

【作者】 钱毅

【导师】 钱宗武;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中國是詩的國度,歷代豐富的詩歌文獻不但具有很高的文學價值,而且還有重要的語言價值,“它是認識發音的寶貴文獻”,為我們研究古代語音提供了充足的原材料。繼唐詩後,宋詩繼續發展,作品數量巨大,藝術成就卓著。宋代江浙地區人口眾多,經濟發達,文化底蘊深厚,文學創作繁榮。文章以《全宋詩》收錄的宋代江浙2012詩人的78435首詩歌為研究對象來考察宋代江浙詩人用韻。文章主要運用“二重證據法”,即將“歷史文獻考證法”與“歷史比較法”相結合,利用大量唐宋筆記、文集等歷史文獻與豐富的現代方音资料來分析宋代江浙詩人用韻中特殊用韻的語音性質。文章歸納出宋代江浙詩人用韻的韻部系統為18部,其中陰聲韻部、陽聲韻部各7個,入聲韻部4個。具體如下:陰聲韻部——歌戈部、麻車部、皆來部、支微部、魚模部、蕭豪部、尤侯部;陽聲韻部——監廉部、侵尋部、寒先部、真文部、庚青部、江陽部、東锺部;入聲韻部——屋燭部、鐸覺部、月帖部、質緝部。宋代江浙詩人用韻的韻部系統與宋代通語韻系18部相符,說明宋代江浙詩人用韻總體是以通語為依據的。宋代江浙詩人用韻顯示出許多重要的通語音變現象,如佳韻系、央韻押入麻車部,灰韻系及泰韻合口字向支微部演變,尤侯部部分唇音字押魚模,德韻部分字押屋燭部,入聲-p、-t、-k韻尾多有混押,可能演變為-?韻尾,同時入聲韻又與陰聲韻通押,說明入聲韻的三種韻尾有弱化消失趨向。文章分析了江浙詩韻中全濁上聲字入韻情況,發現全濁上聲只押去聲與只押上聲的數量相當,而兼押上去聲數量速遠多於前兩種情況,說明江浙全濁上聲字正處在向去聲演變過程中。特殊韻字考察是詩韻研究的重要内容之一,文章考察江浙詩人用韻中的許多特殊韻字,從而彌補韻書音義失收的不足或探寻某些字音義的演變軌跡,還可印證異讀等等。文章詳盡分析宋代江浙詩韻中的“特殊用韻”,這些特殊用韻既不符合《廣韻》的用韻規定,也不符合通語用韻。其中陰聲韻之間的通押有支微部、魚模部通押,歌戈部、魚模部通押,支微部、皆來部通押,麻車部、皆來部通押,尤侯部、蕭豪部通押等;陽聲韻有寒先部、監廉部通押,東锺部、江陽部通押、庚青部、江陽部通押等;入聲韻有屋燭部、鐸覺部通押等,另外還有陽聲寒先部、監廉部與支微部通押等。經過分析發現,除仿古和臨時用韻之外,這些特殊用韻絕大多數是宋代江浙方音的反映。可見,雖然宋代江浙詩人用韻總體是以通語為依據,但是江浙詩韻中的大量特殊用韻又反映出江浙詩人用韻時也參進了許多自己的方音,因而使得江浙詩韻包含有極其濃厚的江浙方音色彩。最後,文章依據宋代江浙詩韻中特殊用韻不平衡性分佈的特點來擬测不同地域間的語言差異,即對宋代江浙方音進行分區。結果發現,宋代江浙方音大致分三部分:徐州為一部分,相當於今中原官話區;淮安、揚州為一部分,今屬江淮官話區;南通、蘇州、杭州、寧波、淳安等為一部分,相當於今吳語太湖片;天台、黄岩為一部分,為今屬語台州片;金華、處州、衢州同為吳方言一個小片;溫州、永嘉為一部分,今屬吴語甌江片。這種方言格局與今江浙方言格局基本一樣,說明現代江浙方言格局至遲在宋代已基本定型。

【Abstract】 China is a country of poetry.Rich literature of ancient poetry in all history have high literary value and important value of language."The poetry is a valuable literature of understanding pronunciation." The ancient poetry provide us with sufficient raw materials for studying ancient voice.After the poetry in Tang Dynasty,the poetry in Song Dynasty continued to develop.Song Dynasty boasted a large quality of the poetry of poems.The poetry in Song Dynasty had a remarkable achievements in the arts.In Song Dynasty,Jiang Zhe(江浙) area was in a large population,economically developed,had profound cultural heritage,prosperous literature.The article mainly uses "the multiple evidence",that is to say,the combination of "verification of historical documents" and "history of Comparative".we study the rhyme in Jiang Zhe(江浙)in Song Dynasty by a large number of historical documents,such as notes, the collection of composition inTang Dynasty and Song Dynasty.collection of and by rich documents of modern dialect.The article attepts to make a study of the rhyming of 78214 poems written by 1993 poets in all poetry in Song Dynasty(全宁詩),who were from Jiang Zhe(江浙) area in Song Dynasty.The article has generalised their rhyming system which consists of 18 rhyme categories,that’s is to say,7 Yin-sheng(陰聲),7 Yang-sheng(陽聲) and 4 Ru-sheng(入聲).Yin-sheng(陰聲):Ge-Ge(歌戈),Ma-Che(麻車),Jie-Lai(皆來),Zhi-Wei(支微), Yu-Mo(魚模),Xiao-Hao(蕭豪),You-Hou(尤侯);Yang-sheng(陽聲);Jian-Lian(監廉), Qin-Xun(侵尋),Han-Xian(寒先),Zhen-Wen(真文),Geng-Qing(庚青),Jiang-Yang(江陽), Dong-Zhong(東鍾);Ru-sheng(入聲):Wu-Zhu(屋燭),Duo-Jue(鐸覺),Yue-Tie(月帖), Zhi-Ji(質緝).The rhyming system consistents with the rhyming system used in the standard language in Song Dynasty.This fact indicts the poets in Jiang Zhe(江浙) area in Song Dynasty used the same rhyme system as in the standard language.The rhyme system by Jiang Zhe(江浙) poets in Song Dynasty shows some important phonetic changes.For example,the character of Jia(佳) rhyme catepory and the character of Guai(夬) rhyme catepory fall into Ma-Che(麻車) catepory.And Hui(灰) rhyme catepory and He-kou(合口) of Tai(泰) rhyme belong to Jie-Lai(皆來) but at the same time some character rhymes fall into Zhi-Wei(支微) catepory.The labial initial characters in You-Hou(尤侯) fall into Yu=Mo(魚模).The characters of De(德) fall into Wu-Zhu(屋燭) catepory. Ru-sheng-Yun(入聲韻) with -p、-t、-k as the final consonants mix together to a large extent, some of which become glottal -(?).At the same time,there are rhyme characteristics between Yin-sheng-Yun(陰聲韻) and Ru-sheng-Yun(入聲韻),which shows the final consonants of Ru-sheng-Yun(入聲韻) tended to weaken and disappear.Through the analysis of rhyming situation of voiced-rising-tone characters,we find the qualifies of the voiced-rising-tone characters with Qu-Sheng(去聲) is same as the voiced-rising-tone characters with Shang-Sheng(上聲).At the same time,the qualities of the voiced-rising-tone characters with Shang-Sheng(上聲)and Qu-Sheng(去聲) is far more than the front two cases.This fact shows that the voiced-rising-tone characters was in the process of evolution to Qu-Sheng(去聲).The analysis of irregular rhyme characters is one of the the importont tasks in the study of rhyme.The analysis of some irregular rhyme characters in JiangZhe(江浙) poets can make up for the shortage of rhyming books and trace their evolution and diferent pronunciation.The article analyses some irregular rhyme in detail of the rhyming system in Jiang Zhe(江浙) poets in Song Dynasty,which is neither cosistent with the rhyming provisions in GuangYun(廣韻)nor cosistent with the rhyme system in the standard language.The irregular rhyme includes:category Zhi-Wei(支微) contacts with category Yu-Mo(魚模),Ge-Ge(歌戈) with Yu-Mo(魚模),Zhi-Wei(支微) with Jie-Lai(皆來),Ma-Che(麻車) with Jie-Lal(皆來), You-Hou(尤侯) with Xiao-Hao(蕭豪);Han-Xian(寒先) with Jian-Lian(監廉), Dong-Zhong(東鍾) with Jiang-Yang(江陽),Geng-Qing(庚青) with Jiang-Yang(江陽); Wu-Zhu(屋濁) with Duo-Jue(鐸覺):Han-Xian(寒先) and Jian-Lian(監廉) with Zhi-Wei(支微),etc.Through the analysis,we fred the vast majority of the irregular rhyming reflect the dialect in Jiang Zhe(江浙) area in Song Dynasty,apart from imitating ancient rhyming and accidental rhyming.Although the poets in Jiang Zhe(江浙) area in Song Dynasty used the same rhyme system as in the standard language,these irregular rhyming shows that the poets in Jiang Zhe(江浙) in Song Dynasty occasionally use their own dialect in their poems.The rhyming system in Jiang Zhe(江浙) poets in Song Dynasty contained extremely strong dialect in Jiang Zhe(江浙). In the last part of the arcicle,according to the unbalace distribution of the irregular rhyme,we speculate the language differences in different aeras,that’s is to say,make dialect division in Jiang Zhe(江浙).We find the dialect in Jiang Zhe(江浙) was divided into three parts.As a part,the dialect in Xu Zhou(徐州)is Zhong Yuan Manarin(中原官話).The dialect in Huai An(淮安) and Yang Zhou(揚州) is Jiang Huai Manarin(江淮官話).The dialect in Nan Tong(南通),Su Zhou(蘇州)、Ning Bo(寧波) and Chun An(淳安) is Tai Hu Pian(太湖片) of Wu(吳) Dialect.The dialect inTian Tai(天台) and Huang Yan(黃岩) is Tai zhou Pian(台州片) of Wu(吳)Dialect.As a part,the dialect in Jin Hua(金華)、Chu Zhou(處州)and Qu Zhou(衢州) is Wu(吳) Dialect.The dialect in Wen Zhou(溫州) and Yong Jia(永嘉) is Ou Jiang Pian(甌江片) of Wu(吳) Dialect.The geographical distribution of the dialect in Jiang Zhe(江浙) in Song Dynasty is basically same as this case in today.This fact shows that the geographical distribution of the dialect in Jiang Zhe(江浙) at the latest developed their shape in Song Dynasty.

【关键词】 宋代江浙詩歌音韻方音
【Key words】 Song DynastyJiang Zhepoetryphonologythe voice in dialect
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

