

Research on Evaluation Models of the Robustness of Enterprise Business Ecosystem

【作者】 杜国柱

【导师】 舒华英;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 当今企业生存在一个构成复杂、形势快变的社会经济环境中,企业之间的竞争关系正在转变为商业生态系统之间的竞争。构建高健壮性的商业生态系统不仅对企业提高生存能力有重要的作用,对于提高我国企业的集团竞争能力和国际竞争力也有重要的现实意义。本文从理论分析入手,首先对商业生态系统现有理论进行了综述,对商业生态系统的概念和构成进行了全面梳理,为深入开展商业生态系统健壮性研究奠定了理论基础。在此基础上,深入分析了商业生态系统健壮性内涵及其与系统构成、其他特性之间的关系,进而提出了商业生态系统健壮性评估的方法、程序和模型。最后,利用健壮性评估模型对有线电视网络公司的商业生态系统进行了模拟研究。本文系统、清晰地提出了商业生态系统概念和构成;比较了商业生态系统与自然生态系统的异同;利用比较法、因素分析法、解释结构模型对商业生态系统健壮性的产生机理和影响因素进行了研究,并以此为依据对企业健壮性评估指标体系做了全面的设计。同时,本文引入信息系统风险评估的思路和方法,提出了商业生态系统评估的要素模型以及评估程序,即Fuzzy-AHP综合评估模型,该模型利用专家咨询法、层次分析法确定指标的权重,并利用模糊评判法确定商业生态系统健壮性分值,供企业定量检查其商业生态系统健壮性的变化情况,为健壮性预警提供基础分析数据。此模型可用于跨行业企业间的比较评估和企业不同时期健壮性的比较评估。本文通过对商业生态系统现有理论的综述研究,提出了企业商业生态系统健壮性的概念和有关研究,不应脱离所关注的某一特定企业,否则商业生态系统的边界无法确定,商业生态系统的健壮性也失去了针对性。另一方面,对于具体某一企业来说,它可能在商业生态系统中占据某一个生态位。但不论是统治者、关键种(?),还是投机者,其企业商业生态系统的健壮性即决定于整个商业生态系统的健壮性,并且与企业自身具有重要关系。如果企业自身不健康,即使处在一个较好的生态环境中,其生态系统健壮性仍不能保证企业自身的健康发展。本文通过对商业生态系统健壮性形成机理的分析,提出了商业生态系统健壮性形成的逻辑模型,认为商业生态系统健壮性由被考察企业实力、商业生态系统结构稳定性、商业生态系统核心竞争力、商业生态系统应急处理能力三方面所决定;并在此基础上给出了商业生态系统健壮性的评估要素模型和评估程序。本文通过对商业生态系统健壮性影响因素分析,从被考察企业核心竞争力、被考察企业创新能力、商业生态系统中生态位多样性、商业生态系统约束力等12个方面提出了商业生态系统健壮性评价指标体系。本文根据商业生态系统健壮性评估工作的特点,提出了商业生态系统健壮性评估模型,并对中广有线、北京歌华有线等4家有线电视网络公司的商业生态系统健壮性进行了评估研究,为模型提供了很好的例证。最后,本文根据对有线电视网络公司商业生态系统健壮性评估结果,提出了商业生态系统健壮性构建战略。本论文采用理论与实践相结合的方法,将国内外先进的思路理念和模型工具应用于商业生态系统评估实际,并且在实践中创新,为我国有线电视网络公司的分析评价工作提供了参考。本论文的研究成果,将对国内有线电视网络公司构建高健壮性的商业生态系统有所借鉴,并能以此增强其运营能力和市场竞争力,促进有线电视网络公司产业化程度的进一步提高。同时,本文所提出的健壮性评估模型具有较强的适用性,可作为各类企业评估其商业生态系统健壮性的参考依据。

【Abstract】 The competition among enterprises is transformed into that among the enterprises’ business ecosystems, in the complicated and changing social-economic environment. To build up a highly robust business ecosystem is important not only for a certain enterprise to increase its survival ability, but also for all Chinese enterprises as a group to improve their international competitiveness.This thesis starts with the theoretic analysis. At beginning, it has a literature review about the existing theories about business ecosystem and some summary of the concepts in and the structures of the business ecosystem, in order to establish the foundation for the deep analysis about the concepts and connotations of business ecosystem robustness. Then it has some further study on the relationship between the business ecosystem robustness, the system constitution, and the other characteristics. After that, the thesis raises the methods, procedures, and model to evaluate the business ecosystem robustness. Finally, the model is used to diagnose the business ecosystem of the Cable TV network company.The thesis brings forwards some systematic and clear concepts and constitution of the business ecosystem, and systematically compares the business ecosystem with the natural ecosystem. It uses comparison method, factor analysis, and exploratory construct model to study the generation mechanism and influencing factors of the business ecosystem robustness, and has a comprehensive design on the enterprise robustness evaluation index system, based on the study result.The thesis introduces the ideas and methods for information system risk evaluation, and generates the element model and evaluation procedure for the business ecosystem evaluation. The Fuzzy-AHP integrative evaluation model for the business ecosystem robustness is raised. It uses Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process to determine the weight of the index, and use fuzzy judgment method to decide the value of the business ecosystem robustness, so it can quantitatively examine the variety of the enterprise’s business ecosystem robustness, and provides some basic data for the robustness pre-warning. This model can be used to compare the ecosystem robustness across the industries and evaluate the ecosystem robustness of one certain enterprise at a particular time.Through the comprehensive study on the existing theories of the business ecosystem, the thesis concludes that the concept of the enterprise’s business ecosystem robustness must be related to the certain enterprise, because a particular enterprise shall have a definite ecological niche, no matter as a dominator, a key player, or a speculator. The robustness is determined by both the robustness of the whole business ecosystem and the enterprise’s specific status. If the enterprise is not at a health or robust status, even a good ecologic environment can not guarantee the sound development of the enterprise.By the analysis on the forming mechanism of the business ecosystem robustness, the thesis builds up a logic model forming the business ecosystem robustness. The model indicates that the business ecosystem robustness is determined by the strength of the investigated enterprise, the stability of the business ecosystem structure, the core competitiveness of the business ecosystem and the ecosystem’s capability of dealing with the emergence. Afterward, the thesis brings forward the business ecosystem robustness evaluation index model and the evaluation procedure.After analyzing the determining factors of the business ecosystem robustness, the thesis establishes the business ecosystem robustness evaluation index system based on the twelve aspects, including investigated enterprise’s core competitiveness, its creativeness, ecologic diversification of the business ecosystem, and business ecosystem’s controlling force, etc.Based on the specific characteristics of the business ecosystem robustness evaluation, the thesis confirms the effectiveness of the evaluation model by applying it in the practice of evaluating the business ecosystem of the Cable TV network company.Finally, the thesis provides some strategic solution for the Cable TV networkcompany to construct a robust business ecosystem, according to the evaluationresult.By applying the advanced theories and models abroad to the business ecosystemevaluation in the real world, the thesis combines the theories with the practices, gets some innovation, and provides some theoretical and practical guidance to the evaluation of the Cable TV network companies in China. The study can facilitate these companies to construct their robust business ecosystems, improve their operational capability and market competitiveness, and promote the industrialization degree of the Cable TV network companies further. Moreover, the evaluation model raised in this thesis has good generalizability, so it can be helpful for evaluating the business ecosystem robustness of the other kinds of enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F272;F224
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1385
  • 攻读期成果

