

【作者】 仇昉

【导师】 许建中;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 近代狭邪小说特指从清咸丰年间逐渐兴盛起来的一种小说类型。它以妓优士绅为主人公,选取妓院、梨园为主要表现空间,“以狭邪中人物事故为全书主干”,采用章回体为其文体形式,且“组织成长篇至数十回者”。这批小说不仅数量众多,其独特的叙述风格与美学品质也在近代章回说部中独树一帜。在中国小说发展史上,近代狭邪小说上承古代“世情”、“人情”小说的叙事传统,下启民初言情、社会小说的创作,在白话小说由古典向现代衍进的历史进程中,有承传递进之功。上世纪二十年代初,鲁迅先生首次从学理层面上给予狭邪小说明确地界定。此后,这一学术命题为学界所普遍接受。然囿于题材的特殊性以及特定时代文化语境的制约,有关近代狭邪小说的艺术探索,一直是小说史研究的相对薄弱环节。学界不仅重视程度不够,为数不多的研究也多集中于几部重要的文本,另有相当部分作品乏人问津,对近代狭邪小说这一类型的整体把握尤显不足。有鉴于此,本文立足于近代狭邪小说的具体文本,紧扣近代这一“新旧转关”的时代特征,将其视为一个动态的发展过程,加以整体关照;努力揭示狭邪小说在近代急剧变革的历史时空中承传演变的具体情形,既注意它在历史纵向上的发展演进,也关注它在横向上对其它类型小说的吸收、借鉴;釐清近代狭邪小说自身的发展脉络,通过对其发展轨迹、各阶段具体表现的全面考察,着力探索促使其发展变革的内、外因素;在此基础上,总结这一小说类型的艺术特质。基于对百年来近代狭邪小说研究的回顾、总结(详见附录二),本文修正了鲁迅先生关于狭邪小说历史发展“溢美”、“近真”、“溢恶”三段论的观点,认为近代狭邪小说的历史发展可分为两个阶段(详见附录一),并据此将论文的总体结构分成“近代前期狭邪小说艺术论”与“海派狭邪小说艺术论”两大部分,共九章。“近代前期狭邪小说艺术论”部分共计四章,重点着眼于近代前期狭邪小说艺术特征的探讨。以问题为先导,围绕近代狭邪小说之所以生成的精神和物质因素,才子佳人小说、《红楼梦》对于前期狭邪小说创作的影响,狭邪小说在人物塑造、情节模式、主旨提炼等方面呈现出的艺术特征,列出专题加以研讨。第一章近代狭邪小说生成论。就文学传统而言,中国文学中悠久传承的青楼书写为近代狭邪小说的产生提供了深厚的艺术积淀,为小说创作提供了可资借鉴的艺术经验。从文化传统的角度来看,历代文人雅士与青楼名妓之间的爱恨嗔痴、缠绵离散,不仅为相关的文学创作提供了丰富的素材,也潜移默化地影响着小说家操作这一题材时的文化心态;在此创作心理机制的主导下,产生的一系列青楼题材作品,又将狎妓冶游这一风月意象点染得更加夺目。近代娼妓业的畸形繁荣和时人日炽日盛的狎游之风,为近代狭邪小说的出现,提供了现实的社会物质基础,使得狭邪题材成为近代小说创作的一时之选。第二章近代前期狭邪小说创作论。参照才子佳人小说的文学实绩,细致分析前期狭邪小说的创作,两者在诸多方面款曲互通。首先,面临仕途不遂、人生失落的相似境遇,狭邪小说作家借助青楼风月的演述,重复着先辈以文学创作抒泄个人牢愁感慨,弥缝现实缺憾的思路。其次,叙事模式的选择上,才子佳人小说以“一见钟情——小人拨乱——团圆结局”为特征的情节结构,同样鲜明地呈现于近代前期狭邪小说中。出于个人自寓以及杜绝狭邪小说由情向淫过渡的可能,在才子、妓女形象的塑造中,小说家极尽“溢美”之能事。他们有意打造“才、情、色、德”无一不备的完美女性,借力于佳人形象的发明,确证自我存在的价值。第三章《红楼梦》在“狭邪小说之泽”。本章选取分层叙述、园林叙事与“谈情”书写这三个角度,将《红楼梦》与近代前期狭邪小说进行了有意识地对比。前期狭邪小说作家不仅在叙事艺术上汲取了《红楼梦》的丰厚营养,在创作风格上,后者也给予了他们诸多有益的启示。不过,前期狭邪小说对《红楼梦》的模仿,离析出其中丰厚的哲思蕴义,将世俗的欲望、想象植入其间,“摹形而遗神”。第四章近代前期狭邪小说散点透视。主要讨论前期狭邪小说中的谪仙结构和《海上尘天影》的叙事建构两个问题。前期狭邪小说中,鲜明地呈示出以“罪谪——历炼——回归”为特征的“谪仙”结构,它在情节演绎、人物塑造与创作者主观情志的表达方面,起到了重要的推动作用。谪仙结构与狭邪小说“联姻”后,小说的类型属性与作家的创作心态也扭转了传统谪仙结构的原有模式。在《海上尘天影》的叙事中,贯穿着创作主体建构自我文化身份的强烈诉求。身处新旧时代的转捩点,作者难掩心中的失落,借助“红楼想象”缅怀逝去的优游岁月,冀此抵消人生价值的消殒所导致的内心失处;疮痍满目的现实情势、亡国灭种的忧患意识,又激发起小说家的民族自尊,继而引发师法泰西,富国强民的紧迫感。两种不乏抵牾、商榷之处的创作意图,最终在“中体西用”的层面上达成共识。“海派狭邪小说艺术论”部分共五章。结合近代上海城市崛起的历史背景,重点考察了新兴城市与海派狭邪小说创作之间的互动关联,狭邪小说风格转变的内、外因素,《海上花列传》叙事的现代性特质,海派狭邪小说的认识价值,狭邪小说在形象塑造、叙事艺术等方面呈现出的阶段性艺术特征。第五章城市与小说:海派狭邪小说的生成。上海城市的崛起与海派狭邪小说的生成具有紧密的、因果式的内在联系。上海城市以一种不可抗拒的实体性存在进入创作者的视野,都市空间与都市思维潜移默化地影响着作家们的艺术创作;小说家也尝试着借助文字的力量,将自己的都市感受和体验记录在案,冀望进一步探勘都市的内里实质。两者互为生发、彼此关联。《风月梦》作为海派狭邪小说的先声,具有突出的文本示范意义。它首度揭开了青楼风月的迷人画皮,暴露出妓院娼肆的阴暗。叙事上,小说家的目光不仅仅停留于道德批判的层面,给人物的自我演绎提供了更广阔的空间。立足现实人生,邗上蒙人成功地探索出一条狭邪小说创作的别样路径。无论是从创作的外部环境、素材来源还是文本的生产、传播与销售渠道,近代上海都为海派狭邪小说的萌生,提供了适宜的沃土。海派狭邪小说在上海城市崛起的大背景下应运而生,它的产生以及之后的迅速流布,宣告了一个依靠媒体生存的文学时代业已来临。第六章《海上花列传》:世情说部的海派叙事。通过对韩邦庆及其父执辈文献的发掘,深化了我们对作者以及松江府娄县韩氏家族的认识。《海上花列传》创作的真实意图,在于建立一种全新的人生书写模式,以平实自然的笔触铺陈现实的日常生活,借以转释普遍人生的真实面目。《海上花列传》的文学实践,从人物形象到美学趣味,极大地更新了狭邪小说这一文类。由都市生活所生发的都市经验、感觉、体验以及由之而来的形式意味,深刻地影响到作者及其叙述方式,他通过破碎、并置等叙事技巧对故事情节加以综合处理,从而营造出小说新颖的时空形式。一笠园叙事作为创作者传统与现代视野互动交织的产物,一方面归因于作者追慕文人传统的内心冲动,另一方面也表现出作者不蹈前人窠臼的自主创新意识。籍助于“海上大观园”生成幻灭的演述,具现了作家对时代清醒、审慎的认知与思索。第七章海派狭邪小说人物形象论。海派狭邪小说中妓女形象的“溢恶”化书写,是狭邪小说在社会化和文学化这两条主轴下相互作用的产物。近代上海娼妓业泛滥,崇尚物质实利的思潮涌动,妓女全然扭转钟情秉义的传统,拜金趋利,情色交易,这为作家的“溢恶”化书写提供了现实范本。传统“女祸”观念的私心作祟,以市场为轴心的文学生产机制,会通大众的媚俗趋附,更使得妓女形象在“溢恶”道路上渐行渐远。《九尾龟》中,章秋谷这一“才子+流氓”式的人物,不无时代指针的意义。他生动地展现了新旧社会转型时期,都市市民大众杂糅的伦理观念和个性诉求,形象地传递出新兴的社会意识和世俗价值理念。上述事实,也从另一个侧面透露出海派狭邪小说作家日益市民化的讯息。第八章另类的都市乡土小说:海派狭邪小说认识价值论。从反映社会生活的角度来看,海派狭邪中充满了对当时世态杂象的刻画,不无历史存影的文献意义。通过对小说中人物行为举止的研判,亦可觉察到在急遽变革、转型的时代背景下,海上洋场社会的文化心理及伦理观念等,隐藏在时代暗流下的蠢蠢欲动。第九章海派狭邪小说叙事特征论。为了突出小说劝诫教化的叙事主旨,海派狭邪小说作家们模拟“说书场”的叙述格局,用“说书人”来充当小说的叙述者,主导小说的发展进程。海派狭邪小说对叙事聚焦的运用,兼有零聚焦叙事、内聚焦叙事和外聚焦叙事三种类型,分别对应于叙述者不同的要求。这其中,传统的零聚焦叙事仍占据主导地位。在《海上花列传》等狭邪小说中,外叙事聚焦的运用,极大程度地提升了小说叙事艺术的品质,也在叙事操作的层面上,为作家实现自己的艺术追求,提供了技术保障。

【Abstract】 The modern Xia Xie novel refers in particular to one kind of novel type which was prosperous gradually from late Qing Dynasty. It takes the prostitute and the brothel customer as leading characters, selects the brothel and the theater for the main performance space, takes the novel source material by the brothel in matter, uses the Traditional novel form for its literary style, and the length is very long. This batch of novel’s quantity is not only numerous, its unique narration style and esthetics quality are also prominent in the modern novel. It had played the vital role in Chinese modern history of literature.Has originated the research of Xia Xie novel since Mr. Lu Xun,in the 1920s, this academic proposition has accepted generally for the educational world. However constrained by the theme particularity as well as the specific linguistic environment, since continuously, the research on the modern Xia Xie novel is very weak. The only research also much concentrates in several works, the research on this novel type whole Are very few.Taking this into consideration, this article bases on the novel text, threads up the historical characteristics, regards it as a dynamic developing process . Revelation the development change of modern Xia Xie novel, not only pay attention to it in the historical longitudinal on development evolution, also pays attention to it on the deflection to other type novel absorption, to use for reference. Try to find the inside and outside factor which explores its development to transform, based on this, summarizes this novel type artistic special characteristic.Based on the review of the research on the modern Xia Xie novel (Appendix two) , This article revised Mr. Lu Xun’s 3 stages of the modern Xia Xie novel ,namely“the undeserved praise”,“the appoximate”,“overflow wickedly”,the paper thought that the modern Xia Xie novel may divide into two stages (appendix one), namely“the modern preliminary modern Xia Xie novel art theory”and“Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel art theory”, the full text altogether nine chapters. The part of“the modern preliminary modern Xia Xie novel art theory”has four chapters, emphasis on the artistic characteristic of the novel. Take the question consciousness as the forerunner, is revolving all sorts of spirits which and the physical factor the modern narrow streets and winding alleys novel can produce, the talented men and beautiful women novel, "Hong Lou Meng" regarding the preliminary narrow streets and winding alleys novel creation influence, the novel the artistic special characteristic which in aspects and so on characterization, plot pattern, narrative art, primary intention refinement presents, carries on the special deliberation. Regarding the creation influence of novel about talented men and beautiful women and《Hong Lou Meng》to modern Xia Xie , revolve the artistic characteristic,plot pattern, narrative art, creation intention , carries on the special deliberation.The first chapter,the production reason of modern Xia Xie nove. Speaking of the literature tradition, in Chinese literature glorious inheritance brothel literature tradition, it provided the experience for the creation of modern Xia Xie novel. Looking from the cultural tradition’s angle, between all previous dynasties writer elegant gentleman and the brothel famous prostitute the love story, not only has provided the source material for the related literary production, also affects theirs creation point of view. Modern prostitute’s industry abnormal prosperous and more and more people like visiting brothel , has provided the reality material base for the appearance of modern Xia Xie nove.The second chapter, the creation theory of modern Xia Xie novle. Refers to the novel about the talented men and beautiful women, we carry on the careful analysis to the preliminary creation of the modern Xia Xie novel. Discovering the similarity: Firstly, faced with the similar situation, the writers fictionalizes happily. Next, in the narrative pattern, the plot structure of the novel about the talented men and beautiful women, similarly distinctively presents in the modern Xia Xie novel. The talented person, in prostitute’s image mold, the writer of fiction beautifies vigorously, intends to portray the perfect female. The third chapter,《Hong Lou Meng》and The modern Xia Xie novel. This chapter selects the lamination narration, the botanical garden narrates, and the emotion narrates these three angles. Carrying on the contraction between《Hong Lou Meng》and the modern preliminary Xia Xie novle consciously. Pointing out: The writers of preliminary Xia Xie novel, not only in the narrative art, has derived the rich nutrition from《Hong Lou Meng》, in the creation style, the latter has also given them many beneficial enlightenment. However, the modern preliminary Xia Xie novle just imitate《Hong Lou Meng》,segregates the rich philosophy and in-depth thinking wise, during the common custom desire, the imagination implants, in the modern Xia Xie novel is flooding common custom desire.The fourth chapter, case study. In the first stage of xia xie novel , The structure of“Demotes deity”as the narrative function has prominent performance. Relies on its own superiority, it played an important role in novel plot, the character image and the creator’s expression aspect became the fixed structure of Novel. Reading attentively and unifies the specific historical environment, the author think about the trend change of The structure of“Demotes deity”, pointed out the type attribute of xia xie novel and the creator’s viewpoint have remarkable influence in it. In the creation of《Hai Shang Chen Tian Ying》,has contained the creator’s Cultural status demand. In the transition time, author cherishes the memory of the happy time with the aid of the literature imagination. Meanwhile, austere reality, inspires novelist’s national pride, initiates the sense of urgency of learning from the west and making the country big and powerful. Two different intentions ultimately reach consensus on the surface of“Zhong Ti Xi Yong”(中体西用)。The part of“Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel art theory”has five chapters, the Unifies historical perspective which Shanghai rises, emphasis on the interactive relations between city and creation of Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel. Inspect the inside and outside factor which cause the style of modern Xia Xie novel transforms, the modernity special characteristic of《Hai Shang Hua Lie Zhuan》, the understanding value of the modern Xia Xie novel, the gradual characteristic which in aspects to image mold, narrative art presents and so on.The fifth chapter, city and novel: the production of Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel. Firstly discuss the inner link between Shanghai city’s raising with the production of Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel. Considering: in this batch of novels, the Shanghai city enters into the creator’s field of vision by one kind of irresistible reality existence, the metropolis space and the metropolis thought is affecting writers’ artistic creation subtly, and the author also put his individual experience, feeling and thinking into it, hopes in further exploration of the metropolis’s inside. Each other connect mutually. As the harbinger of Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel,《Feng Yue Meng》has the prominent text demonstration significance. It has exposed the brothel dark side for the first time. In narration, the writer’s fiction’s vision no longer pause in the pure moral critique, has provided a broader space to character’s performance. Base on realistic life, the writer explores a new creation way successfully. Regardless of the creation external environment, the source material originates the channel which the text production, disseminates and accepts, modern Shanghai has provided the suitable fertile soil for the Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel’s germination, and the latter is the product under the big background which rises in the Shanghai city. Its production and rapid dissemination, announced a dependence media survival’s literature time already approaches.The sixth chapter,《Hai Shang Hua Lie Zhuan》:The worldly affairs novel’s Shanghai school narrates. This chapter first through to the literature’s excavation of Han Bang qing’s father’s generation, inspects to celebrate the family background of the author. Next, thought the author’s real intention to create lies in establishes one kind of brand-new life writing pattern, lays out the reality by the level natural brushwork the daily life, releases the universal life in order to the extension the real appearance. Describes the daily life levelly, releases the universal life in order to the extension the real appearance. The literature practice of《Hai Shang Hua Lie Zhuan》from the character image to esthetics interest, has carried on restructuring to this type of novel, renewed this traditional article class. The city life has affected the author and the narration way profoundly, he use stave, Juxtaposition and so on to process the plot. In the narrative construction of Yi li garden, is interweaving the creator tradition and the modern dual field of vision, containing the profound historical connotation. firstly,it is the writer lulls the self- action. Second, writer attempt to understand the rational world more individually and vividly.The seventh chapter, the character image molds of Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel. Believed that ,the“overflows wicked”(溢恶)prostitute image writing is the the interaction product under the literature and socialized these two main axles。The modern Shanghai prostitute industry is in flood with the society in worships money the ideological trend, has promulgated the sentiment color transaction essence, the bad prostitute’s appearance The bad prostitute’s appearance has provided the model for the writer’s painting ,in addition the tradition theory“the disaster caused by women”being in vogue, the literature production mechanism with the need which curried favor with the world, All these cause the prostitute image“to overflow wickedly.《Jiu Wei Gui》, Zhang Qiu gu’s character image, has the bright historical characteristics. He vividly unfolds the mixed ethics idea and the individuality demand of metropolis resident populace in the reforming time; transmit the emerging social consciousness and the common custom idea vividly. This also discloses the writers’standpoint approaches to the resident day by day from another side.The eighth chapter, in addition kind of metropolis local novel: the understanding value of Shanghai school modern Xiao novel. Looking from the reflection social life’s angle, in this type pf novel, has filled the ways of the world mixed elephant’s portray, has the historical document significance .At the same time, through to the novel in the character behavior manner’s evaluation, we may also perceive that in transforming time, the foreign settlement society in aspects and so on cultural psychology and ethics idea new changes.The ninth chapter, the narrative characteristic of Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel. The primary intention which expostulate for the prominent of this novel. Relator who acts as the novel with“the storytelling person”, leading the novel’s development process. by himself narrates the focusing utilization aspect, generally speaking three situations, namely zero focusing narrates, inner narrates focuses with outside narrates. They corresponded separately to the relator different request, the traditional omniscient and omnipotent zero focusing narrate still occupy the dominant position, in《Hai Shang Hua Lie Zhuan》and other novels , the utilization of outside focusing enormously promote the novel narrative art quality, also realized the artistic pursue for the writers, In actual narrative stratification plane,the appearance of outside focused the narrative provide technical support for the novel creation.

【关键词】 狭邪小说近代分期艺术流变
【Key words】 Xia Xie NovelModernDivisionArtistic changing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期

