

The Research on Village Cadres’ Work Behavior

【作者】 甫永民

【导师】 王征兵;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着国家经济实力进一步增强,各项支农、惠农政策措施的陆续出台,为我国农业、农村和农民问题的解决提供了一个良好的外部空间,“三农”问题得到了一定程度地缓解。但是,要彻底解决“三农”问题,仅仅靠外部推力还是不够的,还需要在“三农”内部找到一个着力点,这个着力点就是村干部,因为无论是农业、农村,还是农民问题的彻底解决,都绕不开村干部的有效参与这个环节。因此,村干部就成为彻底解决“三农”问题的关键,成为我们最终解决农业、农村和农民问题的钥匙,因而加强对村干部及其行为研究就成了彻底解决“三农”问题的核心。基于对村干部在“三农”问题中重要性的认识,国内一些学者也都开始加强对村干部的研究工作,但是目前还鲜有学者从职务行为的视角来研究村干部。所以,为了更科学更全面地认识和管理村干部,规范细致地研究村干部的职务行为就显得尤其重要。本文以管理学、经济学、社会学以及行为科学等学科的基本理论为指导,在借鉴国内外农村基层组织发展变迁的基础上,对村干部及其职务行为进行了规范地分析和界定,并通过村干部在工作中代表的角色不同,对其职务行为从三个方面进行细致的分类分析和研究,最后构建对村干部科学的评价体系,以使我们对村干部进行有效的激励和约束,实现对村干部的科学管理。本文共由七章内容构成:第一章,导言。本章主要阐述了论文的研究目的和意义,选题的理论依据,简要地综述了国内外对村干部的研究动态,确立了本文的研究方法和分析的逻辑框架,并总结了论文可能的创新之处。第二章,村干部的界定。本章介绍了农业的基本内容,农村的概念、类型和国内外农村与城镇的划分,干部和村干部的涵义,我国村干部的历史变迁,以及国外村级组织的建设的比较,并选择根据有关资料介绍的国家和地区的区划设置,择取美国、印度等九个国家的典型情况,力求详细地反映国外在村级组织上的建设情况,通过横向和纵向比较,加深我们对村干部的了解和认识。在此基础上,认识到村干部是农村发展的关键、是凝聚村民的核心、是政府和农民联系的桥梁,所以对村干部的研究有极其重要价值。第三章,村干部职务行为的质。本章介绍了需要、动机和行为的基本关系,清晰地阐述了需求、动机和行为的基本内容,并对职务行为内容加以分析,职务行为是指各类组织的每位成员在工作过程表现出的所有行为,受其扮演的角色、个人和环境等因素影响。村干部职务行为的涵义是指村干部在处理农村工作过程中表现出来的角色行为,是村干部行使职权时的行为,代表个人利益或处理私人事务行为不是村干部的职务行为。在此基础上对村干部的职务行为进行了分类研究,根据村干部代表的利益主体不同,划分为三种职务行为,即完成国家任务的职务行为、管理村集体资产的职务行为、组织农村公共产品供给的职务行为。并对免税前后的村干部职务行为重心变迁进行了实证分析,证明了村干部职务行为分类标准的合理性,并为村干部职务行为的进一步研究奠定了基础。第四章,村干部完成国家任务的职务行为分析。本章首先介绍了村干部完成国家任务的职务行为基本内容和特征,影响村干部完成国家任务的职务行为的主要因素分析,以及对此职务行为的趋势预测,并在此基础上总结出了村干部作为国家代言人职务行为规范化政策的选择。村干部完成国家任务职务行为共包括五项内容,即计划生育;征兵工作;村干部自身素质的提高;维护村治安工作;宣传宪法、法律、法规和国家政策,教育和推动村民履行依法应尽的义务,爱护公共财产。具有权威性;强制性;政策信息量大且准确性高;较低的知识水平对比较高的政策解读和宣讲能力并存四种基本特征。本章还分析了影响村干部完成国家任务职务行为的主要因素,即个人因素和环境因素,其中个人因素是指个人教育程度和政治思想道德水平,环境因素是指薪酬因素、荣誉因素、自我实现因素和信息因素。认为村干部完成国家任务职务行为的内容和手段将不断随社会的发展而变化,信息和自身素质将起越来越重要的作用。最后,给出了引导村干部完成国家任务职务行为的合理的政策选择,即建立规范的村干部教育体系;加大对村干部的荣誉供给;搭建村干部自我实现的平台;拓宽村干部信息传递渠道。第五章,村干部管理村集体资产的职务行为分析。本章介绍了村干部作为村集体资产管理者的职务行为的基本内容,即带领村民发展经济增收致富;接待上级领导;管理村级组织工作;维护村民利益,向上级反映村民意见和建议;宣传科技知识、科教兴农;调解村民间纠纷,协调村与村之间的关系;管理本村宅基地使用及属于村民集体所有的土地和其它财产七项内容。归纳了委托代理行为、引领能力高、致富能力强、良好的组织管理能力四方面的特征。本章还分析了影响村干部完成管理村集体资产的职务行为的主要因素,即村干部个人素质因素、村民的文化素质因素、信息因素和名誉因素。在此基础上从村干部素质、农村人力资源管理、农业信息服务以及委托—代理关系角度提出了对村干部管理村集体资产职务行为规范化政策的选择和建议:确立村干部管理村集体资产职务行为的目标;加强对农村人力资源的管理;增加对农业信息服务的供给;强化对村干部败德行为的控制。第六章,村干部组织农村公共产品供给的职务行为分析。本章首先介绍了公共产品的内容、涵义和特征,在此基础上进一步对农村公共产品进行了详细的分析。然后介绍了村干部组织农村公共产品供给的职务行为的行为内容,共包括农村各种基础设施建设;发展村医疗卫生状况及福利工作;支持、维护、发展基础教育;为村民发展生产、供销、信用等各种形式的合作经济提供服务和协调工作四方面的内容,具有较强的奉献精神和沟通能力强两个基本特征。影响因素主要包括:政府因素、村民因素和村干部因素,并利用博弈理论进行了分析,最后给出了关于规范村干部组织农村公共产品供给的职务行为政策建议,即政府必须参与提供农村公共产品;村干部应积极协调农村公共产品供给;村民应积极参与农村公共产品的生产和供给。第七章,村干部职务行为的综合评价。本章是在根据前几章对村干部职务行为分析的基础上,为了更好的管理村干部,规范其职务行为,建立的村干部职务行为评价指标体系。本章详细地介绍了村干部职务行为评价指标体系的构成、基本内容、评价标准的设定、村干部职务行为考核实施办法以及考核评估表。并且为了加深对村干部职务行为的印象和理解,本文还对村干部的职务行为进行了形象思维,以使对村干部的职务行为的分析更易于被人们关注和接受,因而使本文的研究成果便于在农村工作中得到广泛推广和使用。

【Abstract】 With the increasing development of economic strength in China, many different kinds of policies and measures on supporting and benefiting peasants have been coming on in succession. As a result, a favorable exterior atmosphere was given to approach these problems about agriculture,rural areas and peasantry. Three dimensional rural issues were relieved to some degree. However, to approach these three dimensional rural issues completely must need not only exterior thrust but one pivot within them. The pivot is village cadres, for whether agriculture and rural areas or complete settlement of peasantry problem can not break loose the tache --- village cadres’efficient involvement. Therefore, village cadres became the key to complete settlement of three dimensional rural issues, and to reinforce the research on village cadres’work behavior becomes the core of complete settlement of three dimensional rural issues. In view of the cognition of significance about village cadres solving three dimensional rural issues, some domestic academicians have set about to intensify the research on village cadres, but at present very few academicians have studied village cadres from the visual angle of work behavior. So it is obviously very important to study village cadres’work behavior with specifically and meticulously in order to understand and supervise village cadres more scientifically and completely.The thesis is directed by these basic theories of management, economics, sociology and behavioral science etc. Following it, the thesis analyzed and defined village cadres and their behaviors by using the development of country organization for reference. And then the thesis analyzed and studied village cadres’work behavior meticulously from three aspects by means of the roles played by village cadres in work. Eventually we can establish scientific evaluation system towards village cadres, so as to prompt and restrict them efficiently and manage village cadres scientifically.The thesis is divided into seven chapters:Chapter 1: The introduction. The chapter expounds the research purpose, significance, and theory basis. It simply summarizes research development towards village cadres at home and abroad, establishes research measures and analytic logic frame, and concludes possible original ideas. Chapter 2: The research on the definition of village cadres. This chapter introduces the basic content of agriculture; the concept and types of country; the partition between country and town at home and abroad; the meaning of cadres and village cadres; historical variance of Chinese village cadres; and the comparison on building of village organization abroad. The author chooses these typical conditions of nine countries including America, India etc on the basis of the setup of nation and area, strives to reflect the building conditions of village organization abroad in detail. The author wants to strengthen the understanding and cognition towards village cadres by the comparison of landscape orientation and portrait. Therefore, the author has the feeling that the research on village cadres is of great importance.Chapter 3: The analyses on village cadres’work behavior. In this chapter the author introduces the basic connection of need, motivation and behavior, clearly expounds the basic content of need, motivation and behavior, and analyzes the content of village cadres’work behavior. Furthermore the author does some assorted study towards village cadres’work behavior. At the same time the author does some demonstration analyses on content variance of village cadres’work behavior before and after exemption.Chapter 4: The analyses on village cadres’work behavior as country’s mission executants. Following up the results of chapter three the author traverses village cadres’work behavior as country’s prolocutors. Firstly, the author introduces the basic content and characteristic of village cadres’work behavior; analyzes the key factors influencing village cadres’work behavior; and predicts the trend of village cadres’work behavior. As a result, the author concludes the choices on standardization of village cadres’work behavior as country’s prolocutors.Chapter 5: The analyses on village cadres’work behavior as collective asset managers. The author penetrates into analyzing village cadres’work behavior as villagers’surrogates. Above all, the author introduces the basic content and characteristic of village cadres’work behavior as collective asset managers; then analyzes the key factors influencing village cadres’work behavior on managing collective asset; furthermore put forward some choices and suggestions on standardization of village cadres’work behavior as collective asset managers from the angle of the relationship among self quality of village cadres, manpower resource control of country, agricultural information service and consigner-surrogate relationship.Chapter 6: The analyses on village cadres’work behavior as providers of country common products. In this chapter the author first introduces the content, meaning and characteristics of country common products, and then analyzes country common products at length. The author does some research on the content and characteristics of village cadres’ work behavior as providers of country common products; as well as affecting factors. The author analyzes the above using game-theory, and then presents some policy suggestions on regulation of village cadres’work behavior as providers of country common products.Chapter 7: To establish integrated evaluation system towards village cadres. In this chapter the author will establish outstanding achievement examining system towards village cadres to better manage village cadres and control their work behavior on the basis of the above analyses on village cadres’work behavior. The author introduces in detail the structure, basic content, enactment of grade standard, implementing measures on outstanding achievement examining of village cadres and evaluating table, all of which is about outstanding achievement examining system towards village cadres. The author thinks village cadres’work behavior in images in order to deepen the impression and understanding of village cadres’work behavior, make the analyses on village cadres’work behavior tend to be paid attention and accepted, and thus make this research fruit convenient for being extended and used widely in country work.

【关键词】 村干部需要动机行为职务行为
【Key words】 Village CadresDemandMotivationBehaviorWork Behavior

