

【作者】 马涛

【导师】 樊卫国;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 政治经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 与资本、劳动力相比,作为传统生产三要素之一的土地,其利用状况、配置效率在现代经济学中的研究相对比较缺乏。在中国,又由于土地要素的市场化价格机制、交易机制发育的相对缓慢,土地要素更是较少进入现代经济学的研究视野。然而,在中国的现实经济生活中,土地问题,诸如利用问题、供给问题、效率问题等,不仅影响着建设用地未来的供给规模、耕地安全、以至粮食安全,而且在不断影响国民经济运行效率、经济增长可持续性、经济增长方式转变。另外,就土地集约利用与科学技术关系方面,一方面,先进生产技术、规划技术、空间遥感技术在土地利用方面的使用,将会不断推动土地与其他要素的合理配置与使用密度提高,即推动土地利用的集约化水平;另一方面,土地在供给规模与价格上对技术密集型产业、创新性产业活动的推动与承载,将激励科学技术活动在个体、组织、产业层面上的发展。因此对土地利用状况开展研究无论是就土地管理自身来说,还是就实现经济高质量、可持续的增长,以及推动科技进步来说,都有非常必要的理论意义与现实意义。本文首先从生产要素利用出发对经济增长与经济增长方式理论,以及土地集约利用理论进行综述,并依据土地的空间特性,从资源配置效率角度对土地集约利用的内涵进行拓展。认为土地集约利用是指土地作为生产要素,其他要素对土地要素使用充分性,以及土地要素与其他要素配置关系合理性在土地利用过程中的集合。前者较多地关注在一定产出条件下单一土地要素投入数量,后者系统地关注各项要素之间的配比关系和关联效应。本文在土地制度层面、城市规划层面对土地粗放利用进行分析的基础上,依据一定的体制背景与国情背景下,着重从经济增长方式层面对土地粗放利用现象进行分析。认为,当整个国民经济增长方式表现为粗放型时,作为要素配置、企业投资、产业活动的空间载体的土地在使用与配置效率上也很难实现效率优化。如果集约型经济增长方式转变是长期的,那么这种长期性在很大程度上决定了土地利用集约化的长期性。另一方面,土地大规模、廉价供给不仅失去了对资金流向与流量的调节作用;而且,土地廉价供给还在一定程度上形成了企业投资的“隐形”补贴,进而使经济增长方式转变在微观层面上激励不足。通过模型推导从要素产出效率研究了土地利用状况对经济增长方式转变的影响。在一定的假设条件下,认为,在投入与产出环节提高土地的使用效率、配置效率,将有利于提高全要素生产率增长率,以及劳动、资本的使用效率,并促使固定资产投资规模与投资率适度下降,使投资保持一个有利于经济可持续增长的合理水平;另外,提高土地产出效率,有利于减少建设用地增加对耕地保护的压力,也就是说可以在土地资源节约条件下以低成本实现经济增长,这样的经济增长正是科学发展观所追求的。从产业规划层面研究如何实现城市产业用地的集约利用,初步构筑了一定的分析框架。在这里,产业规划合理性主要表现为主导产业选择的合理性与产业布局的合理性。在产业选择方面,依据产业分工日趋精细化、区域经济日益一体化的现代经济条件,以及城市空间不断开放化的空间条件,阐述了产业选择的分工原则。在产业布局方面力图通过建立产业布局的空间指向、空间规模、空间秩序、空间演化的分析框架,研究如何实现产业用地实行集约利用。从土地利用政策层面分析如何实现城市产业用地的集约利用。认为,尽快建立、完善城市土地年租制运行模式,将有助于土地集约利用得实现。并根据上海市的实际情况,对深化上海市国有土地租赁运行提出政策建议。最后,本文选取了北京中央商务区、上海张江高科技园区进行案例研究。以求理论与实践的紧密结合,并检验理论对实践的分析价值。

【Abstract】 Among three traditional production factors i.e. capital, labour force and land, the research on the utilization condition and distribution efficiency of land is scantily done in modern economics. In China, land factor is less inside modern economics field of vision due to the slow development of mechanism in terms of land factor pricing marketalization and exchange. However in China’s realistic economic life, land issues such as utilization, supply and efficiency not only affect the future supply scale, agrarian safety and commissariat safety of urban land, but also impacts the efficiency of national economy, the continuity of economic growth and the transformation of economic growth mode as well.In addition, in terms of land intensive utilization and technology, at one hand, the utilization of advanced technology, layout technology and special remote sensing technology put in the field of land will continuously improve the reasonable distribution of land and other factors as well as the utilization density, ie to promote the intensive utilization of land; on the other hand, the promotion driven by the land in the aspects of supply scale and pricing towards technology-densed industry and innovative industry will stimulate the development of technology in individuals, communities and industries. Therefore, the purport to develop the research on land utilization is significant, not only for the land management itself, but for the realization of ecnomy growth with high quality and continuity and technology promotion as well.Starting from production factor, this paper first summarizes the theory of economic growth and the mode of economic growth as well as land intensive utilization. According to special specialty, the author further explores the content of land intensive utilization from the perspective of resources distribution efficiency. Land intensive utilization refers to the combination of sufficient utilization of other factors made by the land which acts as a production factor, with reasonable distribution of land factor and other factors. The former focuses more on sole land input quantity under certain output conditions, while the latter systematically pays the attention to the distributive relationship among all factors and related effect.Based on the analysis of land extensive utilization in terms of land mechanisam and city layout mechanism, this paper focuses more on the analysis of land extensive utilization from the aspect of economic growth under certain background of system and country. In the event the growth of economy is in the form of extensity, the land, which acts as a special carrier of element distribution, enterprise investments and industry activities, is difficult to realize utilizable and distributive optimization. If the transformation of intensive economy is in the long run, such nature will in turn decide the character of land intensive utilization, which is also in the long term. On the other hand, the big supply of land with cheap price will not only lose the adjustive function of capital flow and flux, but to result in the intangible allowance for companies as well. This will weaken the transformation of economic growth in microcosmic aspect.From the perspective of element output efficiency, this paper explores the effect of land utilization condition towards the transformation of economic growth mode by the mean of the math model by light of model derivation. Under certain assumptions, to improve land utilization from input and output aspects will boost the growth of productivity of full elements, the utilization of labor and capital and decrease fixed assets investment scale and investment rate, which as a result, will keep the growth of economy at reasonable level; In addition, to improve land output rate is good to alleviate plough protection pressure caused by urban land, i.e. to realize the economic growth at low cost under the condition of land resources economization, such economic growth is pursued by scientific outlook on development.The paper explores how to realize urban industry land intensive utilization from the perspective of industry layout and constructs the primary analytical frame. The rationality of industry layout mainly presents the rationality of dominant industry selection and industry layout. In terms of industry selection, the paper expatiates the rationale of division of work of industry selection according to modern economy condition i.e.the elaborate division of industry work and the incorporation of area economy and special condition i.e. the opening of urban space. In terms of industry layout, the paper tries to explore the industry land intensive utilization by establishing industry layout analytical frame for special direction, special scale, special order and special evolvement.The paper analyzes how to realize urban land intensive utilization from the aspect of land utilization policy. To establish and improve land leasing operational mode will help achieve land intensive utilization. Suggestions regarding Shanghai national land leasing operation are raised according to actual conditions.Finally, the author does case studies by selecting Beijing CBD and Shanghai Zhangjiang Technological area as samples to combine the theory with practice and verify the analytical value of theory towards practice.

  • 【分类号】F293.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1583

