

The Research on the Social Transformation in Middle Reaches of the Changjiang River Because of Schistosomiasis, 1905-1978

【作者】 王小军

【导师】 严昌洪;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 血吸虫病是一种长期流行于长江流域的地方性疾病,在二十世纪的前半叶,由于血吸虫病流行的地方性因素加剧、水灾频繁爆发、战争持续不断及经济持续衰败等原因,长江中游地区的血吸虫病疫情急剧恶化,到了二十世纪五十年代初期甚至达到了历史上最严重的地步。日益恶化的血吸虫病疫情对当地社会经济造成了严重的影响,如当地的人口、乡村经济及民众生活都遭受了重大的损失。然而,面对如此危害地方的血吸虫病疫情,民国时期的国家、社会力量及疫区民众都因为各种原因的存在而没有找到很好的应对方案,使得当时的血吸虫病无法得到更多更好的控制,从而在另一个方面进一步推动了该地区血吸虫病疫情的加深。中华人民共和国成立后,肆虐长江流域已久的血吸虫病很快便被新成立的政权所关注,疫区的各级政府不仅将血吸虫病防治工作摆到了当地卫生工作的首要地位,而且还普遍设立了血吸虫病的专门防治机构,积极展开病人的查治工作,同时在疫区掀起了大规模的灭螺运动,这些积极的防治措施使得长江中游地区的血吸虫病疫情得到了很好的控制,有不少地区甚至完全消灭了血吸虫病。其实,建国后各疫区的血吸虫病防治活动不仅仅是一场卫生运动,还是一场政治运动,因为在当时消灭血吸虫病运动的背后还有着积极的社会动员意义,而血吸虫病在此时也被政治隐喻化了,成了“旧政权”、“资产阶级当权派”等化身,这也就直接导致了血吸虫病防治运动与当时的各种政治运动相结合,成为推动这些运动开展的一个重要动员手段。

【Abstract】 Schistosomiasis is the epidemic disease have been prevailed in the changjiang river for a long time . Early in twenty century,because of parochial factor,flood,war,economic reduce and so on .The situation of schistosomiasis in middle reaches of the changjiang river was worse. It was the worst in 1950’s. The worsen epidemic situation seriously affected local economy and caused fatal damnify. For example population ,village economy and general living . While facing to the situation , It was no plan to deal with it because of several reasons to state,society and crowd in age of the Kuomintang. It make the situation lose control and force the epidemic disease worsely.After the people’s repubic of china founded. The new state focus on the schistosomiasis which epideimc for a long period in changjiang area. The government in disease area not only put the prevention and cure work to the most place ,but also set up the specialized agency to deal with the disease. Developing the check-cure working and movement of perishing the oncomelania. These positive action make the epidemic situation undercontrol in middle reaches of the changjiang river. Even the schistosomiasis had been deracinated thoroughly in some place.Actually, the schistosomiasis prevention and cure working not a sanitation movement but a political movement. Because the movement means to social mobilization, the schistosomiasis have been metaphorical by politics . it leads to the prevention and cure working integrate with many political movement directly, and become a mobilization method to promote these movement.

  • 【分类号】R532.21
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】354

