

Research on the Wood-based Panel Standard System of China

【作者】 彭立民

【导师】 傅峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 木基复合材料科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 标准体系是指与实现某一特定的标准化目的有关的标准,按其内在联系形成的科学的有机整体。人造板标准体系是指人造板标准按照内在联系而形成的有机整体。人造板标准体系的建立对于指导和规范人造板生产、流通和加工,满足国内外贸易需要,推动企业标准化建设,改善企业管理和提高产品质量具有重要意义。本论文在分析我国人造板标准的现状和存在问题的基础上,借鉴相关国际组织及发达国家标准体系的特点和经验,遵照标准化及标准体系构建的基本原理,结合国际通行的人造板安全、环保和节能标准情况,在现有标准的基础上提出我国人造板标准体系,并提出标准体系实施的政策建议。根据研究得出如下结论:1)我国已累计完成人造板方面标准113项,基本涵盖了人造板工业的各个领域,人造板标准可以划分为产品标准、性能标准和基础标准三类;我国的人造板标准在采标、标龄、基础研究及加强安全、环保节能方面需要进行提高。2)方法标准是其它标准的基础和保障,我国应加强对方法标准的制定和研究。3)加强对我国人造板安全、环保标准的制定,不但对我国人民的人身安全和身体健康起到保证作用,也能加强我国人造板产品在国际贸易上的竞争;加强节能标准的制定可以有效减缓我国现阶段的能源紧缺状况。4)人造板三维标准体系图是根据魏尔曼三维空间标准原理,在广泛比较的基础上,采用了专业门类、过程标准和标准层次构成了三维结构,在每一维结构中又增加小门类,伸延了结构的空间,大大地扩展了人造板标准的存贮容量,为人造板标准的未来发展留下了广阔的空间。X轴-专业门类标准反映了人造板行业的主要对象、作用与目标,体现了人造板行业的特色,可以分为产品标准、基础标准和性能标准三大类;Y轴-过程标准轴为实现上述品种类别的目标,所采取的生产过程,是将全过程各个关键环节和方面进行划分和归类;Z轴-层次标准层次轴上,根据标准应用的不同范围,纵向分为基本标准、复合标准、专用标准三个层次有效降低了标准层次的复杂性。通过本标准体系的建立和实施,可以做到所有人造板产品及其每个加工过程都有标可依,从而提高产品的质量及安全水平;本标准体系通过对比研究国内外人造板产品标准体系的结构、组成、标准内容、特点和水平,提出了我国人造板产品标准体系框架,该标准体系可以更加合理地和国际人造板标准接轨;同时,该标准体系的构建可以为我国人造板产品标准的制修订提供研究基础,为人造板产品标准化管理提供决策依据,使标准制修订工作更具全局性、前瞻性和主动性;另外,该标准体系的构建对于加强国际贸易、突破发达国家技术壁垒都具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Standard system is a scientific organic whole according to their intrinsic link to formation for achieve a specific objective of the standardization of the relevant standards; Wood-based panel standard system is wood-based panel an organic whole in accordance with internal relations of the standards. Establishment of wood-based panel standard system is of great significance for guiding and regulating the wood-based panel production, circulation and processing, and aslo meet the needs of domestic and foreign trade, encouraging enterprises to standardize the construction, improving enterprise management and product quality.This paper is on the basis of the analysis of the status and of the existing problems of wood-based panel standards, using for reference of characteristics and experience of relevant international organizations and developed countries standard system, and in accordance with the basic principles of standardization and basic principles for building standard system, combining the situation of international safety, environmental protection and energy conservation wood based panel standards, putting forward Chinese wood-based panel standard system on the basis of the existing standards, and policy recommendations for the implementation of standard system were proposed. According to research the following conclusions were reached:1) China has a total of 113 wood-based panles in the standard, covering the fields of wood-based panel industry, the standards can be divided into product standard, performance standard and basic standard; Something need to be improve of wood-based panes standards in adopting standard, standard age, basic research and enhancing security, environmental protection and energy conservation needs.2) The method standard is the basis and also is the ensuring of other standards, the establishment and research of methods standard should be step up.3) Strengthening the establishment of security standard, environmental standards can not only guarantee on China’s people’s personal safety and health, but also to strengthen the competition of Chinese wood-based panel products in international trade; strengthening the seting up of energy-saving standards can be effective at this stage of shortage situation of Chinese energy.4) Panel standard three-dimensional system map is three-dimensional structure which is constituted by adopting the professional category, process standards and standard level based on the three-dimensional standard space of WeierMan standard principles and on the basis of wide comparison, and the small classes is added to the in every dimension structure, so the structure of space extension is expended and the storage capacity of the panel standards standard system also is the expanded greatly, the broad space is keep for the development of wood based panels. X-axis - the professional category standards reflects the the main targets, role and objectives of wood-based panel industry, emboding the characteristics of wood-based panel industry, the standards can be divided into product standards, based standards and performance standards; Y-axis - process standards is production process for the realization of the above variety types of goals, and also is divided and classified to each key tache and aspect in the entire process; Z-axis–in level standard axis, the standards are divided by different area to basic standards, the composite standards and special standard in vertical, thus the standard level of complexity is reduced effectively.All wood-based panels production and each process are standard-based through the establishment and implementation of this system, thereby the quality and safety standards can be enhanced. The standard system bring forward the framework of Chinese wood-based panel standard system by comparative study of domestic and international product standards’structure, composition, content standards, characteristics and level of research, so the standard system can be to according with the international panel standards more reasonably; At the same time, the standard system can support research basement for the revised of Chinese Standard, to provide basis for management of standardization of product, more global, perspective and initiative for the standard making and revised; there are of great significance.to establishing standards system for the strengthening international trade, breakthroughs developed technical barriers.


