

The Village’s Order Restructuring in the Background of Land Reform Campaign

【作者】 贾滕

【导师】 彭南生;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 商水县位于豫东平原、淮河支流的沙河中游,是今河南省周口市管辖下的一个省级农业贫困县。县境内沟河纵横,湖坡相连,易形成坡洼内涝;沙河流经县境北部,是一条过境泄洪河道,客水压境、沙河决口,也易造成洪涝灾害。近代以来,商水县一带经济文化落后、日益闭塞,尤其民元以后,在水患、匪患的打击下,商水县乡村政治黑恶化、经济残破不堪,农民生计艰难、苦不堪言。1947年,商水县的历史开始了转折。随着刘邓大军过境南下,1947年12月,共产党在商水县建立了革命政权。新政权在进入乡村之初,一边进行激烈的军事斗争,一边进行土地改革.希望武装斗争与土改互为因果:以军事手段强行推行土地改革,通过土地改革发动群众、从而更好的支援军事斗争,为夺取与巩固地方政权、为争取解放战争的全国性胜利奠定基础,同时,毕其功于一役——实现乡村社会秩序的重构。但是,在军事局势变幻不定、新政权与乡村之间缺乏内外互动的情况下,急性土改失败了。为了从乡村汲取资源支援急迫的战争,新政权采取了较为稳健的手段——一方面停止土改、缩小打击面,另一方面通过征粮、支前,以军事、政治、经济手段,坚定不移的打击乡村旧当权派势力,剥夺其优势的政治、经济资源,树立共产党新政权的权威,发动并依靠贫雇农积极分子,重新确立并稳定乡村秩序。在此过程中,新政权有意识的避免政权深入基层后的内卷化以增强其合法性与权威性,同时也显示出新政权以军事动员与命令手段,将乡村纳入既定目标之下的有效性。1949年初,随着淮海战役结束、商水县全境解放之后,共产党新政权开始了对商水县乡村的全面改造。首先开展全面的剿匪、反霸、清算工作,接着在匪霸肃清之后,转入全面减租、减息清算阶段,直至1950年10土地改革前。在此阶段,主要由上级下派工作队进村,依靠贫雇农,扎正根子,重新建立或改造乡、村政权,建立或改造贫农协会、姊妹团、儿童团、民兵等地方基层群众组织,发展党、团员。先由重点村庄开始,逐渐由点到面扩展开去。剿匪、反霸清算与双减清算是外力强行建构乡村社会秩序的开始,也是新解放区土改的第一阶段。在利益的诱导与外力的推动下,贫苦群众被初步发动起来,旧的当权派与精英被打倒,贫雇农的政治优势被树立起来,新的精英群体开始崛起,全新的伦理道德进入乡村。在以军事手段消灭了乡村的旧权威并与乡村建立了互动关系之后,1950年10月,商水县组织专门的土改工作队进入村庄,发动群众对地主诉苦、斗争并分配土地。接着,通过整编革命队伍、划分阶级,把地主的土地、房屋、牲畜、粮食、农具等所谓的五大财产以及富农一部分土地征收并分给贫雇农。虽然地主富农占有土地并不很多、土地集中程度并不高,但土改毕竟切中了当时乡村社会的关键问题——贫困阶层的生存问题。这样,新政权得到贫困阶层的高度认同,而且在利益诱导下涌现出大批积极分子,造就了一个对党—国家有高度的依赖性的获益阶层。1951年9月,商水县普遍开展一次土改复查、民主建政运动,详细调查土改后的乡村情况、整顿乡村政权组织,逐步把政权转移到基层党支部手中,其意在于巩固土改成果、确立乡村新秩序。在以土地改革为中心的涉及乡村所有人的社会秩序变动中,几乎每一个亲历者都会有自己的感受与认识。从档案里所见的谣言案例、县区政府及工作队的工作报告中所列举的不觉悟群众的言行及商水县各界代表大会上代表的提案,可以解读村民的心声。显然,面对变革,这些不同表达除了源于得失的不同及预期的差异之外,还有新政权深入乡村后的国家正式制度与民间非正式制度的冲突、乡土秩序与国家秩序的冲突以及乡土文化与新兴主流文化的冲突、现实的低下的生产力与农民迫切的物质生活需求的矛盾,等等。党—国家通过剿匪反霸、土地改革、镇压反革命,全面控制了乡村,并以其强大的军事、政治、意识形态压力,重新构建了乡村秩序。就政权结构来说,商水县解放初期,基本与全国一样,实行县、区、乡、村4级管理,即党—国家成功实现政权下乡、党团下乡与行政下乡:以党团组织为乡村基层的权力中心、从运动中发现积极分子、以整顿组织或纯洁组织的名义进行干部替换、以运动的方式来完成中心工作,同时,结合中心工作进行广泛深入的宣传。总之,党—国家实行一种动员群众的运动—命令模式来推进各项中心工作及社会改革事业。党—国家重新构建了乡村秩序,给昔日的贫困阶层以生活的基本保障和相对优越的政治地位。就经济条件而言,土改之后,乡村成为一个小农均质化的社会、农民处于基本同等的经济水平上,生存机会基本上是均等的。可以认为,在人口—耕地矛盾尖锐的条件下,党—国家给了崩溃的乡村以稳定和生机。但党—国家重构乡村秩序的过程,伴随着急切的、大规模的资源汲取——从初期的大规模支前到以后数量不菲的经常化夏、秋二征;同时,依旧肆虐的水患还在危及着农户的生产、生活,这一方面给政府在乡村的资源汲取带来直接的限制,另一方面,无力抵御灾害、生产力低下的乡村农户需要国家的帮助——需要赈灾救济、发放贷款、种子等。面对贫困的乡村现实,党—国家在社会管理上凸显了政治手段解决经济问题、社会问题的行为取向。一方面,利用其基层组织的力量,积极介入生产活动,不但大力推动有利于贫困阶层的互助合作,而且发放农贷、倡导生产新技术,积极组织挖沟、排水及修河堤等工作,以促进农业生产的发展、避免或减轻灾害破坏所造成的损失。另一方面,面对商水连年遭受灾害侵袭这一历史性难题,在生产力水平依旧的情况下,在乡村秩序重构的基础之上,党—国家采取了全新的应对方式:在必要的救济之外,领导群众、开展生产救灾运动,以其统一而强大的动员能力成功地领导灾民应对了灾荒。在革命的背景下,乡村中发生的革命大同而小异,而且这种革命也只是党—国家对乡村秩序的初步重构。但是,在此基础上,在党—国家的动员模式下,革命的内在逻辑必然推动着乡村革命的步步深入。

【Abstract】 Shangshui County, a poverty agriculture county in the province, which lies in the East-Henan plain, the middle reaches of Shahe River which is the Huaihe River’s branch is under the jurisdiction of Zhoukou City, Henan Province now. On the one hand, the County which is crisscrossed by rivers and canals and the depressions connected to the lakes is easy to bring out floods; on the other hand, the Shahe River which runs through the north County is a floodway and easily lead to floods. Since the modem times, economic and civilization of Shangshui County is poverty and backwardness. Especially after 1911, the village politics is worsening day by day, economy is on the verge of broken, and the peasants’ livelihood is difficult and miserable beyond description by the strike of floods, scourge of banditry in the Shangshui County.Shangshui County’s history turned a new leaf in 1947. After the Liu-Deng army went down south, the Chinese Communist Parry has established the revolutionary political power in Shangshui County in December, 1947. From the very beginning, the new political power waged the intense military struggle and carried on the land reform at the same time. It wished that the armed struggle and the land reform could cause effective relationship: carried out the land reform forcefully by the military means and mobilized the populace through the land reform in order to better support military struggle and capture with the consolidated local organs of state power, to lay the successful foundation for the war of nationwide liberation, simultaneously, accomplished the whole task at one stroke - realized rural society order reconstructed. But, because of the military situation fluctuated and between the new political power and the village lacked the inside and outside interactive in the situation, the acute land reform was defeated. To derive the resources support urgent war from the village, the new political power has adopted a steadier method - - on the one hand, stopped land reform, reduced scope of attack, on the other hand, through levied grain taxes, the forward, by the military, politics, the economic means to attack old person in power influence in the village, eliminate its superiority politics, the economic resource, set up the communist party’s authority of political power and depended upon the poor and landless peasants’ activist, re-established and stabled the village’s order. During this process, the new political power consciously avoided the political power’s involution when it gone down to the basic unit to strengthen its validity and the authority, simultaneously, it also demonstrated the validity to integrates the village into the given goal by the military mobilization and the order’s mold.At the beginning of 1949, the Shangshui County liberated throughout after the Huaihai campaign, the communist party-new political power began to reconstruct the Shangshui County village overall. Firstly, the new political power eliminated the bandits, attacked the bully and criticized their property, then changed to reduce the rent rate that the stage was continuance before the land reform in October, 1950. In this stage, the work teams were dispatched by the higher authority to enter the villages, depended upon the poor and landless peasants, established or transformed the village political power, the poor peasants’ association, the sisters’ association, the children’s corps, the militiamen, developed the communist party and the youth league. Usually, they started their work from the key village firstly, and then expanded from one point to entire area gradually. The work was the first step that the external force constructed the rural society order forcefully, was also the new liberated area land reform’s first stage by which the poor populace was mobilized preliminarily in the benefit’s induction and under the external force’s impetus, so that, the old person in power and the outstanding person were overthrown, poor and landless peasant’s political superiority was set up, the new elite groups begun to emerge in the villages and the brand-new ethics and morals entered in the villages.After eliminated the village’s old authorities by the military means and established the interactive relations between the villages and the party-state, in October, 1950, the party committee of Shangshui County organized the special land reform work teams to enter the villages, mobilized the populace to complain to the landlord, to struggle and distributes their land. Then, through reorganization the revolutionary ranks, the division social class, landlord’s land, domestic animals, the grain, the farm tool and so on what so-called five big properties as well as rich farmer’s part of land was levied and assigned to the poor and landless peasants. Although the landlord and rich farmer hold the land not many, and the degree of centralization of land was not high, but the land reform solutes the rural society’s key question that is the impoverished social stratum’s survival question after all at that time. Thus, the new political power obtained the impoverished social stratum’s high approval, from them a large quantity of activists emerged, accomplished a benefit social stratum which had the high dependent to the party-state under the benefit induction. In September, 1951, the party committee of Shangshui County developed a land reform reexamination, a movement to establish the basic unit government democratically, the close investigation of the village’s situation after the land reform, reorganization the village’s political power organization, and shifted gradually the political power to the party’s basic unit, it intended to the consolidated land reform achievement and established the village’s new order.In involved in the village’s all person’s in the social order change for the land reform movement, each man who had experience of it would have their feeling and understanding so that the villagers’ aspiration may be explained from the rumor case which could be found in the county area governments’ and work teams’ work report and the backwardness’ words and deeds and the all walks of life representative’s proposals in the Shangshui County Representative assembly. Obviously, facing the transformation, these different expresses not only stemmed from the success and failure differently and the anticipation differently, but also from the national official system and the folk unofficial system’s conflict, the local order and the national order conflict as well as local culture and the emerging mainstream cultural conflict, from the reality’s low productive forces and fanner’s urgent material life demand’s contradiction, and so on.Through eliminated the bandits, attacked the bully and criticized their property, implemented the land reform, the suppressed counter revolutionaries, the party-state comprehensive controlled the village, constructed the village’s order by its formidable military, political and ideology pressure. On the political power structure, the Shangshui County implemented the county, the Qu, the Xiang, the village 4 levels of management like other area of the nation basically in early days of liberation, namely the party-state realized the political power, the political organization, the administration to go to the village successfully—the party-state took the organization of communist party and the youth league as the village’s basic unit authority center, discovered the activists from the movement, replaced the cadres on the name of the reorganization or the becoming the chaste organization’s name, completed the main task by the way of movement, simultaneously, the main tasks were carried on the widespread thorough propaganda. In brief, the party-state implemented each main task and the social reform enterprise through one kind of the movement - order model by mobilization the populace to participate in.The party-state had constructed the village order, lived the basic safeguard and the relatively superior political status for former impoverished social stratum. Speaking of the current economic condition, the village became a small homogenization’s farmer’s society, the farmer was in the same level economic level and the chance of survival was equal basically after the land reform. It is believed that the party-state had given stability and vitality to the collapsing village which is under incisive condition of the contradictory of population - cultivated land. But in the course of the process of the party-state restructured the village’s order, the large-scale resources was derived and the flood was also endangering peasant’s household, production and life at the same time, on the one hand, it brought the direct limit for the government derived resources in the village, on the other hand, the peasants could not resist the disaster and need national help to relief disaster, to provide loan, the seed and so on.Facing the reality of the impoverished village, the party-state had highlighted the behavior’s orientation that political method solved the economic problem and the social question in the social management. On the one hand, the party-state used its Basic-level organization’s strength to involve the production activity positively, not only promoted the mutual cooperation that it would be advantageous to the impoverished social stratum vigorously, moreover provided agricultural loan, advocated the new technology, the positive organized the peasants to trench and drain water and repair stream bank and so on, to promote the agricultural production development, to avoid or to reduce the loss which the disaster destroyed. On the other hand, facing years of successive disaster which is a historical difficult problem, the party-state adopted the brand-new way to deal with the disaster and famine on the condition of the productive forces level as before and the village order restructuring foundation: beside the essential relief, the party-state led the populace to develop a production and disaster relief movement and the party-state deal with the famine successfully by its unification and formidable mobilization ability.Under the revolutionary background, the revolutions that occurred in the villages had minor difference, moreover this kind of revolution also was the party-state restructured the village’s order preliminarily, but the revolutionary intrinsic logic would promote the village revolution thoroughly inevitably step by step under the party-state’s mobilization model based on it.

  • 【分类号】D631.2
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