

The Comparative Study of Christian Education in Modern China and Japan (1860-1950)

【作者】 张永广

【导师】 马敏;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“全球地域化”为研究视角,运用比较研究的方法,考察基督教教育在中日两国所受到的不同地域文化环境的影响,详细剖析基督教教育在两国近代民族国家形成过程中的处境、应对及发展中所表现出的地域性差别,并兼及基督教教育理念的变化及同差会和教会的关系。论文主要分为四章。导论部分首先回顾介绍中国基督教史研究的态势及趋势,并检讨已有的研究模式,求证以“全球地域化”为新的研究视角的可行性:此外还对相关概念、史料情况、研究方法及论文写作思路等作了解释。第二章至第四章为文章的主体部分,以大致三十年为一个时间段,分三章对近代中日两国基督教教育的发展历程进行描述与比较。第二章题为“传教教育与新式教育”,时间为1860—1890年。主要考察基督教教育在两国开教早期的基本概况及所表现出的“传教教育”与“新式教育”的差别。此一时期,中国基督教教育的传教色彩非常浓厚,而日本的基督教教育则被看作是新式教育的典范。中国基督教学校的数量虽然很多,但在学术水平和学校生源上却要逊于同期的日本。这些差别也造成了中日两国基督教运动中差教会与本土教会的不同,在基督教教育上则表现为,尽管均有着相似的差会教育谱系,但本土教师在学校中的地位却差别很大。不过,虽然同期中国基督教教育所植根的文化生态环境不如日本适宜,但从长远来看,其发展的空间实远较日本为大。第三章题为“国家化与社会化”,时间大致在1890—1920年间。与前一时段相比,基督教教育在中日两国呈现出相反的发展态势。经过十九世纪九十年代排外运动的冲击以及文部省有关基督教教育政策的制定与颁布,日本的基督教学校逐渐被嵌入到公立教育体制之中,并在公立学校的竞争下不断地边缘化。但同期中国的基督教教育却逐渐改进其传教色彩浓厚的缺点,呈现出良好的发展态势,差传体制下的教育事业经过基督教中国教育会的协调与促进不断地专业化,基督教教育的体系也亦日趋完整;而相比之下日本的基督教教育不仅规模小而且体系残缺,在初级教育、高等教育、师范教育等方面都体现出与中国的巨大差距。但与日本基督教学校的本土化相比,中国的基督教学校却依然保有浓厚的“洋化”色彩,以致被看作“文化殖民”受到后来民族主义者的强烈批判。第四章题为“国家教育体制下的应对”,时间大致在1920—1950年间。中国基督教教育“游离”于国家教育体制之外的处境在二十世纪二十年代得到改变。世纪之交日本同行的经历,为中国的基督教教育者提供了可借鉴的经验,华籍基督徒也开始担负其类似于二十余年前的日本基督教人士所承担的领导角色。基督教学校向教育部的注册立案标志着,其至少在形式上完成了从“差会学校”向“教会学校”的转变。尽管中日基督教学校都处于国家教育体制之下,但两国对基督教学校的控制程度实有很大差别。日本政府在控制基督教教育方面一直走在中国政府前面且措施更严。就宗教教育而言,两国虽然在开展的基本形式上大致相同,但在具体的内容中中国要远比日本丰富,这也使得在基督化程度方面后者更低。在日本,与基督化氛围较弱形成强烈反差的是基督教学校的军国主义色彩浓厚。抗战初期,中日两国基督徒曾尝试在国际主义与民族主义之间进行调适与寻找平衡。不过欲用国际主义来超越民族主义,这在战争面前则显得太过软弱与无力。战争期间,中国的基督教教育因表现出的忠诚而赢得政府的鼓励并有了良好发展,日本的基督教教育却逐渐被纳入到战时体制下;中国的基督教教育在本土化的基础上继续保持并发展着其固有的国际化特色,而日本的基督教教育却因受政府的压迫与管制并需满足战时下的各种需求而更加国家主义化。二战结束后,因战争而被迫中止的西方新教差会在远东的宣教运动也得以重启。基督教教育尤其是高等教育领域再次成为它们所关注的重点并为此制定了战后发展计划。由于在差会视野与本土视野之间存在冲突与矛盾,两国在大学联合方面均充满曲折与抵制,而这也依然体现了基督教教育发展中的全球地域化要求。结论部分对基督教教育在近代中日两国的进程予以总结。基督教教育在近代中日两国的演化历程,既受到两国不同的地域文化生态的影响,更受到中日近代民族国家建构路径与方式的制约,体现了鲜明的全球地域化特色。

【Abstract】 This dissertation,from the perspective of Glocalization and using the method of comparative study,aims to explore the different local place,feedback and evolution of Christian education in modern China and Japan during the nation-state formative process.The dissertation also analyses the changes of Christian education’s ideas and the relationship with mission and church in the two countries.The dissertation is in four parts.The introduction part first gives a review of relevant theoretical background and studies,then demonstrate the feasibility of making the Glocalization to be a new perspective study,which is followed by a brief explanation of the basic materials and analytical structure of this thesis.The main body of this dissertation is the second part to the forth part.Each part,included about thirty years to be a period,describes and compares the particular course of Christian education in modern China and Japan.The second part is titled by "Missionary-education and Modern-education" and the time scope is 1860-1890 year.During this period,the missionary color of Christian education in China was extremely thick,but Christian education in Japan was regarded as the model of modern education.Although the quantity of Christian schools in China was much more,the quality of education and students in China was worse than in Japan.These facts also facilitated the differences of the mission-church and the native church in the two countries’ Christian movement.The Christian education of China and Japan had the similar mission-education tradition,but the status of the native teachers in the two countries’ Christian school had the huge disparity.Needs to pay attention was, from the long-term judgment,the development space of Christian education in China would be more free and broader than in Japan,although during this time the rooting culture ecological environment of Christian education in Japan was more suitable than in China.The third part is titled by "nationalization and socialization" and the time scope is 1890-1920 year.Comparing with the preceding time interval,the Christian education in Japan and China presented the opposite development tendency.After the impact of the 19thcentury 90’s anti-foreign movement and the promulgation of the Ministry of Education’s policy concerned the Christian education,The Japanese Christian schools was gradually inserted to the public education system and being peripherization under the competition of the public schools.During this period,the Christian education in China was gradually desalinating the thick of missionary color,being specialization and systematization through the Educational Association of China’ coordination.Comparatively,the scale of Japan’s Christian education was smaller and the system was not complete.For example,there was the huge disparity in elementary education,higher education,pedagogical education.The Japanese Christian schools were completely the native educational institution;but the Chinese Christian schools were still regarded as the foreign institution,which would be intensely criticized by the nationalism.The forth part is titled by "the feedback under the national education system" and the time scope is1920-1950 year.The dissociation of the Chinese Christian education out of the national education system was changed in the 20thcentury 20’s and the experience of the Japanese Christian education in the turn of century was referred by the Chinese Christian educators.They began to undertake the role of leadership during the procedure of registration,which formally symbolized the transformation from the "mission-school" to "church-school".Though the two countries’ Christian education had been under the national education system,there was very wide difference of the control degree between the two countries.Japanese Government was much stricter than Chinese government in controlling Christian education.On the religious education,the teaching forms were approximately same in the two countries,but the concrete content in China was much richer than in Japan.Comparatively,the militarism color of Japan’s Christian school was thick.In the initial period of the Sino-Japanese War, the Christians of China and Japan once attempted to adjust and balance between the internationalism and the nationalism,but this behavior was very weak and incapable before the war.The Chinese Christian education received the encouragement of the government and maintained its inherent internationalization because of the loyalty during the war.Comparatively,the Japanese Christian education was gradually integrated to the war structure and became more nationalization because of the government’s oppression.The end of World WarⅡmade the evangelization to be able to start again and the post-war plan was formulated in both countries,especially on the higher education.But because of the conflict and contradiction between the mission-vision and the native-vision,the operation of the plan was full of obstacle and opposition,which was also the manifestation of Glocalization in the history of the Christian education in modern China and Japan.The part of conclusion recapitulates the course of Christian education in modern China and Japan, which was not only affected by the different local culture ecology,but also molded by the different route of the two countries’ nation-state construction.The history of Christian education in modern China and Japan manifested the particularly characteristic of Glocalization

  • 【分类号】K25;B979
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】900

