明代以形式主义与个性化为重心的文学潮流的式微,直接开启了清初的经世文风。

【Abstract】 Zhang Pu ,who was known as the“Shilin leader in the south of the Yangtze River”by Zhang Dai, was a famous social activist, politician, academic and literary organizer of late Ming Dynasty. He was one of the important figures leading academic and literary culture change from the time of Tianqi to Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty. Under the guidance of the research method of literature thinking, the thesis puts literature thinking into focus and gives a thorough analysis on this subject for the first time, as follows:First, the paper talks with the organization of the learned society by Zhang Pu and the impact on literature in late Ming Dynasty and then give a deeper analysis on association theory and the main causes of Zhang Pu as the learned society leader . Next, it elaborates the significance of the new campaign during late Ming Dynasty Cultural Revolution , centered on compiling the text, in particular the compilation of“National List”.Second, the thesis analyzes the causes and attitude of Zhang Pu’s political participation, personality function of literature through detailed examination of political activity,“the close of learned society”on the specific content and the impact of ZhangPu’s personality psychology. In spite of“Combination of three religions”of the late Ming Dynasty, ZhangPu respected saints, banned the heretical and insisted on the position of Confucianism, Utilitarianism and wrote for the mind of the main character. In spite of“forbidden of the Society of Classical Learning Restoration”to the formation of the playing safe concept, he has not stopped political activities. Such strong sentiments were reflected in the reality of ideological literature, the literature vigorously promoted social and political functions.The third, the paper discusses the relationship between Zhang Pu’s literature thoughts and the academic activities. Its academic thinking includes four aspects: the person who read about Confucian classics supported Confucians; the person who studied history could tell wrong from right; the person who learned something about the past could see something through in the past; the person who studied something about nowadays could see the reality of the society. And its academic ideas includes four aspects: encyclopedic scholarship plan, practical purpose of learning, learning step from inherit to innovation and collectively scholarship form .By analysing the relationship between Zhang Pu’s academic characteristics of its academic activities, on the Late Ming groups with the academic atmosphere, the study focuses on the concept and its literature in the ideological connotations back to the ancients.The fourth, the view of literary criticism and literary creative thinking in the practice of performance are explored in the thesis. And then it discusses Zhang Pu’s main accomplishment of the literature criticism from the relationship between writers and works, moral and merits, learning, as well as the details. He pursuits a mixed-style from the aspect of talent, feeling, learning as well as intelligence, the angle of“text to drop the World”and "The article generation change”, with criticism of the previous literature on the change-of literary history. And he talks about its classical Chinese literature“back-to ancients”creative thinking.The basic viewpoints in this paper are as follows: the core of Zhang Pu’s literary concepts is the social function of poetry, including the following three aspects: correctional functions, political functions and lyric functions. The reason is that its form of retro-academic philosophy, a strong sense of political participation and retort to the style of poems and essays alienated social reality, which representatives by Gong’an School and Jingling School. Zhang Pu advocated in the literature with useful ideas. Its deficiency was the neglect on literary art forms and aesthetic characteristics, but Zhang Pu stressed that poems should have luxuriant content and bright style, on which has a positive meaning. Zhang Pu’s literary ideas mark the Ming Dynasty to formalism and personality into the focus of literary trend of the decline of the Qing Dynasty and the direct opening of the world writing style in the beginning of Qing Dynasty.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】464

