

Analysis of Systemic Environment and Orientation Strategies of Medical Publishers

【作者】 孙宇

【导师】 武士华; 王松俊;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军军事医学科学院 , 军事预防医学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 医学出版社不仅面临着出版业的事业单位企业化、市场全球化和出版数字化的冲击,而且需要面对生命科学快速发展、医药生物技术突飞猛进的科学和技术挑战,医学科技出版的系统环境发生着深刻变革,并对医学科技出版社如何适应复杂系统环境,采取适当的定位策略避免恶性竞争、提高出版社的竞争力、提升医学出版产业整体实力,是一个需要尽早解决的重要课题。国内外类似研究不多且仅限于定性分析,缺乏全面系统的定量和定性相结合的研究。本研究以国内医学出版社为目标对象,采用系统论的思想方法,分析了国内医学出版社的系统环境的要素及其发展趋势;采用文献计量学和聚类分析的方法,分析了医学出版社、医学图书、医学图书作者、医学和生命科学的前沿学科等对出版社的学术定位的影响;采用定量研究的方法分析了市场容量、市场竞争、价格量度、消费人群、营销手段、发行渠道、出版方式等对医学出版社市场定位的影响;根据图书的销售码洋、被期刊论文引用频次和h指数等指标,对国内医学出版社进行了分类,提出了针对不同类别出版社应采取不同的定位策略。本论文共分六部分。第一部分是研究的相关基础。阐述了医学出版社的系统环境与定位策略相关基本概念,出版社定位策略相关研究现状,以及在本研究中使用的指标和主要研究方法。第二部分是医学出版社的系统环境分析。首先根据系统论的思想,进行了医学出版社系统环境分析相关理论探讨,主要从管理与政策环境、科学与技术环境、市场与经济环境、人文与社会环境四个方面进行分析,并进而归纳出影响出版社定位策略的主要因素。研究提出了目前政策环境不能完全实施出版市场化,但出版管理体制的不断变革加快了出版市场化、出版社企业化的进度;科学与技术的快速发展加剧了出版社必须密切关注科学技术前沿的需求;经济全球化和市场高度分工促使出版社定位需求日益精确;公众文化和科学素养的提高要求出版社越加注重图书内容质量,也扩大了医学类图书的读者范围。第三部分是医学出版社的学术定位分析。对9年来中国维普引文数据库中的医学期刊论文引用图书情况、11年来全球生命科学领域发表的SCI论文情况进行了文献计量学分析和部分获奖图书及其作者在生物医学科学技术领域的学术影响进行了引文计量分析,以被医学期刊参考文献引用的被引频次和h指数为指标,对国内医学出版社、医学学科、医学图书及其作者进行学术分析,结果表明极少数出版社拥有被引频次较高的作者和图书资源;国内医学出版社在大部分学科领域被期刊引用的频次大致相同;我国医学各主要学科在SCI论文发表数量和被其他期刊引用的频次数量有较快增长,但总体数量和占SCI论文比例与美国和日本等国还有差距,极少数学科的SCI论文发表数量处于全球较领先地位。第四部分是医学出版社的市场定位分析。采用市场集中度的分析方法,对1999年至2006年的全国医学图书零售市场的数据进行定量分析,结果表明,国内医学图书市场是个寡占型市场,市场高度集中;零售图书市场呈现销售码洋持续上升、动销品种增长、单品种销售册数增长的趋势。对2006年全国医学图书细分市场的数据分析表明,中医类图书和医学考试类图书的销售码洋、销售品种和销售册数增长最高,但医学考试类图书的平均单品种销售册数下降,外科类图书平均定价和上涨幅度最高。对2006年医药卫生专业出版社医学图书零售市场的数据分析表明,体量大的出版社的出版关注领域为5个以上,体量小的出版社的出版关注领域为1~2个。对2005年全国卫生机构、卫生人员、分科医师数量统计分析表明,全国卫生机构数量达到30万,医生和护士人数最多,内科、外科、妇产科和中医科医生数量超过10万。对1999年至2006年全国医学图书零售市场定价的分析表明,医学类图书定价上涨44%,逐步实现根据内容定价。对医学图书营销手段和发行渠道分析结果表明,医学图书出版社营销手段单一,缺乏直销渠道。对北大方正数字出版的数据分析表明,医学专业图书的数字化出版发展空间还很大。第五部分是医学出版社的定位策略研究。根据市场销售码洋、被引频次和h指数三个指标,将现有医学出版社大致分为四种类型:体量较大、出版领域宽、发展成熟型,以某些学科和专业领域的学术性图书见长型,以市场营销见长型,体量较小、专长特色尚不明显、尚属于成长发展阶段型。基于对医学出版社上述系统环境分析,结果提示了四种不同类型的出版社不同的定位策略。体量较大、出版领域宽、成熟型出版社可以考虑稳中求进的策略,紧跟生命科学发展前沿,针对医学科研高端人才、临床医师、在校学生等较宽人群,选择国内外权威专家编著,占领代表基础医学、临床医学及交叉学科前沿进展的高品质、高品位理论及学术专著、代表医学权威的工具书、代表世界先进教育思维的医学教材市场和部分高水准,为广大读者喜闻乐见的医学科普、健康普及图书,在稳固占领医学图书市场份额的同时,扩大出版影响和覆盖面,与其他形式媒体和机构合作,建立集出版、培训、教育文化甚至报刊、影视为一体的多方位的数字化、多元化基地,保持国内一流出版社的地位。以某些学科和专业领域的学术性图书见长类型出版社可以选择以学术特色为主的策略,针对医学科研人员、医院高级医生及需要提高医学知识、具备一定人文素养的读者群,占领代表医学基础医学领域、临床医学领域或医学人文领域等专业的图书市场,形成以人无我有、人有我精的学术质量和集中度,争取达到拥有前沿学科的学术品牌和医学人文的科普品牌,具有良好的市场开拓素质、精细科学和规范管理,具备相当学术竞争力的国内一流学术型出版社。以市场营销见长类型出版社可以选择精品化策略,紧跟生命科学前沿学科,针对有留学背景的医学人群、急需了解国外前沿学科的人群、普通大众人群,占领原版引进图书、原版翻译图书、原版编译图书和科普读物市场,争取成为科普图书领先、部分学科精品图书成系列的国内一流出版社。体量较小、专长特色尚不明显、尚属于成长发展阶段类型出版社可以选择内容特色化、专业化策略,选择发展快、新技术和新技术使用多,且相对市场占有率较低的学科,或针对老年人群、医药卫生人群、农民,占领代表该学科的图书、老年病防治的科普图书、农村常见病防治的图书市场等占位优势出版社不屑或不顾及的领域或人群,做卧薪尝胆的提高和积累,向大型出版社逐步过渡。或利用负担较轻,有部分优势专业人才和创新激情的优势,将有限的人才和财力选准几个点,集中突破医学出版的若干新内容、新形式、新技术,向专业型之路发展。当然,也可以在提高自身全面水平的前提下,适当选择规模和出版模式,坚持做一个体量小但特色明显、经营有方、有自己专有忠诚度的读者人群、状况良好的中小型出版社。第六部分是主要结论和讨论。对医学出版社定位策略作了简要概括、对现有工作局限性进行了分析和对下一步工作的展望。本研究的创新点是首次较系统地分析了医学出版社的系统环境,较全面地对医学出版社定位策略的若干指标和参数进行了定量分析。对医学出版社进行了详细的市场竞争力分析,并研究提示了医学出版社的定位策略和建议。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of science and technology, the concept of ethic has been changing continuously. The medical publishers must position themselves appropriately in the market to avoid vicious competition. Due to the lack of comprehensive analysis in previous studies, this research is concerned with the academic and market orientation of medical publishers. The study analyzes the systemic environment of domestic medical publishers. The academic analysis of medical publishers, medical books, authors and the medical sciences is conducted using bibliometric and cluster analysis methods. Market capacity, market competition, pricing, consumers, marketing methods and distribution channels are also analyzed with quantitative methods. Medical publishers are divided into four groups using the sales revenue records, the h index and the citation frequency. Different strategies are devised for the four groups of publishers.The dissertation is divided into six sections. The first section, as the foundation of the study, includes the relevant concepts and research methods.The second section is the analysis of the systemic environment of the medical publisher. The systemic environment of the medical publisher includes management and policy environment, science and technology environment, market and economic environment, humanities and social environment. The analysis indicates that the medical publisher must improve market awareness and satisfy the needs of advancing sciences.The third section is the academic orientation analysis of the medical publishers. The citation quantitative analysis is applied to analyze books quoted by academic journals based on the Chongqing VIPs citation database in the past ten years. The SCI articles of science in the past eleven years are analyzed with quantitative method. The result shows that a high number of authors and books are partnered with a very small number of publishers. Most of these publishers use studies and articles that are similar in subject matters. There is a gap between China, The United States and Japan in the total number of articles cited. These countries lead in the number of papers published in the world.The fourth section is the market orientation analysis of medical publishers. According to the analysis of data on retail sales in the medical market from 1999 to 2007, the result shows that the medical market is an oligopoly market. It is a market of high concentration and high-profit. The sales and variety rise continuously. According to the analysis of 2006 Medical retail market data, the highest sales and the most profitable are the books on Chinese traditional medicine and medical examinations. According to the analysis of medical market from 1999 to 2006, the total publishing order and the gross earnings of medical examinations books have increased at the highest rate. However, the sales amount of single collection of these books has decreased. The sales of internal medicine and surgery books have increased at the lowest rate. Larger publishing companies take the leading position in more than five disciplines, while small companies only in one or two. The number of health institutions has reached 30 million. The number of physicians, surgeons, obstetrics and gynecology doctors and Chinese Traditional medical doctors has reached over 100,000. The Medical publishers lack proper marketing skills. Direct sales channels should be developed. More medical books should be published in digital form.The fifth section is the analysis of the orientation strategies of the medical publishers. The Medical publishers are divided into four groups; revenue, h index, the citation frequency. The larger group of well developed publishers is advised to adopt an international and multi-directional strategy. The group of publishers focusing on certain academic books is advised to adopt a brand strategy. The group of publishers having more powerful marketing methods is advised to use a more discriminating strategy. The group of small and growing publishers is advised to develop a unique feature.The sixth section is the main conclusions and discussion.The innovative contribution of this dissertation is the comprehensive analysis of the medical publishing systemic environment with quantitative methods for the first time. The market competition among medical publishers is analyzed in detail. Some appropriate orientation strategies are analyzed for different types of medical publishers.


