

Study on the Styles of Chinese Furniture in the 20th Century

【作者】 陈于书

【导师】 吴智慧;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪的中国家具是中国家具历史和艺术上最丰富多彩的100年。回顾一个世纪来中国家具的发展轨迹,可以进一步完善的中国家具史学体系,让历史学永葆青春。而最为重要的是,考察这一个世纪以来中国家具的内容、形式等,将有助于我们从新的角度再一次反思家具设计国际化的今天,如何在外来影响的条件下保持自己的民族特色,走可持续发展的道路。论文在广泛收集第一手资料的基础上,并到上海、杭州、北京、天津、青岛、广州、中山、深圳等地开展广泛细致地实地调研,按照比较和类比方法,将相同或类似的家具进行横向比较和归类,将不同类型的家具进行纵向的比较,并根据不同阶段具体分析进行归纳总结。经过研究,论文将20世纪中国家具的艺术风格归纳如下:(1)20世纪上半叶的中国近代家具(1901~1949年)是中西文化交融的产物,地域区分十分明显,具有品种丰富、式样多变;中西合璧、绚丽多姿;舒适实用、大小相宜;雕刻写实、薄木镶嵌;工业材料、初见端倪的特征。这时的家具还没有完全摆脱古典主义的范畴,中国现代家具尚处于萌芽时期。(2)解放后30年的中国自主创新家具(1949~1978年),以套装家具为主要特征。它是民国家具风格的延续,但艺术风格相对精炼、简朴、雅致。曲线少,直线多;漩涡表面少,平直表面多,显得更加轻盈、实用。这时,中国家具开始了对现代家具的探索,开始从重装饰向重功能转变、从重手工向重机械、从繁琐的形式向简洁的形态转变、从作坊生产向工厂化生产转变,开拓了众多满足广大平民百姓需要的家具形式,突破了传统家具只追求产品形式、不管产品功能的局限性,推进了现代家具设计的发展,在中国家具的近现代发展史上有着相当重要的作用。(3)改革开放后22年的中国现代家具(1978~2000年)以多元化为主要特征。1978~1995年,家具发展处于相对平稳的时期,开始走上现代主义的道路。板式组合家具、聚酯家具、板式拆装家具、整体厨柜等相继流行。1995~2000年,由于住宅建设及科学技术获得日新月异的发展,现代家具也由形成期步入快速发展时期。家具品种琳琅满目,丰富多彩,呈现一种多元化的趋势。纵观20世纪中国家具艺术风格的发展变化,传统与现代、追求与探索构成了贯穿的主线。中国家具逐渐实现了从重装饰的传统家具向简洁明快的现代家具,从传统的卯榫结构逐渐向现代板式结构,从传统材料向现代工业材料的过渡。研究表明,家具艺术风格的历史是一个连续发展的过程,但同时又在不断向前发展变化着。进入充满着希望、但同时又正面临着“人口、资源、环境”三大问题的21世纪,可持续发展问题已成为人类所面临的最大挑战,也成为我们新一代家具设计师的首要任务。可以预见,在机遇与挑战并存的21世纪,可持续发展观念引导下的绿色生态设计、信息时代的科技创新以及民族风格的继承与发扬将继续成为中国家具设计师追求和探索的方向。

【Abstract】 By far, the most rapid and revolutionary period of furniture history was the 20th Century. A retrospect of furniture in the 20th Century can help complete the China furniture history and keep it updating. The most important is that it will help us to reconsider how to assimilate the culture from other countries, how to keep our national characteristic, and take the way of sustainable development while designing furniture.The main approaches are to collect the original material extensively and to make a fieldwork of Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Shenzhen, and etc intensively. Moreover, Chinese furniture in the 20th century was compared with the furniture of other countries and also with Chinese traditional furniture.The styles of Chinese furniture in the 20th century were reduced to three dominating parts.(1) Chinese furniture from 1901 to 1949 resulted from the combination of western and Chinese culture. It was obviously regional and many new varieties appeared. It was functional. Generally, it was carved realistically and inlayed in veneers. Industrial materials began to be applied. Chinese modern furniture was in the hatching period.(2) Chinese furniture from 1949 to 1978 was a form of innovation by Chinese. It gave priority to suite furniture. It became simpler, more refined and functional. Here Chinese modern furniture began to be explored. Chinese furniture attached importance to function from decoration, and to machine-making from handcrafts.(3) Chinese furniture from 1978 to 2000 gave priority to the diversification of styles, respectively. From 1978 to 1995, Chinese furniture post a small gain and unit furniture prevailed. From 1995 to 2000, furniture design showed the diverse trend in the context of globalization.In a word, tradition or modern, searching or exploring penetrated through the Chinese furniture in 20th century. Chinese furniture generally transformed from with emphasis on decoration to function and from mortise and tenon joint to KD construction. Industry materials such as panel, glass and metal were applied.The research shows that the style of furniture was developing continuously and transforming gradually. In the 21st century, green or ecological design, technological innovation and succession or innovation of Chinese style should be pursued.

【关键词】 中国家具风格艺术20世纪
【Key words】 Chinafurniturestyleart20th century
  • 【分类号】F426.88
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1697

