

On Teacher’s Curriculum Power of Elementary Education

【作者】 赵虹元

【导师】 刘义兵;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 “教师课程权力”是一个有着深厚历史文化内涵与迫切现实需要的教育实践命题。所谓教师课程权力,是指教育法规和国家课程政策赋予教师个人实施课程实践的各种权力。追根溯源,它是教育之为教育不可或缺的要件之一,“教什么”与“怎么教”不可避免地始终伴随教育活动的产生发展而存在,只是受政治制度、生产力水平影响,在社会发展的许多时期表现不明显而已。在现实的教育实践中强调教师课程权力,目的在于提高教师的课程专业自主地位,开发教师的课程实践能力,进而提升教育教学质量,以利于学生获得身心全面发展。从现实的研究背景看,教师课程权力是教育民主化进程中的教师权益体现,对其进行研究可以引发人们对教育功能、目的任务、方法手段的深刻反省,从而切实有效并创造性地实施现时的教育教学活动。我国新一轮基础教育课程改革明确了课程权力多极共享的课程管理理念,加之教师在课程改革中面临的种种困境,使教师课程权力问题受到了教育理论与实践工作者的特别关注。我们通过调查发现,我国中小学教师课程权力状况忧过于喜,一是教师课程权力获得与运作并不充分,二是教师的课程权力意识、课程能力以及校长的课程领导能力等,还不足以应对教师课程权力的挑战。基于此,教师课程权力的实现,惟有教师主动寻求自我改变,由课程旁观者转向课程介入者,由课程执行者转向课程创生者,逐步养成课程权力习性,方能既使国家课程权力安心下放,又使课程权力的运作获得良好的效益。此为内因。同时,国家政府有关部门、中小学校长以及大学专家也要合力支持、引领教师课程权力赋予与运作机制的构建。此为外因。全文共分七个部分:导论介绍本研究的选题缘由,梳理、归纳国内外有关教师课程权力问题的研究现状与存在问题,阐释研究的意义、思路与方法。第一章教师课程权力的基本问题。认识“教师课程权力是什么”,主要论述其本质与特征、来源与构成。教师课程权力外在来源于法律法规,内在来源于教师与课程之间的天然关系,包括课程决策权、课程开发权、课程实施权、课程创生权、课程评价权等。从本质上讲,教师课程权力获得与运作的目的不仅仅是提升教师的课程地位,提高其教育教学投入,更是藉此提高课程实施的效益,以促进学生更好的发展。它具有制度规定性、有限平衡性、目的指向性、价值多极性、复杂相关性等特征。第二章教师课程权力的价值诉求。渴求课程权力是教师作为普遍意义上的人的本性,教师课程权力的实现有利于其教育实践智慧和职业伦理的养成;对学生而言,教师的课程创生对培养他们的创新能力、批判与反思能力等大有益处;课程权力的获得丰富了教师的课程角色,作为课程的领导与决策者、试验与实践者、理解与评价者、开发与研制者的教师,对课程发展也具有有力的促动作用。论述教师课程权力与教师自身专业成长、学生发展和课程发展之间的内在关系,旨在揭示“为什么要赋予教师课程权力”。第三章我国教师课程权力的历史考辨。我国奴隶社会、封建社会和近现代社会时期的教师课程权力,既因文化传承而相互关联,也因社会演进而有所不同。通过对教师课程权力历史发展的探讨,透视我国基础教育教师课程权力现状形成的历史原因。第四章基础教育教师课程权力的现状调查。采用问卷调查和深入访谈的方式,了解我国中小学教师课程权力现状,探讨其存在的积极因素与主要问题,从历史与现实出发,分析问题产生原因,并依据调查结果,探寻教师课程权力的影响因素。第五章课程权力习性养成与教师改变。教师课程权力的实现首先要求教师主动在实践中渐进地自我改变,包括课程角色、课程范式、专业发展理念等方面。通过改变己有的思维方式与工作方式,不断尝试运作课程权力,并对其过程与结果进行反思,以逐步形成比较稳定的课程权力“情境—行为模块”,最终达到使课程权力运作成为一种“无意识”行为,养成课程权力习性。第六章教师课程权力实现条件。教师课程权力的实现主要涉及两个问题:一是为教师赋权问题,一是教师课程权力运作问题。其中赋权是前提,运作是关键。这两个问题不仅关乎学校的课程文化改进和教师自身的认识、能力改变,也关乎国家教育制度的若干改进。国家须切实下放课程权力,进一步增加教育经费投入,改进课程评价与教师培训体制;中小学校长须提高其课程领导能力,注重与大学的伙伴协作,共同支持与引领教师课程权力的实现。同时,还要采用权力制约、权利制约和道德制约等方式,控制和引领教师课程权力运作中的过度行为,以实现教师课程权力运作与学生发展、教师自身成长以及课程发展之间的均衡与协调。

【Abstract】 "Teacher’s curriculum power" is an educational practice proposition with profound historical and cultural connotation as well as urgent realistic needs. It refers to teacher’s power to implement curriculum practice individually, which is endowed by educational code and national curriculum policy. Fundamentally, it is one of the indispensable and important documents to education. "What to teach" and "How to teach" exist inevitably, going with the produce and development of pedagogical activity. It is just not obvious in many periods of social development, because of the influence of political systems and productive forces. To raise teacher’s position of curriculum autonomy and develop teacher’s curriculum practice capability, moreover, to promote education quality for students’ all-round development, teacher’s curriculum power should be emphasized in educational practice. From the view of the realistic research background, teacher’s curriculum power is the embodiment of teacher’s rights and interests in education democratization progress. Its research can cause people’s profound reflection to education function, purpose and mission, methodand measures, accordingly, the present pedagogical activity is carried out effectively and creatively.The latest elementary education curriculum reform specifies curriculum management concept that curriculum power can be multi-shared. In addition, various predicaments in the curriculum reform, making education theory and practice staff give their specific attention to teacher’s curriculum power. Through investigation, we find that there are more worries than pleasures about teacher’s curriculum power condition in primary and middle schools. On the one hand, the obtaining and operation of teacher’s curriculum power is insufficient; on the other hand, teacher’s curriculum power consciousness, curriculum competence and the president’s curriculum leadership cannot adequately reply the challenge against teacher’s curriculum power. Hereupon, the fulfillment of teacher’s curriculum power could only depend on teacher’s initiative self-change, from curriculum looker-on to curriculum intervener, curriculum executor to curriculum initiator, gradually cultivating curriculum power habitus, which not only aims at letting national curriculum power transferring to the local at ease, but also making its operation achieving favorable performance. This is the inner sake. In the meantime, the national government departments concerned, principals and university experts ask for cooperation too, supporting and guiding teacher’s curriculum power endowment and operation mechanism construction. This is the outer one.The paper consists of seven parts:Preface It introduces the original reason for the subject selection; integrates and sums up the present research instance and existing problems about teacher’s curriculum power domestic and overseas; explains its significance, ways of thinking and methods.Chapter 1 The Basic Issues of Teacher’s Curriculum Power It helps to understand "What is teacher’s curriculum power ": mainly discusses its essence and characteristic, source and composing. Teacher’s curriculum power comes from laws outside, natural relation between teacher and curriculum internally, including curriculum decision power, exploitation power, implement power, creation power, evaluation power, etc. From the essence, the purpose of obtaining and operation it is not just exalt teacher’s curriculum position to devote to teaching, but thereby to improve its’ implement efficiency, to promote students better development. It is characterized by systematical regulation, limited equation, intention pointing, multi-values, complicated relativity and so on.Chapter 2 The Value Appeal of Teacher’s Curriculum Power It is commonly the man’s nature for teachers to yearn for curriculum power. The conduct of teacher’s curriculum power is in favor of nurturing one’s educational wisdom and occupational ethics. For students, teacher’s curriculum creation benefits a lot for their innovation capability, animadversion and reflection abilities. As the curriculum leader and decision maker, the one who comprehends and evaluates, experiments and manufactures, teacher can effectively motivate curriculum development, and the obtaining of curriculum power enriches teacher’s curriculum role too.Discussing the inner relationship between teacher’s curriculum power and teacher’s self professional growth, students’ progress and curriculum development intends to reveal ""why to endue teacher with curriculum power".Chapter 3 The Historical Inspection of Teacher’s Curriculum Power in our Country Teacher’s curriculum power in slavery society, feudalistic society, modern society relates to each other because of cultural inheritance, while differs as social evolution. The historical reason why teacher’s present curriculum power of elementary education comes into being may be penetrated by probing into the historical development of teacher’s curriculum power.Chapter 4 The Present Investigation of Teacher’s Curriculum Power of Elementary Education The paper adopts questionnaire and thorough interview to find out the present condition of teacher’s curriculum power in primary and middle schools, discusses its positive factors and key problems, analyze its reasons from historical and the realistic aspects, and seek for impact factors of teacher’s curriculum power according to the investigation result.Chapter 5 The Nurturance of Curriculum Power Habitus and Teacher Change The fulfillment of teacher’s curriculum power requires a teacher actively changes by one’s own in the first place, involving with curriculum role, curriculum paradigm, professional development principle, etc. Via changing the known fashions of thinking and working, the teacher attempts to operate curriculum power continuously, introspect its process and result, to form comparatively stable "scenario -behavior module" of curriculum power step by step, attaining to curriculum power operating "unconsciously" and developing curriculum power habitus in the end.Chapter 6 The Fulfillment Qualifications of Teacher’s Curriculum Power The fulfillment of teacher’s curriculum power mostly involves two matters: one is the endowment of teacher’s curriculum power; the other is the operation of it. Hereinto, the endowment is the premise, the operation is the linchpin. Not only do these two count for the improvement of curriculum culture in school and the alteration of teacher’s awareness and ability, but also relate to some mend of the national education system. The national government must transfer the curriculum power to the local, further increase education funds investment, remodel curriculum assessment and teacher training system; the presidents in primary and middle schools must improve their curriculum leadership, pay attention to the cooperation with the university, support and guide the fulfillment of teacher’s curriculum power together. At the same time, power restriction, right restriction and ethics restriction need to be adopted to dominate and lead teacher’s excessive behaviors in operation, to win equilibrium and harmony between curriculum power operation and student’s progress, teacher’s self growth and along with curriculum development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G423
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】1673

