

【作者】 金贤淑

【导师】 吴山明; 任道斌; 刘国辉; 卓鹤君;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 中国画创作实践与理论研究, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 中韩两国同处世界的东方,同为黄色人种,古代两国山水相连,唇齿相依,文化友好交流相当密切。隋唐时代中国人物画色彩观对当时朝鲜有大的影响。后来随着时代的变迁、环境的变化,到了韩国的朝鲜时代,形成了具有韩国民族特色的审美观。本文在分析中韩古代相似的东方色彩观后,对中国隋唐时代设色人物画的表现内容与特点,以及代表画家、重要作品,包括佛窟、墓室壁画进行考察;接着又对韩国朝鲜时代的设色人物画,包括风俗画、民画、壁画的代表画家与重要作品进行研究,寻求二者的时代特征。最后本文对中国隋唐时代与韩国朝鲜时代设色人物画的风格样式与内容进行比较。指出在共同的东方五个色思想影响下,隋唐时代的设色人物画大多表现了皇室与贵族的活动,宣扬了他们的统治地位、奢华生活和宗教思想,有一种维护五色尊严秩序的意趣,讲求金碧辉煌的华丽色彩,场面壮丽宏大,人物繁多,象征了大唐时代绚烂的文化与昌盛的社会。而朝鲜时代在中国明清文人画风的影响下,设色人物画以民画、风俗画、士大夫画居多,除皇室与官方的肖像画注重细密工丽外,大致以白色和淡雅为宗,富有弘扬五色变化自由的韵致,返朴归真,讲求民间的生活情调与乐天的幽默感,场面简洁活泼,生趣盎然,反映了朝鲜时代文化的自由与和谐的社会。

【Abstract】 Both China and South Korea are eastern countries and both Chinese and South Korean people are yellow people. In the history, the two countries shared a border and interdependent with each other. Cultural exchanges were quite frequent between the two countries. The colored figure paintings in the Sui and Tang dynasties in China imposed great influences to South Korea at that time. With time passing and environment changing, a South Korean aesthetic taste was formed in the Korean Age in South Korea.After analyzing the similar color taste in ancient China and South Korea, the article studies the contents and characters of colored figure paintings in the Sui and Tang dynasties in China and symbolic painters and major artworks, including Buddha niches and frescos in tombs. Then, the article researches the colored figure paintings in the Korean Age of South Korea, including symbolic painters and important artworks of genre paintings, folk paintings and frescos to seek the characters of the colored figure paintings in the two countries of the times.In the end, the article compares the style and contents of colored figure paintings in the Sui and Tang dynasties in China and the Korean Age in South Korea. It points out that influenced by the five color idea in the East, the colored figure paintings in the Sui and Tang dynasties mostly presented the activities of imperial families and aristocrats, advocated their political status, luxury life and religious thinking. These paintings showed the conception of maintaining the honor of the five colors and highlighted the shining colors. The scenes were splendid and grand. The paintings contained a large number of figures. They represented the colorful culture and prosperous society of the Tang Dynasty. Influenced by the scholar painting style in the Ming and Qing dynasties of China, the colored figures paintings in the Korean Age were mostly folk paintings, genre paintings and paintings of scholar-officials. Except that portraits of imperial families and the government emphasized painstaking work, accuracy and magnificence, most paintings were in white and black or in light colors. They showed a natural charm advocating the changes of the five colors. They were natural and simple, highlighting folk life style and optimistic humor. The scenes were simple and vivid, full of life taste, indicating the freedom of culture and harmonious society in the Korean Age under Lee’s reign.

  • 【分类号】J212
  • 【下载频次】596

