

On Fredric Jameson’s Postmodern Theories

【作者】 韩雅丽

【导师】 丁立群;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文立足于马克思主义哲学和当代文化哲学的视角,对詹姆逊的后现代主义理论作深入、系统的解读与研究。文章主要围绕其后现代主义理论的渊源、后现代主义的文化特质及其文化政治理论等几个方面的内容,结合其他后现代理论家的思想展开。文章首先指出了厄尔奈斯特·曼德尔的晚期资本主义理论、雷蒙·威廉斯的三种文化理论以及马克思主义的生产方式理论是詹姆逊后现代主义理论的基础。在此基础上,詹姆逊提出了“后现代主义是晚期资本主义的文化逻辑”的重要论断。接着,文章对詹姆逊的后现代主义理论进行了解读。文章认为,詹姆逊后现代主义理论的中心问题是空间意识优位问题,在他看来,后现代主义即空间意识优位的文化样态,后现代的文化表象和哲学特征则是空间意识优位状态的进一步表现。文章认为,詹姆逊后现代主义理论的落脚点是其文化政治理论,这也是空间意识优位状况下的一种政治策略。文章主要从三个方面展现此文化政治策略,即“政治无意识”理论、认知测绘理论和第三世界文化理论。为了更为全面客观地理解詹姆逊的后现代主义理论,文章还涉及了詹姆逊与利奥塔对元叙事及总体性问题的论争、詹姆逊与德勒兹和伽塔利关于意识以及无意识问题的论争、以及詹姆逊与福柯围绕着历史观和权力问题的论争。詹姆逊的后现代主义理论坚持了叙事的历史意识及总体性原则,对发展马克思主义历史分期理论、经济基础与上层建筑关系理论、空间理论作出了重要贡献,其第三世界文化理论具有重要的意义。在晚期资本主义世界,詹姆逊以其艰苦的理论工作保持了思想的活力和尊严,为我们提供了参照和启示。

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on Fredric Jameson’s postmodern theories from the viewpoint of Marxist philosophy and modern cultural philosophy. This paper includes such contents as the origin of postmodern, the cultural characters of postmodern, the theories of cultural politics and the difference of opinions with other thinkers.At first, I have pointed out that the theories that Mandel Ernest on the history of Capitalism, especially on late Capitalism, Raymond Williams on prevalent culture and Marxist on the mode of production are the base of Jameson’s postmodern theories. So,Jameson draws an important conclusion that postmodernism is the cultural logic of late Capitalism.Then, I study Jameson’s postmodern theories and give prominent to his critic on postmodernism. The nuclear in his postmodern theories is the question of dominant consciousness in space and as a matter of fact, postmodernism is the certain cultural form of the dominant consciousness in space. It takes on some peculiar cultural presentation and philosophical features. The termination of Jameson’s theories is the theory of cultural politics and it is determined by the condition of the dominant consciousness in space. Cultural politics theory includes three questions, that is theory on political unconsciousness, theory on cognitive mapping and theory of the third world.In order to deepen comprehension, I have compared Jameson’s theories with other such thinkers’as Jean-Francois Lyotard, Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault. Jameson’s opinions diverge greatly with them about the questions of meta-narrative and totality, consciousness and unconsciousness, the opinion on history and power Jameson not only has upheld the principle of historical consciousness and totality but also contributed to the development of Marxist theories on history. We can’t underestimate his contribution to the modern philosophy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

