

The Conflict of Interests: The Policy-Making Study of the Popularization of Higher Education in Britain

【作者】 梁淑红

【导师】 杨汉麟;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 高等教育大众化是战后英国高等教育政策的重要内容。本文通过对高等教育大众化政策制定过程的研究,不仅试图从宏观视角理解英国高等教育大众化政策发展变迁过程中的特征、变迁路径及发展动力,还从微观的政策制定过程入手,展现影响大众化政策制定的各种因素及其相互作用,从而探讨一个政策系统内部的各级政府、政策精英、利益集团、政府机构以及文职人员各自在政策制定过程中扮演的角色,揭示他们之间的冲突和矛盾,并为实现自身利益最大化而展开的博弈过程。本文立足于问题研究,从政策分析的角度,对英国高等教育大众化政策的发展过程进行了深入分析。导论部分:探讨了英国高等教育研究的重要意义,说明本选题产生的背景及其价值,对选题的核心概念进行了界定,最后在对国内外相关研究成果进行梳理和分析的基础上提出本研究的研究思路和研究方法。本文的前四章分别按照英国高等教育大众化政策发展的不同阶段,对政策的制定过程进行叙议结合的回溯。第一章:高等教育大众化政策的发端:战争与专业人才(二战后——60年代初期)。此时期是英国实施战后重建的独特时期,战争使政府和民众深感科技人才的缺乏,高等教育的扩招成为一致要求。但是,精英主义传统的大学拒绝承担更多的技术教育,而技术教育系统的技术学院则迫切希望独立承担更多责任。围绕大学与技术学院的地位和等级,产生了尖锐的分歧,由此产生了珀西报告、巴罗报告和技术教育白皮书。政策的结果是大学缓慢发展,技术学院得到系统地管理和认可,为后来与大学的竞争奠定了基础。此时期的高等教育大众化政策的特征是处于起步阶段,政策尚未进入决策层的视野,影响政策制定的因素是社会环境和利益集团。第二章:高等教育大众化政策的初级议题:规模与结构(60年代初期—70年代中期)。这一时期的主要政策是开启今后高等教育大发展的《罗宾斯报告》和高等教育的二元制。两个政策在认同扩招的前提下发生了分歧,前者奉行的是保守党政府的精英主义,主张建立以阶梯制为基础的一元化高等教育体系。后者立足于平等主义,主张在维护现有大学体系的前提下,发展另一种以技术学院和教育学院为主的公立高等教育系统,两个部分协同合作,组成高等教育的二元体系。分歧的实质是大学与技术学院、工党与保守党、中央与地方政府之间的利益冲突,政策的制定过程就是他们之间博弈的结果。此时期影响政策制定的因素是利益集团的利益冲突。第三章:高等教育大众化政策的二级议题:经费与责任(70年代中期—80年代中期)。英国在70年代经济危机的打击下不堪重负,对高等教育继续扩招的承诺无法兑现。在撤切尔夫人执政期间,政府一改先前的主张,推行货币主义政策,强制削减公共开支,缩减高等教育经费。对各大学经费的削减过程显示了政府与大学、大学与多科技术学院以及中央与地方政府之间的矛盾冲突。在外部环境的冲击下,此时的政策制定打破了传统的团体决策模式,影响政策的主要因素是政策精英。第四章:高等教育大众化政策的纵深议题:质量与效率(80年代中期—今)。此时期的政策路径发生转换,从大众化的外延发展转向内涵提升,政策重在解决高等教育的质量和效率问题。这一时期的大众化发展已经深入高等教育内部,主要集中于高等教育的自身问题,涉及的利益群体也局限于与高等教育直接相关的群体。所以,政策议题的层次已经从政府决策层降至部门决策层。此时期的政策主要是贯彻撒切尔主义,随着高等教育大众化的来临,大学与多科技术学院、多科技术学院与地方政府、中央政府与地方政府之间的矛盾趋于终结,政府与整个高等教育的关系进入一个新时期。此时期政策制定的因素主要是利益集团。以上述四章内容为历史依据,本文在第五章对英国高等教育大众化政策从三个方面进行了理论剖析。其一,从宏观上分析英国高等教育大众化政策的阶段特征、政策的连续性以及保持连续性的条件。其二,在综述英国高等教育制度变迁动因的已有研究的基础上,借鉴新制度经济学的制度变迁理论提出英国高等教育大众化政策变迁的利益驱动论及其表现。其三,运用萨巴蒂尔的政策分析理论——支持联盟框架解释英国高等教育政策制定过程中的影响因素及其相互作用。结语分为两个部分:其一,对英国高等教育大众化政策制定过程中的利益博弈进行归纳,与论题作一呼应。其二,对本文研究的方法论问题做进一步总结和反思。

【Abstract】 The Popularization of higher education is an important issue of higher education policies in Britain. The dissertation not only explains the characters, the path and the impetus of higher education policies’ evolution in Britain, but analyzes the influencing factors and their interaction from a view of policy-making. Furthermore, all levels of governments, elite, interest groups, office and civil servants’ roles will be discussed deeply so as to unfold their endeavor for the maximal interests. The dissertation gives a thorough review for higher education popularizing policies in Britain based on problem research and policy-analyzing.The preface investigates the importance of the study of higher education in Britain, discusses the reason and the value of the issue, defines some key words, summarizes the research situation home and overseas, and expounds the dissertation’s research layout and research methods further.The first four chapters give a review about policy-making during the Popularization of higher education in Britain respectively.Chapter one: the policies’ outset of the Popularization of higher education in Britain: war andprofessional(post-world warII——early days in 1960s). In the reconstructed period, realizing the lackof scientist and technologist from world warII, everyone appealed to expand in higher education. The universities with elitism were averse to take on technology, but the technical colleges were earnest to assume more work independently. Opinions diverged from each other on the status and rank between universities and technical colleges. After Percy Report, Barlow Report and White Paper on Technical Education, both universities and technical colleges made progresses, the latter got more progresses so as to compete with universities in future. During this time, the policies of the Popularization of higher education are in a threshold, it still didn’t come into the decision-makers’ eyes, the social circumstances and interest groups were the crucial factors of policy-making.Chapter two: the policies’ primary issues of the Popularization of higher education in Britain:scale and structure(early days in1960s——metaphase in 1970s). Robbins Report which resulted inexpansion and the Binary System which designed administrant system were important issues this period. Despite agreeing to expand, both of them had different plans about the administrant system. Robbins Report with elitism made by the Conservative Party claimed that there should be a unified system based on ladder principle. The Labor Party claimed that another system should be set up which consisted of technical college and educational colleges as egalitarian. The public higher education sector and the universities co-operated, that was so-called binary system. During this time, conflicts of interests arose between universities and technical colleges, the Labor Parry and the Conservative Party, the central and the local authorities and so on, which made for the policies’ process. The conflicts of interests were the crucial factors of policy-making.Chapter three: the policies’ second issues of the Popularization of higher education in Britain:grants and obligation (metaphase in 1970s——metaphase in 1980s). Because of economic crisis inthe middle of 1970s, the state broke its promise and cut the expenditure of higher education, especially in the Thatcher Government The cut was full of conflicts between the government and universities, universities and polytechnics, the central and the local authorities. On the impact of social changes, the traditional decision-making in group was broken in place of decision-making by elite. The elite were the crucial factor of policy-making.Chapter four: the policies’ deep issues of the Popularization of higher education in Britain:quality and efficiency(metaphase in 1980s——now). The higher education popularizing policies’ pathhad transformed from extension to intension which put emphasis on educational quality and efficiency. In this period, problems in higher education itself were focus in the policies’ process, so there were only some interest groups adhere to higher education. Issues would be discussed in the branch sector rather than state level. Thatcherism was the major guideline in the higher education. Conflicts between universities and polytechnics, polytechnics and the local authorities, the central and the local authorities were coming to an end, the relation of the state and the higher education began to a new era. Interest groups were the major factor of policy-making.According to the first four chapters, the dissertation analyzes the policies’ process from three aspects: First, the dissertation studied the stage characters approach, the continuity and the reason of higher education popularizing policies from a view of holistic. Second, after commenting on some conclusions about the drive of higher educational system in Britain, the dissertation brought forward the interests’ driving by reference to System Changes theory of new institutional economics. Third, the dissertation analyzes the influencing factors and their interaction in policy-making in virtue of the Advocacy Coalition Framework of Paul A.Sabatier.Epilogue, on the one hand, the dissertation sums up the interest groups during policy-making of the Popularization of higher education in Britain. On the other, gives some viewpoints about the methodology of educational history research.

  • 【分类号】G649.561
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2284

