

Dual Variations of Cosmopolitan and Nationality

【作者】 粟高燕

【导师】 余子侠;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 外语教育是“历史向世界历史转变”过程的有机组成部分。近代中国外语教育的发生,与近代中国走向世界、走向现代化处在共时态的空间中。近代中国外语教育的发展历程就是近代中国对外开放、追求现代化的历程。近代中国的外语教育在近代中国融入世界体系的历史进程中起着极其特殊而重要的作用,其发展变化不仅反映了中国教育的发展,也折射出中国近代思想和社会的变迁。本论文旨在分析与探讨世界化语境嬗变中的近代中国外语教育与近代中国对外开放之间的关系,而非纯粹的外语教育史。论文的整体构架主要以时间顺序为经,以外语教育的各个侧面为纬,描述和探讨近代中国的外语教育在不同时期、不同世界意识语境中的变化特点及其所传递的社会文化意义,借以透析在中西文化关系中外语教育所体现的主体应对策略——世界性与民族性的辨证互动规律,从而揭示出外语教育与中西文化之间的复杂关系,勾画出入们认识世界和推动中国近代化进程的历史轨迹。本论文以“世界化”、“世界性”与“民族性”为主体概念,探讨了近代中国外语教育变迁与中国对外开放之间的相互关系。中国外语教育的兴起与发展是西学东渐背景下官方倡导,民间参与,以学习西方科学知识,增强了解世界力度,提高与世界接轨能力为主要目的的教育运动。它的变迁发展经历了一个由被动到主动、由零星到系统、由保守到开放的过程,这也是一个国家门户开放的过程,一个民族的思想开放、心理开放的过程,一个勇于直面世界、接纳异己、表达自我的过程。世界与中国的相互关系始终是垫衬中国近代外语教育历史的浓重底色。所以,近代中国外语教育在中国对外开放过程中扮演了重要的角色,其发展史实是近代中国如何走向和融入世界的历史。论文分六个部分展开。绪论部分主要包括研究缘起、研究价值、研究文献综述与研究不足分析、研究目标与创新、研究方法这五个方面的内容,对整个论文的写作作一简要交代与说明。第一章主要描述与分析滥觞时期外语教育作为近代国人特殊的“睁眼看世界”现象的思想动因及其具体表现(1862-1900)。其总特点表现为强民族性弱世界性:课程地位低于母语,外语教育规模小;在价值取向上表现为直接工具主义,即培养政治外交与商贸经济所需要的普通译人;在内容上以翻译官文、商业用语为主,文化教育内容少;在方法上以语法翻译法为主,重翻译技巧训练;外语还被迫作为其它学科的教学语言;此时的外语学人在文化边缘的狭缝中职微言轻,事业道路上备尝艰辛。总体而论,在国人世界化意识初步觉醒的背景下,外语教育表现为对于表层西方文化有所吸纳,而对深层文化则是无知少涉,戒心的浓厚与底线的困守使得此时期外语教育的文化教育意识严重缺失,而急功近利的工具意识甚强,特别是与日本同时期的外语教育环境比较,国人的保守意识很强,体现出国人在世界化趋势面前狭隘的民族主义文化认同倾向,因此外语教育的成就有限。但此时开办外语教育毕竟是国人被迫走向世界的一种回应与选择,是中国走向世界所迈出的关键性的一步,促进了中国与世界的联系。第二章主要是叙述与分析制度化时期外语教育作为国人“主动走向世界”现象的思想动因及其具体表现(1901-1921)。其总特点表现为强世界性与弱民族性:外语教育成“热”成“潮”,开始普及化、制度化,成为中学的必修课,高小的必选课,课程地位反而超过母语,教育价值取向上体现为间接的工具主义,即把外语教育作为学习西方自然、人文社会科学知识的重要途径;教育内容上表现为语言教育与西方文化知识教育的结合,特别是自然科学知识成为教学的主要内容;双语教育迅速发展;教学方法从以语法翻译法为主过渡为以阅读教学为主;文化边缘人的社会地位显著提高,世界性特性更加突出。显然,经历了甲午战争及《马关条约》,尤其是义和团运动和《辛丑条约》的刺激与盘剥之后,在“亡国灭种”的危局下,国人表现出强烈的西方文化认同倾向。第三章主要是叙述与分析民族化改革时期外语教育作为国人“主动改造世界”现象的思想动因及其具体表现(1922-1949)。其总特点体现为世界性与民族性的协同发展:外语与母语在学校教育中的地位渐处平衡;外语教育的价值取向为综合化,具有了从工具主义向人文主义转变的倾向;外语教育的内容呈现出生活性、交际性、民族性等新内涵,较好地体现了实际的语用环境,跨文化教育意识增强;外语教育的方法则倾向为“听说读写”的综合训练,产生了一些以直接法精神为指导的中国特色的外语教学方法;对殖民性质的外语教育进行了抵制与批判,显示出可贵的民族精神。总之,经历了辛亥革命、“五四”新文化运动以及前后两次世界大战,面对越来越强大的世界化劲力,国人的世界化意识里开始蕴涵和萌动理性自觉的成分,外语教育的世界性因素与民族性特性辨证互动,使得外语教育的跨文化交往性质得以凸显。这是外语教育对两次世界大战后世界化趋势的合理应对与促进,体现了国人理性的多元文化认同倾向。第四章的任务是分析和总结近代中国外语教育的主要特点、社会功能以及存在的主要问题。余论部分主要论及近代外语教育的历史事实对我们的六点启示。六点启示也权作本文研究的几点结论:世界性与民族性的有机统一是外语教育的基本品格,发展外语教育应树立开放的民族主义文化认同取向;反对文化帝国主义与全盘西化依然是当代外语教育的重要任务;外语教育的本质属性实乃一种跨文化素质教育;中外文化同构是外语教材编写的基本原则;从“权利”到“资源”是我国外语教育政策制定的意识导向;加强民族文化认同视野下的外语教育研究。

【Abstract】 Foreign language education is an integral part of the process of "China’s history turning into world history". Foreign language education in modern China synchronizes with its cosmopolitanization and modernization. The development of foreign language education in modern China is the process that it opens up to the outside world and pursues modernization. The foreign language education in modern China plays a very special and important role in the historical process that modem China melts into the world system. Its development not only reflects the development of education in China but also reflects the changes in thoughts and society in modern China, therefore, is of great importance in the history of thought.The goal of this paper is to analyze and explore the relationship between foreign language education in modern China and its opening up to the outside world under a cosmopolitanized circumstance that is ever-changing, rather than to focus on foreign language education itself. With time order being its longitude and aspects of foreign language education its latitude, the paper elaborates on the traits of changes of foreign language education in China in different periods and under different world consciousness circumstances as well as on the socio-cultural significance it conveys. The main body countermeasures manifested by foreign language education in the cultural relationship between China and western world, namely the rules of dialectical interaction between cosmopolitan and nationality, are thoroughly analyzed to reveal the complex relationship between foreign language education and Chinese, western cultures, therefore, draws the outline of the track that Chinese people get to know the world and propel the process of China’s modernization.In this paper, relationship between the transformation of foreign language education in China and its opening up to the outside world are explored with cosmopolitanization, cosmopolitan and nationality as conceptional frame. The rise and development of foreign language education in China is a government-initiated and civil-participated educational movement under the background of interaction of different cultures between the west and the east, with learning western science, strengthening knowledge of the world and upgrading ability to gear to international world as main purposes. Its development is a process from passiveness to positiveness, from fragmentation to system, and from conservation to opening up. It is also a process that a country opens its door to the outside world, a process that a nation opens it mind and heart, a process of boldly facing the world, accepting difference and self expression. The interrelation between China and the rest of the world has always been a heavy background color for foreign language education in modern China, hence the development history of foreign language education in modem China is actually a history that modern China melts into the world, which plays a very important role in the process of China’s opening up to the outside world.The paper falls into six parts. The introduction part consists of five aspects regarding the reasons, values, reviews and weak points analysis, goals and innovations, and methods of the study, which gives a brief introduction and illumination on the whole paper.Chapter 1 mainly elaborates and analyzes the intrinsic motivation and specific manifestation of foreign language education in modern China as a special phenomenon of opening eyes to the outside world in initial period (1862-1900). It bears the general features of strong nationality and weak cosmopolitan, course status lower than native language, small scale, direct toolism in terms of value orientation characterized by training common translators needed by politics, diplomatics, economics and commerce, translation mainly involving in official and commercial documents and rarely in cultural and educational materials, and grammar translation being the main method with emphasis on training of translation skills. Foreign languages are forced to be the teaching languages of other disciplines; foreign language learners experience all kinds of hardships in a low social status. In general, under the background of preliminary awakening of Chinese cosompolitanization consciousness, foreign language education shows certain degree absorption of western superficial cultures with no knowledge and involvement of its in-depth cultures. Strong wariness and stubbornly sticking to bottom line lead to foreign language education in this period lack of cultural and educational consciousness, but full of toolism consciousness eager for quick success and instant benefit. Strong conservative consciousness, especially comparing with Japanese foreign language education environment, embodies Chinese people’s inclination of narrow nationalism cultural recognition in the trend of cosmopolitanization, which attributed to limited achievements of foreign language education. However, the commencement of foreign language education is after all a countermeasure and choice taken by Chinese people who are forced to go to the outside world, and also an important step which promotes China’s link with the outside world.In chapter 2, thought motivation and specific manifestation of foreign language education as a phenomenon of positively moving towards the outside world in systematic period (1901-1921) are discussed and analyzed. It features the characteristics of strong cosmopolitan and weak nationality, foreign language education being hot and fashionable, being popular, systematic and becoming compulsive course of middle school and selective course of primary school, course status much higher than native language, indirect toolism in terms of value orientation characterized by taking foreign language education as an important mean of learning western natural, humanities and social science, the combination of language education with western culture and science education in terms of education contents with natural science being the main content of education, rapid development of bilingual education, education methods changing from grammar translation to reading education, significant upgrade of social status of cultural marginal person, and cosomopolitan being more prominent. Obviously, there is a strong recognition towards western culture by Chinese who had experienced separation and exploitation after the defeat of Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and were in danger of nation-conquered and race-extinct.In chapter 3, elaborations and analysis on thought motivation and specific manifestation of foreign language education as a phenomenon of voluntarily transforming the world in reform period (1922-1949) have been brought forward. Generally, it features the synergic progress of cosmopolitan and nationality, criticism about and counteraction to colonial natured foreign language education, which embodies valuable national spirit, equal statues of foreign languages and native language in school education, comprehensiveness of value orientation of foreign language education with the tendency of transforming from toolism to humanism, new connotations in living, social and national aspects appearing in the content of foreign language education which well represents the actual pragmatic environment featuring strengthened consciousness of intercultural education, and foreign language education methods turning to comprehensive training of listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities with direct methods as main body. Above all, after the 1911 Revolution, the May 4th New Culture Movement and the two World Wars, facing the cosmopolitanized opponents that are getting stronger and stronger, Chinese cosmopolitanization consciousness start to be rational and self conscious. The dialectical interaction between cosmopolitan factors and nationality of foreign language education underlines the intercultural exchange nature of foreign language education. It is reasonable countermeasure to and promotion of cosmopolitan trend post the two World Wars by foreign language education which reflects rational multicultural recognition of Chinese people.In chapter 4, main characteristics, social functions, existing problems are summarized.Epilogue provides analysis on the enlightenments of foreign language education in modern China and research subject that need to be deepened and further explored of foreign language education featuring cosmopolitanization vision. The enlightenment part also serves as conclusions of the paper: take open nationalism cultural recognition orientation as fundamental guidelines for foreign language education in a long and stable term, because it is basic character for foreign language education to integrate its cosmopolitan and nationality; it is still one of important tasks for our contemporary foreign language education to fight against cultural imperialism and whole- westernization; the essence of foreign language education is an intercultural quality education; ; isomorphism of Chinese and foreign cultures is the basic principal when compiling foreign language textbooks; from rights to resources is the consciousness orientation when constituting policy for foreign language education in China.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【下载频次】987

