

Study on Evaluation/Measurement Theory and Method for China’s Rural Informatization

【作者】 刘世洪

【导师】 许世卫;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,信息技术对人类文明的影响超过了其他任何高新技术,信息化发展水平业已成为衡量一个国家或地区现代化水平的综合国力的重要标志。我国农村信息化建设已经取得了长足的发展,梳理农村信息化建设跨越式发展的思路,对国家和区域农村信息化发展水平做出客观评价和分析是进行决策的基础。建立农村信息化发展水平的指标体系、研究评价的方法、科学和客观地测算以及比较分析我国各地区信息化水平,对我国政府制定切实可行的农村信息化发展战略和政策有着十分重要的意义。本研究运用信息化理论、经济测度理论和系统工程方法论,采用定性分析、定量分析和案例分析等研究方法,全面分析了国内外农村信息化发展的历程,系统提出了农村信息化的概念、内涵,建立了用于分析我国农村信息化测度的指标体系。运用系统分析的思路,充分并灵活采用层次分析法、专家估测法、德尔菲法等,创建了适合我国国情的农村信息化测度评价分析“综合指数法”,并比较分析出我国各地区农村信息化发展的“综合指数”和各“子项指数”,为政府制定农村信息化“跨越式”发展战略提供了依据。采用现代信息技术,开发了农村信息化测度评价分析软件平台,为决策者提供了一个科学、便捷的软件工具。本文在以下几方面第一次进行了创新性探索研究:(1)提出了农村信息化的概念和内涵。本研究定义,农村信息化就是指在人类农业生产活动和社会实践中,通过普遍地采用以通讯技术和信息技术等为主要内容的高新技术,更加充分有效地开发利用信息资源,推动农业经济发展和农村社会进步的过程。提出了农村信息化主要包括农村资源环境信息化、农村社会经济信息化、农业生产信息化、农村科技信息化、农村教育信息化、农业生产资料市场信息化、农村管理信息化等内容。并对形成农村信息化的六大要素进行了较为详尽的论述,揭示了农村信息化发展的内部规律。(2)全面分析了国内外农村信息化测度理论研究现状。研究总结指出,农村信息化测评横向(测评方法)上大致可分为信息化工作测评、信息化水平测评和信息化效果测评;纵向(测评目标)上,特别是在我国可分为省域、区域、县域、社区(村)、企业等信息化测评。(3)研究建立了用于分析我国农村信息化测度的指标体系。在系统分析了国内外信息化测度分析评价方法的基础上,遵照科学性与系统性、典型性与可操作性、可比性和导向性、动态性和互补性等原则,提出了测评农村信息化的六大类25个子类的指标体系,主要包括农村信息资源、农村信息基础设施、农业信息技术应用、农业信息产业、农村信息人才和农村信息化外部环境等。(4)研究创建了农村信息化测评“综合指数法”。基于建立的指标体系,依次实施数据采集-标准化处理-指标权重确定-建立模型-指数计算-比较分析等步骤,它不仅能够用于测评国家农村信息化水平,而且还能够测评区域(如东中西部、分省等)农村信息化水平,并进行相关比较分析。(5)开发了农村信息化测评分析软件平台。采用现代信息技术,研究开发“农村信息化测评分析平台”,包括数据采集、指标体系管理、模型建立、测评分析计算、图形处理等功能。为相关部门提供一个基于B/S模式的计算机分析和管理平台。(6)提出了我国农村信息化发展的政策建议和保障措施。夯实一个基础,开发整合信息资源;抓好乡村和社会专业化组织两个示范,突出信息化效果;完善农村教育、测评指标、信息采集发布三个体系,突破农村信息化瓶颈;打造省县乡村四级平台,完善信息化环境;利用传统媒体和现代媒体等五种“网络”,建立信息服务多元化体系;开发农村事务信息系统等六类应用系统,提高农村社会管理水平。

【Abstract】 Since 1980’s, Information Technology (IT) has affected the human civilization more than any other new technologies. The level of informatization has become an important symbol to measure the modernization of a country or an area. The rural informatization in China has developed rapidly, summarizing the development of the construction of rural informatization, evaluating and analyzing the level of national and areal rural informatization is the foundation of making decision. For Chinese government, it’s very important to establish the indices system to measure the level of rural informatization, study the evaluation methods, measure, compare and analyze the level of informatization among different areas of our country is very significative, so the government can constitute feasible rural informatization strategy and policy.Through informatization theory, economic estimate theory and systems engineering methodology, with qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis and case study etc., this paper reviewed the history of domestic and international rural informatization, and put forward the concept and connotation of rural informatization. By using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Assessment Method such as Delphi Method, the paper established the synthetical index method suitable for China to assess the rural informatization, and compared the synthetical index and each sub-index among the rural areas, provided a basis for the government to make leap-forward development strategy on rural informatization, developed a platform for the measurement of rural informatization with modern IT, and provided a scientific and convenient computing tool for decision-makers.The following points are obtained in this advanced study:(1) The concept and connotation of rural informatization were brought forward. According to the definition, rural informatization refers a process in which high-tech, such as communication technology and IT is widely adopted, and information resources are fully and effectively explored and utilized, to promote the rural economic and social development. The rural informatization includes the informatization of rural environment and resources, social economy, agricultural production, rural science and technology, rural education, rural market for production material, rural administration, etc.(2) It analyzed comprehensive the status quo and development trend of domestic and international rural informatization. Study concluded that the evaluation of rural informatization horizontal (evaluation methods) can be divided into the evaluation of informatization projects & work, the level evaluation of informatizatiion and the evaluation of informatization effects; vertical (Evaluation goals), particularly in China can be divided into provincial jurisdictions, Regional, county, community (village),enterprises, and other field informatizatiion.(3) An indecies system for the measurement of the rural informatization level in China had been established. Based on the evaluation methods on measurement of the domestic and international informatization level, and according to the principles of being scientific and systemic, typical and practical, comparative and directive, dynamic and complementary, etc., 25 sub indecies systems are established, including the resources, infrastructure, technology application, industry, human resource and external environment of rural informatization.(4) A synthetical index method was introduced to evaluate the rural informatization. Based on the established index system, and by following the steps of data collection-standardization-weights allocation-modeling-index calculation-comparison, not only the national level of rural informatization, but also the areal (such as the Mid-west, each province) level of rural informatization can be assessed and compared.(5) A platform for the measurement of rural informatization was developed with modern IT. The roles of the platform include data collection, management of index system, modeling, measurement and computation, graph output, etc., which provides for the related organization a computerized analysis and management platform based on B/S Mode.(6) Policy suggestions and safeguard measures were put forward for the development of rural informatization in China. The following works have to be done: to build a solid foundation, by integrating information resources; do a good job on the demonstrations of rural and social specialized organizations, by giving priority to the effects of informatization; break through the bottleneck of rural informatization, by improving rural education systems, assessment indicator and information collection and release; improve the environment of informatization, by setting up province-county-town-village 4-class platforms; improve the diversification system of information services, by using 5 networks including the traditional and modern medias; improve the rural community management, by developing 6 application systems such as rural affairs information system.


