

Philosophical View of Economics and Management

【作者】 朱金叶

【导师】 孙健;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 马歇尔认为,经济学不仅是一门关于财富的学问,更是一门关于人的学问。现实经济活动既属于经济学范畴,又属于哲学范畴。在许多经济学大师的著作中,经济学是与哲学思维交融在一起的。哲学揭示的是事物发展的本质,哲学语言是最抽象也是最精炼的语言。用哲学的思维去理解经济学,去研究经济发展的规律,对经济理论的建构、发展和更新做出反思,能够提升和深化我们对经济学,特别是经济活动本质规律的认识。本文的第一个创新点是从哲学的视角阐明:经济学的基本前提和出发点是建立在主观因素而不是所谓客观因素的基础之上的,独立于人的主观意志之外的所谓客观经济规律是不存在的,所谓的经济规律就是以大多数人的意志为转移的规律。虽然卢卡斯本人并没有从哲学层面去研究理性预期,但是出于对这位大师的尊重,我们仍然把这一结论称为“卢卡斯推论”。这一结论并不妨碍经济学作为有效的工具用以分析现实经济的客观性和实用性。本文的第二个创新点是为上述理论寻找自然科学的依据,“卢卡斯推论”可以从自然科学特别是量子物理学中找到理论支持。现代量子物理学可以说是本文思想的自然科学基础,它给我们的启发是极其深刻而具有冲击力的:任何科学都不能排除主观性,科学实验和观测并不能完全排除人的意识的影响。我们头脑中根深蒂固的“客观实在性”以及“物质的实体观”在相对论和量子场论面前显得矛盾重重,不能自圆其说,甚至是谬误。人们之所以对此感到难以理解,是因为从某种程度上我们都是自己先入之见的俘虏。本文的第三个创新点是从中西方科学文化和经济管理思想的比较的角度对中西方科学实证主义的哲学思想以及实证体系进行了比较研究,指出了中国传统的经济管理思想的实证体系的精髓——“内证”的体系和方法。在此基础上,从多方面展开论述了中国传统经济管理思想的特色。论文分为六个部分:前两个部分主要介绍了论文的研究选题背景和意义,引出了本文的主体思想,并对现有的相关理论的研究成果和研究进展分几个方面进行了综合评述,为后面的展开做好了准备和铺垫;第三部分主要叙述了本文的自然科学基础——现代量子理论,并从哲学上讨论了其意义和价值;第四和第五部分是本文的重点。第四部分从多方面反复论证了我们的观点,不论从经济学基本假定上,还是理性预期学派与博弈论、行为经济学、实验经济学、心理学以及神经元经济学的观点上看,都可以印证我们的观点——独立于人的主观意志之外的所谓客观经济规律是不存在的,所谓的经济规律就是以大多数人的意志为转移的规律。第五部分从中西方科学文化的比较的角度上把中国的传统的经济管理思想体系与西方的实证主义体系加以分析,揭示了中国传统的经济管理思想的实证体系的特色和精髓是内证体系,中国传统管理思想的精华是首先管理好自己,然后再去管理别人,这一点又与内证体系和方法紧密联系。一个连自己都没有管好的人甚至没有管理别人的起码资格,而国外的管理理论绝大多数都是讲如何管理别人的;第六部分从现实的角度举例说明,经济发展乃至社会发展只有遵循和符合大多数人的心理预期,才有可能做到和谐。任何背离大多数人主观意志的政策都将导致社会的不和谐。因此,我们不仅应该按照大多数人的主观意志(预期)去制订经济政策、法规,对宏观经济进行调控,更应该按照大多数人的主观意志(预期)去构建和谐社会。

【Abstract】 Marshal thought that economics is much more an art about human beings than a science about the wealth. The practical economic activities belong to both economics area and philosophy area. Economics and philosophy accrete together in many canons of famous economists. Philosophy illustrates the nature of development and the philosophic language is the most abstract and refined language. It can deepen and improve our understanding about economics, especially the essential rules of economic activities, if we use philosophic methods to comprehend economics, research the evolution rules of economics, and reconsider the structure and updating of economic theories.The first innovation of this paper is that it clarifies from the point of view of philosophy that, the fundamental precondition of economics is based on the factors that is not objective but subjective. Any objective economic rules independent from human beings’ subjective thoughts does not exist. The so-called ’economic rules’ are rules that are changeable according to the willing of majority of people. We still cal this conclusion ’Lucas deduction’ for respect although he does not study rational expectation from the point of view of philosophy. However, this conclusion is not an obstacle for economics theory as an effective tool to analyze the objectivity and practicability of economy reality.The second innovation for this paper is finding out nature science evidence for the above theory. We can find out supports from natural science, especially quantum physics for ’ Lucas deduction’ . The quantum physics is the scientific foundation of this paper. Neither scientific experiments nor observations can perfectly remove the influence of mind. The rooted conception of ’objectivity’ and ’substantiality’, in people’s mind is paradoxical even wrong when confronting relativism and quantum. The elicitation it gave us is quite profound and striking: no science can exclude the subjective factors, and no rule or area is independent from subjective factors. The reason that people feel hard to understand this is that we are all the captives of our first sight thoughts from some extent.The third innovation of this paper is to comparatively study the philosophy idea and system of demonstration of positivism in China and West from the point of view of culture of science and management of economy in the two sides. It points out the system and method of inner demonstration, which is the soul of the Chinese traditional system of demonstration in the idea of management of economy. Based on this, this paper discusses the feature of Chinese traditional idea of management of economy from multiple aspects.This paper has six parts: the first two parts introduce primarily the background of the topic and the meanings of this paper, derivate the principal ideas of this paper, summarize the research achievements and the developments of the related theory from several aspects, and prepare for the deeper discussions later. The third part describes the scientific foundation of the paper—the quantum theory, reflects it from the philosophical point of view and analyzes its philosophical meanings and values. The forth and fifth parts are the highlights. The forth part proves our hypothesis from multiple aspects, and we can claim from the basic hypothesis of classical economics, the dissertations of rational anticipation and game theory, the views of behavioral economics, experimental economics, psychological economics and nerve cell economics to confirm the philosophical aspects that the objective economic rules independent from subjective factors do not exist. The fifth part analyzes the Chinese traditional idea and system of management of economy from the point of view of the comparison of culture of science in China and the West. It proves that the system of inner demonstration is the feature and the soul of the Chinese traditional system of demonstration in the idea of management of economy. The prime of Chinese traditional idea of management is that we should first supervise ourselves and then supervise others, this in turn connect tightly with the system and method inner demonstration. Anyone who cannot supervise himself/herself does not have the minimum qualification to supervise other people, while most of the theories of management in the West propose how to supervise others. The sixth part gives us some practical examples which indicate that economy, even society, can develop harmoniously only when it follows most people’s anticipation. Any economic guide that does not obey most people’s anticipation will cause inharmoniousness. We should build harmonious society according to most people’s anticipation. Therefore, we should not only make policies and rules but also build harmonious society according to the subjective will (anticipation) of the majority people.

  • 【分类号】F0;C93
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1108

