

Research on the Relay Satellite Dynamic Scheduling Problem Modeling and Optimizational Technology

【作者】 顾中舜

【导师】 陈英武;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 跟踪与数据中继卫星系统是为中、低轨道的航天器与航天器之间、航天器与地面站之间提供数据中继、连续跟踪与轨道测控服务的系统,简称中继卫星系统。中继卫星调度是指中继卫星任务计划管理中心根据应用需求以及中继卫星需要完成的任务,确定中继卫星及其有效载荷,选择需要发送航天信号的用户航天器,科学合理地分配中继卫星系统资源,以满足跟踪、测控与数据中继需要。中继卫星动态调度是空间资源管理的重要内容之一,其目的在于为中继卫星系统的任务计划编制提供科学合理的决策手段与依据。中继卫星动态调度模型的建立与求解是中继卫星调度需要解决的关键问题,这也是本文研究的主要内容。本文的主要工作和创新研究成果如下:首先,建立了中继卫星动态调度框架。中继卫星动态调度框架的构建是研究中继卫星动态调度问题的重要基础,有利于中继卫星调度研究的深入开展。在分析中继卫星动态调度需求的基础上,确立中继卫星动态调度的原则和研究思路。其次,建立了中继卫星初始调度模型的求解方式。在初始时刻,中继卫星资源、待安排的任务集和约束条件等都是已知的,中继卫星初始调度模型是确定的。在此基础上构建基于蚁群算法的优化框架,采用蚁群算法对中继卫星初始调度模型进行求解,并与基于遗传算法和模拟退火算法的计算结果进行比较。第三,建立了中继卫星动态调度的求解方式。考虑了中继卫星调度过程中因卫星资源状态改变和新任务插入而导致动态调度的情况,并在中继卫星动态调度的求解中,将这两种情况综合为一种情况进行处理。中继卫星动态调度问题是一个典型的多目标决策问题,采用TOPSIS方法处理多目标决策。采用局部搜索方法和基于规则的局部优化算法求解中继卫星动态调度,并比较采用这两种方法的计算结果。最后,根据中继卫星系统的实际情况,进行中继卫星动态调度的应用实例分析,综合验证本文提出的调度模型与算法的有效性。通过本文的研究工作,初步完成了中继卫星动态调度问题由理论走向应用的相关探索,促进了动态调度理论与中继卫星应用领域相关问题的结合。

【Abstract】 TDRSS (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System) can provide service of data relaying, continuous tracking and TT&C for communications between spacecrafts of LEO (Low Earth Orbit) and MEO (Middle Earth Orbit), between spacecrafts and ground stations.The relay satellite scheduling is that the task plan management center of the relay satellite, according to application demand and tasks that the relay satellite should complete, selects the relay satellite and its payloads, user spacecrafts that need sending communicating data, and assigns the relay satellite system resources scientifically,The relay satellite dynamic scheduling is a main content of space resource management, which is to support task plan making of the relay satellite system. How to build and solve the dynamic scheduling models of the relay satellite is the key to the relay satellite scheduling problem. This is the primary study of the paper.The main contents and fruits of this paper are outlined as follows:Firstly, the paper puts forward a framework of the relay dynamic satellite scheduling. The framework of the relay satellite scheduling is the important base of the relay satellite scheduling search. The rules and research considers are formulated based on dynamic scheduling demand analysis of the relay satellite.Secondly, the paper builds and solves the original scheduling model of the relay satellite. At the first time, it’s known about the resources, mission collection waiting arrange and constraints of relay satellite. Therefore, the original scheduling model is established. The paper puts forward a framework based on Ant Colony (AC) Optimization Algorithm to solve the original scheduling model. The results solved with AC are compared with genetic algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA).Thirdly, the paper builds and solves the dynamic scheduling of the relay satellite. We considered two kinds of circumstances caused to dynamic scheduling of the relay satellite: resource state change and new mission inset, and synthetically solved them as ones. The paper presents TOPSIS method to solve the dynamic scheduling problem of the relay satellite as a typical multi-objective decision-making problem. It adopts and compares the results with Guided Local Search (GLC) method and regular_based local optimization method to solve the dynamic scheduling of the relay satellite.Lastly, the paper analyzes and solves the application example according to the practice of the relay satellite scheduling. In the application example, the number of time windows of task is above two. The example is solved with the provided scheduling models. It indicates that the provided scheduling models are reasonable and effective.The search work of the paper has elementarily explored how to combine the dynamic scheduling theory with the relay satellite application field.


