

【作者】 邵雷

【导师】 烟建华;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医基础理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《内经》以怒作为人的五种基本情志之一,称为怒志,属于中医神志的范畴。一定范围内的怒虽然是人的正常情志活动,但也同时带来不愉快的心理体验,还可能影响人们的家庭、社会生活。而超越了正常范围的怒就会导致多种疾病,对身心健康造成损害,有些甚至威胁到病人的生命。为了更好地解决与怒相关的众多临床问题,本课题立足中医学的立场与方法论,通过文献学的方法,汇编和阅读《内经》中有关怒志生成理论的条文及各家注解与近年内中医学界发表的相关论文,联系对临床与日常生活中常见的发怒现象的观察与体验,对怒志生成的机理进行了研究。本课题坚持了《内经》从功能、整体、变化的角度把握生命规律的学术传统,重视产生怒志的精气运动变化的特殊性,以五脏藏神理论为基础,在生命进化的视野下,重新审视《内经》的相关论述,比较对照各家观点,结合运用逻辑推理的方法,在关键问题上进行了深入地再挖掘,在中医学界前辈工作的基础上,提出了关于怒志生成机制的新观点,即:1.人类怒志生成机制的意义:由于人类怒志的生成机制是对动物远祖机制的继承与演进,所以这一机制最原始、最本质的意义,是在受到欲望被阻逆、利益被侵犯的刺激时,为即将发动的以防御、驱逐以及征服为目的的攻击所做的准备反应,人类后天生活又为之附加了维护其事先认可的社会行为准则的意义。正是怒志的意义决定了在怒志的生成过程中精气向上、向外运动所要灌注的具体效应器的选择,也就是为什么“怒则气上”。2.怒志的生成,是涉及生理、心理两大系统的复杂反应,以内外刺激为始因,以人体精气的运动变化为基础,五脏所藏之神的活动贯穿于中。除某些自然刺激之外,绝大多数刺激对于具体的个体而言,只有被个体主观判定具有阻逆其欲望、侵犯其利益、挑战其事先认可的社会行为准则的意义才会引发怒志生成。在怒志生成过程中,人体精气的运动变化包含基础与信息两个生命层面,荷载了信息的气成为神气,气的信息运动在整个过程中发挥着重要的作用。在怒志生成过程中,五脏所藏之神的活动依进化过程而言由低至高主要可分为魄、魂、神三个层级的反应,神通过意志对怒志生成进行调控。3.在受到刺激后,魂魄主导的模式化反应产生荷载敌意的神气引导行为指向,并发出荷载指令性信息的神气到达特定脏腑组织,调集大量精气急速向上、向外灌注到特定的各效应器从而迅速为攻击做好准备。虽然人并不一定会采取攻击行动,但魂魄仍然保留着动物远祖的反应模式。与当前以心神为怒志反应主体的观点不同,本文认为在魂魄主导的模式化反应中精气运动的变化构成了怒志的情志表情和相应的生理和行为变化的主体。反应中的各种反馈信息被传递给神形成感觉的组合,与引导行为指向的敌意、攻击意志联系在一起,经过长期的经验与多次的重复联系、对比,构成了我们对怒志的情志体验。怒志向外表达为表情姿态及行为首先是精气运动的变化的必然结果,同时也使外界得以识别个体的反应信息,从而实现与对方的信息交流。在此观点基础上,本文从怒所导致的疾病、疾病所导致的异常发怒、与怒相关的情志疗法、养生预防中的未怒先防与既怒防病四个方面,对怒志生成机制在临床中的应用作了初步探讨。认为由于怒志的生成涉及到精气运动的基础与信息两个生命层面,影响到身心两个领域,在处理涉及怒志的临床问题时应综合考虑怒志对两个生命层面、身心两个领域的影响。

【Abstract】 Emotion theory is one of the significant components of the theory system of Huangdi neijing. According to it, anger is one of the five elementary emotions of human being. Even within the normal range, anger can bring displeased mental experience, and affect people’s family and social life possibly. If anger is beyond the normal range, it will lead to many kinds of diseases, do harm to people’s mind and body health, and even threaten the patient’s life.In order to solve the medicine problems pertinent to anger, this paper, in the position of TCM, by using the methodology of Huangdineijing, collecting and analyzing related literature of TCM, observing the anger phenomena in everyday life, researched on the producing mechanism of anger.Huangdineijing studied the law of life from the angle of function, macrocosm, and variety. Insisting the academic tradition of Huangdineijing, paying regard to the particularity of qi’s movement and transformation that produces anger, under the visual field that life evolves, this paper afresh researched the discussions of Huangdineijing pertinent to anger. By collecting and analyzing many experts’views, using the logical and reasoning method, many key problems were studied. On the foundations of the study work of many TCM experts, this paper advanced a new hypothesis of the producing mechanism of anger. The hypothesis is expressed as follows.Anger is a kind of emotions and belongs to the category of Shenzhi in the theory of TCM. The producing mechanism of anger of human being comes from the one of animal and has made progress. It’s original and essential meaning is it is a preparative reaction for attack in the next step in order to defend oneself or drive out or conquer one’s enemy, when one’s desires are obstructed or one’s benefit is impinged. The everyday life of human being make it also have the meaning of vindicating the rules of social behaviors that one has accepted. It is just the meaning of the producing mechanism of anger who decides which part of body should be perfused by qi in the process of producing anger.The producing of anger is a complex reaction that involves mind and body. And it is started by the stimulations that come from inside and outside. The movement and transformation of qi in body is the foundation of the producing of anger. The activities of the five Shen in the five Zang organs played the most important roles during the whole process of the producing of anger.Except for some special ones, for most of the stimulations, only when the human being thinks they will obstruct his desires or impinge his benefit or challenge the rules of social behaviors that he has accepted, they can make him angry.In the process of the producing of anger, there are not only basic movement of qi but also information movement of qi.. When qi carries information, it becomes Shenqi. The information movement of qi plays an important role in the process of the producing of anger. In the process of the producing of anger, according to the evolution course, the activities of the five Shen in the five Zang-organs can be divided into three levels. When stimulations are felt, according to the mode of reaction that is commanded and controled by Hun and Po, the Shenqi that carrys animus is made and begins to lead behaviors, and the Shenqi that carrys instruction is made and arrive at the special organs and structures. So large amount of qi begin to move up and forth to the special parts of body and body is prepared for attack. Weather human being decides to attack, the mode of this reaction that is commanded and controled by Hun and Po will not change. In this reaction, the movement of qi produces the expression and the changes of physiology and behavior of anger. In the reaction, all feedback informations are carried to Shen so that one can feel. After has been experienced many times, the combination of feelings, associated with animus, becomes the main emotion feeling experience of anger. Anger is expressed to face and behavior by the movement of qi. Through Yi and Zhi Shen controls and commands the reaction.According to this hypothesis, this paper discussed the application of the producing mechanism of anger in clinical practice. The discussion involved four aspects, they are the diseases that are induced by anger, abnormal anger that is induced by diseases, some emotion therapeutics pertinent to anger, and some measures pertinent to preventing anger in preserving one’s health.


