

The Poetics on Novels of Italo Calvino

【作者】 杨黎红

【导师】 杨守森;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文是一篇关于伊塔洛·卡尔维诺(1923-1985)小说诗学问题的研究论文。卡尔维诺是20世纪世界著名的小说家,是当代意大利杰出的文学家和文学理论家。他致力于小说艺术无限可能性开发,在小说创作道路上既不模仿别人也不因循过去的自己,以拓荒者的勇气和智慧不断开辟出新疆界。研究他的小说诗学必将有利于对小说这一重要文学形式新的理解和探索。但是这一论题在学界尚未得到足够重视,存在很多缺憾。本文力图在透视性观念、整体论思路和问题意识的指导下,结合卡尔维诺的创作实践和理论批评,对其小说诗学问题做出学理性的系统阐释和评析,以填补这一空白,并希望藉此对认清当代小说创作和小说研究所面临的美学困境与文化契机等问题有所启示。论文除导论和结论外,共分八章。第一章简要梳理了卡尔维诺的生平创作及其小说诗学的发展过程,并概述了其小说诗学的主要内容。第二章挖掘了卡尔维诺的终极哲学追求,即为人类迷失的自我找寻回归之路,追求一种超越个人中心主义和人类本位主义的“宇宙视野”。第三章探讨了卡尔维诺小说诗学追求一种“开放型百科全书式小说”的终极目标。第四章具体分析了卡尔维诺小说在叙事艺术中所采用的晶体模式。第五章阐释了卡尔维诺小说诗学中对“轻度写作”的重视和游戏精神。第六章探讨了卡尔维诺小说诗学中与“轻度写作”密切相关的“童话思维”。第七章和第八章分别总结了卡尔维诺独特的作者观和阅读观。本文的结论是,卡尔维诺的小说诗学在实践与理论两个方面对当代小说将往何处去的问题做出了探索和应答。他的终极哲学追求反映在小说诗学中,就是对小说认识价值的关注和强调,与之相应的“百科全书式小说”,就是要求小说走向开放、多元和对话。其小说诗学具有的怀疑精神和辩证思维,能够最大限度避免既往小说诗学研究中思维立场缺失所造成的结论偏颇。他既关注创新,又重视传统,并格外重视对作家存在意义的探讨,为小说发展提供了基石和动力。他的小说诗学中不仅包含对形式诗学的高度关注和对小说文体的不懈探索,而且将小说提升到本体论层面进行考察,既把握了小说的独特魅力和发展平台,又提供了大量可供借鉴的技法和操作实践。但是,作为一个以小说创作为主业的文学批评家、理论家,卡尔维诺的小说诗学体系比较散乱,头绪杂多,也时有自相矛盾之处。同时,他更善于发现问题,而不是解决问题,所以其小说诗学常常从一个未完成态走向另一个未完成态。对这些缺憾和局限,也应有清醒的认识和批判。本文对以往卡尔维诺研究的突破之处在于:第一,近年来,对卡尔维诺及其作品进行客观介绍和审美分析的文章渐次增加,但是能够运用20世纪以来的研究模式与理论批判武器,比较全面地阐释卡尔维诺小说诗学理论及实践的研究在我国学术界还属罕见。从这个意义上说,这一选题本身应该是一个富有开创性和学术价值的课题。第二,在对卡尔维诺小说诗学进行研究的过程中,本文没有人云亦云,用某一种既有的范畴和理论(如后现代主义、结构主义、叙事学、符号学等)去硬套卡尔维诺的思想和创作,而是在充分的资料收集和文本细读的基础上进行自己的思考和归纳总结,得出独立见解。第三,提出一些有价值的新观点。例如:细致梳理了卡尔维诺已有的但语焉不详的“开放型的百科全书式小说”、“小说的晶体模式”等概念,并对之进行了深入地理论阐释;根据卡尔维诺的理论和创作,原创性地提出并界定了“童话思维”、“轻度写作”等概念;总结并分析了卡尔维诺独特的作者观和阅读观等。

【Abstract】 This thesis deals with the topics in the poetics on novels of Italo Calvino (1923-1985). He is a world-renowned novelist in 20th century and an outstanding contemporary Italian litterateur and literary theorist. He is committed to the development of novel art, neither imitating other’s styles nor following his own past mode on the road of writing; constantly exploits new fields with the courage and wisdom. The research of his novel poetics will certainly be conducive to the understanding and exploration of the novels which are important new forms of literature. However, this subject has not been paid much attention to enough in the academic field. In order to fill in this gap and hope to get a clear understanding of the aesthetics difficulties and cultural chances in the process of creating and studying the contemporary novels, this thesis is intended to rationally interpret and comment novel poetic issues under the guidance of the cultural perspective and overall thinking, along with Calvino’s creative practice and theoretical criticism.Apart from introduction and conclusion, this thesis is divided into eight chapters. Chapter One briefly introduces Calvino’s life and the development, the main contents of his poetics on novels. Chapter Two explores Calvino’s ultimate pursuit of philosophy, that is to say, helping the lost self return to the road, pursuing the“cosmic vision”which is beyond the pursuit of a personal and human selfishness centre. Chapter Three discusses Calvino’s ultimate goal of the poetics on novels ----“open-encyclopedic novel”. Chapter Four explains Calvino’s crystal model in the specific narrative arts. Chapter Five explains Calvino’s emphasis on the“light writing”and spirit of games in his poetics on novels. Chapter Six discusses Calvino’s“fairytale mind”. Chapter Seven and Eight separately summarize Calvino’s special viewpoints of writing and reading.The conclusion of this thesis is that Calvino has explored and directed the way where the contemporary novels should go in his poetics on novels in both theory and practice. His ultimate pursuits of philosophy reflected in his poetics on novels is that he concerns and emphasizes the recognizant values of novels. The“encyclopedic novel”guides the novels to the openness, pluralism and communication. The spirits of suspicion and dialectical thinking in poetics can avoid the biased conclusions caused by the position absence of thinking mostly. He is concerned about innovation and the tradition, attaches particular importance to the existence of the writer. His poetics on novels not only concentrate on the form and the styles of novels, but also inspect the substance of these novels. Thus, one side, he grasps the unique charm of the novels, on the other side, provides a great deal of techniques and the operational practices. However, as a major literary critic and theorist, Calvino’s model of poetics on novels is scattered and miscellaneous; in some cases, the thoughts are contradictory. At the same time, he is good at discovering problems, not solving the problems. Therefore, his poetics on novels often develops from an unfinished state to another unfinished state. Of these deficiencies and limitations, people should have sober understandings.The breakthrough in the study is: First, in recent years, the objective introductions of Calvino and his works and aesthetic articles gradually increase, but using the 20th century’s advanced research models and this critical theory to comprehensively outline Calvino’s poetic theory and practice of academic research in China are also rare. In this sense, the subject itself is of innovative and academic value. Second, in the process of studying Calvino’s poetics on novels, the author does not echo other people’s views, not stereotype Calvino’s thinking and creativity with a certain kind of theory and the existing areas (such as post-modernism, structuralism, narratology, semiotics, etc.), but summarizes independent views based on the full data collections and careful texts readings. Third, the author proposes some valuable new perspectives. For example: Calvino’s main concepts are carefully combed out and comprehensively illustrated, such as“open-encyclopedic novel”,“crystal model”of novels and so forth; some new concepts are originally put forward and defined such as“fairytale mind”,“light writing”; Calvino’s unique viewpoints of writing and reading are summarized.

  • 【分类号】I546.074
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1220
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