

【作者】 范正群

【导师】 董国炎;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 清代侠义公案小说的划分有宽、窄两个不同的标准。这两个标准的划分,各有其道理,可以并行不悖。清代侠义公案小说无论在中国白话小说史上,还是在清代文学史中,甚或在平民文学史上,都占有独特的地位。因此,有必要对清代侠义公案小说进行深入细致的研究和分析,但由于学术界对其重视不够,清代侠义公案小说的研究虽然取得了一些成果,但其研究现状并不容乐观。鉴于此,本文以传统文化为主要切入点,对清代侠义公案小说进行了一些探讨,全文共分十一章,主要结构如下。第一章为绪论部分,内容主要包括清代侠义公案小说的界定、清代侠义公案小说的文学史定位、清代侠义公案小说研究述略以及论文的总体构思、难点、创新点以及研究方法等。第二章至第五章是对清代侠义公案小说的总体把握。第二章简略阐述侠义小说和公案小说各自的发展轨迹,并对其各个发展阶段的主要特点、代表作品以及对后世同类题材的影响等方面进行了简要阐述。第三章论述侠义小说与公案小说合流的形成、繁盛和衰弱的过程及其原因。同时指出,侠义小说和公案小说的合流,最初是在民间通过口头流传自发进行的,这种尝试至迟从清初就开始了。后为民间说书艺人所借鉴,开始有意识的融合。至雍正、乾隆年间,这种合流在民间说书艺人那里已基本完成。书坊主看到有利可图,竞相刊刻,形成文字作品,侠义小说和公案小说的合流正式完成。这一时期当在乾隆、嘉庆年间,至迟不会超过嘉庆三年。第四章剖析清代侠义公案小说“忠义”主题的形成,并分别阐述各代表作品在“忠义”这一主题下思想的不同侧重。宋代以后,侠士的忠义观开始逐步形成,曹植《白马篇》等文人游侠诗为侠义小说“忠义”主题的形成打开了局面。在“忠义”这一共同主题下,清代侠义公案小说的不同作品又呈现出各自不同的思想倾向。《施公案》强调“功名富贵”,《三侠五义》渴望“建功立业”,《彭公案》、《永庆升平全传》“隐逸思想”有所抬头,《绿牡丹》阐述“有道则仕,无道则隐”的政治主题,《儿女英雄传》则满怀激情的歌颂“儿女真情”。第五章对清代侠义公案小说的典型作品《三侠五义》的思想、艺术,进行例证分析。《三侠五义》试图通过对侠义精神的整合和升华,塑造一批具有完美性格的侠客形象,他们大多具有“合乎礼法”、“恪守道德”、“择主而事”、“珍惜生命”等传统美德,这无论是在思想上还是在艺术上都是一个大胆的尝试。《三侠五义》所构筑的侠义世界,不仅体现为侠义英雄的惩恶扬善、扶危济困,更体现为普通人的侠义胸怀和侠义行径。从文弱书生到士农工商、老弱妇孺,侠义精神无处不在。第六章和第七章分别阐述中国清官文化和侠文化对清代侠义公案小说的影响,并进一步梳理清官与侠客关系的历史、文化渊源。清官与侠客有着极深的历史文化渊源。春秋战国时期刺客与其家主,卿相之侠与其门客,封建文人与弃恶向善的侠客,开国明君与从军的侠客等关系中都可看到清官与侠客关系的影子。在清代侠义公案小说中,清官与侠客都站在了为国为民的立场上,因而有了共同的政治目标。但二者关系仍然是不对等的,清官仍居于支配地位,而侠客的奴性则大大增强。第八章至第十章论述中国传统文化对清代侠义公案小说的影响。第八章论述儒、释、道等传统思想对清代侠义公案小说的影响。儒家思想对清代侠义公案小说的影响,不仅体现为儒家修齐治平、忠孝节义、三纲五常等成为其主导思想,也不仅体现为儒家的伦理道德在侠客身上有清楚的烙印,更体现为侠客们的主要事迹和遭遇在一定程度上体现了中国传统文人的复杂心态。清官和侠客们所表现出的“仁者”思想,家族观念,民族意识,性道德等方面都可看到受儒家思想影响的影子。而“慧眼识才”的叙事模式,则寄托着中国传统文人希望得到社会肯定的个人愿望。同样,清代侠义公案小说亦深受道家思想和佛家思想的影响。清代侠义公案小说一方面热衷于写侠客介入社会,另一方面又无限向往逍遥自在的隐士生活,这种矛盾实际上是中国古代文人“少年任侠、中年入仕、晚年归隐”理想人生的真实反映,是儒、释、道思想共同影响的结果。第九章论述方术文化对清代侠义公案小说的影响。清代侠义公案小说受方术文化影响很深,方技中的“中医”、“房中术”、“神仙”,术数中的“五行”、“杂占”等在清代侠义公案小说中都有所体现,而尤以“相人术”影响最为深刻,如“风鉴识英雄”的情节设置,侠客相貌的女性化倾向,清官相貌的丑化倾向、江湖术士的骗人之术等相关描写无不深受“相人术”的影响。而且,清代侠义公案小说中的人物形貌描写很难跳出相术词汇和相术观念的“框架”,从而形成了小说中人物形貌描绘的类型化、程式化。第十章论述鬼神文化对清代侠义公案小说的影响。清代侠义公案小说充分运用小说尚奇传奇之特点,在作品中穿插大量鬼神因素,传奇人、叙异事,穿插以鬼神世界的诡秘恐怖,以达到夺魄惊魂的艺术效果,满足读者的尚奇猎奇心理。在清代侠义公案小说中,寺庙、道观、尼姑庵多为藏污纳垢的淫秽之地,和尚、道士、尼姑中亦不乏杀人越货的巨匪惯盗,各类庙会、神佛诞辰更成为恶霸无赖欺男霸女的最佳场所,作者借鬼神表现出许多滑稽、荒唐、可笑的东西,从而造成一种浓烈的喜剧效果,达到调侃讽刺的艺术效果。第十一章为结语,论述清代侠义公案小说向武侠小说的演变过程以及演变期武侠小说的坎坷命运。二十世纪的前二十年,是侠义公案小说寻求新突破并逐步摆脱公案小说桎梏向“武侠”小说嬗变的涅槃期。《李公案》、《热血痕》、《仙侠五花剑》、《剑绮缘》等这一时期优秀的侠义小说从不同方面作出了新的尝试和探索,取得了一些成就,积累了一些经验,从而为武侠小说的兴盛奠定了基础。它们开辟的具有新意的武侠小说创作之路,为其后的武侠小说提供了可资借鉴的宝贵经验,这种探索和尝试,不容忽视。

【Abstract】 Detective novels of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous of a wide, narrow two different standards. The division of these two standards, have their own logic, can go hand in hand. Case chivalrous regardless of the Qing Dynasty in China’s vernacular fiction history, but also in the Qing Dynasty in the history of literature, even literature in the history of the civilian population, occupy a unique position. Therefore, it is necessary to the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels in-depth and meticulous research and analysis, but because of its academic community to attach sufficient importance of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Case Study Although the novel has made some achievements, but its status quo and is not optimistic. Based on traditional culture as the main entry point to the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels were some of the full text is divided into 11 chapters, the main structure of the article are as follows.For the introduction of the first chapter, the main contents of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels, including the definition of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective Fiction Literary History positioning, the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective Fiction Research of papers and the overall concept, difficult, innovation and research methods.Chapter II to the fifth chapter of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novel’s overall grasp. Chapter II briefly described chivalrous novels and Detective Fiction their own development path and its various stages of development the main features, and works on behalf of future generations and the impact of similar themes in a brief on.The third chapter on chivalrous novels and Detective Fiction confluence of the formation, prosperous and debilitating process and why. At the same time that the chivalrous novels and the confluence of Detective Fiction, was first adopted in the civil circulation and spontaneous verbal conduct, such an attempt at the latest from the early Qing Dynasty started. After by artists from civil storytellers, began to have a sense of integration. To Yongzheng and Qianlong years, such a confluence of artists in the folk storytelling there has been basically completed. Shufang see the main profitable, competing Kanke, a text works, chivalrous novels and Detective Fiction confluence of the formal completion. When this period of Qianlong, Jiaqing years, to no more than Jiaqing late 2003.Chapter IV analysis of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective Fiction "loyalty" theme of the formation, and expounded on behalf of all works in the "loyalty" under the theme of thinking of the different focus. After the Song dynasty, the Xia Shi Chung-yi concept began to gradually form, Cao Zhi, "Baima chapter" for the chivalrous poetry writers Chivalric novel "loyalty" to open a theme of the situation. "Loyalty" this common theme, the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels and works of different showing a different ideological tendencies. "Shigong An" stressed "Gong Ming Kwai," "San Xia Wu Yi" eager "to render meritorious service", "Peng Gong case" and "full-Yongqing Shengping," "Hermit thinking" on the rise, "Green Peony" elaborated " Shi Road is not hidden, while "the political theme," Heroes of the people "enthusiastically praises the" sons and daughters of the truth. "Chapter V of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective fiction classic work "San Xia Wu Yi" thinking, the arts, for example analysis. "San Xia Wu Yi," the chivalrous spirit of trying to integration and distillation of a number of perfect shape the character Xiake image, most of them are "out at Law" and "abide by the moral," "The main thing optional," "cherish life." , And other traditional virtues, whether in ideology or in the arts are a bold attempt. "San Xia Wu Yi" to build the chivalrous world, not only for the chivalrous hero of the Yangshan Correctional evil, life Jikun, for the ordinary people of the chivalrous mind and chivalrous acts. Wenruo scholar from farming to disabilities, the elderly, the vulnerable women and children, chivalrous spirit everywhere.Chapter VI and VII, respectively elaborate on China’s culture and the Xia culture of clean government of the Qing Dynasty novel chivalrous the impact of legal cases, and further sort out clean government Xiake relations with the historical and cultural origins. Xiake clean government and have deep historical and cultural origins. Spring and Autumn period of assassins and their home owners, the Xia Qingxiang with the Menke, feudalism and abandon the literati of the evilXiake, the founding Mingjun and the Xiake, such as military service in the relations between clean government and Xiake can see the shadow. Case in the Qing Dynasty chivalrous novels, clean government and Xiake are standing for the people of the country’s position, therefore a common political goals. But relations between the two is still wrong, and so on, clean government are still living in a dominant position, and the servility Xiake was greatly enhanced.Chapter VIII to the 10th chapter on Chinese traditional culture of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective Fiction impact. Chapter VIII on Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and other traditional thinking of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective Fiction impact. Confucian thinking of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective Fiction impact, not only to embody Confucian Xiu Qi Zhiping, Chung Hau Festival justice, Sangang, such as the five permanent members to become a dominant ideology, not only to embody Confucian ethics in Xiake was a clear mark, reflected Xiake Are the main stories and experience to a certain extent, it reflects the Chinese literati tradition of the complex mentality. Xiake clean government and they have shown a "benevolent" and the family concept of national consciousness, sexual morality and so on can see the influence of Confucian thought shadow. And "eye identification," the narrative mode, the sustenance of the Chinese literati tradition of the community certainly hope that the personal aspirations. Similarly, the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels are deeply Taoism and Buddhism thinking of the impact. Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels on the one hand eager to write Xiake involved in the community, on the other hand, infinite yearning for the hermit Happy comfortable life, this conflict is actually ancient Chinese literati, "Junior Renxia, middle-aged entering political stratum, in their twilight years Guiyin" ideal life Reflect the true, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism common ideological impact on the outcome.Chapter IX on the culture of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective Fiction impact. Detective novels by the Qing Dynasty chivalrous side effects of deep cultural, technical side of "Chinese medicine", "the arts" and "gods", several of the "five elements" and "miscellaneous accounted for" in the Qing Dynasty are chivalrous Detective Fiction Reflected, and in particular "of the people of" the most profound impact, such as "wind forensics heroes" of the plot device, Xiake appearance of the feminization of orientation, clean government looks the tendency to demonize, the lie of the political arena garage, and other relevant description of By all "of the people of" the impact. Moreover, the Qing Dynasty chivalrous characters in the novel Case morphology difficult to describe in words and jumped out of phase with the concept of "framework", which formed a figure in the novel depicts the type of topography, programmable.Chapter 10 on spirits culture of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective Fiction impact. Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels full use of the novel features legendary Shang-qi, in the large number of entries in the interludes spirits, Legend, Syria vary, spirits interludes to the secretive world of terror, to achieve the artistic effect Duopo-opening, yet meet the readers Qi Lieqi psychological. Chivalrous Detective novels in the Qing Dynasty, the temple, the Road concept, nunnery Cangwunagou for more than a place of pornography, monks, Taoist priests, nuns also no lack of banditry in the giant gang used to steal, various temple, the deities have become the birth of bullying Rogue bully men and tyrants woman best venue spirits demonstrated by the author of many ridiculous, absurd, ridiculous things, resulting in a thick comic effect, toIronically artistic effect.Chapter 11 for the conclusion, on the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels to the evolution of the martial arts novel and the evolution of the difficult fate of the martial arts novel. The 20th century the first 20 years, is chivalrous Detective novels seek new breakthroughs and gradually shake off the shackles of Detective Fiction "martial arts" Evolution of the novels of the period of Nirvana. "Lee Case," "Hot Xuehen", "Xia five cents Foil", "Qi edge sword" and other outstanding during the period of chivalrous novels never laid a foundation for prosperity. They opened up with a new creative way of the martial arts novel, the martial arts novel for the following with regard to the provision of a new attempt and exploration, has made some achievements, accumulated some experience, so as to the martial arts novel can be funded from the valuable experience , And try to explore this, can not be ignored.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

