

The Research on Value Crisis of the Present Moral Education

【作者】 刘丙元

【导师】 戚万学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 对于道德教育的问题,我们采用什么样的研究方式解释它,不仅关系到如何以及能否揭示问题的性质,更关系到如何以及能否解决问题或者至少提供解决问题的科学思路。就任何时期的道德教育而言,均希望通过教育使受教育者“名副其实地躬行他们所信奉的一切并信奉他们所躬行的一切”。事实上,也只有使“一个在道德上受过教育的人”名副其实地信奉并躬行被教的道德,才能说明这种道德教育是成功的。因此我们衡量道德教育的成败也只能是从这一角度出发,即观察在道德上受过教育的人对道德持守何种信念和态度以及如何践履道德。那么,从人们的现实道德表现出发,检讨我们实际提供的道德教育与其道德表现存在的内在关联,对于我们解释和揭示道德教育问题性质及其根源的研究路径选择将不无帮助,对于我们寻求解决问题的思路也必然大有裨益。当代社会道德虚无与道德虚伪的滋生与蔓延表明:道德教育的权威已丧失。而其根源在于道德教育的本真意义可能被歪曲被遮蔽甚或被消解了。对此问题,我们从理论上作为一种假设就是:当代道德教育可能处于自身存在的价值危机之中。本文的主要研究目的就是从道德虚无与道德虚伪的表现及其根源的剖析入手,探究当代道德教育价值危机从何而来,如何表现,以及何以兴起,亦即试图揭示道德教育的真实意义是如何被遮蔽的以及以何遮蔽的。从而为道德教育本真的回归谋求应对之策。本研究得出以下结论:道德虚无的逻辑即是价值对意义的置换。将道德视为价值,无论是逻辑上还是现实中,均会导致歪曲道德的本质的结果。一种歪曲的道德本质理解,也必然诉诸一种歪曲的不真实的道德教育。用价值规定道德,进而用价值道德规定道德教育,其结果也必然是使道德教育虚无化。道德教育失去了真实的根据,教育的真正意义也必遭到贬损。基于价值道德的道德教育回避了教育的道德意义追求,消解了教育持守的道德理想,教育的意义仅局限于“适应”而非超越,即教育仅有工具性价值而失去了本体价值。道德教育自身之存在处于虚无的无根状态。因为虚无化的道德教育否认了道德的客观、自在的意义,也就放逐了教育的自在意义,放弃了教育的自主权;教育无以呈现自己的本体价值存在,也就难以生成真正的道德人。道德教育的虚伪性从本质上讲其实是把道德意义从另一层面上“价值化”了,从而歪曲了道德的本义,使道德生活不是指向人,而是指向外在于人的其他目的。由此,道德和道德教育实质上被“利用”了,即变成了工具和为它的存在。在这种情况下,道德和道德教育愈是被泛化,目的与手段、言与行愈是容易脱节,最终摆脱不了向道德虚无的异变。事实上,虚伪的本质就是一种虚无,虚伪的道德教育所隐含的逻辑本质上必然导致虚无。对道德的错误的哲学本体论定位是道德教育本体价值存在无以为据,失于真实进而丧失教化权威的根本原因。道德教育无以再是其所是,其要么从根本上改变道德的特征而异化为其他形态的教育,要么与道德疏离而成为道德的异己力量。因此当代道德教育由于失于真实而使自身陷入价值危机。这同时也意味着受教育者对道德和道德教育的肯定性关系被打破,意味着道德教育作用和权威的下降。道德教育如若重新获得引导主体道德生活、生成真正道德人的真实权威力量,就须回归真实即自身存在的运动方式,将自身建立在真理性之合理性根基之上,也就是在本体论基础上获得自己的真实意义。只有把人作为道德价值的载体,即由人承担道德,道德才成为动态的意义。教育只有根据这一道德哲学设定,才能使道德和教育在意义上相容,在方法论上一致。道德和教育在这里找到一个共同的哲学支点:人为什么而活着,或者人应该过一种怎样的生活。道德载于人格才能实现其之于生活的意义,而人只有承担道德才能使道德进入生活并在生活中展现其意义。舍于此,则道德与教育在价值上难以共谋,必然分离。以人为道德价值的载体只是道德教育的合理根据之一,或者只是实现道德教育之价值存在的必要条件之一。道德及其教育还需要对本质人性进行科学地关照,而这又以对“道德”的哲学本体论定位为前提。追寻道德的本源不能仅仅指向超验领域,或者仅仅指向感性形态。人首先是一种具体的存在,既呈现出感性的形态也有理性与精神的规定;既是一个个的个体又展开为类和社会的结构。故道德的追求以人的存在为其本体论根据。亦即伦理学与本体论是统一的。道德教育的真实意义就在于实现道德与人的存在的本体统一。“自觉为人”就是道德教育的最高本质,因为道德教育体现着人作为类存在的自由自觉地本性,同时,它又使人不断获得并发扬自由自觉的本性。因此,道德教育之所以存在,盖在于人性生存。生成人性并呵护人性是道德教育的本体根据所在,是道德教育的真实使命与旨归。道德教育体现着人的自觉意志,也使人产生自觉意志。道德教育本身就是人的一种生存方式。道德教育不是为限制人而教育,不是为伦理规范而教育。道德教育存在的根本目的不为别的,就是使人获得“人”的称义。所以,它就是教人自觉为人。自觉为人是道德教育的使命,也是它的最终归属。可以说,道德教育是人的第二天性,它教育人同时也使人产生自我教育。基于道德和道德教育实质性根本问题的自觉把握,要超越中西之分、古今之别的理论视野和实践诉求,回答如何选择当代中国道德和道德教育的路向这一问题,其不二法门只能是从道德教育的本真意义和真实使命出发,只有它才是事情本身,是问题本身,是真理本身。自觉为人的道德教育要求对道德教育的现实的把握和选择必须遵循的一个基本的方法论原则就是,不能诉诸某种绝对理念的假设,或是从形而上的道德观出发推演出某种超验的道德原则等等来进行道德虚无的填空,而是从人的自由自觉地社会实践本质出发,根据当代中国道德和道德教育的现实,用一种实践理性来进行价值的自觉选择。这就是,以完整人的观念为指导,从整体的社会文化和历史出发,基于当代中国道德和道德教育的事实进行理性分析和推理,以求得对道德教育路向的正当合理性证明。摆脱局限于社会本位抑或个人本位,现代抑或传统,本土抑或西方的非此即彼地争论,寻求一种可能的合题。从完整的人的角度,我们可以把好公民看成是道德人的一个层次,道德人的一个基本起点,而不是终点。把好人看成是道德人的最高层次,而非道德人的惟一表现形态。也就是说,从理论上,当代中国道德和道德教育在道德人的概念上应该抛弃好人与好公民孰为第一位的争论,从现实出发,以整体的视角来建构,即以现代好公民为起点,寻求好人与好公民的统一。进而言之,也就是在社会道德境界上建立一种层次感,或者说为社会认可而又为人们可欲求的某种距离感,而非简单地把道德境界划分为高尚与卑劣。因而,以现代公民概念为起点,建构好人与好公民相统一的道德人,也就意味着当代中国道德教育需树立一种清晰的现代中国道德人格形象。生成真正的道德人这一使命最终要落实到学校道德教育身上,学校道德教育回归其自身存在的运动方式从逻辑上讲也必然是真正道德人的生成。但是,正如我们所看到的,道德与道德教育虽然是一个相对独立的社会与文化子系统,但绝非一个毫无旁涉的孤岛。道德与道德教育作为何种价值存在以及能否转化为人们的现实追求,则与整个社会能否以及从何种意义上推崇道德与道德教育有关。故此,如果我们仅仅依靠学校道德教育真实意义的回归,以实现克服虚无与虚伪、生成道德人的愿望,则势必夸大了学校教育的功能,而落入“学校万能论”的主观臆想。事实上,没有国家、社会因素的配合,学校道德教育也不可能回到真实,因为任何学校教育都不可能独立于一定的国家、社会背景而存在,道德教育的真实意义没有具体的社会现实的实践证明,不可能有真正的权威说服力。因此道德教育回归真实亦需与道德实践有关的各领域的支持与配合。

【Abstract】 For moral education, what research methods we adopt to explain it, concerns how and whether it can illustrate the essence of this problem or not, but also how and whether it can solve the problem or not, or at least it can provide the scientific thinking way to solve it. As far as moral education at any time concerns, it all have the attempt to make educate practice what they believe in and make them believe in what they practice. In fact, only in this way, is this kind of moral education successful. So we can judge whether moral education is successful or not only from this perspective, namely, observing those who educated in morality hold what beliefs and attitudes and how they practice these beliefs. Therefore, from the people’s moral behaviors, inspecting the relationship between our actual moral education and moral performance is of great help for us to explain and reveal the essence and the source of the problems in moral education in order to seek the train of thought to solve them. The birth and spread of the nihility and hypocrisy in morality in modern society shows the authority of moral education has been lost, which results from the true value of moral education may be distorted or hidden or removed. For this problem, we can get a theoretical hypothesis: the present moral education may be in the self-existed value crisis. The purpose of this dissertation is from the illustration about the performances and the sources of nihility and hypocrisy in morality, to inquire into whose the present value crisis in moral education comes, and what it looks like and why it sprang out, namely, to reveal how and with what the true significance of moral education has been hidden in order to try to find solutions to return the truth of moral education. This research got the following conclusions:The logic of moral nihility is the replacement of value with worthiness. Taking morality as worthiness will cause the distortion of the essence of morality not only in reality and but in logic. Misunderstanding the essence of morality is bound to result in wrong and unreal moral education. If we determine morality with worthiness and further determine moral education with worthiness morality, we can get the inevitable result of moral nihility. If moral education lost its real grounds, the real value of education would be disparaged. Moral education based on worthiness, avoids the moral significance of education, dispels educational ideals, makes its value only adapt environment rather than surmount it, namely, the education has lost its own value of noumenon and only left as a tool. Which makes moral education has no ground. Nihility in moral education rejects the objective and free value of morality, and further exiles the free value of education, and abandons the independent power of education. Education has no way to show its own noumenon existence, so it is difficult for it to create the true moral human beings.Hypocritical moral education in essence equates the value of morality with worthiness, which distorts the original purpose of morality, and which makes moral life point not to human but to other purpose except human beings. Therefore, Morality and moral education have been utilized and changed to be tools. The more generalized morality and moral education are, the more easily, purpose and means, attitudes and behaviors are divorced, which results in alienation of nihility. In fact, the essence of hypocrisy is nihility, so the logic implied by hypocritical moral education inevitably results in nihility in morality.The false orientation in noumenon for morality is the essential cause that moral education has no grounds to exist so as to lost its educational authority. Moral education isn’t itself, namely, its characteristics have been changed completely and transformed to be other form of education, or alienated from morality to be alienated power for morality. Therefore, the present moral education has been lost in crisis of value because of its loss of truthfulness. Synchronously, which means that educated people have doubt about morality and moral education, that the functions and authority of moral education have declined. Moral education has to return to truthfulness and base on rational ground if it regains its original authority.Only through taking human beings as the carrier of morality, namely, human beings take on morality, can morality get its dynamic purpose, can morality and education be compatible in the aim and in the methodology. From here they get a common bearing point: for what people live, or what life people should live. If not, morality and education can’t live in identical value and they must alienate each other. Human beings as the carrier of morality is one of rational grounds of moral education or one of necessary conditions. Moral education need to concern the human nature, which needs ontology of morality to be the precondition. So morality takes the existence of human beings as its ontological ground, namely, ethics and ontology are unitary. The true purpose of moral education is to realize the unitary of existence of morality and human beings.Willingly to be human being is the ultimate essence of moral education. It indicates the nature of human beings and it makes them develop their nature. So the existence of moral education is due to that of human nature. Generating and protecting human nature is the real mission of moral education. It embodies and creates willing will. Moral education in essence is a living of human beings. The aim of moral education is not to restrict people and not for moral principles, but to make human beings get the name of“human being”. Therefore, it teaches people to be human beings willingly. We can say that moral education is the second burn nature of human beings, which educates people and makes them self-educate at the same time.We should go beyond theory and practice at split between China and occident, tradition and modern times in order to understand the fundamental problem that we how to choose the way of morality and its education in the present age of China. Only base on the true purpose and the true mission of moral education, can we find the key. Only this is the case, the problem and the truth itself. Moral education based on“willingly to be human being”requires us to abide by a basic methodology, that is, we can not depend on some absolute ideal hypothesis and some non-experiential moral principle, but willingly choose according to the present morality and moral education and from the human nature of social practice. We should look for the right rational way of moral education, guided by the idea of complete human being, proceeding from the whole social culture and history and based on the rational analysis and inference about the present Chinese morality and moral education. From the perspective of complete human being, we may take good citizen as one level of moral human being, and the starting point not the end-point. We may look on good human being as the top level of moral human being, not the only form of moral human being. Namely, we should give up which is the first one good human being and good citizen on the concept of“moral human being”, and we should seek the unity of them. Furthermore, we should build a sense of levels in the social morality, not simply divide the morality into nobility or beggary. Therefore, creating the moral human who are the unity of good human beings and good citizens means that the present Chinese moral education needs to establish a clear modern image of China’s moral human being.The mission that we create the real moral human being finally falls on the moral education in schools. Although morality and moral education relatively independent, they are not absolutely isolated islands. Whether they can and be transformed into people’s practical pursuit is related to whether and how the whole society has canonized them. Thus, if we only depend on moral education in schools to create moral human and overcome nihility and hypocrisy, we magnify the functions of school education actually, only to cause“school omnipotence”. In fact, moral education wouldn’t return to truthfulness without the cooperation of the country and social factors, for any school education can’t exist isolated from the country and social background. If the real purpose of moral education couldn’t be justified by the concrete social practice, it would have no convincing power. Therefore, the return to truthfulness of moral education also needs all kinds of support and cooperation related to moral practice.

【关键词】 道德道德教育价值虚无主义虚伪权威
【Key words】 MoralityMoral educationValueNihility in moralityHypocrisyAuthority

