

Researches on Poor College Students in the Course of Building a Harmonious Society

【作者】 甘剑锋

【导师】 俞思念;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 进入二十一世纪,中国现代化建设走向高速发展阶段。在科学发展中构建和谐社会,成为执政党和人民群众的奋斗目标。在发展期间暴露出的社会矛盾中,我国高校出现的一个贫困生群体,逐渐引起了家庭、社会、政府和学者的重视。解决高校贫困生问题成为一项重要的理论课题。由此,本文以此立论,意在从构建和谐社会中为解决高校贫困生问题提供实证性对策。本论文分为六大部分,现概述如下。导论:该部分主要介绍的是问题的缘起与选题的意义、本课题的前沿研究动态、本课题研究的思路和方法、本课题的创新之处和难点;同时,介绍了郑州大学近年来跨越式发展的相关情况和助学工作的成绩,以说明其代表性。第一章:高校贫困生的现况描述着重介绍的是全国高校贫困生的比例和贫困生的规模,通过实证调研,笔者根据最保守的估计,认为全国高校贫困生比例平均为20%,特困生比例平均为10%,全国各类高等教育贫困生总数量为500多万,特困生总数量为250万。贫困生成因这部分主要是对来自农村和城镇的贫困生进行不同原因的探究,对形成贫困生的家庭原因做了概说;对高校贫困生比例的升高、规模的扩大、数量长期居高不下等问题产生的根源进行了剖析,认为高校收费是造成贫困生比例大幅上升的根源,高校扩招是造成贫困生数量激剧增加的根源,资助制度的低效运行是贫困生总量居高不下的根源。第二章:高校贫困生资助政策的理论探讨。贫困生问题的长期存在,被认为是和谐社会构建中最不和谐的音符,是对和谐社会以人为本、公平、友爱的掣肘,不符合和谐社会——爱无差等的初衷;贫困生问题的长期存在,实际上是教育不公的一种表现,教育不公是社会不公的首恶,不解决贫困生问题不符合教育公平——有教无类的本质要求;贫困生问题的长期存在,是公共服务不均等的直接体现,是政府不作为的代名词,与公共服务——阳光普照的题中之义相违背。贫困生问题的长期存在,是教育产业化余毒未尽的遗害,要旗帜鲜明地反对教育产业化。所以,笔者认为,正确理解和谐社会——爱无差等、教育公平——有教无类、公共服务——阳光普照的内涵,让广大贫困生能够享受和谐社会无边的大爱,沐浴在均等的公共服务阳光雨露之中,接受公平的高等教育,实现人的全面自由发展,是我国经济社会发展的必然。第三章:高校贫困生资助体系的政策评价。政策效果部分主要是对我国高校和郑州大学实施贫困生资助政策以来近年工作的大致回顾和初步总结,成绩是主要的,源于政府的重视和高校的努力。政策评价部分以郑州大学助学案例为对象,对我国现行的“奖、贷、助、补、减”五种基本资助方式进行逐个研究,分析利弊;并在现代高等教育“高等教育机会均等、高等教育成本分担、人力资本投资”三大理念的指导下,对五种资助方式进行效能研究,做出最优化排序:助学贷款→勤工助学→奖学金→困难补助→学费减免,以利于今后的助学工作。第四章:高校贫困生资助体系的政策思考,主要是从理论层面理性分析国家助学政策大政方针及其走向。说明对贫困生的资助,有四个角色——政府、学校、社会、家庭,政府是主体,学校是依托,社会是辅助,家庭是基础。在资助经费上,政府要加大投入,社会要热情捐助,学校要积极创收。在资助政策的立法上,要认清政府是高校贫困生资助政策的立法主体,政府有责任制定、完善国家助学政策体系,确保资助政策的实施有法可依,有据可循。在资助经验的借鉴上,对国外助学政策中科学、有效、于我可行的,就要大胆、包容地为我所用,简要介绍了五个国家的资助政策以及可以学习的经验。在资助方式上,针对现有资助政策实施的若干缺陷,提出有偿资助原则、助学育人原则、资助体系中贷款为主原则、困难补助和勤工助学相融合一原则、学费减免淡出原则、、助学贷款中生源地贷款为主的原则,以期政策优化之效果。第五章:高校贫困生资助体系的制度建议。主要围绕在解决贫困生问题这一过程中遇到的诸如政府投资高等教育经费紧张、学校助学资金匮乏、社会助学绩效不彰、贫困生贷款诚信缺位、贷款银行风险过高、思想政治工作育人乏力、勤工助学低效运行等等问题,提出解决问题的制度建议,重在意义探究、可行性分析、实际操作的摸索。建议具体分为三个层面:第一,以政府为主导,成立教育银行,专门经营国家助学贷款、发行教育彩票和发行教育公债等业务;发行教育彩票和发行教育公债,旨在筹集充足的教育经费为解决贫困生问题奠定厚实的物质基础。第二,以高校为支撑,成立高校教育基金会,广泛吸纳社会助学资金;拓展勤工助学渠道、完善勤工助学功能,以鼓励贫困生“以工养学”;推行学制改革、真正实行弹性学习制度,为贫困生自我解决问题提供更大的空间;加强心理教育,充分发挥助学育人效力,让贫困生健康、全面成长。第三,以社会为补充,建立助学贷款信用保险,解除银行信贷风险,提高其贷款积极性,争取“应贷尽贷”;建立全国联网的高校学生征信系统,强化贫困生诚信意识,“有贷有还”,提高助学贷款回收率。

【Abstract】 Entering the 21st century, China has embarked on a rapid developing stage of modernization. Building a harmonious society by applying scientific outlook on development becomes a goal of the party in power and the people. Among those contradictions arising in the course of social development, a special one that is a group of poor students in colleges and universities gradually draws attention of family, society and the government. Therefore, solving the problem of poor college students has become an important theoretical research task. Based on that, my thesis aims to provide some practical Countermeasures to solve the problem in the background of building a harmonious society.My thesis includes six parts as presented in the following paragraphs:Introduction: this part is about the cause of this problem, the significance of choosing such a subject, the new researching trend, the train of thought and ways of researching, the renovation and challenges of this subject; furthermore, the leap-forward development and achievements on assisted education of Zhengzhou University in recent years are also introduced here as a representative example.The first chapter describes the present statement of poor college students. The former focuses on the scale of poor college students and its proportion to the whole amount all around the nation. Many researches have been done on this aspect, but different people have different opinions and make different comments. By carrying out investigation and study of reality and basing on the most conservative estimation, I hold that the average ratio of the poor ones to the total college students nationwide is 20%, and the percentage of the especially poor is 10%, the total amount of poor students in all kinds of colleges and universities all around the nation is more than 5000000, and that of the especially poor is 2500000. The latter part centers on inquiring into the different causes of poor college students from villages and cities respectively and summarizing the family factors that lead to their poor statement I also analyze the root of such problems as the growth of the poor college students’ ratio and the expansion of their scale and the large amount keeping rising in a long period. I think the tuition charged by colleges and universities causes the sharp growth of the ratio, the enlargement of the enrolment in colleges and universities leads to the great increase in the poor students, the inefficiency of assisting programs results into the large total amount.The second chapter is about the theoretical inquiry of the poor students assisting policy implemented by colleges and universities. The long-standing problem of poor students is considered to be the most Unharmonious factor in the course of building a harmonious society. It violates its principles, such as people-oriented thought, fairness and fraternity, and runs contrary to its original intention——no difference or rank can be seen in love. The long-standing problem of poor students in fact displays the unfairness of education, which is the evilest among all those unfairness in society. If this problem is not solved, the essential request of fair education—no class distinction existing in education, will be contradicted. The long-standing problem of poor students directly shows the imbalance of public service and the inefficiency of the government It violates the spirit of public service—making care and love spread every corner of the land. The long-standing problem of poor students is also caused by the pernicious influence of education industrialization. We should take a clear-cut stand against education industrialization. Therefore, I hold thai we should correctly understand the connotation of harmonious society—no difference or rank can be seen in love, fair education—no class distinction existing in education, and public service—making care and love spread every corner of the land, and make those poor students enjoy great love in a harmonious society, enjoy the care through public service, receive higher education in a fair way and develop themselves fully and freely. That is also the necessity of economical and social development in our country.The third part is about the evaluation of poor college students assisting policy. It is divided into two parts: the effects and evaluation of this policy. The former mainly contains general retrospection and tentative conclusion of college students assisting work in recent years since the policy has been implemented in Zhengzhou University and other colleges and universities in China. Due to adequate attention paid by the government and much effort made by colleges and universities, great accomplishment has been achieved. Taking Zhengzhou University as an instance, the latter includes respective research on five basic ways of assisting poor students, namely, scholarship, loan, work-study program, allowance and exemption, which are carried out at present in China, and the analysis of their advantages and disadvantage. Moreover, under the guidance of such three thoughts as "everyone has equal right to receive higher education", "the cost of higher education should be shared", and "investment needs to be made in talents fostering", I do research on the effects of the above five ways and arrange them in the best sequence like this: aiding loan, work-study program, scholarship, allowance and exemption of tuition, what I hope to be helpful to poor students assisting work.The forth chapter is about the thinking of poor students assisting policy. From the perspective of theories, I analyze the guiding principle and developing trend of that policy in a rational way. In the cause of aiding poor students, four roles are involved, namely, government, school, society and family. The government plays the role of main part, school the support, society the assistant and family the foundation. In the respect of collecting aiding funds, more input is needed from the government, more donations from the society and more extra income from colleges and universities; in the respect of legislating for poor students assisted policy, we should fully realize that the government is the mainstay of making laws and is responsible to establish a sound system of poor students aiding policies in order to ensure there are laws and regulations to go by when we implement those polices; in the respect of drawing on the experience of other countries, we should bravely and tolerantly make use of their rational, effective and feasible assisting policies, here I briefly introduce related policies of five countries and some experience we need to learn; in the respect of assisting methods, I point out the defects of present aiding policies and put forward several principles with the expectation of improving the existing policies, such as compensated aid principle, aiding for fostering talents principle, loan dominated principle, allowance and work-study program combination principle, tuition exemption principle, loan qualified in the source place of students principle.The fifth chapter is about suggestions to the system of assisting poor college students. By analyzing the problems existing in the course of aiding poor college students, for example, the higher education input tension of government, deficiency of aiding funds of colleges and universities, little achievements of social aid, credibility lacking of loan, high risk of the bank, incapability of mental and political work in educating students and inefficiency of work-study program, I set forth some suggestions to solve the problem and hold that the suggestions should be significant, practical and feasible. My suggestions include three aspects. First, the government should play a leading role in setting up education banks, which specialize in issuing poor students aiding loans, education lottery and public debt. The last two aim to collect adequate funds to provide a solid foundation to solve the problem of poor students; secondly, the colleges and universities should play a supportive role by establishing educational foundation to collect money from the society, providing more part-time job to poor students to encourage them to work their way through college, pushing reform in the educational system in order to make the present system more flexible for poor students to solve the problem on their own, and intensifying psychological education to ensure the poor students develop in a healthy and all-around way; thirdly, the society should play a supplementary role by setting up credibility insurance for poor students aiding loan to relieve banks from high risk and make them issue loans as many as possible, and by establishing a college students’ credibility recording system nationwide to enhance their sense of credibility and raise the percentage of repaying the loan.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】38
  • 【下载频次】3429

