

On Deng Xiaoping’s Thoughts of Common Wealth

【作者】 易重华

【导师】 孙居涛;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 共同富裕思想是贯穿整个邓小平理论体系的核心、灵魂和主线,充分地体现着邓小平的社会主义观,表达了他对祖国和人民无比忠诚的情怀。在我国进入全面建设社会主义小康社会的新阶段,重温邓小平的共同富裕思想对于我们构建社会主义和谐社会具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文分为绪论、正文和结束语三个部分,其中正文由五章组成。下面就从基本思路和主要内容的角度分别对它们作一个基本的说明。绪论是本文的开篇准备部分,主要陈述写作意义、对当前学术界研究现状的评述、主要研究方法和主要理论创新。该课题是深入进行邓小平理论研究、为构建社会主义和谐社会提供理论指导的需要,具有重要的理论和实践意义。笔者从正文所涉及的六大问题分别对学术界自1994年以来的研究现状作了较为详实的综述,并评析了成绩与不足,从中理清研究思路和突破点。本文主要采取了逻辑和历史相统一、矛盾分析、理论和实践相统一、比较分析的研究方法,力求使研究具有客观性和辩证性。相比较而言,本文运用了体系的视角和矛盾分析法揭示了邓小平共同富裕思想的科学内涵,深入、系统地阐述了共同富裕思想在邓小平理论体系中的地位,弥补和充实了当前研究中的薄弱方面和薄弱环节,形成了纵横捭阖、深浅相依、有静有动的研究布局,对邓小平的共同富裕思想做出了更全面和深入的研究。第一章为邓小平的共同富裕思想的历史发展过程。本章首先分析了邓小平的共同富裕思想和邓小平理论的联系和区别,然后从邓小平个人思想的角度,把邓小平的共同富裕思想形成过程的时间跨度确定为从邓小平在旅法期间于1922年夏季加入共产主义青年团起,直到邓小平逝世为止的整段政治生涯。笔者将这个历程分为四个阶段:思想准备阶段、积极探索阶段、初步形成阶段和丰富成熟阶段,并概括了每个阶段上的基本观点。本章的研究目的在于充分展示出邓小平的共同富裕思想形成的历史脉络和发展历程,在动态发展中陈述邓小平的共同富裕思想的主要内容,为后章深入的分析做出基本的铺垫。第二章为邓小平的共同富裕思想的科学内涵。本章从体系的角度,抓住邓小平共同富裕思想具有的辩证性的特点,依据现实的需要,着重分析了其在生产力和生产关系的辩证统一、经济和政治的辩证统一、物质文明和精神文明的辩证统一、公平和效率的辩证统一、真理和价值的辩证统一、绝对性和相对性的辩证统一这六个方面的内涵。同时在对各对矛盾的辩证关系的阐述中,把两点论与重点论结合起来,牢牢地把握住经济建设这个在各对矛盾中的主要方面,从而论证了邓小平的共同富裕思想是一个以经济发展为重点,又注重经济社会全面、协调发展的思想体系,以澄清和纠正对邓小平的共同富裕思想的片面性认识。第三章为共同富裕思想在邓小平理论体系中的重要地位。本章详细地论述了共同富裕思想是邓小平理论体系具备社会主义性质的重要因素,是邓小平理论体系具有内在凝聚力的重要方面,而且是体现邓小平理论对马克思主义重大发展和邓小平理论是一个不断发展的理论体系的重要内容,说明了共同富裕思想是贯穿于整个邓小平理论体系的核心、灵魂和红线。本章的研究目的在于通过整体研究局部,从而更加清晰地揭示出邓小平共同富裕的作用和功能,进一步认识其重要的理论意义。第四章邓小平对马克思主义共同富裕思想的继承和发展。本章从邓小平是一个坚定的马克思主义者出发,认为邓小平的共同富裕思想从根本上是以马克思主义共同富裕思想为理论基础的。本章分别从最深厚的理论基础、在经济文化相对落后的社会主义国家如何实现共同富裕以及在中国如何实现共同富裕这三个角度,较为详细地分析了邓小平立足国情和世情对马克思恩格斯、列宁、毛泽东的共同富裕思想的继承和发展,通过比较研究来阐明邓小平的共同富裕思想不仅是马克思主义理论的组成部分,而且对马克思主义的发展做出了巨大的理论贡献。第五章为十三届四中全会以来党的领导集体对邓小平的共同富裕思想的创新发展。本章首先从“三个代表”重要思想、促进人的全面发展和全面建设社会主义小康社会三点上,阐述了以江泽民为代表的党的第三代领导集体对邓小平共同富裕思想的创新和发展;然后从科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会和建设社会主义新农村三点上,阐述了以胡锦涛为代表的新的领导集体对邓小平共同富裕思想的创新和发展。本章也是一个从共同富裕的视角对自十三届四中全会以来党在马克思主义创新上所取得的重大理论成果的解读,揭示了邓小平的共同富裕思想对马克思主义理论创新的指导意义,从而证明了邓小平的共同富裕思想是一个不断发展的思想体系。结束语是本文的最后总结部分,主要从世界观和方法论上的角度对邓小平的共同富裕思想做了一个总结性的概括,目的在于根本上明确其对我国不断深入的改革实践的指导意义。笔者通过前面从各个方面的研究,深切地感受到邓小平的共同富裕思想具有三个鲜明的理论特色:一是邓小平始终把公有制和按劳分配的主体地位和中央要有权威作为实现共同富裕的不可动摇的基本原则,体现了坚定的社会主义原则性;二是邓小平的共同富裕思想高度重视和尊重人民群众的实践主体地位、物质利益和个人利益,体现了鲜明而科学的人民性;三是邓小平的共同富裕思想体现了过程和目标的统一、阶段性和连续性的统一、相对性和绝对性的统一,具有随实践而发展的创新性。这三点是我们正确地把握、运用和发展邓小平的共同富裕思想的基本原则。虽然本文的各个部分和各个章节独立成篇,但是它们在逻辑上和内容上相互联系,构成了一个整体。(1)前后呼应,层层推进。第一章概括了邓小平的共同富裕思想在各个历史发展阶段的主要观点,在理论上属于比较浅的观点汇总层次。第二章揭示了邓小平的共同富裕思想的科学内涵,在理论上进入了比较深的理论分析层次。第三章在第一、二章的基础上阐述了共同富裕思想在邓小平理论体系中的地位,进一步提升了理论分析的力度。第四、五章从理论上分别阐明了邓小平的共同富裕思想对马克思主义的继承和发展,以及十三届四中全会以来党对邓小平的共同富裕思想的创新和发展。结束语则最后从世界观和方法论上的角度做了一个总结性的概括,达到了本文理论分析的最高点。(2)纵横交错,动静结合。第一章从历史发展的角度、第四章和第五章从理论发展的角度来研究邓小平的共同富裕思想,都显示了纵向的、动态的研究视角;而第二章、第三章对邓小平的共同富裕思想的科学内涵和在邓小平理论体系中地位的分析,则显示了横向的、静态的研究视角。这样本文就从深浅、纵横、动静等多个角度,形成对邓小平的共同富裕思想的全息研究,力求充分地展示出该思想的全部的精神风貌。

【Abstract】 The thought of common wealth is the core, spirit and clue throughout the whole Deng Xiaoping’s theory, which fully symbolizes Deng Xiaoping’s viewpoints and conveys his incomparably faithful feelings to his motherland and its people. When our country has come into the new stage of building a socialist well-off society in an all-round way, reviewing Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth is of momentous theoretic and practical importance to constructing a socialist harmonious society. This thesis is divided into three parts, the introduction, the text and the end. In it, the text is composed of five chapters. Let me introduce their essential train of thought and content below.The introduction is the preparation of the whole thesis, mainly declaring the writing significance, the current research situation and my comments, main research ways and theoretic innovation. The issue meets the demands of deeply studying Deng Xiaoping’s theory and providing the theoretic guide for constructing a socialist harmonious society, so it has important theoretic and practical roles. I make an exhaustive summary for the current research situation since 1994 from the six aspects the text involves and evaluate the achievements and shortcomings, through which I find the train of thought and breakthrough points. The thesis chiefly utilizes the methods of uniting the logic and history, contradiction analysis, uniting theory and practice and comparative analysis in order to try hard to keep objectivity and dialectical disposition. Comparatively, the thesis uses the system angle of view and contradiction analysis to reveal the scientific connotations of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth and deeply and systematically expounds the role of the thought of common wealth in the system of Deng Xiaoping’s theory, remedying and richen the weak respects and links of the current research. So it forms the research arrangement of length and breadth, depth and shallowness, motion and motionlessness, making a more comprehensive and deeply studying on Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth.Chapter one is the historical developing course of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth. At first, the chapter makes a distinction between Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth and Deng Xiaoping’s theory, and then from the angle of Deng Xiaoping individual thought, defines the time gap of the historical developing course of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth as the whole Deng Xiaoping’s political career from his joining the Communist Party in 1922 summer during he stayed in France until to he passed away. I divide this course into four stage: the preparation stage of thought, the positively exploring stage, the elementarily forming stage and the richening mature stage, and summarize the essential viewpoints on every stage. The research aim of this chapter is to fully reveal the historical thread and the developing course, and expound the main content of Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth from this motion developement and pave the road for the deeper analysis later.Chapter two is the connotation of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth. From the angle of system, it grasps the dialectical characteristic Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth possesses and emphatically analyzes the six connotations which are the dialectical unity of production power and production relation, economy and politics, material civilization and spirit civilization, equity and efficiency, truth and value, and absolute nature relative nature. At the same time, in the explanation on the every dialectical relation I combine the two-point theory and the one-point theory to firmly seize the economic construction is the main aspect in every contradiction, so I prove that Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth is a thought system which is not only attached importance to economic developement but also pay attention to economy and society’s all-round and coordinated developement, in order to clarify and rectify the one-sided knowledge for Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth.Chapter three is the status of the thought of common wealth in Deng Xiaoping’s theory system. The chapter detailedly discusses that Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth is the important factor that Deng Xiaoping’s theory possesses socialist nature and intrinsic cohension; and is the important content that Deng Xiaoping’s theory realizes the significant Marxist development and Deng Xiaoping’s theory is a continuously developing theory system, so it explains that Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth is the core, spirit and clue throughout the every part in Deng Xiaoping’s theory. The research aim of the chapter is to study the part from the entity in order to clear more distinctly the role and function of the thought of common wealth and further know its theoretic significance.Chapter four is the theoretic basis of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth forms. Starting from Deng Xiaoping is a firm Marxist, the chapter thinks that the theoretic basis of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth is the Marxist thought of common wealth fundamentally. From three angles of the most profound theoretic basis, how to realize common wealth in a comparative backward country in economy and culture and how to realize common wealth in China, it makes a comparatively detailed analysis on Deng Xiaoping inherited and developeed Marx and Engels’, Lenin’s and Mao Zedong’s thought of common wealth footing on the China condition and the world situation. The chapter is to strive to reveal that Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth not only is the composition of Marxism but also make a huge contribution for the developement of Marxism.Chapter five is the innovations and developements of the CPC leader collective for Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth since the forth middle plenary meeting of the Thirteenth CPC session. At first, the chapter expounds the innovations and developements of the Thirth CPC leader collective represented by Jiang Zeming for Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth from the three aspects of the“three represents”important thoughts, promoting the human being’s all-round developement and building a socialist well-off society in an all-round way. Then it expounds the innovations and developements of the new CPC leader collective represented by Hu Jingtao for Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth from the scientific viewpoint of developement, constructing a socialist harmonious society and building the socialist new villages. The chapter explains the great theoretic achievement in innovation for Marxism attained by CPC since the forth middle plenary meeting of the Thirteenth CPC session, so it reveal the guiding significance of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth for Marxist theoretic innovation and show that Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth is a thought system which possesses the developing nature.The end is the summary part of the thesis at last. It summarizes Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth from the angles of world lookout and methodology in order to definite basically the guiding significance of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth for the deepening reform practice in our country. Through the research of all sides above, I profoundly feel that there are three sharp theoretic characteristic the Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth has: the first one is that Deng Xiaoping saw the dominate status of public ownership and distribution according to work, and“the Central should have authority”as infirmly essential principles to realize common wealth from beginning to end, which symbolizes his firm faith of socialist principle; the second one is Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth thinks highly of and esteems the dominant practice status, material benefit and individual benefit of the masses, which embodies its sharp and scientific affinity to the people; the third one is that Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth embodies the unity between course and aim, between stage nature and continuity nature, and absolute nature and relative nature, and possesses the innovation nature according to practice developement. These three points are the spirit essence and fundamental principles we must grasp when we correctly comprehend, utilize and develope Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth.Although the every part and chapter is alone in formation, they associate mutually in logic and content and form an entity. Firstly, they echo in front and behind, and developee from depth to shallowness. The first chapter summarizes the main viewpoints on the every developing stage of developee Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth, which belongs to the more shallow summary level in theory. The second chapters analyze the practice and theoretic background concealing in the back, which enters the deeper analysis level in theory. On the base of the first and second chapters, the third chapter reveals the scientific annotation and the status in Deng Xiaoping’s theory of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth, which further increase the force of theoretic analysis. The forth chapter reveals the connotation of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth and the fifth chapter expounds that the innovations and developements of the CPC leader collective for Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth since the forth middle plenary meeting of the Thirteenth CPC session . The end summarizes Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth from the angles of world lookout and methodology, which is summit of theoretic analysis in this thesis. Secondly, they associate vertically and horizontally, in motion and motionlessness. The first and second chapter from the historical angle and the third and sixth chapter from the angle of theoretic developeement respectively studies Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth, all embodying the research angle of longitude and motion; and the forth and fifth chapter reveal the scientific annotation and the status in Deng Xiaoping’s theory, both embodying the traverse and motion research angle. Thus the thesis forms the holographic research on Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth from depth and shallowness, length and breadth, motion and motionlessness to try hard to fully lay bare the whole spirit feature of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of common wealth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】A849.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1620

