

Study of the Urban-rural Public Goods Supply Balancing with Chinese Characteristics

【作者】 解建立

【导师】 齐守印;

【作者基本信息】 河北师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国经济社会取得了快速发展。但是,由于城乡二元经济社会结构等因素的存在,城乡居民除了收入差距之外,农村居民所享受到的公共物品和城市居民相比差距也非常大,甚至超过了收入方面的差距。因此,实现城乡公共物品供给相对均衡是我们党和政府推进中国特色社会主义事业发展的一项重要任务。本文旨在从公共物品供给与统筹城乡经济社会发展的相互关系出发,以马克思主义城乡融合理论和社会主义共同富裕思想为立论依据,坚持科学发展观,将公共物品供给模式的演变与工业化、城市化、现代化等导致经济社会结构转型的关系因素结合起来,探讨实现城乡公共物品供给均衡化的制度建设和机制运行规律,分析适应经济社会转型以及城乡一体化下的城乡公共物品供给目标模式,以期为改革城乡二元公共物品供给体系、实现城乡一体化供给模式、构建中国特色的公共物品供给体制提供理论依据。我国城乡二元公共物品供给体系的产生有其深刻的时代背景和历史渊源。城乡二元公共物品供给体系是在新中国成立后优先发展重工业的经济发展战略下形成的。建国初期的特殊历史背景使我国采取了优先发展重工业的赶超战略。在推进工业化进程中,国家通过农产品统购统销、农村人民公社、户籍、教育、劳动就业、社会保障等各种制度,在教育、就业、社会保障和财政分配等各方面为城市居民建立了各种优先权。“先工业后农业”、“先城市后农村”、“先市民后农民”的政策,导致了我国公共物品供给沿着城乡两种不同的路径发展、演变。其产生和维系的最深层原因是城乡二元经济结构和城乡二元社会结构,同时二元经济社会结构也影响和阻碍着公共物品供给制度的完善;政府财政支出的城市偏向制约了有限财政资金的投入,农村长期失血的直接后果造成了公共物品供给不足;各级政府之间公共物品供给责权划分不合理,财力与事权不相匹配,难以有效地满足农村公共物品需求;政府间财政转移支付制度不完善,使城乡之间的财力差距加大,造成地方政府供给能力减弱;农民选举权、被选举权、结社权和公共物品决策权的缺失,直接影响农民的话语权和农村公共物品的有效供给。城乡有别的公共物品供给体系造成了我国城乡公共物品供给水平的巨大差异。本文通过设置城乡公共物品供给水平差异评价指标体系,运用评价指标,利用政府发布的相关信息以及调查问卷等方式对河北省三个地区(邯郸、保定、衡水)的农村进行实地调查、走访获取的资料,选取了近10年相关的数据资料,对义务教育、医疗卫生、劳动就业、社会保障、基础设施等城乡公共物品供给水平差异进行了分析。分析结果表明,当前我国在公共物品供给中有关居民基本生存权和发展权的城乡差距还很大,尤其是在义务教育、医疗卫生、劳动就业、社会保障、基础设施等方面的差距仍令人担忧。对于城乡公共物品供给差距问题本文秉持的基本观点是:(1)均衡化供给并不否认合理限度的差距;(2)城乡公共物品供给差距之产生应具有其合法性基础;(3)城市和农村应保留两者之间在功能上的差异,各自承载的公共物品差异,应与城市和农村公共物品的需求主体特色相关。城乡公共物品供给水平差距已经成为延缓中国现代化进程的重要因素,不仅有悖于社会公正,更不利于社会主义和谐社会的构建。在建设中国特色社会主义的新阶段,城乡公共物品供给均衡化是实现城乡协调、缩小城乡差距的特定途径,有其现实的必要性和可行性。实现城乡公共物品均衡供给是城乡关系发展新阶段的必然趋势,符合马克思主义揭示的城乡关系发展规律;解决“三农”问题,最直接、最现实的就是要为农民提供基本而有保障的公共物品,城乡公共物品供给均衡化是解决“三农”问题的一个重要突破口;城乡公共物品供给均衡化以公平、效率、发展为核心议题,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容;全面实现小康社会,关键在于农村公共物品供给是否充足,农村居民获得货真价实的公共物品是全面建设小康社会的必然选择;城乡公共物品均衡供给,是建立社会主义公共服务体制的现实要求,是我国政府面临的重要任务。我国经过30年的改革开放,经济效益明显提高,综合经济实力大幅提升,为实现城乡公共物品供给均衡化奠定了一定的物质基础;我国工业化进程已经进入中期阶段,工业发展有了相当积累,工业反哺农业,使实现城乡公共物品均衡供给成为可能;科学发展观的提出,政府对“三农”问题的重视,为城乡公共物品供给均衡化提供了良好的理论指导和政策环境。国外在缩小城乡公共物品供给差距的理论和实践方面为我国提供了值得借鉴的经验和做法,带给我们很多重要启示。世界多数国家发展经验表明,在工业化进程中不失时机地选择适合本国国情的手段统筹城乡公共物品供给,以此缩小城乡差距,完成经济社会结构转变,是带有普遍性的发展规律。一些国家的成功经验和做法对我国有所借鉴。如美国建立农村公共物品供给制度的实践经验;欧盟国家缩小城乡公共物品供给差距的经验;日本统筹城乡公共物品供给的经验做法;韩国“新村运动”的经验和做法。各国的经验表明,只要采取有效的政策措施,城乡公共物品差距拉大的现象是完全可以避免的。在对各国实践进行系统考察和分析后带来的启示有:在公共物品供给制度选择上要有明确的价值理念;政府要大力支持农村合作组织,实现决策民主化、公开化;政府在提供城乡公共物品时,既不能缺位,也不能越位,完善中央与地方政府的公共服务分工体制;稳定的财政支农支出增长机制和规范的政府财政转移支付制度是实现城乡公共物品均衡供给最基本的手段;公共物品供给应建立在民主法制的基础之上,使城乡公共物品供给有稳定的法律保障。城乡公共物品供给均衡化并不是要求城市和农村在公共物品供给上统一模式,也不是要把城市的资源单项转移到农村,应该因地制宜,“统”“分”结合。我国城乡公共物品供给的现实和特有的国情,决定了实现城乡公共物品供给均衡化的指导思想是:以政府为推动城乡公共物品供给均衡化的主体;以生产力的高度发展为城乡公共物品供给均衡化的基础;以制度公正为城乡公共物品供给均衡化的保障;以提高农民综合生活质量、实现城乡居民共同富裕为城乡公共物品供给均衡化的目的。应坚持的原则是:以人为本,以农民的需求为中心;与社会主义市场经济体制相适应;与经济发展水平相适应;坚持全面性、整体性、协调性相统一;按优先次序供给,尽力而为,量力而行;公共物品的成本由政府、社会和个人共同合理负担。城乡公共物品供给的均衡是由众多因素决定的函数。现阶段实现城乡公共物品供给均衡化受到生产力的发展水平、政府的治理理念和政府职能重点的转变等多种因素的制约。由此决定了我国实现城乡公共物品供给均衡化不可能一蹴而就,必须采取分类实施和分步实现的途径,优先满足人民急需的、关系城乡居民生存和发展的基本公共物品。其近期目标是,到2020年实现城乡基本公共物品供给均等化,远期目标是实现城乡公共物品供给一体化。要实现上述目标,必须加强城乡公共物品供给制度建设,坚持公平与效率兼顾,搭建城乡一体化的公共物品供给制度体系平台,其主要支柱包括:城乡平等的义务教育制度;城乡均衡的医疗卫生资源配置制度;城乡统筹的劳动就业制度;城乡一体的社会保障制度;城乡一致的公共财政分配制度;城乡统一的户籍管理制度;发展基层民主与村民自治组织;保障农民享有平等的选举权和公共物品供给制度的法制化。要确保制度的有效实施,必须形成一套保障城乡公共物品均衡供给的运行机制。构建公共物品供给主体选择机制,形成由政府单中心到政府、私营部门、第三部门、社区等多中心主体的新型供给模式。构建公共物品需求表达机制,形成由农民到政府“自下而上”充分的需求偏好表达,真正实现按需供给。构建公共物品利益共享机制,使发展成果由全体社会成员共同享有。构建公共物品资金筹集机制,形成以公共财政为主、多元分担的公共物品筹资模式。构建公共物品供给决策机制,形成政府与农民互动的决策模式。构建公共物品供给监督机制,使公共物品供给置于社会监督之下,增强公共资源使用的透明度。要实现城乡公共物品均衡供给,政府责无旁贷。但政府作为责任主体而发挥主导作用,并不排斥市场机制的配置功能,而是坚持公共物品供给有限市场化理念,发挥政府主导作用。政府的责任在于促进公共物品品质的改善并以合理的、公平的方式分配给所有公民。在公共物品供给中,其职责定位应是“掌舵”,而不是“划桨”;是“有限型政府”,而不是“全能型政府”。通过“掌舵”与“划桨”分离,对公共物品供给多元主体之间的协作与竞争进行规划与引导,建立政府主导、社会参与、多元主体、竞争有序、监管有力的城乡公共物品供给体系,最大限度地保障城乡居民的公共利益。

【Abstract】 From the reform and opening up policy, the economics in China has been developing rapidly. However, because of the existence of the dual urban and rural economic structure, besides the difference of income level of resident in urban and rural areas, the enjoyment of the goods between the urban and rural area exists great difference, even more severe than the difference of the income difference. So the urban and rural public goods supply balancing is an important duty for our government to promote the building socialism with Chinese characteristics. This passage is from the view of the relationship of public goods supply and urban-rural economic development, taking the Marxism urban-rural combination theory and socialism common wealth as the basis, insisting on the scientific concept of development. Also it will combine the mode change of public goods supply and the factors like industrialization, urbanization and modernization to discuss the system construction and running laws of the urban and rural public goods supply balancing. It will analyze the proper urban and rural public goods supply mode to provide the theory basis with the urban-rural public properties reform system, integration of urban and rural areas supply mode realization and the public properties system with Chinese characteristicsThe appearance of dual urban and rural public properties supply in China has the far-reaching background and history origin. Dual urban and rural public goods supply system was formed because of the heavy industry development after the founding of new china. The special background in the initial times of new china had made us take the first-heavy industry strategy. In the process of the industrialization, our country took various systems such as agricultural products uniform buying and selling, rural people’s commune, census registration, education, employment and Social Security, etc. Also we made the urban people have the privilege in the education, employment, social security and wealth allocation areas. The policies of“industry first, then the agriculture”,“city first, then the countryside”,“urban people first, then the peasant”led the public properties supply developing differently between the urban-rural. The deepest reason of its appearance is dual urban and rural economics system and dual urban and rural social system. At the same time the two systems also affected and hindered the perfect of the public goods supply system. The government’s finance deviation to the city had strained the finance fund in. The lack of fund made the public goods supply not enough in the countryside .the power and responsibility division among the governments was improper. The wealth power and the power did not match. The rural public properties could not be satisfied. The finance payment transfer system was not complete. These made the gap of the wealth power between the urban and rural bigger. And it made the regional government supply ability weaker. Peasants’lack of voting right, the right of being voted, tong right and public goods decision making power all affected the peasants’words language power and the rural public goods effective supply.The different Urban and rural public goods supply system caused a huge difference in China’s urban and rural public goods supply. By establishing urban and rural differences in the level of public goods supply Evaluation System, using the evaluation indicators, the release of relevant information, including the questionnaire, with these ways we selected nearly 10 relevant data that was collected through surveys and visiting information from the three regions of Hebei Province (Handan, Baoding, Hengshui).with these data. We analyzed the compulsory education, medical care, employment, social security, infrastructure and other public goods supply level of urban and rural differences. The results show that China’s current supply of public goods in the residents basic right to subsistence and development is still a big gap between urban and rural areas, especially in education, health, labor and employment, social security, infrastructure and other areas .To the gap between urban and rural public goods supply problems, this passage uphold the basic viewpoint as follows: (1) balance of supply does not deny the gap between reasonable limits (2) the gap between urban and rural supply of public goods should be produced with its legitimacy (3) urban and rural areas should be retained between the functions difference, the bearing of their public goods difference. It should be related to the urban and rural public goods needs of the main characteristics. Urban-rural gap in the levels of public goods supply has become an important factor in the delay of the process of modernization. It is not only contrary to social justice, but also not conducive to the building of a harmonious socialist society.In the new stage of Building socialism with Chinese characteristics ,the urban and rural public goods supply balance is the special way to realize the coordinated urban and rural, and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. It has its realistic necessity and feasibility. To achieve a balanced supply of public goods in Urban and rural areas is the new stage of development of relations between the urban and rural areas and it is an inevitable trend. It is in line with the Marxist which reveals the development of the relations between urban and rural areas. To solve the“Three Rural Issues”, the most direct and realistic thing is to provide farmers with basic and supplied public goods. The balance of urban and rural supply of public goods is an important breakthrough solution of the“Three Rural Issues”; the balanced urban and rural supply of public goods takes the fair, efficiency and development as the core issues of building a socialist harmonious society. To realize the full realization of a well-off society, the key lies in the supply of public goods in rural areas. That the rural residents can access to adequate and genuine public goods is essential for building a well-off society. Also it is the inevitable choice. The balanced urban and rural public goods supply is the practical requirements to establish a socialist system of public services and it is a major task for our government. After 30 years of China’s reform and opening up, the economic benefits have increased significantly and the overall economic strength has also increased substantially. It has laid the material foundation of the balanced supply of public goods in Urban and rural areas. China’s industrialization process has entered the middle stage and the industrial development has had a considerable accumulation. Also the industry can finance the agriculture. These factors make the balanced supply of public goods in urban and rural areas possible. The scientific concepts of development and the Government’s attention to the“Three Rural Issues”have provided a theoretical guidance and policy environment to the Urban and rural public goods balance.The foreign countries have provided us with the theoretical and practical aspects in narrowing the gap between urban and rural public goods supply of my country, which is from the experiences and practices. And it has brought us many important inspirations. The majority of the world countries’experience shows that in the process of industrialization, losing no time in choosing the means suited to their national conditions for urban and rural public goods supply, to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, to complete the economic and social structural changes is a universal law. We can draw some lessons from the success of some countries. for example, the practical experience in the United States to establish rural public goods supply system; the experience in EU countries to narrow the gap between urban and rural public goods supply; the experience of Japan to coordinate urban and rural experience in the supply of public goods; Korea’s“Village”Movement experiences and practices. All the Experience shows that as long as we can take the effective policy measures, the widening gap between urban and rural public goods is completely avoidable. After the systematic inspection and analysis of the states’practice, we can draw the lessons as follows: in the choice of the supply of public goods system we should have a clear idea of the values. The government should vigorously support the rural cooperative organizations to achieve the opening and democratization of decision-making. When the government provides the urban and rural public goods, there should be neither vacancy nor offside. It should improve public services division of labor system between the central and local governments. The stable financial support for agriculture spending growth mechanisms and standardize the financial transfer payment system is the most basic means to achieve a balanced supply of urban and rural public goods. The supply of public goods should be established on the basis of democracy and the legal system .By this urban and rural public goods supply can have a stable legal protection.The balance of Urban and rural public goods neither ask for the public goods supply of urban and rural areas to a unified model, nor transfer the urban resources to the rural areas. We should be in line with local conditions. We should obey the rule of“reunification”and“sub”combination. China’s reality of urban and rural public goods supply and the specific national conditions have decided the guiding ideology to achieve a balanced urban and rural public goods supply :Government should be the main body to promote balanced urban and rural public goods supply; taking the high productivity as the basis of balanced supply of public goods in urban and rural areas; taking the justice system as the guarantee; taking the improvement of the farmers’life quality and the realization of the common prosperity for the residents as the purposes. We should insist on the following principles: people-oriented and the needs of farmers as the center; it should be adapted to the socialist market economic system and the level of economic development. It should uphold comprehensive, holistic, coordinated unity; it should follow the prioritize supply. Do our best and do what we are capable; the cost of public goods should be reasonably shared by the government, the society and individuals.The balance of Urban and rural public goods supply is a function of many factors. At this stage it is restrained by many factors such as the level of productive forces, the Government’s management concepts and functions of the government efforts. This determines China’s balance of public goods supply in urban and rural areas can not be accomplished overnight. We must take the classification means and the step-by-step implementation. We should meet the people’s urgent priority and the public goods related to the survival and development of urban and rural residents. Its short-term goal is to achieve equalization of basic public goods supply in urban and rural areas by the year 2020. Its long-term objective is to achieve the integration of urban and rural public goods supply.To achieve the above goal, we must strengthen urban and rural public goods supply system and persist on fairness and efficiency .we should build the system platform for the urban and rural public goods supply. It includes its main pillars: equality of urban and rural compulsory education system; balanced medical and health care resource allocation system in urban and rural areas; urban and rural labor employment system; integrated social security system in urban and rural areas; the corresponding public finances distribution system in urban and rural areas; unified urban and rural household registration management system, development of grass-roots democracy , self-government organizations; protection of the rural residents’equal election right and the law system of public goods supply system .To ensure the effective implementation of the system, we must develop an operation mechanism for the protection of the balanced supply of public goods in urban and rural areas. We must construct the public goods selection mechanism to form a single centre by the government to the government, the private sector, the third sector, communities and other central subject of the new supply model. To construct public goods demand mechanism, to form the farmers to the government“bottom-up”demand for full expression of preference and truly on-demand supply. To construct the public goods benefit-sharing mechanisms to make the fruits of development shared by all members of society. Construct the public goods funding mechanism to form the public finances as the main, multiple share of the financing for public goods model. Construct the public goods supply decision-making mechanism and form the interaction between the government and the farmers’decision-making model. Construct the public goods supply supervision mechanism, so that the supply of public goods can be placed under the supervision of the community, and enhance the transparency in the use of public resources.To realize the urban-rural public properties supply balancing, the government is duty-bound. However, as the main responsibility, the government’s leading role in the market mechanism does not exclude the allocation function, but insist the limited supply of public goods market-oriented philosophy. Government’s responsibility is to promote the improvement of the quality of public goods and in a reasonable and equitable manner allocated to all citizens. In the supply of public goods, its functions and responsibilities should be“steer”rather than“paddle”. It is a“limited government”rather than“all-oriented government”.Through“the helm”and the“paddle”separation of the supply of public goods multiple main competition and collaboration between the planning and guidance, we can establish a government-led, community involvement, the main pluralistic, competitive, orderly, and effective monitoring of urban and rural public Goods Supply System, so we can protect the profits of the urban and rural residents to a great extent.


