

The Study of Logical Method in Modern Chinese Culture Reform

【作者】 宁莉娜

【导师】 张锡勤;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 中国哲学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中国近代是一个求生存、谋变革的时代。伴随社会政治、经济发生的变化,文化革新成为近代中国的必然选择。要实现文化革新,就离不开思维方式的变革,而思维方式的变革又需要有科学的精神与方法,正因如此,逻辑方法以其特有的科学方法与思维形态进入到思想家们的视野中。近代文化革新是西学东渐、中西文化碰撞、有识之士向西方寻找真理的结果,旨在通过文化批判与重建,实现民族复兴及社会转型。本文从逻辑方法的价值指向、文化结构的内在要素等入手,揭示中国近代文化革新与逻辑方法的重要关联,并由墨家逻辑及其在近代的复兴切入,展示西方逻辑在明末传入受阻,而严复译介的归纳逻辑方法得以传播,以及“五四”时期科学精神的弘扬,直至金岳霖等思想家运用逻辑分析方法重构哲学体系,凸显了逻辑方法作为转换思维视角、融通中外文化的路径,有着与中国近代文化革新密不可分的关系。文中对逻辑方法在近代文化革新中的影响作出了当代审视,在分析其意义的同时,也指出了局限所在。无论如何,近代文化革新在本质上反映了社会变革的需要,逻辑方法对于变革传统思维方式、激发科学精神、促进近代文化由自发向自觉的转型起到了重要作用,并由此承载了中国近代吸纳西方文化、融入世界文化大潮、推进社会转型的重任。

【Abstract】 Modern China is a time for seeking surviving and change. Along with social political and economical changes, culture reform becomes the necessary choice of modern China. In order to implement culture reform, the way of thinking must be changed, while the changes of way of thinking need scientific spirit and method. Consequently, logical method comes into the sights of ideologists in a particular scientific method and thinking form. Chinese modern culture reform is the result of the learning of Western culture, the collision of Western and Chinese culture and the men of insight’s exploration. The men of insight tried to use the critics and re-construction of culture to realize the revival of nation and social reform. Starting with the inherent elements of value orientation and cultural structure, this paper reveals the significant relationship between modern Chinese cultural reform and logical method. Cutting in from the logics of Mohist school and its modern revival, the paper also shows the obstruction of western logics introduction in the end of Ming Dynasty. The dissemination of induction logical method translated by Yan Fu, the spread of scientific spirits during the May 4th Movement and Jin Yuelin and other thinkers using logical analysis re-constructed philosophical system highlight the path of taking logical method as transforming thinking and the integration of Chinese-foreign culture. All of those have a close relationship with modern Chinese culture reform. The paper makes a contemporary scan to the influence of logical method on modern cultural reform. While analyzing its meaning, the paper also points out the limitations. In any case, modern cultural reform reflects the needs of social change in nature, the logical method plays an very important role in changing traditional thinking way, inspiring scientific spirits and promoting modern cultural transformation from spontaneity to self-consciousness. So they burden the important tasks of absorbing western culture, melting with world cultural waves and advancing social transformation’s responsibility in modern China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

