

A Diachronic Investigation on the Conditions of Common Mono Syllabic Verbs with Objects in Modern Chinese

【作者】 吴纪梅

【导师】 储泽祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文对汉语中常用的113个单音动词的带宾情况进行了历时考察。文章主要从动宾结构框架、构宾成分、宾语语义类型等角度对这些动词构成的动宾结构的发展演变情况进行了研究和探讨,同时文章还对动词“坐”带处所宾语能力的历时发展情况进行了个案研究。包括结语在内,全文共分为六个部分:第一章为“绪论”,主要对文章论题的研究背景和研究现状等情况作了简要的回顾,并对本文的研究范围和研究方法等相关情况作了介绍。第二章讨论了动宾结构框架的历时演变情况。考察发现,从总体上来说,动宾结构的整体框架在发展过程中呈现出简明化的趋势。动宾结构曾有“动词+单宾”、“动词+双宾”、“动词+三宾”以及“多动共宾”等多种框架模式,在历时发展过程中,“动词+单宾”和“动词+双宾”框架由多种结构形式逐渐简化为以一种形式为主;“动词+三宾”框架完全退出使用;“多动共宾”框架曾一度中止使用。这些变化都证明了汉语动宾结构框架在逐步趋于简明化。第三章讨论了构宾成分的历时演变情况。考察发现,构宾成分在历时发展过程化中有丰富化、复杂化的趋势。我们考察得到,构成宾语的成分主要有词、短语和句子三类,以词和短语为主。构宾成分的丰富化体现在无论是词还是短语,在历时发展过程中,能够充当宾语的下位类型不断增多,类型越来越丰富。构宾成分的复杂化体现在:(一)构成上最复杂的句子在宋代以后开始具备充当宾语的能力;(二)从元明时期开始,短语宾语的数量较之前代有了较大幅度的增加,词宾语和短语宾语在使用数量上的差距迅速缩小,二者之间的比例从原来的3:1变为1.5:1,短语宾语使用量的增长也说明了构宾成分的复杂化,因为和词相比,短语无疑在结构上更复杂;(三)某些类型的短语宾语在历时发展过程中层次增多,结构有越来越复杂的倾向。第四章讨论了宾语语义类型的历时演变情况。考察发现,宾语语义类型在发展过程中基本稳定,没有太大的变化。本文考察的宾语语义类型涉及十三类,在先秦时期已出现十类,只有材料宾语、方式宾语和时间宾语是在历时发展过程中产生的新类型。这表明汉语的宾语语义类型从一开始就表现得较为丰富,在历时发展过程中经历的变化较小,呈现出基本稳定的发展态势。第五章为个案研究。本章选择动词“坐”作为考察对象,对“坐”带处所宾语能力的历时发展情况进行了个案研究。考察发现,动词“坐”带处所宾语的能力经历了一个曲线式的发展过程。在这样一个从无到有,从少到多,然后又从顶峰下降的古今发展变化过程中,介词引导处所论元对“坐”带处所宾语能力的影响极大。第六部分为“结语”,总结了全文的主要观点,指出了文章的不足之处,并对下一步的研究工作做了初步的设想。总的来说,我们通过对汉语中常用的113个单音动词的带宾情况情况进行历时考察,得出以下结论:动宾结构在历时发展过程中呈现出“整体框架简明化,构宾成分丰富化、复杂化,宾语语义类型基本稳定”的发展态势。

【Abstract】 The thesis conducts a diachronic investigation on the conditions of 113 common mono syllabic verbs with objects in modern Chinese.The thesis mainly studies and explores the evolution conditions of verb-object constructions consisting of the above verbs from the perspectives of the verb-object framework,the components of objects and the semantic types of objects,and also conducts a case study on diachronic conditions of the ability of the verb "zuo(坐)"to carry a location objects.The thesis is composed of six parts,including a conclusion.The first chapter is an introduction,which mainly gives a review on the study background and the current study situation of the present thesis,and an introduction of the related conditions,such as the study scope,the study methods,etc.The second chapter discusses the diachronic evolution conditions of the verb-object construction. The research finds out that there appears a brief tendency in the process of the development of the overall verb-object construction.Once,the verb-object construction owned diversified framework mode,such as "verb+a single object","verb+double objects","vreb+triple objects" and "poly-verb+an object",etc.In the process of evolution,"verb+a single object" and "verb+double objects" was simplified into a main form from diversified framework mode,"verb+triple objects" completely withdrew from being used,and "poly-verb+an object" once had a discontinuance of use. All of these proves that the verb-object construction in modern Chinese is tending to simplify.The third chapter discusses the diachronic evolution conditions of the components of objects. The investigation reveals that the components of objects tend to be diversified and complicated in the process of evolution.The research displays that the components of objects are words,phrases and clauses,among which words and phrases are major.The variety of the components of objects is embodied in that either words or phrases which can act as the lower categories of objects become more and more and the types become richer and richer.The complicacy of the components of objects is embodied in:1.a clause----the mostcomplicated component of objects began to own the ability to act as an object after the Song Dynasty;2.From the Yuan and Ming Dynasty,the number of phrase objects increased greater than the before,the distance between the use frequencies of word objects and phrases objects was rapidly shortened,their use ratio declined to 1.5:1 from 3:1,and the increase of the use number of phrase objects also verified the Complicacy of the components of objects because,without doubt,phrases in construction are more complicated than words.3.In the process of the evolution,the levels of some types of phrase objects became more,and the construction tends to be more and more complicated.The fourth chapter discusses the diachronic evolution conditions of the semantic types of objects. The author finds out that in the process of the development the semantic types of objects was basically steady and had not too much change.The semantic types of objects inspected in the thesis involves thirteen categories,among which ten categories appeared in the Pre-Qing Dynasty,and the material object,the means object and the time object were the new types which emerged later in the process of the diachronic evolution.All of those testify that the semantic types of objects in Chinese have been diversified since the beginning,the experienced change was small,which presents a basically steady development tendency.The fifth chapter is a case study.The author chooses the verb "zuo(坐)"as an inspection object, and makes a case study on the diachronic development conditions of the ability of the verb "zuo(坐)" to carry an object.The investigation reveals that the ability of the verb "zuo(坐)" to carry an object experienced a curvilinear development process,which grew out of nothing,from few to more,then descends from the summit.In such a curvilinear development process,the location arguments introduced by prepositions have been having an great influence on the ability of the verb "zuo(坐)" to carry an object.The sixth chapter is a conclusion,which summarized the main viewpoints of the whole thesis, points out the inadequate spots,and makes a initial plan of carrying out the following researches.Totally,the author obtains the following conclusions through conducting a diachronic investigation on the conditions of 113 common mono syllabic verbs with objects in modern Chinese: in the diachronic process of evolution,the verb-object construction presents a development tendency that the whole framework tends to be simplified,the components of objects to be diversified and complicated and the semantic types to be basically steady.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】595

