

Studies on Commonly Used Words of Han Dynasty

【作者】 于飞

【导师】 徐正考;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 常用词是词汇系统中最具有代表性的词,是构造新词的基础,是词汇中最重要的组成部分。常用词的发展和演变决定了词汇系统内部发展变化的方向。本文以两汉语料为基础,着重探讨了常用词研究特别是古汉语常用词研究的理论方法及相关问题。对两汉时期有代表性的常用词的演变作了详细的描写与分析。立足于常用词发展变化的角度,对常用词的演变类型、两汉语言的分期等问题进行了从实践到理论的阐释和探讨,并对古汉语常用词研究的发展提出了自己的看法。

【Abstract】 This paper is based on the corpus of literature of the Han Dynasty, and discuss on and use the related theories and methods of commonly used terms, the word used during the Han Dynasty, especially the three categories of Content Words commonly used such as nouns, verbs, adjectives. After the exhausted inspection, and focusing on the representative of the term commonly used, further phases of the discussion is made on the basis for the evolution of commonly used words and the history of Chinese issues. The paper is belonging to the study of the Division of History of Chinese Vocabulary, the whole thesis is a "theory - practice - Theory" process.This article is composed of five chapters, about 120,000 words.The introduction is the first chapter. The significance of the term commonly used research and an overview of the status quo are summarized. The research of the theory of the term commonly used methods and related issues are focused on. The high-frequency, productivity, universality and the generalized nature of such commonly used words and concepts are defined. The relationship of the term commonly used in research is discussed. It is clared that the sememe shuoud be used as the basic research unit on the base above. At the same time, it combines the basic research results of previous studies of the commonly used words of the Han Dynasty. It is mainly inspected on the relationship of the polymerization, and the statistical and referenced method are supplemented. Multi angles are used in order to make the conclusion greater credible and valuable.The 2nd, 3rd and 4th part are the main part. In this three chapters, three categories of representative and changing Content Words are described and analysed specificly, such as Han Dynasties nouns, verbs and adjectives, in accordance with the determination of the term commonly used words in the introduction. Three aspects are focused on the description and analysis: First, the semantics, grammar and pragmatic point of view of the Han Dynasty period are used to make the description of the development and evolution more detailed and meticulous. Second, the rules and characteristics of the developments and changes are concluded in accordance with the evolution of the commonly used words. Third, the errors of the "Chinese Dictionary" and other tools in the interpretation are corrected according to the evolution of the different situations and the overall trend into different parts of speech and summarize the characteristics of the commonly used words, and the outcome of the discussion and description.Chapter 2 of the papers focuses on the describe and analysis of the representative commonly used nouns of the Han dynasty. A total of nine commonly used words are selected: "Shǒu-tóu", "fū-pí", "jī-bìng", "Jiā", "Nián", "Jī- Ròu", " Cái - Cái ", "Rén", "Chūn, Xià, Qīu, Dōng". The below conclusion is made through the study. Nouns of the commonly used word has strong stability, a lot of words generated from the pre-Qin period has been stable development of the Han Dynasty and modern Chinese, and are used stably and frequently in the modern Chinese. This stability is concerned with the things they represent and the commonly using. On the other hand, the replacement of the commonly used nouns is also the most simple, most are belonging to complete replacement, that is, the replacement between the words of the ancient and modern. In addition, the terms of the evolution of the commonly used words also include a small portion of the word grammar of the changes and incomplete replacement.Chapter 3 of the paper focuses on the development and changes of the commonly used verbs of the Han Dynasty, in the selection of nine commonly used verbs "huà- tú", "zhì- dào," "zēng - jiā," "jì- sì- jìsì", "shā", "suí- cóng"," zhuī- zhú","sī","zāo - féng - yù". It was found through research that there are distinctly different and unique phenomenon on the development between the commonly used verbs and nouns. On the one hand, the replace of verbs is mainly not entirely. The meaning and grammatical function of verbs are complicated than nouns because they are represented for an act or action. There is always a "coexistence" of the transition state in the replacement because there are functions of semantics and syntax differences between the two or more synonymous verbs. Some states of the transition have a extremely long duration. On the other hand, it is commonly that one verb has more than one sememe. There are different instances of development between the different commonly used sememes. These reflect the development and rules of the commonly used verbs of the Han Dynasty distinctly.Chapter 4 of the paper discussed the developments and changes of the commonly used adjectives of the Han Dynasty. Five commonly used adjective are selected, " jiǔ– cháng ", "dà", " liáng, shàn– hǎo " and " zhòng– dōu ", " shū- yì". It shows that, the commonly used adjectives have mainly incomplete changes as similar as verbs. The "coexistence" of this process also exists in the replacement between the commonly used adjectives, and this process is longer than verbs. The different meaning between the old and new words is the most important reason, and the difference on grammatical functions is another reason. In addition, some adjectives are also very stable.Chapter 5 is the conclusion of this paper. It is the discussion of the theory based on description of the second, third and fourth chapters . Three issues are mainly discussed. Section I discussed the types of the evolution of the commonly used words of the Han Dynasty. Five evolution types are pointed out based on the analysis of the commonly used words of the Han Dynasty. That is, no changes, the replacements of synonyms, the changes of meanings of commonly used sememe, the changes of grammatical functions and the formation and development of the compound words. Section II discussed the problems of the partition of the Chinese of the Han Dynasty, using the perspective of the evolution of the commonly used words. It is concluded that Han Dynasty is a continuous phase from the view of the commonly used words. The vocabulary features of this stage reflects the succession of vocabulary of the pre-Qin period, as well as the vary of the Wei, Jin and the Six Dynasties. Han Dynasty should be classified as ancient Chinese stage. The end of the Eastern Han Dynasty period, including the Three Kingdom period, shall be deemed to the transition period between ancient Chinese and Middle Chinese. Section III shows the two personal ideas on the study of the commonly used words. It should be pay more attention to the division of corpus. And it should be sufficient attent that the special book and dating book are the fundamental starting points.Finally, the "Han Dynasty commonly used words table" is listed in the Appendix. The Table is the conclusion drawn from the three Content Words of commonly used nouns, verbs, adjectives from the exhaustive investigation of 13 representative corpus of Han Dynasty, using the methods of determination mentioned in the text. The commonly used words and sememes are listed in the table. Quantitative analysis of the word features of the commonly used words are made from the data.

【关键词】 常用词两汉义位演变
【Key words】 commonly used wordsHan Dynastysememeevolution
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期

