

From Douchayuan to the Public Prosecutor’s Office

【作者】 刘涛

【导师】 赵晓耕;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 法律史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在中国法律近代化过程中,从清末到民国时期,中国的司法制度借鉴欧美列强的制度和经验,发生了翻天覆地的变化。在这个变化过程中,作为中央司法机关之一的都察院,经历了一个从讨论到废除的过程。而这个过程,伴随着从西方引入的检察制度的逐渐成型。在此期间,检察机构的及其职能的发展变化实属中国法律制度史的重要环节。在这个环节中,不仅仅是法律制度的变化,而且是中国法律在发展变化中,对固有传统与引进理念的选择、适应、融合和取舍的过程。这对中国法律在现代的发展产生了重要的影响。可以说,在当时进行的各种争论,发展到现代有些仍然没有得到解决。因此,笔者以“从都察院到检察厅”为题,着重分析制度变化的历史渊源及法律规定的延续与发展,并注意到制度自身沿革和变化的特征,分析了导致这种沿革、变化的复杂原因;以机构实际运作为主要研究问题,包括制度常规与特殊运行的案例分析,重点探讨常规与特殊运行的关系,制度利弊分析的前提下,运用历史分析的方法对制度实施和适用进行分析,解析传统政治体制与法制环境之间的关系。本文共分为七个部分。第一部分:导论。在这一部分,笔者主要介绍了以本题目为研究对象的研究动机、研究现状与基本构思、以及研究的方法和基本史料。此部分结合我国对检察制度发展研究的现状,对我国近代法制改革中从混合型监察制度分离出独立的检察制度的进程及意义进行了简单的梳理;介绍了目前我国对此问题的研究现状以及笔者所拟采用研究方法。第二部分介绍都察院的发展与职能。中国古代都察院的产生和发展,是伴随着中国封建国家的发展,以及对权力的分配与规制而发展的。总体来说,中国古代监察制度作为一种封建的监察制度,其形成、发展基本上与中国封建社会特定的历史过程相适应,或者说是基本上同步发展。监察制度经历了“台”、“谏”分立与融合的过程,到了明清时期,中国封建社会已进入晚期,随着封建专制主义的中央集权的国家制度日益向极端专制方向发展,封建监察制度的发展也达到了烂熟的程度,最终产生了都察院。而从其职能看,呈现出职能的全面性、机构的相对独立性与职能的封闭性、职能确定的法制化等特点。第三部分结合都察院职权的特点,分析了都察院职权在中国传统权力体系中的地位。可以说,中国二千多年的封建统治,是中央集权不断加强的过程。到了清朝,这种趋势发展到了极端。都察院作为皇帝的耳目机构和制衡其他机关权限的有力工具,随着皇权的不断加强,必然导致依附于其上的都察院权限的不断扩大,呈现出全面性和广泛性。与此同时,中国封建社会的分权制衡思想最终导致了都察院机构的相对独立性和职权封闭性特点。而中国古代国家发展过程中,对权力规制经历的从道德制约到制度制约的过程,与中国法律文化传统的“外儒内法”相结合,最终促成了都察院职能的法制化。但是,这些特点也反映出中国古代监察制度的先天不足。第四部分介绍了清末变法过程中都察院的争论与废止的过程。清末变法过程中,出于收回法权的需要,清政府大力引进西方的三权分立国家体制,促成了司法独立的迅猛发展,最终引起了诉讼模式从传统的纠问式向弹劾式转变。在此过程中,导致了对都察院的改革。但是当时的改革主要体现在官吏的管理和职能的分化上,并导致了对都察院存废的争论。第五部分介绍了清末变法过程中对检察机构的引进。随着都察院监督权限的分化,法律监督职能也跟随着官制改革逐渐转移向其他机关。其中,一部分法律监督权限转向了检察机构。在对西方法律制度充分考察、西方法学专家的讲授课程的基础上,清政府在遵循司法与行政分开的原则下实施司法体制改革,京城内外的检察机关逐步设置,形成了系统的检察体系。第六部分介绍了检察厅的职能。清朝末年,通过《大理院编制法》、《法院编制法》与《各级审判厅试办章程》等法律文本,对检察机关职能进行了规定,并在司法实践中确立了检察厅侦查、公诉以及法律监督等职能。这次改革促进了检察机关职能的独立,但是这个确定过程中,由于对司法权、行政权认识的先天不足,并经历了部院之争,对检察机关职权产生了很大的消极影响。第七部分为余论,梳理了民国时期在清末变法的基础上,对检察机关以及其职能分配上的继承和发展,并介绍了其间对于检察机关存废的争论。在此基础上,结合中国法制现实状况,分析了司法规律对检察机关职能配置的要求。具体而言,从司法公正与效率、诉讼过程中多元利益的平衡保护、检察职能与刑事政策的关系看,需要检察职能具有追诉犯罪、法律监督、保护人权、服务社会等权能。

【Abstract】 In the process of modernization of China’s law system , from the late Qing Dynasty, China’s justice system refering from the Wstern experience, has undergone enormous changes. In this process, as one of the central judiciary, Douchayuan has gone through a process from the discussion to the repeal. This process was along with the introducton of procuratorial system from the West. In the meantime, the development and changes of the procuratorial bodies and functions was an important link in the history of development of China’s legal system. In this session, not only the changes in the legal system, but also in the development of China’s legal changes, the choice, adaptation, integration and decision of the inherent tradition and the introduced conception were in the process, which made an important impact to China on the development of law system. It can be said that the various arguments at the time, still have not been solved in the modern time . Therefore, the author making the ttle of "From Douchayuan to the Public Prosecutor’s Office" ,will take emphasis on analysis of the history of changes in the legal system ,the requirements and the continuation of development, its own history and change the system characteristics, the result of this evolution,and the changes the complex reasons for the agency for the actual operation of major issues, including the system of conventional and special operations analysis of the case, focusing on conventional and special operations.This paper is divided into seven parts.Part I: Introduction. In this section, the author introduces the motive, and the basic idea, as well as research methods, and basic materials of the subject of this research . With the study of the current situation of China’s reform of the contemporary legal system, this part introduces the development and the significance of China’s procuratorial system from the mixed monitor system to the independent inspection system , and the methods of the study adopted by the author.Part II: the development and functions of Douchayuan.The generation and development of Ancient Chinese Douchayuan was accompanied by the development of China’s feudal country, as well as the distribution and regulations of power. Generally speaking, as a monitoring system, the formation and development of China’s ancient feudal monitoring system was adapted to the specific historical process of China’s feudal society ,or basically developed simultaneously. Monitoring system has make a process with with the integration and separation of "Tai " and "Jian" .In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China’s feudal society has entered late poried. With the processof the feudal autocratic and centralized state system increasingly making direction to the extreme autocratic one, the feudal monitoring system has also reached the mature extent ,which eventually produced Douchayuan. And its functions, showed the characteristics of comprehensive functions, the relative independence institutions and the closure functions, functions determined in the legal system.Part III:the analsys of the status of Douchayuan in the traditional Chinese power system ,with the reference of the characteristics of Douchayuan. It can be said that China 2,000 years of feudal rule, was continuously strengthening the process of centralization. In the Qing Dynasty, this trend had been to the extreme. Douchayuan as the eyes and ears of the emperor and the tool of making competence and balances of other organs, with the constant strengthening of the imperial power, was bound to lead to the growing function, presenting a comprehensive and wide-ranging charactor . At the same time, the idea of balances and separation of powers in China’s feudal society eventually led to the relative independence of Duchayuan’s institutions and the closed features of its functions. And in China’s ancient national development process, the experience of power regulation from moral restraint to system constraints, combined with China’s legal and cultural traditions, ultimately led to the Douchayuan functions determined in the legal system. However, these characteristics also reflects the congenitally deficient of ancient Chinese system of monitoring.Part IV introduces the controversy and revocation process of Douchayuan in the reform of legal system at the end of the Qing dynasty ,in which in order to recover the rights from the Western courtry , the Qing government introduced the state systems of separation of powers , leading to the rapid development of the independence of the judiciary, and ultimately caused the proceedings from the traditional Inquisitorial-style mode to the impeachment one. During this process, Douchayuan atarted to reform. However, the reform was mainly reflected in the bureaucratic functions and the the division of management, and led to the controversy of Douchayuan.Part V :the process of the introduction of prosecutors in the end of the Qing dynasty. With the differentiation of the oversight authority of Douchayuan, the legal supervision functions with the Bureaucracy reform shifted to other organs, one of which was the prosecutors.On the basis of fully inspecton of Western legal system and courses taught by the Western legal experts ,the Qing government made the reform of the judicial system complying with the separation of judicial and administrative implementation. The procuratorial organs were gradually set up both inside and outside in Beijing, forming a procuratorial system.Part VI :the functions of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, through a series of the text of the law , the government stipulated the function of the procuratorial organs, and established the investigate and prosecute cases , as well as legal supervision functions of the Prosecutor’s Office in the judicial practice . This reform promoted the independent of the functions of procuratorial organs, but the congenitally deficient understanding of the difference between judicial and Administrative power gave a lot of negative effects to the development of functions of procuratorial organs.Part VII :the develpoment of procuratorial organs after Qing Dynasty and the controversy of its functions. On this basis, combined with the actual situation of China’s legal system, tha author analyzes the requirements of judicial rules to the procuratorial organs functions.

  • 【分类号】D926;D929
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】781

