

A Study on the Relations between the British Labor Party and the British Trade Unions

【作者】 李华锋

【导师】 林建华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 从1900年英国工会与独立工党、社会民主联盟和费边社共同创建工党前身劳工代表委员会起,英国工党与工会之间特殊的党团关系就揭开序幕。百余年来,工会一直是工党人数最多的集体党员,其交纳的党费和提供的捐助一直是工党财政收入的主要支柱,其会员也一直是工党选民的主要来源;工会不仅在工党创建中起着决定性的作用,而且对工党在政坛的沉浮产生着重大的影响。在相当长的时间里,凭借在工党权力机构中的优势,工会及其联合组织职工大会在工党的领导人选举、议员提名、纲领政策制定等方面都起着关键的作用,甚至是直接左右其选择。英国工党与工会之间的这种特殊和密切的关系,不仅在英国政党中独一无二,就是在世界政党中也是十分罕见和独特。英国是当今国际社会的重要成员,是发达资本主义国家的主要代表,英国工党是民主社会主义政党中的大党,是英国政党中的两大政党之一,英国工会是世界最早出现的工会组织,在英国经济与社会生活中占有举足轻重的地位,深入系统地研究英国工党与工会关系,无论对于准确把握发达资本主义国家和民主社会主义在20世纪的发展和变化,还是对于进一步发展中英两党、两国关系,汲取英国工党处理工会问题的经验教训,更好地推进中国特色社会主义都具有重要价值和意义。本论文以马克思主义为指导,以史论结合为基本的论述模式,首先梳理英国工党与工会关系的缘起、历史和现状,分析其演进的根源、背景和影响,进而从整体上对工党与工会关系演进的主要特点、影响因素与未来走势,工党演进的主要状况及其性质,工会的主要变化及其作用,工党处理工会问题的经验教训对其他政党的启示等问题给出学理性思考,以取得对英国工党与工会关系的全面考察和系统分析。全文由导论、英国工党与工会关系的起源、工会与工党关系的早期发展、战后工党与工会关系的起伏、工党与工会关系的重塑、对英国工党与工会关系的若干理论思考等六部分组成。导论部分主要阐述本选题的缘起与意义、国内外研究状况、概念的阐释与界定、研究思路与方法、主要创新与不足等问题。第一部分是“工会缔造工党:英国工党与工会关系的起源”。本部分在时间上从17世纪末英国最早工会组织的出现到1900年劳工代表委员会的成立。本部分首先考察英国工会与工会运动的产生原因和早期发展状况,特别是其在19世纪的发展状况,进而探讨工会与劳工代表委员会的关系,指出工会在工党创建中起着决定性作用,没有工会就没有工党。这样从源头上厘清二者之间直接、密切和独特的联系,为准确认识工党与工会关系在此后的百年演进提供引导。第二部分是“工会主导下的相对和谐:英国工党与工会关系的早期发展”。本部分在时间上从1900年劳工代表委员会成立到1945年二战结束后工党在首次全国大选中获胜。本部分主要分析一战以前工会在劳工代表委员会政党化中的作用、工党与工会法律地位提高和工团主义运动兴起的关系:一战爆发后工会的变化及其对工党首次入阁、现代转型和初步崛起在英国政坛的影响:20年代工党领袖麦克唐纳对工会运动的态度、工党政府的内外政策及其发展遭受严重挫折与工会的关系;30年代职工大会对工党的控制和二战时期工党与工会的密切配合及其对工党战后崛起的影响。通过这些实现对二战以前的工党与工会关系和工会对工党早期发展的影响有一个全面的把握。第三部分是“从相对和谐到冲突频仍:战后英国工党与工会关系的起伏”。本部分在时间上从1945年二战结束后工党上台执政到1983年工党在全国大选中惨败。本部分主要分析艾德礼执政时期工党与工会关系总体和谐的表现、原因和二者危机的初现;50年代保守党政策,特别是工会政策,对工党与工会关系的影响,以及工会在工党左右翼之间两次激烈争论中的态度与表现;60年代威尔逊执政前后工党与工会关系回暖与恶化的原因与表现;从70年代初到80年代初工党与工会左转的表现、对二者关系的影响和对工党在政坛沉浮的影响。通过这些实现对二战结束前后工党与工会关系的变化、工会在战后工党发展中的作用和战后工党与工会关系的起伏有一个清楚的认识。第四部分是“工党主导下的社会伙伴:英国工党与工会关系的重塑”。本部分在时间上从1983年金诺克出任工党领袖到2007年布莱尔辞去英国首相和工党领袖职务。本部分主要分析80年代撒切尔政府工会政策作用下工会与保守党截然不同的命运,在此背景下金诺克对工党与工会关系的调整与工会的反应,90年代初史密斯出任工党领袖后对工会党内权力的进一步削弱;90年代中期布莱尔出任工党领袖后对工党与工会关系的全面革新,新工党政府成立后的工会政策对工党的影响及工会对此的反应与对策。通过这些实现对80年代以来工党与工会关系的发展状况、现状及其根源有一个准确的判断。第五部分是“评析与启示:对英国工党与工会关系的若干理论思考”。本部分主要在前面对英国工党与工会关系具体考察的基础上,就工党和工会的百年发展状况、工党与工会百年关系和工党处理工会问题的启示等给以总体性评价。主要包括英国工党演进的基本状况与性质的迁移、英国工会的主要变化及其作用、英国工党与工会关系演进的主要特质和影响因素、二者关系的未来走势、英国工党处理工会问题的经验教训对其他政党的启示。

【Abstract】 Since the British trade unions and the ILP, the SDF and the Fabians founded the LRC (the predecessor of the Labor Party) in 1900, the particular relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions had begun. More than a hundred years, the trade unions have been the largest collective number of the Labor Party, its party dues and donations have been the main prop in the financial revenue of the Labor Party and its member also has been the important source of the Labor Party’s voters. The trade unions not only have played a decisive role on the establishments of the Labor Party, but also have exerted a significant influence to ups and downs of the Labor Party in British political circle. In a quite long time, relying on its superiority in the capability mechanism of the Labor Party, the trade unions and its united organization (TUC) had been playing a key role on the leader elections, the nomination of the MP and the formulation of the outline and the policy, even they sometimes determined directly these choices. The kind particular and close relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions not only are unique among the British political parties, but also are very rare and distinctive among the world political parties. Now Britain is an important member of international society and a main representative of developed capitalist country. The British Labor Party is a big party among the democratic socialist political parties and one of two big political parties among British Political parties. The British trade unions are the earliest trade unions in the world and occupy a pivotal position in the British economic and social life. studying systematically and thoroughly the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions has an important value and significance to grasping accurately the development and change of developed capitalist countries and democratic socialism in the 20th century and further developing the Sino-UK relations and the relations between the CPC and the Labor Party and drawing on the experiences and lessons of the British Labor Party on dealing with the trade union issue and advancing well the Chinese characteristic Socialism.The dissertation takes the Marxism as the instruction and takes the combination of the history and the theory as a basic exposition pattern. The dissertation firstly combs out the origin, the history and the present situation of the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions, analyses the source, the background and the influence of its evolution, then pay overall a scientific theoretical thought on the main features, the influencing factors and the future trend of the evolution of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions, the main evolutional condition and the nature of the Labor Party, the main change and the function of the trade unions, the enlightenment of the experiences and lessons of the Labor Party on dealing with the trade union issue to other political party and so obtains the comprehensive inspection and the systematic analysis on the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions. The dissertation altogether has six parts. They are the introduction, the early development of the Britain trade union movement and the birth of the LRC, the trade unions and the early development of the Labor Party, the fluctuation of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions after the World War II, the innovation and the change of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions and several theoretical thoughts on the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions.The introduction mainly elaborates the reason of selecting such a topic and the significance of study, the domestic and foreign research condition, the concept explanation and limit, the research train of thought and method, the main innovations and defects.The first part is the trade union creates the Labor Party: the origin of the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions. The time of this part is from the appearance of the earliest British trade unions at the end of the 17th century to the establishment of the LRC in 1900. This part firstly inspects the production reason and the early development condition of the British trade unions and the trade union movement, specially the development condition in the 19th century, then discusses the relations between the trade unions and the LRC, points out that the trade unions play a decisive effect on founding the Labor Party, did not have the trade unions not to have the Labor Party. Through these we can clarify the direct, close and the unique relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions from the source and obtain the guidance for knowing accurately the evolution of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions more than a hundred years hereafter.The second part is the relative harmony under the leadership of the trade union: the early development of the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions. The time of this part is from the establishment of the LRC in 1900 to the win of the Labor Party in the first national election after the World War II in 1945. This part main analyses the function of the trade unions in turning the LRC into political party, the relations between the Labor Party and the enhancement of the trade unions’ legal status and the emerge of the syndicalism movement before the World War I; the change of the trade unions and its influence to the Labor Party’s joining cabinet, modern transformation and initial rise in the British political circle after the eruption of the World War I; In the 1920s the Labor Party leader Macdonald’s attitude to the trade union movement, the relations between the Labor Party Government’s domestic and foreign policies and its serious setback in the development process and trade unions; In the 1930s the control of the TUC to Labor Party and the close coordination between the Labor Party and the trade unions during the World War II and its influence to Labor Party’s erupt rise after the World War II. Through these we obtain a comprehensive grasp on the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions before the World War II and on the influence of the trade union to the Labor Party’s early development.The third part is from the relative harmony to the frequent conflicts: the fluctuation of the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions after the World War II. The time of this part is from the establishment of the Labor government after the World War II in 1945 to the Labor Party’s disastrous defeat in the national election in 1983. This part mainly analyses the performances and the causes and the initial crises of the overall harmonious relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions during Attlee government; the influence of the Conservative Party’s policy, specially the trade union policy, to the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions In the 1950s and the manner and performance of the trade unions in two intense argument between the Left and the Right in the Labor Party; the causes and the performances of improvement and deterioration of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions around Wilson government in the 1960s; from the early 1970s to the early 1980s the counterclockwise performances of the Labor Party and the trade unions and their influence to their relations and ups and downs of the Labor Party in political circle. Through these we obtain a clear understanding on the change of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions before and after the World War II, the function of the trade unions in the development of the Labor Party and the fluctuation of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions after the World War II.The fourth part is the social partner under the leadership of the Labor Party: the innovation of the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions. The time of this part is from Kinnock taking the post of the Labor Party leader in 1983 to Blair resigning the post of British Prime Minister and the Labor Party leader in 2007. This part mainly analyses the entire different destiny of the trade unions and the Conservative Party under the function of the Thatcher government’s trade union policy in the 1980s and under this background Kinnock’s adjustment to the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions with the trade unions’ response; In the 1990s Smith further weakening the inner-party power of the trade unions after taking the post of the Labor Party leader under the new age background, Blair’s comprehensive innovation to the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions after taking the post of the Labor Party leaders, the influence of the new Labor government’s trade union policy to the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions and the trade unions’ response and countermeasure. Through these we obtain an accurate judgment on the development condition, the present situation and the source of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions since the 1980s. The fifth part is analysis and enlightenment: several theoretical thoughts on the relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions. This part mainly reaches a total appraisal on development condition of the Labor Party and the trade unions, the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions and the enlightenment of the Labor Party dealing with the trade union issues in one hundred years on the basis of the preceding specific inspection of the relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions. It mainly includes the basic evolutional condition and the changing nature of the British Labor Party, the main change and the function of the British trade unions, the main features, the affecting factors and the macroscopic trend in the near future of the evolutional relations between the Labor Party and the trade unions, the enlightenment of the experiences and lessons of the Labor Party dealing with the trade union issue to other political party.

  • 【分类号】D756.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】785

