

【作者】 张海燕

【导师】 李瑗;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文以1937年到1942年为中心,探讨延安理论知识分子在马克思主义中国化中的地位与作用。本文所研究的理论知识分子是指20世纪30年代末40年代初聚集在延安的以构建与诠释中共意识形态为主要职能的文化人。这一选题研究的价值主要在于:一是它的学术价值。学界在马克思主义中国化的相关研究中,主要把视角锁定在政治领袖身上,而对知识分子关注甚少。把知识分子与马克思主义中国化结合起来研究,可以扩宽研究的视域,丰富中国共产党思想史研究的内容。二是它的理论价值。考量中国知识分子在中国革命和建设中的作用是个重大的理论问题。把知识分子的作用放在马克思主义中国化中进行个案考量,从而对知识分子能否在中国革命和建设中独立发挥作用有一个客观的认知。三是它的现实价值。延安时期开拓的马克思主义中国化事业还在继续,延安知识分子参与和揭示的马克思主义中国化道路对今天推进马克思主义中国化仍有借鉴意义。本文的基本设定:知识分子在马克思主义中国化中发挥着其它阶层和集团所不可替代的独特作用。而他们作用的发挥又因领域的不同而有所差异,在马克思主义中国化的学术层面,他们主要通过自身的专业学识,因而起着主导作用;在马克思主义中国化的政治层面,他们的作用主要通过政治领袖的认可才能得以实现,因而起着“辅导”的作用。论文由导论、正文五章和结束语组成。导论部分,先是从多个方面对论文的研究对象作了界定;然后,阐明这一选题的意义及研究的思路;评述本课题的研究现状;介绍本论文的研究方法:在研究方法上,总体上坚持历史与逻辑的统一,论从史出,史论结合。具体研究中坚持人物个案研究与群体研究相结合,适当运用比较研究法,并借鉴其它学科特别是心理学的一些研究方法。第一章,是延安知识分子的聚集及人物谱系。延安知识分子的聚集是本文研究得以展开的基础。本章主要探讨延安知识分子奔赴延安的概况、缘由及途径并对其内部结构展开分析。年龄、专业知识结构、政治背景、经历、阅历、个性各异的这批知识分子在民族危亡的历史背景下集结于延安,传统的血缘、地缘关系已不足以凝聚他们,由于他们大多具有入世精神和革命激情,因而容易在抗日和革命的旗帜下合作。通过研究试图对延安知识分子致力于马克思主义中国化具备的主体素质有所展示。第二章,是延安知识分子致力于马克思主义中国化的历史轨迹。本文认为,从马克思主义的传入到延安时期马克思主义中国化理论的提出,虽然经历了长期的认识过程,但有其逻辑的必然性和历史的合理性。本章主要立足这一过程中的几个关键点:马克思主义的传入、马克思主义在中国的运用、马克思主义中国化理论的提出,来研究知识分子对马克思主义中国化的探索。表明知识分子致力于马克思主义中国化是一种自觉的选择,这种选择付诸实践后又强化了他们的主体意识。第三章,是延安知识分子探索马克思主义史学中国化。马克思主义中国化应以研究中国问题为主,而中国历史是一切中国问题的源头。这样,马克思主义中国化就为实践中强化历史研究提供了直接契机。本章主要考察延安知识分子探索马克思主义史学中国化的理论与实践,并对其取得的成果进行评析,从史学领域展现知识分子如何主导马克思主义学术层面的中国化。第四章,是延安知识分子探索马克思主义哲学中国化。本章主要从哲学领域扩展马克思主义学术层面的中国化。延安知识分子在特定的历史条件下对马克思主义哲学中国化作出了自己的独特贡献。不了解他们每个人高度个性化的哲学创造和理论贡献,就不可能真正理解马克思主义哲学中国化的历程,从而也不可能真正揭示马克思主义哲学中国化的规律。第五章,是延安知识分子与“毛泽东思想”的形成。这是从政治层面探讨知识分子如何致力于马克思主义中国化。延安时期马克思主义中国化在政治层面最主要的成果就是“毛泽东思想”的形成,这一成果的取得自然离不开毛泽东的主观努力,但历史表明它也凝聚了知识分子的智慧。本章主要立足知识分子群体与领袖的理论互动来论述延安知识分子在马克思主义中国化理论形态——“毛泽东思想”构建中的作用。这是基于这样一个认识:在意识形态的创建中知识分子的作用是政治家不可替代的。通过以上各章,本文得出如下结论:第一,知识分子在马克思主义中国化中的地位和发挥的作用是不可替代的。而他们的作用的发挥与自身的素质密切相关。第二,知识分子致力于马克思主义中国化时,把知识分子的优点和不足都带进了马克思主义中国化,因此,他们对马克思主义中国化的影响也是双重的,当优点充分发挥时,就促进马克思主义的发展,反之则延缓甚至阻碍马克思主义中国化的进程。第三,知识分子较为普遍地介入马克思主义中国化既是时代的要求,也是知识分子“士志于道”传统的现代诠释。借助于马克思主义中国化,知识分子走向了政治的中心,但也使得现代知识分子再次向传统回归。

【Abstract】 This dissertation discusses the position and role of Yan’an theoretical intellectuals in the localization of Marxism in China by focusing on the period from 1937 to 1942. The theoretical intellectuals studied in this dissertation refer to those who congregated in Yan’an from the end of the 1930s to the beginning of the 1940s to treat the establishment and interpretation of the ideology of Chinese Communist Party as their main duty. The significance of the study firstly lies in the academic value. Scholars usually focus on the political leader but pay little attention to the intellectuals in the related research of the localization of Marxism in China. To research both the intellectuals and the localization of Marxism in China can enlarge the academic vision and enrich the research of history of the Chinese Communist Party Thought. Secondly, it lies in the theoretical value. The role of the Chinese intellectuals in the Chinese revolution and construction is an important theoretical issue. To explore the role of the intellectuals in the localization of Marxism in China with case studies can help us recognize whether the intellectuals can play an independent role in the Chinese revolution and construction. Thirdly, it lies in the practical value. The localization of Marxism in China still continued in the Yan’an period and that Yan’an intellectuals were engaged in the localization of Marxism in China is still valuable to us today. We can learn how to treat the intellectuals today by researching the“experience and feeling”of the individual and the group when the intellectuals dealt with their relation with the Chinese revolution.The preliminary hypothesis of the dissertation is that the unique role played by the intellectuals in the localization of Marxism in China can’t be replaced by other classes and groups. Their roles vary from field to field. In the dimension of academy of the localization of Marxism in China, they play a leading part by utilizing their professional knowledge; in the dimension of politics of the localization of Marxism in China, only by being recognized by the political leader can they play their part, thus they play an“auxiliary”part.The dissertation consists of the introduction, the main body of five chapters and the conclusion.The introduction firstly defines the object of study from various aspects, and then elaborates on the significance of the dissertation and the research approach, and comments on the current research situations. The methodologies of the dissertation are as follows: generally, adhering to unity of history and logic, conclusion from history and integration of history and theory. Specifically, the case study of individuals is integrated with that of groups and comparative study is properly used and some methodologies in other disciplines especially methodologies in psychology are used too.Chapter one researches the congregation of Yan’an intellectuals and the figure genealogy. To study the congregation of Yan’an intellectuals is the basis of the dissertation. This chapter mainly discusses the general situations, reasons and the ways of their going to Yan’an and analyzes its inner structure. These intellectuals, with different ages, professional knowledge, political background, experience and characters, congregate in Yan’an under the background of the disaster of national subjugation. The traditional kinship and geological relationship are not enough to unite them. Because most of them are enthusiastic about participating into politics and passionate about revolution, they can cooperate with each other with the same aim of Chinese revolution and resistance against the Japanese invasion. This dissertation intends to probe into the main qualities possessed by Yan’an intellectuals in the localization of Marxism in China.Chapter two studies the historical development of the localization of Marxism in China with the Yan’an intellectuals’efforts. This dissertation holds that though it is a long cognitive way from the introduction of Marxism into China to the presentation of the theory of localization of Marxism in China in the Yan’an period, it is logically inevitable and historically reasonable. This chapter, by focusing on the key points in the process: the introduction of Marxism in China, the utilization of Marxism, the presentation of the theory of localization of Marxism in China, researches the intellectuals’exploration of the localization of Marxism in China. It holds that to contribute to the localization of Marxism in China is the intellectuals’conscious choice and it enhances their own subjective consciousness after it is put into practice.Chapter three studies Yan’an intellectuals’exploring the localization of Marxist history. To study the localization of Marxism in China should focus on the research of Chinese issues, while Chinese history is the source of all Chinese issues. Thus, the localization of Marxism in China provides a chance for us to lay emphasis on history research in practice. This chapter mainly investigates the theory and practice of Yan’an intellectuals in the localization of Marxism in China and makes a commentary on their achievements, and demonstrates how the intellectuals play a leading role in the dimension of academy of the localization of Marxism in China from the perspective of historiography.Chapter four studies Yan’an intellectuals’exploration of the localization of Marxist philosophy in China. This chapter mainly researches the localization of Marxism in China in the dimension of academy from the perspective of philosophy. Yan’an intellectuals have made unique contributions to the localization of Marxist philosophy in China under special historical circumstances. Without understanding their highly personalized philosophical innovation and theoretical contributions, we can’t truly understand the course of the localization of Marxist philosophy in China, thus, we can’t unveil the rule of the localization of Marxist philosophy in China.Chapter five studies Yan’an intellectuals and the formation of Mao Zedong Thought. This chapter discusses the intellectuals’contributions to the localization of Marxism in China in the dimension of politics. During the Yan’an period, the noteworthy fruit of the localization of Marxism in China in the dimension of politics is the formation of Mao Zedong Thought. This achievement naturally is closely related to Mao Zedong’s subjective efforts, but history shows that it is also the fruit of Yan’an intellectuals’wisdom. This chapter, on the basis of the theoretical interaction between the intellectuals and the leader, discusses the role of the Yan’an intellectuals in the establishment of the theoretical achievement of the localization of Marxism in China—Mao Zedong Thought. This is based on such a viewpoint: the role of the intellectuals cannot be replaced by the politicians in the establishment of ideology.Based on the above chapters, this dissertation draws the following conclusions. Firstly, the position and role of the intellectuals in the localization of Marxism in China cannot be replaced. That they play their role is closely related to their own qualities. Secondly, when the intellectuals devote themselves to the localization of Marxism in China, they bring both their merits and defects into the localization of Marxism in China. Therefore, their influences on the localization of Marxism in China are dual. When they make full use of their advantages, they accelerate the development of Marxism and vice, versa. Thirdly, that the intellectuals are engaged in the localization of Marxism in China universally is their conscious choice. To make such a choice is the call of the era and it also embodies the Chinese tradition—“intellectuals should participate in politics”. With the aid of the localization of Marxism in China, the intellectuals become the core of politics; meanwhile, it also drives them back to tradition.

  • 【分类号】D231
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】2344

