

The Structure and Property of Wooden Flooring in Gymnasium

【作者】 王宏棣

【导师】 王金林;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 木材科学与技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 体育馆用木质地板(简称:体育木地板)是一种具有独特的运动功能、保护功能和技术功能,符合生物力学特性的专用地面工程复合材料,是体育馆设施的重要组成部分。但是,国内外体育木地板的研究起步较晚、基础薄弱,对于体育木地板结构、材料、制造技术、产品性能等方面缺乏系统的研究,特别是运动生化指标与体育木地板结构相关性等研究尚未见报导。因此,在中国竞技体育和体育馆建设高速发展的情况下,开展体育木地板的结构与性能研究具有非常重要的理论意义和实用价值。本论文采用的三种结构形式分别为由面层地板、毛地板层和双龙骨层等材料组合的双层结构(结构Ⅰ)、由面层地板、毛地板层和龙骨层等材料组合的单层结构(结构Ⅱ)及由面层地板和毛地板层组合的无龙骨结构(结构Ⅲ)。本文在系统分析体育木地板国内外现状和发展趋势的基础上,按用途、结构和材料对体育木地板进行了分类,对国内外现有的体育木地板主要结构进行分析对比,以三种典型结构和新型材料为研究对象,针对体育木地板特有的三大功能及六项性能指标,重点研究了体育木地板结构与性能,探讨了表面防滑性能与表面粗糙度、涂料种类和涂层厚度之间的关系;以正交试验设计及回归分析、方差分析等方法,对三种单元结构特别是高等级竞赛用双层结构(结构Ⅰ)体育木地板的结构性能进行系统研究,以主持制定的GB/T20239-2006《体育馆用木质地板》对整体结构的体育木地板进行研究与验证;并研究了体育木地板整体结构尺寸稳定性;采用自行设计运动生化指标试验方法对体育木地板结构与运动生化指标的关系开展了研究。主要研究成果:(1)体育木地板表面性能主要评价指标是滑动摩擦系数S_p,在砂纸目数、涂料种类和涂层厚度的影响因素中,砂纸目数的影响最大的,涂料种类次之。砂纸目数与素板表面粗糙度( R_a、R_z)成负相关,表面粗糙度( R_a、R_z)与S_p成正相关。(2)采用日本联合涂料、120目砂带和涂层厚度240μm或UV漆、240目砂带和涂层厚度140μm时,体育木地板的S_p符合体育木地板国家标准性能指标中关于S_p的要求。(3)体育木地板的结构形式对整体结构性能有重要影响,采用冲击吸收率Fr、标准垂直变形V_d和球的反弹率B_r性能指标评价三种体育木地板单元结构的性能,其性能优劣的综合排序:结构Ⅰ>结构Ⅱ>结构Ⅲ。(4)双层龙骨结构(结构Ⅰ)的体育木地板,分别建立了龙骨的截面尺寸和间距与F_r、V_d、B_r性能指标之间的回归方程。龙骨间距对F_r、龙骨厚度与龙骨间距的交互作用对Vd的影响均在0.01水平上显著;龙骨间距是B_r的主要影响因素。(5)当龙骨的间距500mm×500mm、截面尺寸50mm×30mm时F_r最大;龙骨间距500mm×500mm,龙骨截面尺寸分别为50mm×50mm和70mm×30mm时的V_d值较高;龙骨间距300mm×300mm、截面尺寸50mm×30mm时B_r最大。对结构Ⅰ的F_r、V_d和B_r性能指标综合分析表明,间距500mm×500mm、截面尺寸50mm×30mm为最优龙骨设计参数。(6)采用相同材料和结构的体育木地板,整体结构性能优于单元结构,双层结构的综合性能指标优于单层结构和无龙骨结构。采用胶合板为毛地板、双层龙骨(LVL)的结构实木复合体育木地板,按照GB/T20239-2006和DIN18032.2-2001,对不同整体结构和结构层材料的体育木地板性能研究和验证: F_r为55.5%、V_d为2.36mm、B_r为93.9%,其结构性能均超过国家标准中规定的竞赛用体育木地板要求;单层结构的F_r为51.8%、V_d为1.57mm、B_r为95.4%。(7)对三种结构体育木地板在设定的三种温湿度条件下分别进行连续8周试验,其中温度为20℃、相对温度为75%的条件下体育木地板尺寸变化率和翘曲度最小,结构稳定性最优。(8)三种结构的尺寸变化率和翘曲度的综合比较:结构Ⅰ<结构Ⅱ<结构Ⅲ,结构Ⅰ具有非常优良的结构尺寸稳定性。三种结构在设定的环境温湿度条件下的连续试验,其翘曲变形的变化规律,结构Ⅰ、结构Ⅱ和结构Ⅲ分别从第4周、第6周和第7周开始趋于稳定。(9)体育木地板的运动生化指标以血乳酸BLA、肌电图EMG表征。体育木地板的结构对运动员BLA生化指标变化有显著的影响,BLA值随着运动时间的延长和强度的增加而增大。结构Ⅰ的BLA生化指标较结构Ⅱ和结构Ⅲ低,且增长率较为平缓。(10)体育木地板结构不同,运动员的肌电EMG生化指标(腓肠肌外侧头收缩时间、腓肠肌外侧头积分肌电IEMG、腓肠肌外侧头中位频率MF和平均功率频率MPF)差异显著。结构Ⅰ的腓肠肌外侧头收缩时间最短,即运动员完成相同的跨越运动所需时间短;运动员的腓肠肌外侧头的IEMG值始终低于结构Ⅱ和结构Ⅲ;结构Ⅰ腓肠肌外侧头MF和MPF低于结构Ⅱ和结构Ⅲ,即在相同的运动负荷情况下,结构Ⅰ上运动相对于结构Ⅱ和结构Ⅲ负荷小。本论文创新点:(1)在国内首次系统地开展了体育木地板的结构,表面性能、结构性能和结构尺寸稳定性的研究,提出了体育木地板的性能指标和测试方法。(2)利用具有国际先进水平的测试仪器和设备研究了体育木地板的S_p、F_r、V_d和B_r等性能指标,建立了体育木地板结构与性能指标间的数学模型。(3)在国内外首次将BLA和EMG运动生化指标引入体育木地板的性能研究,设计了运动生化指标和体育木地板结构性能关系的研究方法,提出了体育木地板结构与运动员生化指标的相关性。(4)首次将LVL等新型的复合材料用于体育木地板的结构设计,提高了体育木地板的结构性能,为新型木质复合材料在体育木地板的应用提供了依据,扩大了体育木地板结构用材料的来源。

【Abstract】 Wooden flooring in gymnasium(WFG),which has particular reqirements on sports-function and protective-function as well as technical-function, is an engineered flooring composite conforming to biomechanics. It is an important component parts of gymnasium facility. However, research on WFG started late and related basic work was less accumulated in the world. The systematic study on structure, material, manufacturing technology, products property of WFG, on the correlation between sports biochemistry index and wooden flrooring structure were rarely reported. Therfore, with rapidly developing situation of Chinese sports and gymnasium buildings, structure and property research on WFG is great worth of theoretical and practical significance in China.Three kinds of structure form are adopted in this thesis.There respectively are double-layer structure made of surface layer floor、carcass flooring layer and double keel layer etc. material (structureⅠ), monolayer structure made of surface layer floor、carcass flooring layer and keel layer etc. material (structureⅡ) and no-keel structure made of surface layer floor and carcass flooring (structureⅢ).On the basic of systemic analysis on developing status and trend in domestic and abroad, WFG was sorted by purpose, structure and material in the study. Through analyzing WFG structure comparing with mainly relative products in the world, three typical strutures and a new material were selected as the investigated objects in the study. Aming at particular three functions and six property indexes of WFG, structures and performances were studied. The correlation between prevention of slipperiness and surface roughness was conducted; meanwhile correlation between coating types and thickness was also investigated. Based on orthogonal experiment, regression analysis and analysis of variance methods, the structural performance of three patterns of modular construction including double layers WFG for high-class events( PatternⅠ) were studied, and entired flooring construction of WFG was investigated and verified according to the standard of Wooden Flooring in Gymnasium(GB/T20239-2006). Dimension stability of entire construction of WFG was also studied. The correlation between structure of WFG and sports biochemistry index was investigated in accordance with the testing method designed by users.The main research achievements:(1) The important index for evaluating WFG surface property was sliding coefficient(Sp).Through comparing with three factors including grit number, types of coating and coating thickness, it can be found that grid number had maximal effect on the surface property, and types of coating taken the secend place. The negative correlation existed between grid number and surface roughness( R_a、R_z), as well as positive correlation between R_a、R_z and Sp.(2) The Sp of WFG, whether applied by Japan unite coating, grit-120 abrasive belt and 240μmcoating thickness or UV_painting, grit-240 abrasive belt and 140μmcoating thickness, can meet reqiurement of Wooden Flooring in Gymnasium(GB/T20239-2006).(3) The structural patterns of WFG had great influence on entired flooring construction. The force reduction( F_r ), vertical deformation( V_d)and ball rebound( B_r)indexes were adopted to evaluate performance of three patterns of WFG modular construction. The sequence of performance from good, better to best level was PatternⅢ, PatternⅡ, PatternⅠ, respectively.(4) For the double-layer load distribution strip of WFG ( PatternⅠ), regression equation were set up between cross section area and span of load distribution strip as well as property indexes of F_r、V_d、B_r.The interaction between span of load distribution strip and F_r , thickness and span of load distribution strip can be found significantly influence at 0.01 level by regression analysis. The span of load distribution strip was a major influencing factor to B_r.(5) F_r value was maximum under 500mm×500mm of X-Y span of load distribution strip and 50 mm×30 mm of cross section area. V_dvalue was maximum under 500mm×500mm of X-Y span of load distribution strip and 50mm×50mm or 70mm×30mm of cross section area. B_r value was maximum under 300mm×300mm of X-Y span of load distribution strip and 50mm×30mm of cross section area. The comprehensive analysis on performance index of F_r , V_dand B_r showed that optimized designing parameters were 500mm×500mm of X-Y span of load distribution strip and 50mm×3mm of cross section area.(6) Under the same material and structure of WFG, performance of entire construction was better than modular construction, and integrated performance of double-layer had advantage over single layer and non load distribution strip structure. WFG which was composed of load distribution panel with plywood and double-layer load distribution strip with LVL was investigated and verified according to standard of GB/T20239-2006 and DIN18032.2-2001. The result showed that F_r , V_d and B_r value was 55.5%, 2.36mm and 93.9%,respectively. The structural performance exceeded requirement of Chinese national standard for WFG. F_r , V_d and B_r value of WFG which was composed of single layer structure was 51.8%, 1.57mm and 95.4%, respectively.(7) The dimension stability of three typical patterns of WFG was tested for 8 weeks under three grades of temperature and humidity condition. The result showed that dimension changing and warping rate of WFG was minimum under 20℃and 75%RH condition , and structural stability was excellent.(8) A comparison between dimension changing and warping rate of three typical patterns of WFG, PatternⅠwas minimum, PatternⅢwas maximun and PatternⅡwas between them. PatternⅠhad excellent dimension stability. Three typical patterns were continually tested under selected temperature and humidity condition, warping changing rules showed stabilizing phenomena of PatternⅠ, PatternⅡand PatternⅢhappened after fourth week, sixth week and seventh week, respectively.(9) WFG sports biochemistry index was generally represented by blood lactate(BLA)and electromyogram (EMG). The structure of WFG had a significant effect on sports biochemistry index changing for sportsmen, BLA value increased with sport time prolonging and intensity increasing. The BLA value of PatternⅠwas less than PatternⅡand PatternⅢ, and also had lower rate of increase in three of them.(10) Different structure of WFG resulted in obvious difference on electromyogram (EMG) of biochemistry index for sportsmen, which including shrinking time, integral electromyogram (IEMG), mid-frequency(MF) and average power-frequency(MPF) of lateral head of gastrocnemius. Shrinking time of lateral head of gastrocnemius for PatternⅠwas shortest showing sportsmen need shorter time to do same jump action. IEMG of lateral head of gastrocnemius of PatternⅠw as always lower than that of PatternⅡand PatternⅢ,and mid-frequency(MF) and average power-frequency(MPF) of PatternⅠwas also lower than that of PatternⅡand PatternⅢ,namely indicated that sports burden on PatternⅠWFG was more gentle than PatternⅡand PatternⅢunder same sports burden.The innovating points in the paper:(1) WFG, which included assembled pattern, surface property, structure performance and dimension stability, were investigated for the first time in China. Performance index and testing methods were also put forward in the paper.(2) The advanced instrument and equipment were used for studying WFG on S_p、F_r、V_dand B_rindex, and mathematics model of correlation between WFG structure and performance was set up in the paper.(3) The BLA and EMG biochemistry index was firstly inducted into WFG research field in the world. The method was developed for revealing correlation between sports biochemistry index and structure of WFG, and correlativity between both was represented.(4) The structural design of WFG was firstly used by LVL material which improved phsical and mechanical performance. It provided scitific data supporting for new materials applied in making WFG, and also extended material sources for WFG purpose.


