

【作者】 陈志

【导师】 龚育之; 李忠杰; 严书翰;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 以信息技术和网络技术为基础的信息技术革命已经对人类的经济、政治、文化、军事和科技等领域产生了重大而深远的影响。人类社会将逐步的迈入信息时代,这既是一种趋势,也是我们必须面对的现实。信息技术革命推动信息时代的前进,在这样的大环境下,不仅人们的生产生活方式会发生变化,执政党的执政环境与执政条件也发生了巨大变化。为适应这些变化,在经济领域出现了电子商务的理论与实践,在政治领域也出现了电子政务的理论与实践。从这以后,学者们开始研究政党如何在信息时代生存和发展,政治家则把信息网络技术运用到政党活动中来,目的都在于探寻政党怎样适应信息技术革命带来的变化,“电子党务”的命题由此产生。简单来说,本文主要以我党为研究对象,将“电子党务”界定为信息时代执政党党建工作的新模式,之所以新,原因在于信息时代的到来给党建工作带来了机遇,也带来了挑战,发展电子党务则是党建工作抓住机遇迎接挑战的一次创新,顺应执政环境的变化,通过信息网络技术创新党建工作,提高执政能力,巩固执政地位,使党始终走在时代的前列保持先进性,体现的是我党解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进的思想精神。文章的导论部分分为四个部分,一是讲述了选题的由来与研究的意义,选题在导师的指导下进行,并且结合了自己的学习背景。研究的意义在于深化电子党务的理论研究以指导具体实践、加强对信息化规律的认识以及拓展科学社会主义研究的新视角;二是整理了国内外关于电子党务的研究状况,总的说来研究都处于起步阶段,虽然取得了一些成果,但是对于电子党务的主体部分论述不足,需要指出的是,即使国外政党已经开始把信息网络技术应用到政党活动中来,但是对电子党务的研究也是刚刚开始。电子党务是一个有中国特色的概念,它对应的英文是electronic party或cyber party,直译是电子政党,但这样不符合我党实际,也不是本文研究的内容,所以还是选用电子党务一词;三是介绍了文章的研究思路和基本方法,全文始终围绕电子党务问题来展开,大致包括电子党务“是什么”、“为什么”和“怎么样”三个部分,综合运用各种研究方法;四是简要说明了本文的重点、难点和创新点。文章的第一章分为三个部分,首先讲述了电子党务的时代背景,大背景就是信息时代的来临,具体表现为全球化、信息化和现代化的三股浪潮,这三股浪潮给执政党带来机遇和挑战,是发展电子党务的客观依据所在;其次界定了电子党务的基本概念,当前关于电子党务还没有一致的定义,在综合多种定义的基础上,本文把电子党务定义为信息时代执政党党建工作的新模式,是科学技术在党建领域的运用和创新,同时本节还论述了“电子”与“党务”如何结合、传统党务与电子党务的关系以及电子党务的相关概念;最后本章介绍了国外和我国电子党务实践的基本情况,由于西方发达国家率先进入信息时代,所以讲国外电子党务的实践是指西方发达国家的政党,从中可以看到这些政党发展电子党务的现状和问题,同时对我党提供相关的借鉴,最后谈了我国的电子党务实践的基本现状。文章的第二章分为两个部分,分别论述了电子党务的运行方式和基本特点,电子党务的运行方式是电子党务在技术上的目标,只有认识了电子党务的运行方式,才能对发展电子党务有整体上的把握,文章从技术基础、分布结构以及运行模式三个方面架构电子党务的运行方式;电子党务的基本特点是对电子党务运行的抽象概括,信息网络技术所拥有的特点赋予了电子党务的基本特点,分别是及时性、交互性、虚拟性和共享性。文章的第三章分为三个部分,探讨的是发展电子党务的重大意义,简单来说就是有利于我国的信息化建设、有利于保持党的先进性和有利于提升我党的执政能力,这些也是电子党务在政治上的目标。发展电子党务是我国信息化的内在要求,一方面信息化催生电子党务,信息化条件下的社会主义市场经济建设、民主政治建设、先进文化建设与和谐社会建设都需要电子党务,另一方面电子党务也促进我国信息化的发展进程,既能扩展信息资源的利用,又能带动信息产业的发展,为社会信息化起示范作用;发展电子党务是保持党的先进性的重要途径,文章从政治学的角度来论证电子党务对保持党的先进性的效果,分别是畅通政治沟通、规范政治参与和促进政治决策;发展电子党务是提升执政能力的必要方式,文章分别把执政能力分解为社会应变能力、利益整合能力、政治社会化能力等几个方面,电子党务都能对它们有提升的作用,先进性建设和执政能力建设是党建布局的一条主线,是党建工作的重中之重,所以文章从这两方面论证电子党务的重大意义。文章的第四章分为两个部分,分别讨论的是电子党务的应用领域和发展电子党务中的问题与对策,其中应用领域是按照党的十七大报告中党建新布局的论述来分类,分别是思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、制度建设和反腐倡廉建设,从中可见电子党务在党建领域的积极作用;我国的电子党务还处于初始阶段,取得了一些成绩,但也存在思想认识、数字鸿沟、系统安全等一系列问题,文章的最后从这些问题出发,提出了发展电子党务的相关原则和具体措施。

【Abstract】 The information technology revolution which is based on information technology and network technology has had a significant and far-reaching impact on human economic, political, cultural, military and scientific and technological fields. The human society will gradually enter the information age, this is a trend which we must face the reality. The revolution in information technology promotes the progress of the times, in such a great environment, not only people’s production and lifestyle will change, but also the ruling party’s governance environment and governance conditions have taken tremendous changes. To adapt to these changes, the theory and practice of e-commerce have taken place in the economic field, the e-government theory and practice have taken place in the political field also. From this, the scholars began to study how the political parties in the information age to survive and develop, politicians applied information network technology to the activities of political parties, the aim is to explore how political parties adapt to the changes which the information technology revolution brought about, and as a result the proposition of "e-party" appeared. In simple terms, this article take my party for the study, "E-party" is defined as the new model of the ruling party building work in the information age, the reason why is new, because the advent of the information age has brought the work of party building opportunities, It also brings challenges, the development of e-party is an innovation which the work of party building seize the opportunity to meet the challenges, comply with the ruling party changes in the environment, through the information network technology we will innovate work of party building and improve governance capability, consolidate its ruling status, so that the party always walk in the forefront of the times to maintain the advanced nature, it reflected the party’s the spirit of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times.Introduction of the article is divided into four parts, first part is on the origin of the topics and significance of the topics, I identified the topic is under the guidance of instructors, and the combination of my own learning background. The significance lies in deepening the study of e-party’s theoretical research to guide the practice of information technology, to strengthen the understanding of the laws of information, to expand the new perspective on scientific socialism ;and the second part is finishing the domestic and international research on e-party situation, in general the study is at the initial stage, though it has achieved some success, the main part of the e-party is inadequate, we need to be pointed out that even foreign political parties have started to applied information network technology to the activities of political parties in the past, but they are just beginning on the study of e-party. E-party is a concept with Chinese characteristics which the corresponding English is the electronic party or cyber party, the literal translation is electronic political parties, but this does not meet the reality of our party, nor the content of this paper, so I choose the word e-party; the third part introduce the study of ideas and the basic methods, the article focuses on the issue of e-party, generally including electronic party "what" and "why" and "how " three-part, using various research methods; the fourth part summarize the article’s majority and difficult and innovation.The article’s first chapter is divided into three parts, first of all introduce the e-party’s historical background, context is the advent of the information age, concrete manifestation as the following three waves: globalization, information and modernization, the three waves will bring opportunities and challenges to the ruling party, and they’re the objective basis of developing e-party; secondly we define the basic concepts of e-party, has not yet agreed definition currently, on the basis of a variety of comprehensive definition, this article define e-party as the new model of ruling party building work in the electronic information era, it’s the application and innovation of science and technology in the party building field, this section also discusses how the "electronic" and "party affairs" to combine, the traditional party affairs and e-party’s relation and the related concept of e-party; finally this chapter introduces the e-party’s basic situation of foreign and Chinese practice, because the Western developed countries have taken the lead into the information age, the practice of foreign e-party refers to Western developed countries, it can be seen from the above the situation and problems of these political parties developing e-party, at the same time it provide the relevant reference to CPC, at last we talk about the basic situation of Chinese e-party’s practice.The article’s second chapter is divided into two parts, respectively about the operation mode and the basic characteristics of e-party, the operation mode of e-party is the technical goal of e-party, we can only understand the operation mode of the e-party to grasp the development of e-party overall, the article structure e-party’s operation mode from three aspects as technical basis, distribution structure and operation mode; electronic party’s basic feature is the abstract summary of e-party running, the characteristics of information network technology have given e-party basic characteristics, which are timely, interactive, virtual and shared.Chapter three of the article is divided into three parts, exploring the great significance of developing e-party, put it in simple terms is propitious to Chinese information construction and is propitious to maintain the Party’s advanced nature and is propitious to enhance the party’s governing capability, these is the political objective of e-party. Developing e-party is the inherent requirements of electronic information in our country, on the one hand information promote the birth of e-party, under the information conditions, the socialist market economic construction, the building of democratic politics and advanced culture building and construction of a harmonious society all require e-party, on the other hand e-party also promote the development of Chinese information process, not only expand the use of information resources, but also stimulate the development of information industry, it’s a model for information-based society; developing e-party is the important ways of maintaining the Party’s advanced nature, from the perspective of political science, the article demonstrate the effect of e-party to keep the party’s advanced nature, which are smooth political communication, regulate political participation and promote political decision-making; developing e-party is the necessary means to raise the capacity of ruling party, the ability to govern in the article were divided into social adaptability, ability to integrate interests, political and social capabilities and other aspects, e-party is able to enhance the role they have, the building of the advanced nature and the ability to govern is a main line in the distribution of party building, is the top priority of the work of party building, so the article demonstrate the great significance of e-party from these two areas.Chapter four of the article is divided into two parts, discussing application fields of the e-party and the problems and Countermeasures in the development of e-party, application fields are classified in accordance with the demonstration of new layout of party building from the report of 17th National Congress of CPC: the ideological building, organizational building and style construction, system construction and the building of anti-corruption campaign, from above we can see in the area of party building e-party plays a positive role; Chinese e-party is still in its initial stages, it has made some achievements, but there are also a series of issues such as the idea of understanding, the digital divide, security systems, the end of the article start from these issues, proposed relevant principles and concrete measures of developing e-party.

  • 【分类号】D262
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2541

