

The Analysis of TV News Media Ecology in Transition of China

【作者】 侯海涛

【导师】 朱羽君;

【作者基本信息】 中国传媒大学 , 广播电视新闻, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放三十年以来,中国社会发生了翻天覆地的变化,嵌入现代社会生活的电视新闻媒介也历经改头换面,其角色、身份以及传播功能都随着社会各层面的演化而调整。本文所关注的基本问题是:作为媒介社会最主要的大众传播媒介,在转型期这一特殊历史阶段,电视新闻媒介是如何受到其外部环境条件的影响、制约,并如何做出反应的。在对这一问题的认识和评价中,发现电视新闻媒介本身的进化与其外部动因的关联。围绕这一问题,本文选择了媒介生态理论作为分析框架。从媒介生态学的视阈来看,以电视新闻媒介为中心,整个社会构成一个媒介生态系统,这一生态系统的变迁对应着整个中国社会的发展。电视新闻媒介与这一生态系统中的各种因素互动偕行,政治、经济、文化和技术是此系统内的四大生态因素。身处探索的中途,中国的电视新闻媒介生态远不够成熟和平衡。这种不平衡来自媒介,也来自围绕媒介的外部生态因素,但都会对电视新闻媒介传播功能的最优化形成掣肘。本文秉持媒介批评的意识,对这一媒介生态中若干主要的不平衡、不和谐之处进行剖析,以期引导进化的趋向和着力点。全文具体按照以下步骤推演:确立电视新闻媒介生态系统的基本构型;剖析转型期政治生态因素的变化对电视新闻媒介报道语态和报道方式的修正;剖析转型期市场经济的驱动对电视新闻媒介生存角色的促变;剖析转型期文化生态的转型对电视新闻媒介格局、报导内容、传播形态的影响;剖析新媒体技术的演进如何带来电视新闻媒介的嬗变;并从电视本体属性和电视新闻生产规则两大方面观察电视新闻媒介对其外部生态因素的反作用。本文的基本结论是:电视新闻媒介的生存、发展和进步不是孤立进行的,诸般生态因素之于媒介的影响和制约往往才是本质根源。电视新闻媒介传播效能的最大发挥,需要从社会的各个方面予以整体关照。瞩目转型期电视新闻媒介生态中客观存在的污染、退化和破坏现象,我们需要从本国国情和媒介现状出发,进行合理的维护和修复,以期更好地开发和利用媒介生态资源。由此,政府、媒介、公众也可以从良性互动的媒介生态循环中获得更大的社会整体效益。

【Abstract】 There have been marvelous changes for Chinese society in the past 30 years,TV news media changes apparently as well, the rule, the status and the function of which have adjusted with the evolution of different parts of society.The basic question this thesis attempts to tackle is how television news media, as the main mass media of our society, has been influenced and restricted by the surroundings, and how TV news media have reacted to the surroundings at the same time. In the investigation and evaluation of this question, we could find the relations between the evolution of TV news media and the exterior causes.Concerning this issue, this thesis chooses the theory of media ecology as analytical method.From the angle of Media Ecology, the whole society is a media ecological system centering on the TV news media. This ecological system changes in step with the development of Chinese society. In the system, TV news media interact with such factors as politics, economy, civilization and technology. In the course of explorations, there is still a long way to go for Chinese TV news media ecology to get balance. This unbalanced situation originated within the media, also originated from the exterior factors around the media,both interfered or spoiled the effect of TV news communication. With the consciousness of media criticism, I try to analyze the unbalanced parts of TV news media ecological system, and find out the direction and focuses of future developments.Steps of argument are as follows: Make certain the composition of TV news media ecological system; Analyze the modification of news report manners of TV news under the influence of the political factors in transition; Analyze the changing of the survival role of TV news media in market economy; Inquiry the geographical distribution , contents of reports and communicational state of TV news media in the transformation of cultural ecology; Explain the progress of TV news media under the circumstances of new media technology; and observe the reactions of TV news media to external ecological factors from the angles of natural quality of television and TV news production rules.The thesis concludes that: the survival, development and progress of TV news media is not isolated from the affect and constrain of all kinds of ecological factors. In order to get the best performance of TV news media, we should take all aspects of society into consideration as a whole.Paying attention to the pollution, degradation and destruction of TV news media ecology in transition, taking national conditions and the status of the media into account, we have to do some reasonable maintenance and repair in order to make a better use of media ecological resources. The benign interaction among government, media and the public will lead to a healthy and balanced ecological cycle in which all aspects of the society can benefits from it.

  • 【分类号】G229.2
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】2072

