

Studies on Biology of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Halyomorpha Halys (St(?)l) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), an Important Pest for Pome Trees in China and Its Biological Control

【作者】 仇兰芬

【导师】 杨忠岐;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林保护学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 茶翅蝽(Halyomorpha halys (St?l))又称梨蝽象,属半翅目(Hemiptera),蝽科(Pentatomidae),是我国北方梨、苹果等果园中的重要害虫,其成虫、若虫均可叮食危害,主要危害梨果类果树的果实,造成果实畸形,严重影响果实的品质和质量。除危害梨、桃、苹果、樱桃等果树外,还危害泡桐、桑、国槐、榆等多种园林绿化树种。该害虫在国内外分布较广,尤其是在我国北方地区如北京、河北、山东、河南等地的广大梨园危害较重,给果品生产造成很大损失。近年来,该害虫传入美国,成为果树和大豆的重要害虫。目前对于茶翅蝽的研究主要是发生、危害及化学防治等方面。由于茶翅蝽迁移性强、寄主多、越冬场所多样,因此,常规的化学防治效果差,所造成果品的农药残留影响人们的身体健康。为了有效地、无污染地控制其危害,作者在北京地区对茶翅蝽的生物学及生物防治进行了研究,主要结果和结论如下:(1)深入研究了茶翅蝽的生物学特性,表明该虫1年发生2代,以成虫越冬。3月下旬开始出蛰活动,5月上旬开始交尾。越冬代产卵盛期在5月下旬~6月中旬,第2代产卵盛期在7月中~8月上旬。8月下旬成虫开始寻找场所越冬,10月中旬大多进入越冬状态。每头雌虫一生最多产卵4块,最少产卵1块;最多产卵82粒,最少产卵12粒;大部分卵块的卵粒数比较固定,80%以上的卵块每块的卵粒为28个。(2)调查发现茶翅蝽卵期、成虫期天敌共有9种,6种为寄生性,3种为捕食性。其中卵期天敌有7种,寄生蜂有6种:茶翅蝽沟卵蜂(Trissolcus halyomorphae Yang)(新种)(膜翅目Hymenoptera:黑卵蜂科Scelionidae)、沟卵蜂(Trissolcus sp.)、角槽黑卵蜂(Telenomus sp.)、蝽卵金小蜂(Acroclisoides sp.)、平腹小蜂(Anastatus sp.)、蝽卵跳小蜂(Ooencyrtus sp.),捕食性天敌1种:小花蝽(Orius sp.)(半翅目Hemiptera:花蝽科Anthocoridae)。若虫、成虫期天敌2种:蠋蝽(Arma chinensis (Fallou))(半翅目:蝽科)、三突花蛛(Misumena tricuspidata(Fabricius))(蜘蛛目Araneida:蟹蛛科Thomisidae)。优势天敌是茶翅蝽沟卵蜂,茶翅蝽卵中的自然寄生率为20~70%,平均为50%。(3)重点研究了茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的生物学特性,发现该蜂在北京地区1年可发生10多代,以成蜂越冬。4月份开始活动。雄蜂先行羽化,1粒寄生卵内出蜂1头,刚羽化的雌蜂即可交配、产卵寄生,每雌平均怀卵量为40.6粒。具孤雌生殖现象,未交尾雌蜂行产雄孤雌生殖。成蜂雌雄性比(♀:♂)为5.45:1。不同日龄的寄主卵均能被雌蜂寄生,但寄生成功率不同,越新鲜的寄主卵越有利于寄生成功。该蜂的发育历期、寿命与温度密切相关。经测试,30℃时发育历期最短为7.3±0.17 d。全代发育起点温度和有效积温分别为12.2℃和132.5日度。在25℃下,完成1代的发育历期为10.5±0.06 d,据此推算,该蜂全年可发生10多代。茶翅蝽1年发生2代,而该种寄生蜂1年可以发生10多代,种群数量大是其控制茶翅蝽数量的最主要优点。室温下补充20%的蜂蜜水的雌蜂平均寿命为43.93±2.72 d,雄蜂平均寿命为33.29±2.52 d,明显比没有补充营养的长。茶翅蝽沟卵蜂成虫在林间有两个发生高峰期,分别在6月中下旬和7月下旬~8月上旬。(4)在室温25℃±1℃下,研究了茶翅蝽卵期的两种主要寄生蜂—茶翅蝽沟卵蜂和平腹小蜂对寄主卵的竞争行为。发现这两种卵期天敌均能寄生已被另一种蜂所寄生的卵。若寄主卵首先被沟卵蜂寄生,并发育0~4 d后若再供平腹小蜂寄生,最后育出的绝大多数为平腹小蜂(占97.43%);若寄主首先被沟卵蜂寄生,并发育6 d以后的寄生卵,后来被平腹小蜂寄生,则最后出蜂多为沟卵蜂(占92.31%)。若寄主卵首先被平腹小蜂寄生, 0~1 d供沟卵蜂寄生时,出蜂以沟卵蜂为主;发育2 d以上再供沟卵蜂寄生,出蜂多为平腹小蜂。说明这两种天敌之间存在着较为激烈的种间竞争现象。(5)研究发现茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的卵期、幼虫期均不耐低温,蛹期在11℃下可以进行短期的冷藏。成蜂耐低温,但雌雄性对低温的耐受性不同,同一温度下贮存相同时间,雌蜂的存活率要比雄蜂高的多。经过测试,11℃是适宜冷藏的温度,雌蜂的存活率在第19周仍可达到90%;雄蜂的存活率在第7周降到50%以下,第10周全部死亡。在7℃下雌蜂存贮到第17周,存活率也能达到50%以上;而雄蜂的存活率在第4周即降到50%以下,第8周全部死亡。在4℃下雌蜂存活率到第3周降到50%以下,第5周全部死亡,雄蜂的寿命不超过3周。茶翅蝽沟卵蜂寄生茶翅蝽卵的数量随茶翅蝽卵密度的增加而增加,而当茶翅蝽卵的数量增加到一定水平时,沟卵蜂寄生量趋向稳定,其曲线符合Holling功能反应II型,模型方程为:Na= N/(0.6485+0.01343×N),理论最大寄生量为74.45粒。(6)室内试验发现,茶翅蝽沟卵蜂可寄生麻皮蝽(Erthesina fullo Thunberg)、菜蝽(Eurydema dominulus(Scopoli))、珀蝽(Plautia crossota(Dallas))、斑须蝽(Dolycoris baccarum (Linnaeus))和蠋蝽卵,这几种蝽象卵均能满足茶翅蝽沟卵蜂生长发育的营养需要,正常羽化出蜂,而菜蝽和珀蝽卵比其它几种蝽象更适合茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的繁殖。这些蝽象卵均可作为繁育沟卵蜂的寄主。(7)研究了人工繁殖茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的替代寄主,用茶翅蝽卵的丙酮浸提液和茶翅蝽雌虫分泌物处理柞蚕(Antheraea pernyi Guerin-Meneville)(鳞翅目Lepidaptera:大蚕蛾科Saturniidae)卵,对茶翅蝽沟卵蜂有较强的引诱作用,雌蜂刺探率较高,后将被刺探的柞蚕卵置于适宜条件下发育,未见沟卵蜂羽化。这是何因素造成有待于进一步研究。本研究调查清楚了茶翅蝽的天敌资源;筛选出了控制该害虫的最主要天敌—茶翅蝽沟卵蜂,并研究了该种寄生蜂的生物学、生态学特性,以及与平腹小蜂种间竞争关系;还重点研究了利用替代寄主大量繁殖茶翅蝽沟卵蜂的技术;为利用这种重要天敌生物防治茶翅蝽打下良好的基础,今后需进一步研究天敌释放利用技术。

【Abstract】 The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (St?l) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is an severe pest both in orchard and ornamental trees. Its nymphae and adults attack many pome fruits e.g. pear, peach, apple and so on. Particularly, pear was attacked heavily in north China. The pest brings great loss to fruit grower. The bug was a recently introduced pest to the western hemisphere. This stink bug could become a major agricultural pest in North America.At present, the studies on the pest mainly focus on its biology, control techniques by pesticide. Because the pest has many hosts and could move from forest trees to fruit trees freely. It brought difficulties for controlling it by normal techniques. In order to produce“green fruits”, it has to control the pest with nonpolution and nontoxicity measures. Thus, we conducted biocontrol study on using its natural enemies. The research results are as follows.(1) The life cycle and biology of H. halys were studied by investigation in both field and the laboratory. It was found that the bug has 2 generations per year and overwintered as adult. In late March, it began to act, and mates in the early May. Most female adults oviposit from late May to mid June and mid July to early August. In late August some adults become to overwinter. A female oviposited 4 egg mass with 82 eggs maximally. Eighty percent of egg mass contain 28 eggs each mass.(2) The natural enemies attacked the bug in its each stage have been investigated. A total of 9 species of natural enemies were found, including 6 parasitoids: Trissolcus halyomorphae Yang (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), Trissolcus sp., Telenomus sp., Acroclisoides sp., Anastatus sp., Ooencyrtus sp., Orius sp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), Arma chinensis (Fallou) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) and Misumena tricuspidata (Araneida: Thomisidae). The predominant natural enemy of the pest was T. halyomorphae. Its parasitism rate could reach 20~70%, on an average 50%.(3) The parasitoid T. halyomorphae was the important natural enemy of the bug. Its biology showed that the wasp was a solitary parasitoid and its male emergence earlier than female, and they mated soon after emergence. Then the female seeked her host and oviposited. A female could lay 40.6 eggs averagely. Its female prefered newly-laying host eggs. Developmental period and longevity of the wasp adult were closely related to temperature. The fast developmental period occurred at 30℃with 7.3±0.17 days. The developmental zero and effective accumulated temperature were 12.2℃and 132.5 day-degrees respectively. Supplementary nutrition could remarkably delay adult wasp’s longevity. The adults could live 43.93±2.72 days for female and 33.29±2.52 days for male in average when fed with 20% honey solution. The peak periods for the wasp population were appeared at the mid and last ten-days of June, the last ten-days of July and the first ten-days of August.(4) The interspecific competition between T. halyomorphae and Anastatus sp. were studied in the laboratory at 25℃. The both parasitoids could lay egg into host egg previously parasitized by the other species, which caused multiparasitism. The result showed that when the host egg was parasitized by T. halyomorphae for≤4 days first, and then exposed to Anastatus sp. for oviposition, finally near all emerged parasitoid from the host egg were Anastatus sp., the host eggs were parasitized by T. halyomorphae for≥6 days first, then T. halyomorphae adult wasps were emerged mostly. Contrarily, when the host eggs were parasitized by Anastatus sp. for≤one day first, and then were exposed to T. halyomorphae for oviposition, finally most of emerged wasp adults were T. halyomorphae. But the host eggs were parasitized by Anastatus sp. first for≥2 days, and then exposed to T. halyomorphae, near all emerged wasps were Anastatus sp. from the host eggs. It was indicated that the two egg parasitoid species has serious host competition.(5) It was found that with cold constant temperature 7℃and 11℃for storage, the eggs and the larvae of T. halyomorphae could not tolerent. But the temperature for storage of its pupa was feasible. When the female adults were stored at 11℃for 19 weeks, the survival percentage of the parasitoid was 90%. The survival percentage of the female adults stored for 17 weeks at 7℃was above 50%, and the percentage survival of the female adults under 50% at 4℃for 3 weeks. However, the life-span of male were shorter, and the survival percentage of the male stored for 4 weeks at 7℃was below 50%, and all died at 8th week. The male adults died at 4℃storaged for 3 weeks. At 11℃, the survival percentage of the male adults stored for 7 weeks was below 50%, and all died at 10th week. The result showed that the functional response was in keeping with Holling’s type II, the mathemical model of functional response was Na= N/(0.6485+0.01343×N), the theory maximum numbers of parasitism was 74.45 eggs. (6) The mass rearing techniques of the egg parasitoid were tested in laboratory. It was showed eggs of Erthesina fullo Thunberg, Eurydema dominulus(Scopoli), Dolycoris baccarum (Linnaeus), Arma chinensis(Fallou) and Plautia crossota(Dallas)were all substitute hosts.(7) The eggs of Antheraea pernyi (Lepidaptera: Saturniidae) was tested for mass rearing the parasitoid. The eggs were besmeared the acetone of eggs of the bug and the secretion of the bug female, then the parasitoid female were attracted. Although it was found that the female parasitoid pricked the eggs and seemed to lay egg in, finally there were no one wasp emergen- ced from the parasitized eggs. It is necessary to study the reason later.The natural enemies attacked the bug in its each stage have been investigated. The predominant egg parasitoid of the pest was T. halyomorphae. Its biology and ecology were investigated. The interspecific competition between T. halyomorphae and Anastatus sp. were studied, especially the technique of the mass rearing the parasitoid with substitute hosts. These were the base to biocontrol the bug. It is necessary to study the technique of releasing the egg parasitoid later.


