

The Key Problems of MultiLayer High Density Data Storage Using Femtosecond Laser

【作者】 邢卉

【导师】 黄文浩;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 精密机械及仪器, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 飞秒激光三维光存储是一种高密度和超高密度存储技术,在国内外已受到高度重视,并已成为信息存储领域研究的热点。本文采用飞秒激光系统对单光束双光子存储技术、单光束微爆存储技术及不同存储介质的存储特性进行了理论和实验研究。为了减小信息点尺寸进一步增大三维体存储密度,对激光光束聚焦焦斑的质量优化也做了一定理论和实验研究。本课题在国家自然科学基金(No.50275140、No.50335050)及“863”项目(MEMS2003AA404050、No.2006AA042311)资助下完成的。主要工作包括:1.对光致变色材料分析了写入功率和曝光时间对信息点尺寸的影响,研究了材料的热稳定性、抗疲劳强度,并在两种光致变色材料中实现了多层信息存储。2.对光致漂白材料研究了双光子光致发光以及光致漂白特性,分析了写入功率和曝光时间对信息的影响,并研究了材料的热稳定性和受激发射荧光强度随时间的变化关系。对两种材料进行了多层信息存储实验。3.通过在聚合物PMMA中掺杂稀土配合物和纳米金属Ag粒子降低了PMMA的微爆存储阈值。对微爆信息点写入激光能量与读出信号的灰度(对比度)关系,以及写入激光能量与写入信号的横向尺寸、纵向尺寸的关系做了研究。对纳米金属Ag粒子掺杂的聚合物薄膜存储信息点的光致发光做了分析。在这两种材料中实现了多层信息存储。4.为了进一步提高三维信息存储体密度,提出通过光斑调制缩小焦斑尺寸,并对位相型光瞳滤波器(位相板)做了理论研究以及设计。通过对简单的二环0-π位相板和非0-π位相板的分析,重点研究了离焦现象的存在对横向调制效果的影响。在此基础上,利用公式设计了满足横向、纵向、三维调制的位相板,分析了高斯光束入射时这些位相板调制效果的变化情况。加工了一种结构简单的0-π结构位相板,并对这个位相板的加工误差和测试误差进行了分析。这些研究对高密度三维信息存储的实用化打下了一定基础。

【Abstract】 Three-dimensional optical data storage with femtosecond laser is a kind of technique for high and super-high capacity data storage.It’s has been regarded as an important region for optical memory.Optical data storage based on one-beam two-photon excitation and microexplosion were investigated in theory and experiment with a femtosecond laser And the characterization of a variety of storage medium was studied in this paper.For reducing the information point size and increasing the storage capacity,the theory and experiment for optimizing the focal point of the laser was also investigated.This project was supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (NO.50275140,No.50335050)and "863" project(MEMS 2003AA404050, No.2006AA04Z311).The main research results are listed as follows:First,the relationship between information point size and writing power and exposure time was analyzed for photochromic materials.The thermal stability and fatigue resistance were also studied.Multilayer data storage was realized in two kind of materials.Second,the characterization of photoluminescence and photobleaching was investigated in photobleaching materials.The relationship between information point and writing power and exposure time was also analyzed.The thermal stability and photoluminescence in long time were studied.Multilayer data storage was realized in two kind of materials.Third,the microexplosion threshold of PMMA was reduced through doping rare earth comlex or doping silver nanoparticles.The relationship between writing energy and microexplosion void size and the reading gray scale was investigated.The photoluminescence of microexplosion void in PMMA doped silver nanoparticles was also studied.Multilayer data storage was realized in this two kind of materials.Fourth,for increasing the storage capacity,reducing the information point size is a kind of method.Phase only pupil filter was investigated and designed.The influence of defocusing amount for the modulation of transverse focal point was investigated via the analyses of simple two zone 0-πand 0-0.6πsuperresolution elements. Three kinds of phase only plate for transverse,axial and three dimensional modulation were designed,and the change of focal point for Gauss beam was also studed.A four zone 0-πfilter was produced.The mismatching tolerance and testing tolerance were also analyzed.All these experimental results will be helpful to put three-dimensional optical data storage method based on two-photon excitation into practice.

  • 【分类号】TP333
  • 【下载频次】193

