

Study on Green Space System Planning in Administrative Region of a City

【作者】 刘纯青

【导师】 王浩;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 市域绿地是城乡一体化绿地系统构建的一个重要组成部分,也是目前城市生态网络建设研究的主导内容。本文以市域范围为研究尺度,从市域绿地的界定和市域绿地系统规划的定位为切入点,试图构建一套适合中国国情、相对比较科学和行之有效的市域绿地系统规划的理论与方法。从而进一步推动市域绿地系统规划编制工作,也试图为城市绿地系统规划的理论建设与方法改革提供学术建议和参考。全文共八章。前两章对市域、市域绿地、开放空间以及一些相关概念作出了明确的界定,以便论题的展开。第三、四章回顾并分析了国内外一些与本论题相关的理论研究与规划实践的成果,从而获得关于国内外城市绿地系统规划发展的整体认知。第五、六、七章是全文的核心。在分析当前市域生态环境、土地利用状况、规划工作现状和研究市域绿地分类的基础上,对市域绿地系统规划的原则、方法、程序、结构布局和规划战略等进行具体论述。最后一章是结语和展望。本论文在以下几个方面进行了一些创新尝试。1.市域绿地的界定。广义市域绿地是城市行政管辖全部地域内的绿地,狭义市域绿地是城市行政管辖区域内、城市规划区以外的全部绿地。本论文在广义市域绿地概念下展开论述。2.绿地分类体系的构建。建立了与《土地利用现状分类》、《城市绿地分类标准》和《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》相衔接的城乡一体化的全覆盖绿地分类体系。3.市域绿地系统规划的地位重构。在建立与城乡规划体系相匹配的、多系统多层次的绿地规划体系的基础上,将市域绿地规划定位为市域城镇体系规划指导下的独立编制的专项规划,而将城市绿地系统规划定为其下的子规划。并将其功能定位为:启动城市空间与绿地空间相互制衡机制,主导市域空间的构建,使绿地布局由被动适应城市扩张到主动引导城市健康发展。并由此提出市域绿地结构布局和规划战略的思考。

【Abstract】 Abstracts:Urban green space is an important component of urban-rural integration green space system and the leading content of ecological network construction research.Within the boundary of administrative region of a city and from the definition of green space and green space system planning in administrative region of a city,this dissertation is aimed at theorizing a planning method which is comparatively more scientific and effective and is more suitable for the conditions of China.The dissertation will hopefully promote study and research on the green space system planning in administrative region of a city and also provide some suggestions and consultation for the theory construction and method innovation of urban green space system planning.The dissertation consists of 8 chapters.The first two chapters aim to dig out the meaning of administrative region of a city,green space in administrative region of a city,open space and other related concepts.The third and forth chapters review and analyze some theoretical researches and planning practice at home and abroad which are related to my thesis,in order to get the overall cognitive of urban green space system planning development.Chapter five,six and seven are the core of the dissertation.On the basis of analysis of the ecological environment,land use situation and planning status,the dissertation discusses the principle,method, process,structure,layout,strategic planning etc.of green space system planning in administrative region of a city.The last chapter contains the conclusion and outlook.The innovative attempts of the dissertation are as follows:1.The definition of green space in administrative region of a city.In a broad sense,the definition refers to all of the green space in administrative region of a city,Narrow conception means those green space between administrative region of a city and urban planning area. This dissertation starts on the generalized definition.2.The construction of green space classification system.The dissertation has built an urban-rural integrative and all-covering green space classification system,linked with "Land Use Classification","Standard of Classification of Urban Green Space"and "Urban Land Use Classification and Land planning and construction standards".3.The status reconstruction of green space system planning in administrative region of a city.On the basis of establishing multiple system and multi-level green space planning system matching urban and rural planning system,the dissertation defines green space system planning in administrative region of a city as a special plan of urban system planning in administrative region of a city,and the urban green space system planning belongs to it.Its function is activating mutual checks and balances of urban space and green space and dominating the space construction of administrative region of a city,so that the green space layout will be changed from adapting urban expansion passively to guiding the healthy development initiatively. And the dissertation also discusses green space structure,layout and planning strategy in administrative region of a city.

  • 【分类号】TU985.11
  • 【被引频次】41
  • 【下载频次】2555

