

【作者】 罗生全

【导师】 靳玉乐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 “教育学理论不仅属于技术的、也属于文化的、意识形态的、以及政治的。”课程作为一个研究领域,它既指向课程的实质性问题与技术性问题,也更是一个社会政治过程,体现了一定社会政治意识形态的文化要义。揭示课程的社会政治过程,可以从学理上探讨课程研究领域中的一些基本问题,为我国当代课程研究提供新的视角、理论和方法。符号权力通过资本而隐蔽地发生作用。因资本要在运作过程中发挥作用,而课程也表现出不同的形态与运作阶段,对课程文化资本的权力考察也就需要从课程文化资本的运作阶段中去实现。本论文从文化社会学中的文化资本理论入手,运用其整体论和关系主义的视角,通过对符号权力支配下的课程文化资本运作研究,分析课程文化资本运作过程中的权力控制与意识形态再生产的本质,以及课程文化资本在再生产社会阶级结构方面所发挥的重要作用。课程只有作为一种文化资本才能体现与发挥符号权力的作用。本论文首先从课程是否能作为一种文化资本入手,从文化演进过程中探寻了课程作为一种文化的意义,并从资本概念的发展中探寻了课程作为一种文化能否成为一种资本的条件,从而明确了课程作为一种文化的资本现实以及资本特性。在课程能作为一种文化资本这个命题确立的前提下,本论文从课程的要义以及文化资本的要义入手探讨了课程文化资本的概念、特性、形式以及积累机制。课程文化资本是一定文化意识与文化价值观的体现,这也需要我们探寻课程文化资本的这些问题,即这些文化意识和文化价值观是谁的?它们是通过什么方式选择出来的?这些方式是大家公认的方式呢还是大家不为所知或者根本不知的方式呢?这些问题实质是课程文化资本是在什么样的处境下进行运作的,受谁的支配。通过对这些问题的文化社会学探讨,本论文进一步明确了课程的社会政治过程,反映了课程文化资本需要在其运作过程中体现多样的权力控制,实现其符号权力。当明确了课程文化资本的符号权力实现的方式之后,本论文的四、五、六、七章分别探讨了课程文化资本在生产、流通、消费以及度量等阶段的符号权力作用形式与实质。首先,本论文阐明了课程文化资本生产的文化品性及表现出对权力和利益追求的权力动因,进而分析了课程文化资本生产的权力作用逻辑,认为其不仅仅表现在主流阶级意识形态的符号权力作用,还表现在课程文化资本这个特定的生产场域中的各种权力关系,其目的在于获取更多的符号资本,以期最大化的行使符号权力,从而获取自身的利益。其次,本论文分析了课程文化资本的流通对象以及从课程文化产品兼具文化价值与文化商品特性两个方面剖析了课程文化资本流通过程中意识形态的隐性控制以及符号权力的具体实现过程。再次,本论文分析了课程文化资本在学校这种消费场域中的消费主体之间的各种权力关系,消费过程中所表现出来的符号权力的控制逻辑,以及消费结果的再生产本质。最后,本论文论述了课程文化资本的再生产本质,认为主流阶级为了维护现有社会阶级的再生产,需要将符合现有社会的主流文化作为一种评判学生的标准,虽然表面上看似这种文化都是所有学生学习建构的对象,但因特有的手段以及措施区分了属于不同阶级或阶层的子女,再生产了原有的社会结构。从布迪厄文化社会学这个比较新颖的角度对课程本质的一种尝试性认识与解读所得出的重要结论便是,课程文化资本的运作过程充分体现了符号权力的实现旨趣,不同的运作阶段都主要为实现其符号权力而服务的,都是为了维护现有特权阶级的利益,以及社会现有结构的再生产。从这种理论体系出发对课程的本质的探讨难免陷入社会决定论的巢臼,需要对从该理论本身以及该理论所引发的一些实际问题做出回应,走出社会决定论的误区。本论文从布迪厄理论体系本身以及相关理论探讨了超越社会决定论的内在前提,同时在这个前提下提出了课程文化资本反思性实践的逻辑理路、走向公平的课程文化资本运作理路以及课程文化资本的补偿利用等策略。

【Abstract】 "Educational theories belong not only to technology, but also to culture, ideology, and politics". Curriculum, being a research field, is involved in the substantial, technological issues, and even more in the social politics, which represents the cultural essence in terms of socially politic ideology. Thus, the reveal of the socially political process of the curriculum can provide new perspective, theory and methodology, which in turn make it possible to explore some basic issues regarding curriculum research field from the doctrinal viewpoint.Denotation power takes effect snugly by means of capital working in its operational process. However, due to the fact that the curriculum has different states and operational stages, the investigation of curriculum cultural capital can be accomplished in its operational stages. This paper, starting with cultural capital theory in the cultural sociology, aims at analyzing the control of power and the essence of the ideological reproduction in the operational process of curriculum cultural capital and the important role played by curriculum cultural capital in the structure of reproducing social structure, by researching the operation of curriculum cultural capital under the dominance of denotation power from the perspective of holography and relationism.Curriculum can represent and take the function of denotation power only when regarding as cultural capital. Starting with the question of whether curriculum can be a cultural capital, this paper explores the significance of curriculum as a culture with the evolving of the culture, then locates the condition for culture as capital from the development of concept of capital, finally explicates the capital reality and features of curriculum as culture. Under the presupposition of the establishment of the preposition that curriculum can be a cultural capital, this paper explores the concept, features, forms, and accumulating mechanism from the essence of both the curriculum and culture capital. Curriculum culture capital represents culture awareness and value, which entails some issues in terms of curriculum culture capital, i. e. Who proposes the culture awareness and value? In what way are they chosen? Are these ways unanimously accepted or strange to all? However, the essence of these issues is under which condition and under whose domination the curriculum culture capital operates. Exploring these issues from the perspective of culture sociology, this paper definitudes the curriculum’s social political process, in which curriculum culture capital entails multiple power control so as to realize its denotation power.After the explication of denotation power manner of curriculum culture capital, this paper deals with the denotation power’s form and essence in aspects of production, circulation, consumption, and measurement in chapter 4, 5, 6, and 7 respectively. To begin with, this paper explicates the cultural features and the motivation of the pursuit for rights and benefits, and further analyzes the function of power in curriculum cultural capital production. By means of which, this paper holds that it represents not only in the main stream’s class ideology, but in various power relations of curriculum culture capital as a special production field with an eye to capturing more and more denotation capital to exercise maximal denotation power for the fulfillment of its benefits. Secondly, this paper analyzes the circulation of curriculum culture capital, the conceited control, and the realization of denotation power from two aspects of cultural value and culturally commodity features. Thirdly, this paper deals with various right relations between consumption subjects in schools as market, the control logic of denotation power in consumption process, and the reproduction essence of consumption results. Last but not least, this paper, by analyzing the reproduction essence of curriculum culture capital, holds that main stream class entails the current culture as an evaluation standard for the maintenance of its reproduction. Although the current culture is ostensibly the learning constructive object for all students, it reproduces original social structure because of exceptional measure for the distinction of students belonging to different classes.The attentive exploration of the essence of curriculum from the new perspective of Bourdieu comes to a natural conclusion: the operational process of curriculum culture capital fully represents the purport of denotation power, and different stages of which contribute to the denotation power, maintain the benefits of privilege class, and the reproduction of current social structure. The discussion of the essence of curriculum within the above mentioned framework will be undoubtedly involved in social determinism. The only way out is to response to the theory per se and practical problems provoked by it. This paper deals with inner presupposition overpassing the social determinism from Bourdieu’s theory and some relevant theories, and puts forward logic thought of reflecting practice of curriculum culture capital, the operation thought of leading to right curriculum culture capital, and compensation and exploitation strategies of curriculum culture capital.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G423
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1561

